
1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 -1000 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100
X: 0, Y: 0
Quick Facts
Expansion: Default
Succor: Y: 800.0, X: 200.0
Waypoint: Y: 839, X: 210
XP Modifier: 200%
All can Bind
Paineel Default
The Hole Default
Toxxulia Forest Default
The Warrens Velious
Name Level Class HP MR CR FR DR PR Expansion
Jerith 40 Shadow Knight 3,200 16 16 16 16 16 Default
Alaria Mujan 40 Necromancer 2,000 16 16 16 16 16 Default
Antus Shelbra 61 GM Necromancer 32,000 24 24 24 24 24 Default
an undead rat 4 Warrior 56 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Archenm 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Atdehim Sqonci 45 Cleric 12,000 18 18 18 18 18 Default
Auhrik Siet`ka 61 GM Necromancer 32,000 24 24 24 24 24 Default
Azzar Habbib 25 Necromancer 875 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a black bat 1 Warrior 11 1 1 1 1 1 Default
a decaying skeleton 1 Warrior 11 1 1 1 1 1 Default
a fire beetle 2 Warrior 24 1 1 1 1 1 Default
a Frostfell Goblin 1 Warrior 11 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a moss snake 1 Warrior 11 1 1 1 1 1 Default
a pack rat 1 Warrior 11 1 1 1 1 1 Default
a spirit chanter 45 Cleric 2,475 18 18 18 18 18 Default
Brettas Norval 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Coriante Verisue 61 GM Necromancer 32,000 24 24 24 24 24 Default
Dannis Faleet 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Danus Kelmun 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Davorre Bloodthorn 70 GM Shadow Knight 32,000 24 24 24 24 24 Default
Derena Leflor 11 Warrior 231 5 5 5 5 5 Default
Devinious Natasu 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Dilche Orlezcha 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Dovan Sires 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Duriek Bloodpool 55 Shadow Knight 20,000 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Dzan Amo 35 Cleric 1,575 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Elia Athrex 5 Necromancer 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Erandi Natasu 40 Warrior 3,200 16 16 16 16 16 Default
Erelin Verisue 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Ernax the Scholar 35 Wizard 1,575 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Evus Doracmal 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Fireworks Engineer Fabdabus 1 Warrior 11 0 0 0 0 0 Prophecy 11 - 0
Geomar Hapera 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Gernatis 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Gerot Kastane 50 Shadow Knight 20,000 400 400 400 400 400 Default
Gorng Alusnein 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Guard Abbilash 18 Warrior 871 75 7 7 7 7 Default
Guard Abrebla 36 Warrior 2,861 75 14 14 14 14 Default
Guard Ackin 36 Warrior 2,861 75 14 14 14 14 Default
Guard Buldoral 23 Warrior 1,312 75 9 9 9 9 Default
Guard Captain Latorl 40 Warrior 3,456 75 16 16 16 16 Default
Guard Exclorpt 26 Warrior 1,618 75 10 10 10 10 Default
Guard Ezrothe 25 Warrior 1,512 75 10 10 10 10 Default
Guard Heridion 10 Warrior 9,800 400 400 400 400 400 Default
Guard Hetorzuz 27 Warrior 1,727 75 11 11 11 11 Default
Guard Ishvlor 37 Warrior 3,005 75 14 14 14 14 Default
Guard Kellolonren 15 Warrior 648 75 6 6 6 6 Default
Guard Korlack 15 Warrior 648 75 6 6 6 6 Default
Guard Lecknar 15 Warrior 648 75 6 6 6 6 Default
Guard Lehlufa 16 Warrior 719 75 6 6 6 6 Default
Guard Lelton 18 Warrior 871 75 7 7 7 7 Default
Guard Lesunra 15 Warrior 648 75 6 6 6 6 Default
Guard Lidozarnn 27 Warrior 1,727 75 11 11 11 11 Default
Guard Lomanres 14 Warrior 581 75 6 6 6 6 Default
Guard Menbuknar 10 Warrior 9,200 400 400 400 400 400 Default
Guard Mertanor 37 Warrior 3,005 75 14 14 14 14 Default
Guard Nextloxtl 24 Warrior 1,410 75 10 10 10 10 Default
Guard Notzxatl 24 Warrior 1,410 75 10 10 10 10 Default
Guard Pendleir 27 Warrior 1,727 75 11 11 11 11 Default
Guard Perelin 15 Warrior 648 75 6 6 6 6 Default
Guard Polzdurn 23 Warrior 1,312 75 9 9 9 9 Default
Guard Pomnares 16 Warrior 719 75 6 6 6 6 Default
Guard Potren 37 Warrior 3,005 75 14 14 14 14 Default
Guard Rireboln 15 Warrior 648 75 6 6 6 6 Default
Guard Sheltuin 37 Warrior 3,005 75 14 14 14 14 Default
Guard Tynaryn 26 Warrior 1,618 75 10 10 10 10 Default
Guard Yerlash 24 Warrior 1,410 75 10 10 10 10 Default
