The Commonlands

3800 3700 3600 3500 3400 3300 3200 3100 3000 2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 -1000 -1100 -1200 -1300 -1400 -1500 -1600 -1700 -1800 -1900 -2000 -2100 -2200 -2300 -2400 -2500 -2600 -2700 -2800 -2900 -3000 -3100 -3200 -3300 -3400 -3500 -3600 -3700 -3800 -3900 -4000 -4100 -4200 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 -1000 -1100 -1200 -1300 -1400 -1500 -1600 -1700 -1800 -1900 -2000 -2100 -2200 -2300
X: 0, Y: 0
Quick Facts
Expansion: Serpent
Succor: Y: 180.0, X: -3492.0
XP Modifier: 200%
Casters can Bind
Name Level Class HP MR CR FR DR PR Expansion
Derin Mausrel 40 Paladin 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Almon Juliao 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 0 0 0 0 0 Omens 8 - 0
Altunic Jartin 20 Shopkeeper 600 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a bixie 1 Ranger 11 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a black bear 5 Warrior 75 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a black wolf 1 Warrior 11 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a Broken Claw bandit 14 Shadow Knight 336 0 0 0 0 0 Serpent 12 - 0
a darkweed snake 9 Warrior 171 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a Dervish Cutthroat 10 Rogue 200 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a ghoul 17 Warrior 459 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a giant rattlesnake 11 Warrior 231 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a giant spider 8 Warrior 144 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a griffin 36 Warrior 1,656 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a hill giant 36 Warrior 1,656 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a kodiak 14 Warrior 336 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a large piranha 14 Warrior 336 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a large rattlesnake 7 Warrior 119 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a lesser mummy 10 Warrior 200 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a nightfall giant 34 Warrior 1,496 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a plains cat 6 Warrior 96 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a puma 7 Warrior 119 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a rattlesnake 7 Warrior 119 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a sand scarab hatchling 5 Warrior 75 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a shadowed man 26 Warrior 936 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a shadow wolf 4 Warrior 56 0 0 0 0 0 Default
A Shady Swashbuckler 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a skeleton 4 Warrior 56 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a spiderling 1 Warrior 11 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a wandering zombie 19 Warrior 551 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a willowisp 11 Warrior 231 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a young kodiak 9 Warrior 171 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a young puma 4 Warrior 56 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a zombie 9 Warrior 171 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Badlen Gellentine 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Badoo Zumlar 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 0 0 0 0 0 Discord 7 - 0
Barstre Songweaver 65 Bard 4,875 0 0 0 0 0 Ldon 6 - 0
Bealya Tanilsuia 65 Paladin 4,875 0 0 0 0 0 Discord 7 - 0
Brizzenoth Scyth 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Dragons 9 - 0
Bubar 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Calemia Slith 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Cedric Bramblethorn 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 0 0 0 0 0 Planes 4 - 0
Cei Sunjumper 30 Ranger 1,200 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Celni Pawfoot 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 0 0 0 0 0 Luclin 3 - 0
Chaenz Abella 65 Warrior 4,875 0 0 0 0 0 Ldon 6 - 0
Dena Loommistress 50 Shopkeeper 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Dooruden Fallstine 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Druanna Vorana 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Elin Lightblade 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 0 0 0 0 0 Planes 4 - 0
Entock Malso 60 Shopkeeper 4,200 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Farrengen Mithfinder 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Fellentaya Sentrak 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Gamanan Drugo 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Gantran Leafwell 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Germe Threadspinner 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Getallan Drakay 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Greemi Draygoon 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Grishna Vriensa 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 0 0 0 0 0 Discord 7 - 0
Guard Colin 29 Warrior 1,131 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Guard Deisnak 13 Warrior 299 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Guard Eridals 11 Warrior 231 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Guard Fefslan 13 Warrior 299 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Guard Gnoosals 12 Warrior 264 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Guard Reskin 25 Warrior 875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Guard Teridsan 11 Warrior 231 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Guard Tolus 25 Warrior 875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Guard Valon 30 Warrior 1,200 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Guard Walorinags 11 Warrior 231 0 0 0 0 0 Default
High Chief Diedridans 12 Warrior 264 0 0 0 0 0 Default
High Chief Fosloas 12 Warrior 264 0 0 0 0 0 Default
High Chief Kellerus 12 Warrior 264 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Initiate Firansad 12 GM Monk 264 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Innkeep Blaise 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Innkeep Calen 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Innkeep Dolman 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Innkeep Elora 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Innkeep Fenia 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Innkeep Harold 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Innkeep Juna 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Innkeep Leo 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Innkeep Olissa 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Innkeep Redthorn 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Innkeep Roster 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Innkeep Seke 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Jahsohn Aksot 29 Magician 1,131 0 0 0 0 0 Kunark 1 - 0
Jelda Needlefinger 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Joryd Longarms 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Katha Firespinner 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Kathi Norman 25 Warrior 875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Kayci Strahtin 65 Beastlord 4,875 0 0 0 0 0 Ldon 6 - 0
Kehn Kohski 70 Adventure Merchant 5,600 0 0 0 0 0 Ldon 6 - 0
