On Languages

On Languages
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Race: ALL
Size: TINY
Weight: 0.1
Value: 1gp
Item Lore: On Languages

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On Language, Research & Magic


Geoffrey, Arch Mage of Norrath

Much of the recent research
done by young Magi has dealt
with the piecing together of
old spells.
Since many of
the spell fragments found
are not written in common,
I have been asked to write
a brief treatment on
languages, research and

The history of magic on
Norrath can be divided into
four eras.

The most recent historical
period saw conflict between
dark elven necromancy and the
magic of the forefathers to
those who now live on Erudin.

Books from this period are
alternately written in Elder
Teir'Dal and Old Erudin.

Preceding this conflict was
the era of the Combine
Empire, whose glory stretched
across the length of Antonica.
This civilization flourished
for a handful of decades
before their magical powers
became so great that the
dragons of the world awoke
and grew jealous.

All that remains now of the
Combine Empire is steel and

Scrolls from this period were
written in Combine.

Before the ascent of the
Combine Empire was the Age of
the Dragons.
These powerful
beasts ruled all of Norrath
under an iron claw and a
spell-quick voice.
wizardry was dark and strong.
Magic from this period was
recorded in the Runes of
Dragon Tongue.

In the beginning, during the
Age of Scale, were those
known to me only as the Elder
Their language is
as harsh as it is difficult,
as twisted as it is beguiling.
The rewards of learning
Elder Dragon are, however,
plentiful, as to speak their
tongue is to know the
language of magic itself.