Beastlord Spells by Level

Spell Level Taught By Price Purchase Info
Salve 1 Spell: Salve 0 0 4 0
Sense Animals 2 Spell: Sense Animals 0 0 4 0
Endure Cold 3 Spell: Endure Cold 0 0 4 0
Cure Disease 4 Spell: Cure Disease 0 0 4 0
Flash of Light 5 Spell: Flash of Light 0 0 4 0
Minor Healing 6 Spell: Minor Healing 0 0 0 0
Inner Fire 7 Spell: Inner Fire 0 0 0 0
Spirit of Sharik 8 Spell: Spirit of Sharik 0 1 1 0
Endure Fire 9 Spell: Endure Fire 0 0 4 0
Sharik's Replenishing 9 Spell: Sharik's Replenishing 0 1 4 4
Scale Skin 10 Spell: Scale Skin 0 0 4 4
Fleeting Fury 11 Spell: Fleeting Fury 0 0 4 8
Yekan's Quickening 11 Spell: Yekan's Quickening 14 6 6 6
Blast of Frost 12 Spell: Blast of Frost 0 7 3 2
Cure Poison 13 Spell: Cure Poison 0 0 4 0
Spirit of Lightning 13 Spell: Spirit of Lightning 0 7 3 8
Sicken 14 Spell: Sicken 0 0 4 8
Strengthen 14 Spell: Strengthen 0 0 4 0
Keshuval's Rejuvenation 15 Spell: Keshuval's Rejuvenation 0 6 0 4
Spirit of Khaliz 15 Spell: Spirit of Khaliz 1 0 8 2
Serpent Sight 16 Spell: Serpent Sight 0 0 6 8
Spirit of Bear 17 Spell: Spirit of Bear 0 0 6 8
Summon Drink 17 Spell: Summon Drink 0 0 4 0
Endure Poison 18 Spell: Endure Poison 0 0 6 8
Spirit of the Blizzard 18 Spell: Spirit of the Blizzard 1 8 3 6
Tainted Breath 19 Spell: Tainted Breath 0 1 1 0
Tiny Companion 19 Spell: Tiny Companion 0 7 4 6
Drowsy 20 Spell: Drowsy 0 0 5 6
Light Healing 20 Spell: Light Healing 0 0 4 8
Spirit of Keshuval 21 Spell: Spirit of Keshuval 1 8 7 2
Endure Disease 22 Spell: Endure Disease 0 1 1 0
Shrink 23 Spell: Shrink 0 6 0 0
Spirit of Wolf 24 Spell: Spirit of Wolf 0 1 4 2
Enduring Breath 25 Spell: Enduring Breath 0 6 0 0
Spirit Strike 26 Spell: Spirit Strike 0 4 8 6
Turtle Skin 26 Spell: Turtle Skin 0 2 4 0
Herikol's Soothing 27 Spell: Herikol's Soothing 4 4 9 0
Spirit of Inferno 28 Spell: Spirit of Inferno 7 6 4 0
Spirit Strength 28 Spell: Spirit Strength 1 0 8 2
Bond of the Wild 29 Spell: Bond of the Wild 126 3 9 3
Spirit Sight 29 Spell: Spirit Sight 0 0 8 4
Summon Food 29 Spell: Summon Food 0 0 4 0
Spirit of Herikol 30 Spell: Spirit of Herikol 6 5 9 2
Summon Companion 31 Spell: Summon Companion 7 4 3 8
Levitate 32 Spell: Levitate 0 1 8 4
Ice Spear 33 Spell: Ice Spear 14 9 4 0
Endure Magic 34 Spell: Endure Magic 3 0 0 0
Cancel Magic 35 Spell: Cancel Magic 0 0 8 6
Envenomed Breath 35 Spell: Envenomed Breath 2 9 7 6
Healing 36 Spell: Healing 0 1 8 4
Yekan's Recovery 36 Spell: Yekan's Recovery 13 4 7 6
Spirit of Ox 37 Spell: Spirit of Ox 1 8 5 8
Spirit of Monkey 38 Spell: Spirit of Monkey 1 8 3 2
Spirit of the Scorpion 38 Spell: Spirit of the Scorpion 21 8 8 4
Spirit of the Shrew 39 Spell: Spirit of the Shrew 37 9 5 0
Spirit of Yekan 39 Spell: Spirit of Yekan 18 3 4 0
Malaria 40 Spell: Malaria 48 4 9 5
Raging Strength 41 Spell: Raging Strength 5 1 6 6
Spiritual Light 41 Spell: Spiritual Light 29 1 3 0
Spiritual Brawn 42 Spell: Spiritual Brawn 26 8 2 8