Khaite Ranna 65 Warrior 4,875 0 0 0 0 0 Discord 7 - 0
Kizdean Gix 17 Shadow Knight 459 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Lisill Sithmoor 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Loric Weaver 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Luarnn Gibbizt 65 Warrior 4,875 0 0 0 0 0 Ldon 6 - 0
Lyth Spellstar 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Magus Zeir 60 Shopkeeper 4,200 0 0 0 0 0 Ldon 6 - 0
Maula Fishcatcher 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Merra Clayfinger 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Omens 8 - 0
Metha Wintersong 30 Ranger 1,200 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Modren Fishcatcher 7 Warrior 119 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Mojax Hikspin 3 Warrior 39 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Nalla 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Niatra Glimtaf 65 Druid 4,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Noresa Sparkle 16 Shopkeeper 416 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Olin Helni 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 0 0 0 0 0 Planes 4 - 0
Opal Woodchopper 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
orc apprentice 3 Shaman 39 0 0 0 0 0 Default
orc centurion 8 Warrior 144 0 0 0 0 0 Default
orc legionnaire 11 Warrior 231 0 0 0 0 0 Default
orc oracle 8 Shaman 144 0 0 0 0 0 Default
orc pawn 1 Warrior 11 0 0 0 0 0 Default
orc weaponsmith 10 Warrior 200 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Palik Agrolm 65 Shopkeeper 4,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Pardor the Blessed 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Parthar 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Parus the Strong 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Periac Windfell 70 Adventure Recruiter 5,600 0 0 0 0 0 Ldon 6 - 0
Peron ThreadSpinner 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Ponila Quickfingers 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Ranon Strongarm 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Ranvigoz Tonsmith 29 Warrior 1,131 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Rinna Lightshadow 61 GM Cleric 32,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Romya 50 Shopkeeper 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Ruby Boxcrafter 50 Shopkeeper 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Rushka Deklamoor 60 Shopkeeper 4,200 0 0 0 0 0 Velious 2 - 0
Selendia Geogo 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Sergeant Ragus 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Prophecy 11 - 0
Sergeant Slate 41 Warrior 2,091 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Shadow Treebright 30 Druid 1,200 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Simon Aldicott 65 Cleric 4,875 0 0 0 0 0 Kunark 1 - 0
Skipynn Stoneheart 6 Warrior 96 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Slea Pinewhisper 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Sorsha Barrowfriend 50 Shopkeeper 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Soulbinder Jubbl 65 Warrior 4,875 0 0 0 0 0 Luclin 3 - 0
Staranna Eisley 50 Warrior 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Tallik Jaggedfire 65 Shopkeeper 4,875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Timtok Tonsmith 30 Warrior 1,200 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Uyennli V`Drimw 70 Adventure Merchant 5,600 0 0 0 0 0 Ldon 6 - 0
Uzmanya Zsiksta 65 Warrior 4,875 0 0 0 0 0 Ldon 6 - 0
Voris Flatblade 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 0 0 0 0 0 Planes 4 - 0
Vuli Greenwhisper 30 Druid 1,200 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Wallin Slyfoot 25 Warrior 875 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Wilno Lilin 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 0 0 0 0 0 Planes 4 - 0
Xernic Gutner 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 0 0 0 0 0 Planes 4 - 0
Coordinates (Y, X, Z) NPCs Respawn
(283.0, 2680.0, -36.9) Fellentaya Sentrak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(444.0, 2619.0, -36.9) Simon Aldicott (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(284.375, 3203.125, 9.4) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(304.0, 2518.0, -69.0) a large piranha (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(338.25, 2299.25, -44.8) a large piranha (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(131.125, 3323.0, 15.9) a kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(268.0, 2405.0, -111.0) a large piranha (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(199.125, 2862.125, -26.1) a black bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(420.0, 2381.0, -33.9) Modren Fishcatcher (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(145.875, 3257.375, 40.0) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(329.5, 2445.375, -72.2) a large piranha (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(516.0, 2388.0, -29.5) Maula Fishcatcher (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(865.375, 3026.125, -7.2) a skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(103.0, 2358.0, -36.9) Skipynn Stoneheart (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(189.875, 3450.625, 3.9) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(109.0, 2339.0, -36.9) Mojax Hikspin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(41.5, 3249.5, 24.0) Wallin Slyfoot (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-49.0, 2456.0, -28.8) Innkeep Redthorn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-88.0, 2522.0, -30.8) Ranon Strongarm (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-42.0, 2426.0, -30.0) Innkeep Olissa (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(432.625, 3328.25, 4.8) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(270.25, 2485.375, -122.9) a large piranha (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(267.0, 2238.0, -50.0) a large piranha (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-48.0, 2395.0, -31.1) Peron ThreadSpinner (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-95.0, 2325.0, -29.4) Bealya Tanilsuia (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(291.0, 2129.0, -37.0) Brizzenoth Scyth (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(685.625, 1824.875, -19.6) a darkweed snake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-113.0, 2236.0, -25.1) Opal Woodchopper (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(388.75, 3493.0, 1.6) a darkweed snake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-173.875, 2754.5, -25.1) Jahsohn Aksot (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-345.25, 3287.75, -0.9) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(884.75, 2275.0, 25.4) a giant spider (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(696.75, 2023.75, 4.0) a giant spider (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(189.875, 3450.625, 3.9) a giant spider (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1008.0, 3170.0, 18.9) orc centurion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1059.0, 3105.0, 19.6) orc oracle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(189.0, 3513.75, 6.9) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(87.875, 3327.0, 