Hargar the Velium Chef 1 Warrior 11 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Henly Nictropus 25 Shopkeeper 875 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Ishen Lelelan 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Iva Tersala 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Jenkin Fleetmore 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Keeshla Levlora 14 Necromancer 336 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Keletha Nightweaver 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Kelkarn 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Kervis Ackblor 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Kilevra Natasu 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Leovre Kieqmarn 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Librarian Kesler 50 Warrior 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
library assistant 24 Warrior 816 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Lillean Han Oni 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Linnleu Brackmar 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Loleluz 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Lolenton 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Mandaril Dark Knife 61 GM Shadow Knight 32,000 24 24 24 24 24 Default
Marsa Folor 50 Banker 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Medoris Flalzm 35 Warrior 1,575 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Miadera Shadowfyre 61 GM Cleric 32,000 24 24 24 24 24 Default
Nadara Reloclen 50 Banker 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Nedorl Ipabrun 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Ninna Flalzm 35 Warrior 1,575 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Nivold Predd 61 GM Cleric 32,000 24 24 24 24 24 Default
Noclin Saah 15 Warrior 375 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Noclin`s Pet 5 Warrior 75 3 3 3 3 3 Default
Oren Calferdo 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Overlord Virate Manaar 55 Warrior 32,000 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Pardas Nalue 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Rallia Hapera 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Royal Guard Lilkus 37 Warrior 3,500 75 16 16 16 16 Default
Royal Guard Sheltuin 37 Warrior 3,500 75 16 16 16 16 Default
Sejako Mujan 40 Necromancer 2,000 16 16 16 16 16 Default
Sern Adolia 61 GM Cleric 32,000 24 24 24 24 24 Default
Sheras Milaku 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Shevra Kollintar 61 GM Shadow Knight 32,000 24 24 24 24 24 Default
Shyna Cintya 65 Tribute Master 28,500 26 26 26 26 26 Default
Soulbinder Tomas 65 Warrior 34,500 26 26 26 26 26 Luclin 3 - 0
Talloth Vara 50 Warrior 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Taralani Rahnta 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Taria Clayspinner 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Tatalros the Cruel 61 Shadow Knight 20,000 200 200 200 200 200 Default
Telan Buvare 13 Shadow Knight 299 5 5 5 5 5 Default
Tenralus Brackmar 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Tentus Brackmar 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Tormented Soul 50 Monk 9,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Toryn Roltaire 65 Shopkeeper 28,500 26 26 26 26 26 Default
Velana Kelmuza 12 Necromancer 264 5 5 5 5 5 Default
Verolk Kishneal 11 Shadow Knight 231 5 5 5 5 5 Default
Winnla Crestus 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Yvonne Ani 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Zarnlel Apridor 50 Shopkeeper 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Coordinates (Y, X, Z) NPCs Respawn
(983.0, -101.0, 3.8) Noclin Saah (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(864.0, 598.0, -122.1) Guard Lelton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(994.0, 804.0, -79.1) Taria Clayspinner (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1035.0, 740.0, -79.1) Nadara Reloclen (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1035.0, 716.0, -79.1) Marsa Folor (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(944.0, 689.0, -66.1) Winnla Crestus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(944.0, 678.0, -66.1) Pardas Nalue (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(984.0, 636.0, -66.1) Gorng Alusnein (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(970.0, 649.0, -66.1) Iva Tersala (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(900.0, 470.0, -120.1) Dilche Orlezcha (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(889.0, 470.0, -120.1) Brettas Norval (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(889.0, 441.0, -120.1) Sheras Milaku (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(872.0, -129.0, 18.8) Azzar Habbib (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(900.0, 441.0, -120.1) Dovan Sires (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(782.0, 216.0, 5.1) 10 minutes and 40 seconds