Invisibility 43 Spell: Invisibility 0 0 4 8
Listless Power 44 Spell: Listless Power 3 3 7 8
Pack Shrew 44 Spell: Pack Shrew 73 6 5 2
Counteract Disease 45 Spell: Counteract Disease 2 1 7 4
Spirit of Kashek 46 Spell: Spirit of Kashek 35 0 7 4
Spirit of Vermin 46 Spell: Spirit of Vermin 44 9 9 6
Ward of Calliav 46 Spell: Ward of Calliav 72 3 9 8
Frenzy 47 Spell: Frenzy 0 7 5 0
Frost Shard 47 Spell: Frost Shard 53 4 2 8
Omakin's Alacrity 47 Spell: Omakin's Alacrity 79 6 3 0
Protect 48 Spell: Protect 1 5 4 6
Spirit Salve 48 Spell: Spirit Salve 1 5 6 6
Vigor of Zehkes 49 Spell: Vigor of Zehkes 44 8 7 0
Sha's Lethargy 50 Spell: Sha's Lethargy 62 1 7 2
Muzzle of Mardu 51 Spell: Summon: Muzzle of Mardu 22 4 0 0
Resist Disease 51 Spell: Resist Disease 6 7 1 6
Resistant Discipline 51 Tome of Resistant Discipline 6 6 6 4
Spirit of Wind 51 Spell: Spirit of Wind 68 1 7 8
Ultravision 51 Spell: Ultravision 3 9 0 2
Aid of Khurenz 52 Spell: Aid of Khurenz 62 7 7 8
Health 52 Spell: Health 6 6 8 4
Spiritual Radiance 52 Spell: Spiritual Radiance 73 5 3 0
Venom of the Snake 52 Spell: Venom of the Snake 10 5 5 0
Deftness 53 Spell: Deftness 18 1 2 2
Spirit of the Storm 53 Spell: Spirit of the Storm 78 8 7 4
Talisman of Tnarg 53 Spell: Talisman of Tnarg 11 9 9 8
Fearless Discipline 54 Tome of Fearless Discipline 20 0 8 6
Furious Strength 54 Spell: Furious Strength 18 2 5 4
Ice Shard 54 Spell: Ice Shard 91 4 0 4
Resist Poison 54 Spell: Resist Poison 6 6 6 4
Spirit of Omakin 54 Spell: Spirit of Omakin 73 9 7 2
Spirit of Snow 54 Spell: Spirit of Snow 84 2 9 8
Chloroplast 55 Spell: Chloroplast 18 1 3 6
Protective Spirit Discipline 55 Tome of Protective Spirit Discipline 78 7 5 8
Sha's Restoration 55 Spell: Sha's Restoration 78 4 1 6
Incapacitate 56 Spell: Incapacitate 20 1 8 2
Shifting Shield 56 Spell: Shifting Shield 7 6 2 8
Spirit of Flame 56 Spell: Spirit of Flame 97 1 0 8
Spirit of Zehkes 56 Spell: Spirit of Zehkes 84 8 1 6
Dexterity 57 Spell: Dexterity 41 6 6 0
Greater Healing 57 Spell: Greater Healing 1 5 6 6
Stamina 57 Spell: Stamina 26 5 0 0
Guard of Calliav 58 Spell: Guard of Calliav 138 6 3 4
Nullify Magic 58 Spell: Noneify Magic 8 3 9 4
Spirit of Khurenz 58 Spell: Spirit of Khurenz 98 9 6 8
Talisman of Altuna 58 Spell: Talisman of Altuna 20 1 8 0
Blizzard Blast 59 Spell: Blizzard Blast 29 1 1 8
Chloroblast 59 Spell: Chloroblast 84 5 4 6
Sha's Ferocity 59 Spell: Sha's Ferocity 104 5 5 4
Spiritual Purity 59 Spell: Spiritual Purity 105 7 0 8
Alacrity 60 Spell: Alacrity 1 8 6 0
Bestial Fury Discipline 60 Tome of Bestial Fury Discipline 111 8 0 6
Savagery 60 Spell: Savagery 136 0 5 8
Sha's Advantage 60 Spell: Sha's Advantage 133 6 9 8
Spirit of Khati Sha 60 Spell: Spirit of Khati Sha 112 8 4 2
Spiritual Strength 60 Spell: Spiritual Strength 113 2 3 6
Annul Magic 61 Spell: Annul Magic 66 9 3 6
Counteract Poison 61 Spell: Counteract Poison 2 2 0 0
Growl of the Leopard 61 Spell: Growl of the Leopard 0 0 0 0