6.0) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1050.0, 3171.0, 23.4) orc centurion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1086.0, 3140.0, 24.5) orc centurion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1103.0, 3109.0, 23.8) orc centurion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1102.0, 3171.0, 26.2) orc centurion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(538.375, 2121.5, -24.6) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-556.75, 2605.625, 61.5) a ghoul (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-568.0, 2859.0, 46.4) Farrengen Mithfinder (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(328.625, 1890.75, -5.6) a giant spider (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(950.25, 2133.25, 7.4) a plains cat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1163.0, 2229.0, 39.9) a Broken Claw bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-556.875, 2610.25, 64.2) a zombie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1170.0, 2130.0, 34.6) a Broken Claw bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1207.0, 2179.0, 30.4) a Broken Claw bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-641.0, 1622.5, 22.4) a lesser mummy (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1223.0, 2204.0, 27.2) a Broken Claw bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(744.75, 1819.875, -14.5) a black bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1219.0, 2149.0, 26.6) a Broken Claw bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-590.75, 2392.25, 18.5) a large rattlesnake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1246.0, 2175.0, 28.1) a Broken Claw bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-706.0, 3066.0, 18.1) a shadowed man (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-470.625, 1807.25, 5.5) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-78.125, 1336.75, 13.6) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-568.125, 1180.375, 21.2) a zombie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-645.625, 864.625, 12.4) a ghoul (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(537.875, 349.5, 4.6) Altunic Jartin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-723.0, 3057.0, 19.2) a shadowed man (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-736.0, 3032.0, 24.0) a shadowed man (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-733.0, 3043.0, 21.2) a shadowed man (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(678.0, 1652.0, -41.0) Cei Sunjumper (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-738.0, 3061.0, 20.4) a shadowed man (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(657.0, 1640.0, -42.4) Shadow Treebright (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-89.875, 1432.0, -0.9) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(700.0, 1608.0, -40.9) Slea Pinewhisper (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-843.625, 1214.75, 96.0) a lesser mummy (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(697.125, 1427.625, -22.8) a Dervish Cutthroat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-737.0, 1958.125, 10.9) a ghoul (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-626.0, 1591.625, 25.1) a zombie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(401.0, 1448.0, 32.0) a wandering zombie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-769.0, 1680.0, 23.2) a puma (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-753.125, 2048.625, 11.6) a ghoul (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(667.125, 1810.375, -23.2) a giant spider (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-818.0, 3460.0, 7.0) Orc Two Spawn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-834.0, 3454.0, 8.9) Orc One Spawn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-850.0, 3449.0, 12.0) Orc Three Spawn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-861.0, 3447.0, 16.0) Orc UT Spawn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(384.75, 1343.125, 9.0) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-711.125, 1441.625, 77.0) a lesser mummy (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-670.5, 2225.0, 19.5) a ghoul (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1074.0, 1498.0, 70.6) a Dervish Cutthroat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-567.375, 2300.25, 18.1) a hill giant (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-748.25, 1451.375, 78.0) a ghoul (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-742.0, 1185.5, 93.1) a hill giant (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1057.0, 1465.0, 67.4) a Dervish Cutthroat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1129.0, 1469.0, 71.0) a Dervish Cutthroat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1096.0, 1436.0, 69.9) a Dervish Cutthroat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-113.0, 1291.0, 18.6) Ruby Boxcrafter (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1115.0, 1441.0, 70.4) a Dervish Cutthroat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1136.0, 1406.0, 73.0) a Dervish Cutthroat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-641.625, 2385.0, 22.4) a ghoul (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-245.0, 1258.0, 16.5) Timtok Tonsmith (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-193.0, 1236.0, 20.6) Innkeep Seke (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-257.0, 1258.0, 16.2) Ranvigoz Tonsmith (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-334.0, 1290.0, 17.6) Parus the Strong (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-222.0, 1229.0, 19.4) Innkeep Roster (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-255.0, 1235.0, 18.2) Sorsha Barrowfriend (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-750.75, 1562.0, 76.6) a zombie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-731.5, 1913.875, 7.4) orc pawn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(781.0, 1110.0, 11.5) a skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(790.0, 1056.0, 12.4) a zombie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-234.0, 196.5, 40.5) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-191.0, 1046.0, 24.5) Kizdean Gix (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-655.25, 2311.375, 14.2) a zombie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(453.125, 837.125, 2.0) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(25.5, 411.75, 119.0) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(254.0, 791.375, 1.5) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(192.75, 792.375, 2.0) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(117.5, 796.375, 4.0) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-225.75, 892.875, 22.1) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(383.125, 800.75, 1.0) a black bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-34.5, 823.125, 14.9) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(356.0, 785.375, 0.4) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(65.5, 826.5, 13.0) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-59.25, 561.5, 22.0) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-123.375, 912.875, 17.4) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-228.5, 892.875, 