(783.0, 192.0, 1.1) a Frostfell Goblin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(819.0, 193.0, 2.5) Hargar the Velium Chef (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(800.0, 176.0, 1.9) Fireworks Engineer Fabdabus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(863.0, 470.0, -120.1) Shevra Kollintar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(863.0, 444.0, -120.1) Davorre Bloodthorn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(849.0, 456.0, -117.1) Mandaril Dark Knife (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1296.0, 712.0, -38.1) Shyna Cintya (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(987.0, 703.0, -80.1) Henly Nictropus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(957.0, 625.0, -66.1) Tatalros the Cruel (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(665.0, 563.0, -94.1) Soulbinder Tomas (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(958.0, 924.0, -66.1) Sejako Mujan (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(798.5, 670.880005, -122.1) Gerot Kastane (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(957.0, 915.0, -63.5) Alaria Mujan (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1040.0, 641.0, -38.1) Toryn Roltaire (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1046.380005, -396.75, 13.8) an undead rat (50%)
a fire beetle (50%)
a moss snake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1052.5, -399.880005, 13.8) a moss snake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(957.0, 623.0, -81.8) Jerith (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1083.75, -511.130005, 26.9) a black bat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1102.130005, -424.630005, 13.8) a black bat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1094.25, -515.630005, 26.6) a black bat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(762.0, 840.0, -80.1) 10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1153.0, 537.0, -38.1) 10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1166.880005, 886.880005, -38.1) library assistant (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(816.0, -345.0, 28.5) a decaying skeleton (50%)
a decaying skeleton (50%)
Noclin`s Pet (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1370.880005, -597.880005, 32.1) a decaying skeleton (50%)
a decaying skeleton (50%)
Noclin`s Pet (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1167.880005, -670.880005, 3.8) a decaying skeleton (50%)
a decaying skeleton (50%)
Noclin`s Pet (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1294.880005, -268.880005, 3.8) a decaying skeleton (50%)
a decaying skeleton (50%)
Noclin`s Pet (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1160.0, 476.0, -38.1) Dzan Amo (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1177.0, 488.0, -38.1) Atdehim Sqonci (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1096.0, 817.0, -38.1) Elia Athrex (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1165.0, 399.0, -38.1) a spirit chanter (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1215.0, 450.0, -38.1) a spirit chanter (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(725.0, 898.880005, -68.1) Medoris Flalzm (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(795.880005, 803.0, -80.1) Ninna Flalzm (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1050.0, 769.880005, -38.1) Guard Captain Latorl (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1060.0, 758.0, -38.1) Guard Nextloxtl (50%)
Guard Nextloxtl (50%)
Guard Nextloxtl (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1038.0, 757.0, -38.1) Guard Exclorpt (50%)
Guard Exclorpt (50%)
Guard Exclorpt (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(523.0, -844.0, -52.0) 20 minutes
(1135.0, 796.0, -38.1) Guard Ezrothe (50%)
Guard Ezrothe (50%)
Guard Ezrothe (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1017.0, -455.0, 34.9) a pack rat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1137.0, -547.0, 24.5) a pack rat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1108.0, -339.0, 4.4) a pack rat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1454.880005, -431.880005, 4.4) a pack rat (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1075.0, 855.0, -38.1) Guard Notzxatl (50%)
Guard Notzxatl (50%)