No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.

Healing of Sorsha 61 Spell: Healing of Sorsha 141 9 5 0
Infusion of Spirit 61 Spell: Infusion of Spirit 62 2 8 8
Scorpion Venom 61 Spell: Scorpion Venom 142 4 7 4
Talisman of Shadoo 61 Spell: Talisman of Shadoo 22 4 0 0
Spirit of Arag 62 Spell: Spirit of Arag 152 2 8 6
Spiritual Vigor 62 Spell: Spiritual Vigor 151 4 7 0
Talisman of Kragg 62 Spell: Talisman of Kragg 130 8 6 4
Abolish Disease 63 Spell: Abolish Disease 41 7 3 8
Arag's Celerity 63 Spell: Arag's Celerity 162 1 9 8
Celerity 63 Spell: Celerity 18 0 2 0
Frost Spear 63 Spell: Frost Spear 162 3 8 4
Spirit of Rellic 63 Spell: Spirit of Rellic 161 1 9 8
Talisman of Jasinth 63 Spell: Talisman of Jasinth 22 4 0 0
Protection of Calliav 64 Spell: Protection of Calliav 213 2 3 8
Regrowth 64 Spell: Regrowth 62 2 6 0
Spirit of Sorsha 64 Spell: Spirit of Sorsha 174 2 0 8
Spiritual Dominion 64 Spell: Spiritual Dominion 172 7 4 4
Acumen 65 Spell: Acumen 22 4 0 0
Ancient: Frozen Chaos 65 Spell: Ancient: Frozen Chaos 0 0 0 0

No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.

Ferocity 65 Spell: Ferocity 197 0 0 8
Plague 65 Spell: Plague 45 6 0 2
Sha's Revenge 65 Spell: Sha's Revenge 199 8 2 8
Trushar's Frost 65 Spell: Trushar's Frost 233 2 4 0
Trushar's Mending 65 Spell: Trushar's Mending 230 8 6 4
Turepta Blood 65 Spell: Turepta Blood 235 0 0 0
Eradicate Disease 66 Spell: Eradicate Disease 331 4 2 0

No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.

Bestial Empathy 68 Spell: Bestial Empathy 498 2 7 0
Empathic Fury 69 Skill: Empathic Fury 530 6 9 4
Spirit of Oroshar 70 Spell: Spirit of Oroshar 600 0 5 4
Eradicate Poison 76 Spell: Eradicate Poison 299 5 9 5

No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.