23.2) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(457.5, 812.25, 1.4) a black bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(327.0, 798.0, 3.5) Staranna Eisley (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-47.0, 834.0, 16.6) Guard Valon (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-85.875, 832.0, 16.8) Guard Colin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-171.0, 829.75, 11.1) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-605.875, 1776.125, 12.8) a zombie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-707.5, 1778.5, 18.9) a zombie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-187.625, 333.375, 32.5) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(334.625, 791.75, 32.9) a nightfall giant (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-581.0, 830.0, 9.6) Noresa Sparkle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-514.875, 1043.5, 7.0) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-638.75, 2175.25, 31.6) a lesser mummy (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(512.5, 674.875, -15.8) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(491.75, 646.875, -16.2) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-219.5, 887.5, 20.4) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-107.0, 429.5, 47.5) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-158.25, 72.5, 51.5) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(134.25, 853.0, 13.4) a black bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(6.5, 809.5, 11.8) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(212.5, 408.75, 99.2) a black bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-174.75, 819.875, 12.2) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(290.0, 932.25, 8.1) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(366.75, 794.25, 1.9) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(198.5, 806.125, 1.9) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1113.0, 410.0, 1.8) Kathi Norman (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-319.625, 958.75, 28.5) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(439.5, 827.625, 2.4) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(766.0, 235.0, 62.9) Gantran Leafwell (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(242.875, 791.25, 2.0) a black bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-546.5, 1150.25, 15.6) a ghoul (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-744.75, 1886.25, 13.4) a ghoul (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(515.75, 923.125, 3.2) a darkweed snake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(268.875, 847.125, 4.2) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(212.25, 370.625, 96.5) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(339.5, 916.0, 5.4) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(322.5, 802.375, 2.5) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(432.125, 807.375, 1.2) a black bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-26.125, 18.875, 23.1) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-439.0, 79.0, 26.2) Derin Mausrel (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(396.625, 811.25, 2.4) a young kodiak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(379.75, 578.0, -6.6) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(723.0, -156.0, 28.5) High Chief Kellerus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(58.75, 732.0, 4.4) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(406.625, 801.375, 0.6) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(682.0, -181.0, 27.2) orc centurion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(172.0, -213.0, 25.2) Lyth Spellstar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(691.0, -206.0, 26.6) orc centurion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(658.0, -215.0, 26.2) orc apprentice (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(734.0, -207.0, 26.0) orc centurion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(228.0, -269.0, 26.8) Innkeep Calen (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(235.0, -299.0, 25.5) Innkeep Blaise (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(230.0, -330.0, 24.4) Dena Loommistress (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(169.0, -377.0, 25.2) Katha Firespinner (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-907.0, -757.5, 39.2) a sand scarab hatchling (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-846.5, -484.625, 85.8) a giant rattlesnake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-923.75, -77.25, 144.8) a puma (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-700.25, -676.875, 14.9) a young puma (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(284.0, -607.0, 16.6) Romya (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-320.625, -1167.25, 49.0) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(418.125, -1267.75, 48.1) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-550.125, -742.5, 4.6) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(401.375, -1122.625, 77.2) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-89.0, -1154.5, 59.2) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(369.75, -829.0, 92.6) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-75.0, -1075.0, 76.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-204.125, -1830.25, 33.0) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(475.125, -967.25, 58.6) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(230.75, -1050.75, 44.2) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(458.875, -779.0, 115.8) Vuli Greenwhisper (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(584.25, -1739.625, 9.4) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(451.0, -797.0, 116.5) Metha Wintersong (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(998.0, -743.0, 1.2) Niatra Glimtaf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1010.0, -742.0, 2.4) Innkeep Fenia (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-910.75, -11.375, 122.1) a young puma (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-773.5, -1878.125, 18.2) a sand scarab hatchling (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-406.125, -1080.125, 27.5) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1014.0, -769.0, 1.1) Innkeep Dolman (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(997.0, -789.0, 0.0) Joryd Longarms (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1009.0, -800.0, 0.0) Germe Threadspinner (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-332.875, -833.625, -18.8) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-607.875, -800.625, 4.8) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(232.25, -1132.125, 48.9) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-797.0, -910.625, 12.1) a lesser mummy (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1084.125, -840.25, 2.2) High Chief Diedridans (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-325.0, -833.5, -18.4) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(436.0, -1706.375, 23.0) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-71.0, -999.875, 85.5) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-17.25, -718.0, 13.6) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-328.75, -867.375, -12.2) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-679.375, -505.25, 17.0) a giant rattlesnake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-587.25, -791.875, -2.1) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(515.875, -1236.0, 21.8) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-150.375, -1295.125, 61.8) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(317.875, -1505.625, 85.2) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-513.5, -770.875, -17.8) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-349.25, -1266.625, 57.6) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(408.375, -903.5, 90.5) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-794.5, -538.5, 60.6) a sand scarab hatchling (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-419.125, -682.125, -12.8) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-20.75, -1264.625, 61.