Guard Notzxatl (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1136.0, 899.0, -38.1) Ernax the Scholar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(734.0, 824.0, -54.1) Tormented Soul (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(746.0, 553.0, -118.2) 10 minutes
(726.880005, 838.0, -72.1) Guard Buldoral (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(994.0, 764.0, -79.1) Guard Polzdurn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(879.0, 828.0, -80.1) Guard Lidozarnn (50%)
Guard Lidozarnn (50%)
Guard Lidozarnn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(880.0, 808.0, -80.1) Guard Hetorzuz (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(949.0, 822.0, -80.1) Loleluz (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(945.0, 829.0, -80.1) Archenm (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(842.0, 506.0, -122.1) Guard Abbilash (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(664.0, 542.0, -94.1) Guard Tynaryn (50%)
Guard Tynaryn (50%)
Guard Tynaryn (50%)
Guard Tynaryn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(908.0, 506.0, -122.1) Guard Rireboln (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(692.0, 553.0, -94.1) Derena Leflor (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(613.0, 497.0, -94.1) Guard Lecknar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(643.0, 497.0, -94.1) Guard Korlack (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(782.0, 693.0, -122.1) Telan Buvare (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(867.0, 694.0, -122.1) Verolk Kishneal (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(835.0, 721.0, -122.1) Keeshla Levlora (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(819.0, 721.0, -122.1) Velana Kelmuza (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(938.0, 421.0, -120.1) 10 minutes and 40 seconds
(946.0, -93.0, 3.8) Guard Menbuknar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(891.0, -134.0, 3.8) Guard Heridion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) bad loc (100%)
20 minutes
(1124.0, 685.0, -38.1) Guard Lomanres (50%)
Guard Lomanres (50%)
Guard Lomanres (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1282.0, 611.0, -38.1) Guard Pomnares (50%)
Guard Pomnares (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1256.0, 618.0, -38.1) Guard Lehlufa (50%)
Guard Lehlufa (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1283.0, 757.0, -38.1) Guard Perelin (50%)
Guard Perelin (50%)
Guard Perelin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1257.0, 754.0, -38.1) Guard Lesunra (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(910.0, 721.0, -80.1) Guard Yerlash (50%)
Guard Yerlash (50%)
Guard Yerlash (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(875.0, 478.0, -120.1) Guard Pendleir (50%)
Guard Pendleir (50%)
Guard Pendleir (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1038.0, 601.0, -38.1) Guard Abrebla (50%)
Guard Abrebla (50%)
Guard Abrebla (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1228.0, 683.0, -38.1) Guard Potren (50%)
Guard Potren (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(697.0, -778.0, -24.1) Erandi Natasu (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1168.0, 738.0, -38.1) Guard Ishvlor (50%)
Guard Ishvlor (50%)
Guard Ishvlor (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1140.0, 738.0, -38.1) Guard Sheltuin (50%)
Guard Sheltuin (50%)
Guard Sheltuin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1140.0, 632.0, -38.1) Guard Mertanor (50%)
Guard Mertanor (50%)
Guard Mertanor (50%)
Guard Mertanor (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1168.0, 632.0, -38.1) Guard Ackin (50%)
Guard Ackin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1097.0, 439.0, -38.1) Jenkin Fleetmore (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1097.0, 428.0, -38.1) Kervis Ackblor (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1212.0, 523.0, -38.1) Ishen Lelelan (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1225.0, 523.0, -38.1) Tenralus Brackmar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1225.0, 549.0, -38.1) Erelin Verisue (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1213.0, 549.0, -38.1) Lillean Han Oni (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(905.5, -99.379997, 18.0) Duriek Bloodpool (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1123.0, 427.0, -38.1) Oren Calferdo (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1123.0, 440.0, -38.1) Zarnlel Apridor (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1131.0, 