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-697.0, -347.125, 50.6) a puma (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(908.0, -1304.0, -16.1) orc centurion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(943.0, -1319.0, -16.1) High Chief Fosloas (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4.0, -1035.625, 62.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(896.875, -1344.0, -15.4) orc oracle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(928.875, -1348.875, -15.8) orc centurion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(903.0, -1362.0, -14.8) orc legionnaire (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(394.375, -970.875, 75.2) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(967.0, -1364.0, -15.0) orc legionnaire (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-254.625, -632.625, -11.5) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-695.0, -544.625, 18.9) a puma (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-259.875, -902.375, 35.0) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(889.875, -1392.0, -14.9) orc centurion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-383.0, -1366.0, 59.6) Guard Tolus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-796.75, -512.0, 61.6) a giant rattlesnake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(553.5, -1420.375, 3.5) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1011.0, -1219.0, 23.9) a skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-855.75, -475.0, 90.6) a puma (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-402.0, -1388.0, 59.6) Loric Weaver (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-568.75, -811.5, -13.8) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-978.0, -1253.0, 29.0) a zombie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-415.875, -1218.875, 54.2) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-84.25, -954.625, 81.5) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-376.875, -1246.625, 55.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-406.0, -1421.0, 60.9) Innkeep Juna (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(288.75, -967.0, 40.5) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-401.0, -1450.0, 62.1) Innkeep Leo (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(502.5, -1066.125, 28.8) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-72.125, -1246.125, 63.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(568.75, -1412.875, 3.5) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-738.0, -707.875, 10.9) a giant rattlesnake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(374.375, -1118.75, 80.9) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(452.875, -1224.125, 37.5) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-443.625, -1590.625, 53.6) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-332.625, -1224.0, 55.1) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-367.0, -1607.0, 50.9) Dooruden Fallstine (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-165.375, -1195.0, 59.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-707.875, -266.875, 91.8) a large rattlesnake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-375.125, -1172.75, 45.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-935.625, -1274.5, 19.2) a giant rattlesnake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-587.0, -703.625, 22.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-274.875, -890.5, 17.8) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-112.625, -1354.875, 60.4) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-580.25, -716.0, 21.6) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(438.75, -2185.375, 33.2) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(258.125, -819.625, 39.2) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-896.625, -163.375, 147.2) a giant rattlesnake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-362.0, -657.5, -12.8) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-257.25, -1139.25, 48.1) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(291.875, -2196.5, 28.0) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(751.625, -1178.75, 12.1) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-179.625, -2110.25, 33.5) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3.875, -1204.75, 60.8) a griffin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(599.25, -933.25, 13.1) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-116.375, -1315.5, 61.8) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(140.25, -2106.0, 25.2) a bixie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(605.875, -2063.0, 77.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(729.875, -1964.0, 58.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(376.0, -1188.375, 66.1) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3.0, -1951.0, 37.6) Getallan Drakay (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(720.125, -2931.125, 81.2) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(136.875, -2478.0, 12.8) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-141.25, -2163.375, 28.0) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(278.0, -2210.625, 31.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(545.0, -2899.375, 31.4) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(531.875, -828.25, 104.0) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-214.75, -2109.625, 48.5) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-19.5, -2366.0, 12.1) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(282.125, -781.625, 51.1) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(384.5, -1765.5, 25.2) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(52.5, -2057.25, 25.4) a bixie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(264.125, -2237.625, 42.8) Sergeant Slate (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(690.625, -2035.75, 66.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-917.625, 78.5, 69.1) a large rattlesnake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(250.75, -901.25, 32.2) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(472.875, -1443.625, 7.1) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(671.875, -2228.5, 29.6) a bixie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4.5, -2561.0, 11.0) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-22.625, -1915.5, 34.1) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(474.0, -2330.0, 20.0) (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(290.625, -2164.25, 33.4) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(281.625, -1942.375, 76.