536.0, -35.1) Miadera Shadowfyre (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1116.0, 519.0, -35.1) Nivold Predd (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1130.0, 522.0, -35.1) Sern Adolia (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1308.0, 685.0, -38.1) Royal Guard Sheltuin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1308.0, 686.0, -22.1) Royal Guard Lilkus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1236.0, 686.0, -35.1) Overlord Virate Manaar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1146.0, 866.0, -16.2) Librarian Kesler (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1167.0, 848.0, -38.1) Talloth Vara (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1070.25, -408.630005, 13.9) a fire beetle (50%)
a moss snake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1059.0, -403.0, 13.8) a fire beetle (50%)
a moss snake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1092.0, 722.0, -37.1) Dannis Faleet (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(941.0, 770.0, -79.1) Rallia Hapera (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(953.0, 757.0, -79.1) Geomar Hapera (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(944.0, 753.0, -50.1) Yvonne Ani (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(734.0, 820.0, -22.1) Linnleu Brackmar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(734.0, 861.0, -22.1) Keletha Nightweaver (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(674.0, 807.0, -54.1) Nedorl Ipabrun (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(665.0, 807.0, -54.1) Leovre Kieqmarn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(675.0, 885.0, -54.1) Devinious Natasu (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(690.0, 868.0, -54.1) Kilevra Natasu (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(885.0, 600.0, -122.1) Guard Kellolonren (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(690.0, 856.0, -54.1) Danus Kelmun (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(762.0, 829.0, -22.1) Antus Shelbra (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(762.0, 849.0, -22.1) Auhrik Siet`ka (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(797.0, 839.0, -23.1) Coriante Verisue (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(950.0, 836.0, -80.1) Lolenton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(944.0, 848.0, -80.1) Gernatis (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(953.0, 830.0, -76.1) Kelkarn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(934.0, 805.0, -80.1) Taralani Rahnta (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(995.0, 810.0, -79.1) Tentus Brackmar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(996.0, 817.0, -79.1) Evus Doracmal (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
Item Name Dropped By
Bat Fur a black bat
Bat Wing a black bat
Bone Chips a decaying skeleton
Bronze Bastard Sword
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Cap a decaying skeleton
Cloth Cape a decaying skeleton
Cloth Choker a decaying skeleton
Cloth Cord a decaying skeleton
Cloth Gloves a decaying skeleton
Cloth Pants a decaying skeleton
Cloth Sandals a decaying skeleton
Cloth Shawl a decaying skeleton
Cloth Sleeves a decaying skeleton
Cloth Veil a decaying skeleton
Cloth Wristband a decaying skeleton
Cracked Staff
Multiple NPCs
Crude Binding Powder
Multiple NPCs
Fire Beetle Eye a fire beetle
Fire Beetle Leg a fire beetle
Infected Rat Livers an undead rat
Kite Shield
Multiple NPCs
Modest Binding Powder a spirit chanter
Necromancer Blood Keeshla Levlora
Parrying Dagger a decaying skeleton
Piece of Rat Fur
Multiple NPCs
Plague Rat Tail a pack rat
Rat Ears
Multiple NPCs
Rat Eye a pack rat
Rat Foot a pack rat
Rat Meat a pack rat
Rat Tooth
Multiple NPCs
Rat Whiskers
Multiple NPCs
Rotting Femur Noclin`s Pet
Rusty Axe a decaying skeleton
Rusty Bastard Sword a decaying skeleton
Rusty Battle Axe a decaying skeleton
Rusty Broad Sword a decaying skeleton
Rusty Dagger a decaying skeleton
Rusty Halberd a decaying skeleton
Rusty Long Sword a decaying skeleton
Rusty Scimitar a decaying skeleton
Rusty Short Sword a decaying skeleton
Rusty Ulak a decaying skeleton
Scalded Rat Skin a pack rat
Silvril Ore
Multiple NPCs
Skeleton Parts a decaying skeleton
Snake Egg a moss snake
Snake Fang a moss snake
Snake Scales a moss snake
Splintering Club a decaying skeleton
Toolbox Shevra Kollintar
Toolbox Mold Shevra Kollintar
Words of Transcendence Azzar Habbib
Worn Great Staff a decaying skeleton