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(367.0, -1162.25, 73.2) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(189.75, -836.75, 24.4) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(323.875, -924.625, 50.1) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(722.25, -2054.875, 76.2) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(347.75, -2500.875, 13.4) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(557.125, -2608.5, 29.2) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(331.625, -2443.0, 14.2) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-51.5, -2654.75, 10.0) a bixie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(16.375, -2664.875, 10.1) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(454.0, -2420.75, 12.1) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(341.875, -2203.125, 26.1) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(218.5, -1399.0, 91.6) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(106.625, -2281.625, 16.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(165.125, -2280.625, 39.6) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(116.0, -2675.0, 9.1) Parthar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(148.0, -2683.0, 8.9) Guard Reskin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(215.25, -2215.75, 33.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2.375, -2477.625, 11.6) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(359.875, -2849.5, 4.6) a bixie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(235.125, -2066.75, 52.2) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(53.0, -2724.0, 8.5) Jelda Needlefinger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(29.0, -2724.0, 8.4) Initiate Firansad (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-225.75, -2205.875, 57.0) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(49.0, -2757.0, 9.6) Innkeep Harold (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(56.0, -2788.0, 10.9) Innkeep Elora (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(150.0, -2832.0, 7.4) Guard Deisnak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(118.0, -2832.0, 7.8) Merra Clayfinger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(743.75, -2219.125, 59.1) a bixie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1875.0, -2399.0, 35.0) Khaite Ranna (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1579.25, -2521.0, 33.8) Rushka Deklamoor (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1567.0, -2542.0, 34.2) Entock Malso (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(250.0, -2889.0, 6.1) Gamanan Drugo (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1711.0, -2509.0, 35.6) Kehn Kohski (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1723.0, -2510.0, 35.6) Uzmanya Zsiksta (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1702.0, -2520.0, 35.9) Chaenz Abella (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1734.0, -2518.0, 35.5) Luarnn Gibbizt (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(661.75, -2461.75, 15.1) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1714.0, -2538.0, 36.0) A Shady Swashbuckler (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1879.0, -2474.0, 37.8) Calemia Slith (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1740.0, -2535.0, 37.1) Periac Windfell (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-269.75, -1824.625, 42.5) a bixie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1742.0, -2545.0, 37.1) Kayci Strahtin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1717.0, -2559.0, 36.0) Barstre Songweaver (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1883.0, -2495.0, 37.4) Druanna Vorana (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1730.0, -2558.0, 36.1) Uyennli V`Drimw (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(363.125, -2195.75, 27.5) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1895.0, -2515.0, 36.8) Lisill Sithmoor (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1570.0, -2646.0, 35.5) Palik Agrolm (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(469.375, -2164.25, 40.6) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1581.0, -2686.0, 35.9) Tallik Jaggedfire (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(412.625, -2423.75, 11.0) a bixie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1591.0, -2699.0, 35.8) Bubar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(97.75, -2290.75, 16.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1857.0, -2632.0, 36.8) Magus Zeir (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1967.0, -2592.0, 36.0) Wilno Lilin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(6.0, -3070.0, 14.9) Guard Eridals (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1945.0, -2616.0, 36.5) Olin Helni (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1704.0, -2720.0, 36.6) Selendia Geogo (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1735.0, -2712.0, 35.9) Soulbinder Jubbl (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1974.0, -2620.0, 35.6) Almon Juliao (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-75.5, -2184.375, 19.8) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-54.625, -2320.0, 13.6) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-14.0, -3093.0, 15.2) Pardor the Blessed (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-570.875, -3087.375, 30.9) a young puma (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-573.0, -3177.875, 37.8) a puma (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(22.0, -3100.0, 14.6) Guard Walorinags (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(342.0, -3125.0, 18.5) Ponila Quickfingers (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1026.0, -3087.0, 97.5) Badlen Gellentine (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-43.0, -3122.0, 13.4) Guard Fefslan (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(328.0, -3151.0, 17.6) Guard Teridsan (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(238.375, -2926.625, 6.6) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(405.0, -2044.5, 40.2) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-62.0, -3161.0, 12.8) Rinna Lightshadow (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(416.125, -2366.75, 12.4) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-33.0, -3180.0, 10.8) Guard Gnoosals (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1868.0, -2780.0, 30.2) Xernic Gutner (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1928.0, -2762.0, 30.5) Cedric Bramblethorn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1914.0, -2776.0, 31.6) Grishna Vriensa (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1899.0, -2790.0, 31.2) Elin Lightblade (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1871.0, -2804.0, 32.6) Badoo Zumlar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1809.0, -2829.0, 35.4) Celni Pawfoot (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1839.0, -2829.0, 34.4) Voris Flatblade (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-182.0, -2153.5, 39.9) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-576.125, -2954.125, 16.5) a puma (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-433.0, -3273.0, 41.8) Greemi Draygoon (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(713.375, -1931.25, 50.5) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(219.375, -3805.875, 15.8) a black wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(180.0, -3492.0, 14.0) Nalla (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(466.875, -3462.625, 10.1) a spiderling (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-191.0, 1046.0, 25.0) Kizdean Gix (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(180.0, -3492.0, 14.0) SKUPreLaunchEventTrigger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(967.0, -1364.0, -16.0) orc weaponsmith (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(112.375, 699.875, 11.5) a hill giant (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(345.25, -183.0, 27.4) a giant spider (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(180.0, -3492.0, 14.0) SKUPreLaunchEventTrigger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-54.375, 870.25, 17.4) a giant spider (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(522.5, 897.125, 4.5) a rattlesnake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(46.5, -2399.375, 14.0) Sergeant Ragus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(180.0, -3492.0, 14.0) SKUPreLaunchEventTrigger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
Item Name Dropped By
Multiple NPCs
Alkaline Loam
Multiple NPCs
Amber a Broken Claw bandit
Serpent 12 - 0
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Bead Necklace Kizdean Gix
Bear Meat
Multiple NPCs
Bear Parts
Multiple NPCs
Belt Pouch
Multiple NPCs
Bixie Parts a bixie
Bixie Stinger a bixie
Bixie Wing a bixie
Black Bear Paw a black bear
Black Wolf Skin a black wolf
Black Wolf Tooth a black wolf
Blackrock Lichen
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Bloodstone Ring
Multiple NPCs
Bone Chips a skeleton
Bottle of Kalish
Multiple NPCs
Brick of Crude Iron Ore
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Axe a ghoul
Bronze Bastard Sword a ghoul
Bronze Battle Axe
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Dagger
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Flail a ghoul
Bronze Halberd a ghoul
Bronze Knuckles orc legionnaire
Bronze Long Sword
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Mace
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Main Gauche
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Rapier
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Scimitar a ghoul
Bronze Shortened Spear
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Spear
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Two Handed Hammer a ghoul
Bronze Two Handed Sword
Multiple NPCs
Burned Out Lightstone a willowisp
Carnelian orc legionnaire
Cat's Eye Agate Kizdean Gix
Chief Diedridans Warbeads High Chief Diedridans
Chief Fosloas Warbeads High Chief Fosloas
Chief Kellerus Warbeads High Chief Kellerus
Chunk of Meat
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Cap
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Cape
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Choker
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Cord
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Gloves
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Pants
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Shirt
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Sleeves
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Veil
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Wristband
Multiple NPCs
Coarse Silk
Multiple NPCs
Collector's Lightstone a willowisp
Complex Etched Rune
Multiple NPCs
Complex Velium Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Complex Velium Silvered Rune a hill giant
Consigned Bite of the Shissar I
Multiple NPCs
Consigned Bite of the Shissar IV Shadow Treebright
Consigned Primitive Sealed Poison Vial a Dervish Cutthroat
Copper Amulet Kizdean Gix
Copper Band Kizdean Gix
Cracked Staff
Multiple NPCs
Crude Binding Powder
Multiple NPCs
Crude Spinneret Fluid Sergeant Slate
Crystallized Sulfur a griffin
Cutthroat Golden Tooth
Multiple NPCs
Cutthroat Insignia Ring
Multiple NPCs
Damp Marrow Sergeant Slate
Dark Elf Parts Kizdean Gix
Deathfist Orc Skull
Multiple NPCs
Deathfist Pawn Scalp orc pawn
Deathfist Shoulderpads orc legionnaire
Deathfist Slashed Belt
Multiple NPCs
Desiccated Marrow
Multiple NPCs
Drake Egg a black bear
Drench Flower a black bear
Dry Eye Weed a Dervish Cutthroat
Dry Marrow
Multiple NPCs
Dusty Marrow
Multiple NPCs
Elementary Binding Powder
Multiple NPCs
Emerald a griffin
Eridals Bracer Guard Eridals
Essence of Shadow a shadowed man
Exquisite Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Gold Embossed Rune a shadowed man
Exquisite Platinum Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Platinum Etched Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Platinum Silvered Rune a shadowed man
Exquisite Velium Embossed Rune a hill giant
Exquisite Velium Gilded Rune a hill giant
Eye of Shadow a shadowed man
Faded Salil's Writ Page a hill giant
Faded Salil's Writ Page a hill giant
Faded Salil's Writ Page Sergeant Slate
Fefslans Bracer Guard Fefslan
Fine Steel Dagger Sergeant Slate
Fine Steel Great Staff
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Long Sword
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Morning Star
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Rapier
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Scimitar
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Short Sword
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Spear
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Two Handed Sword
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Warhammer
Multiple NPCs
Fish Scales a large piranha
Fishing Pole Skipynn Stoneheart
Flame Agate
Multiple NPCs
Flawless Aquamarine a griffin
Fresh Fish a large piranha
Giant Rattlesnake Skin a giant rattlesnake
Giant Snake Fang
Multiple NPCs
Giant Snake Rattle
Multiple NPCs
Giant Spider Egg Sack a giant spider
Giant Wood Spider Femur a giant spider
Giant Wood Spider Thorax a giant spider
Glowing Gloves a shadowed man
Gnoosals Bracer Guard Gnoosals
Gold Embossed Rune a shadowed man
Gold Painted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Gold Ring
Multiple NPCs
Golden Earring
Multiple NPCs
Greater Cat Paw a puma
Greater Cat Tooth a puma
Greater Lightstone a willowisp
Griffenne Blood a griffin
Griffon Feathers a griffin
Grizzly Bear Skin
Multiple NPCs
Hand of Shadow a shadowed man
Hematite Kizdean Gix
High Quality Bear Skin
Multiple NPCs
High Quality Cat Pelt
Multiple NPCs
High Quality Wolf Skin
Multiple NPCs
Hill Giant Toes
Multiple NPCs
Honeycomb a bixie
Human Blood
Multiple NPCs
Illegible Cantrip orc apprentice
Illegible Scroll orc oracle
Iron Ration
Multiple NPCs
Ivory a Broken Claw bandit
Serpent 12 - 0
Jade Earring
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Kloms Blessed Headband Initiate Firansad
Lambent Stone a hill giant
Lapis Lazuli Kizdean Gix
Large Bag
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Cap orc oracle
Large Cloth Cape
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Choker orc oracle
Large Cloth Gloves orc oracle
Large Cloth Pants
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Shirt orc oracle
Large Rattlesnake Skin a large rattlesnake
Large Snake Rattle
Multiple NPCs
Large Snake Skin
Multiple NPCs
Large Wooden Shield orc oracle
Legionnaire's Bracer orc legionnaire
Lightstone a willowisp
Low Quality Bear Skin
Multiple NPCs
Low Quality Cat Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Low Quality Wolf Skin
Multiple NPCs
Malachite Kizdean Gix
Malleable Loam Sergeant Slate
Mask of Shadow a shadowed man
Matted Greater Cat Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Medium Quality Bear Skin
Multiple NPCs
Medium Quality Cat Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Medium Quality Wolf Skin
Multiple NPCs
Mithril Earring a Dervish Cutthroat
Mountain Lion Pelt a puma
Nightfall Giant's Head a nightfall giant
Nodding Blue Lily a black bear
Note Mojax Hikspin
Multiple NPCs
Opal a griffin
Orc Pawn Pick orc pawn
Orc Prayer Beads orc centurion
Parrying Dagger a zombie
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 23 Kizdean Gix
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 23 Kizdean Gix
Patch of Shadow a shadowed man
Multiple NPCs
Platinum Embossed Rune a shadowed man
Platinum Painted Rune Shadow Treebright
Platinum Silvered Rune a shadowed man
Pliant Loam
Multiple NPCs
Preserved Snake Eye a darkweed snake
Puma Skin
Multiple NPCs
Ration a Dervish Cutthroat
Raw Short Sword 4 orc weaponsmith
Raw-hide Belt
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Boots
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Cloak
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Gloves
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Gorget
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Leggings
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Mask
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Shoulderpads orc legionnaire
Raw-hide Skullcap
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Sleeves
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Tunic
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Wristbands
Multiple NPCs
Round Shield a zombie
Ruined Bear Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Ruined Cat Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Ruined Wolf Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Banding a hill giant
Rune of Conception Sergeant Slate
Rune of Concussion a hill giant
Rune of Consumption a hill giant
Rune of Contortion a hill giant
Rune of Fulguration Kizdean Gix
Rune of Howling a hill giant
Rune of Nagafen Kizdean Gix
Rune of Paralysis Sergeant Slate
Rune of Periphery a kodiak
Rune of Proximity Kizdean Gix
Rune of Solusek Ro a hill giant
Rune of the Cyclone a hill giant
Rusty Axe
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Bastard Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Battle Axe
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Broad Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Dagger
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Flail a Dervish Cutthroat
Rusty Halberd
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Knuckles
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Long Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Mace
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Morning Star
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Rapier
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Scimitar
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Scythe
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Short Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Shortened Spear
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Spear
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Two Handed Hammer a Dervish Cutthroat
Rusty Two Handed Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Warhammer
Multiple NPCs
Salil's Writ Pg. 174 Sergeant Slate
Salil's Writ Pg. 60 a hill giant
Salil's Writ Pg. 60 a hill giant
Salil's Writ Pg. 64
Multiple NPCs
Salty Loam
Multiple NPCs
Sand Scarab Hatchling Eye a sand scarab hatchling
Sand Scarab Hatchling Sternite a sand scarab hatchling
Sand Scarab Hatchling Tarsus a sand scarab hatchling
Sealed Note Kizdean Gix
Senior Apprentice Robe Jahsohn Aksot
Kunark 1 - 0
Severed Orc Foot
Multiple NPCs
Shadow Wolf Pelt a shadow wolf
Shadow Wolf Tibia a shadow wolf
Shadowed Ball a shadowed man
Shadowed Battle Axe a shadowed man
Shadowed Book a shadowed man
Shadowed Halberd a shadowed man
Shadowed Long Sword a shadowed man
Shadowed Mace a shadowed man
Shadowed Morning Star a shadowed man
Shadowed Rapier a shadowed man
Shadowed Scimitar a shadowed man
Shadowed Scythe a shadowed man
Shadowed Spear a shadowed man
Shadowed Two Handed Hammer a shadowed man
Shadowed Two Handed Sword a shadowed man
Shanas Necklace Guard Teridsan
Shining Stone a shadowed man
Short Beer a Dervish Cutthroat
Silver Amulet
Multiple NPCs
Silver Earring
Multiple NPCs
Silver Ring
Multiple NPCs
Silver Stud Kizdean Gix
Silvril Ore
Multiple NPCs
Simple Embossed Rune Shadow Treebright
Simple Etched Rune
Multiple NPCs
Skeleton Parts a skeleton
Small Bag
Multiple NPCs
Small Box
Multiple NPCs
Small Cloth Cap orc pawn
Small Cloth Cape orc pawn
Small Cloth Choker orc pawn
Small Cloth Cord orc pawn
Small Cloth Gloves orc pawn
Small Cloth Pants orc pawn
Small Cloth Sandals orc pawn
Small Cloth Shawl orc pawn
Small Cloth Shirt orc pawn
Small Cloth Sleeves orc pawn
Small Cloth Veil orc pawn
Small Cloth Wristband orc pawn
Snake Bile a giant rattlesnake
Snake Egg
Multiple NPCs
Snake Fang
Multiple NPCs
Snake Meat
Multiple NPCs
Snake Rattle Pieces
Multiple NPCs
Snake Venom Sac
Multiple NPCs
Spider Legs a giant spider
Spider Silk a giant spider
Spider Venom Sac a giant spider
Spiderling Eye a spiderling
Spiderling Legs a spiderling
Spiderling Silk a spiderling
Splintering Club
Multiple NPCs
Star Rose Quartz
Multiple NPCs
Steel Torque
Multiple NPCs
Sullied Spinneret Fluid
Multiple NPCs
Sunshard Dust
Multiple NPCs
Sunshard Ore Simon Aldicott
Kunark 1 - 0
Tacky Spinneret Fluid Kizdean Gix
Thick Grizzly Bear Skin
Multiple NPCs
Thick Spinneret Fluid Kizdean Gix
Third Riddle for the Troll a willowisp
Multiple NPCs
Torn Qeynos Newsletter Guard Deisnak
Turquoise Kizdean Gix
Velium Silvered Rune
Multiple NPCs
Vial of Smoke a willowisp
Walorinags Bracer Guard Walorinags
Warped Great Staff a ghoul
Water Flask
Multiple NPCs
White Primrose a black bear
Wolf Meat
Multiple NPCs
Wooden Shield
Multiple NPCs
Words of Abatement
Multiple NPCs
Words of Cazic-Thule
Multiple NPCs
Words of Convocation Sergeant Slate
Words of Dark Paths a hill giant
Words of Descrying Sergeant Slate
Words of Detention a hill giant
Words of Discernment Guard Reskin
Words of Dissolution a kodiak
Words of Duration a hill giant
Words of Duress a hill giant
Words of Efficacy a hill giant
Words of Endurance a hill giant
Words of Eradication a kodiak
Words of Materials Kizdean Gix
Words of Motion a hill giant
Words of Neglect a hill giant
Words of Possession
Multiple NPCs
Words of the Element
Multiple NPCs
Words of the Suffering
Multiple NPCs
Words of Tyranny Kizdean Gix
Worn Great Staff
Multiple NPCs
Worn Weighted Gloves orc pawn
Woven Spider Silk a giant spider
Young Kodiak Paw a young kodiak
Young Plains Cat Backbone a young puma
Young Plains Cat Scalp a young puma
Young Puma Skin
Multiple NPCs
Zombie Skin a zombie