Binelen's Quick Treats

Binelen's Quick Treats
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Size: TINY
Weight: 0.1
Value: 4gp
Item Lore: Binelen's Quick Treats
Rat Kabobs
More fun than roasting
marshmallows, Rat Kabobs
are the tasty way to rid
yourself of unwanted

Rat meat, Spices, and
Jug of Sauces, Skewers
Cooking Instructions:
Fire a spit for high heat.
Gently impale whole rat
onto skewer.
Place over
heat and cook until hair
sears off.
Dip in sauces
and spices and cook until
eyes glaze over and serve.

Tastes great with:
Wasp Wing Crunchies and
Beer Braised Rat
Preferably served with
the head and tail still
attached, Beer Braised
Rat is lots of fun
because it "watches" you
eat it.

Rat Meat, Spices, Short
Cooking instructions:
Prepare the spit or oven
to high heat.
pull the skin off of the
rat leaving head and tail
Drench rat meat
in stale beer and roll in
Grill until dark-
ened and falls apart.

Tastes great with:
Muffins and Short Beer
Woolie Spider Crunchies
Like cotton candy with a
crunchy center.
delightfully fluffy
texture of these sweets
leaves your mouth feeling
scratchy and dry.
A food
with no drawbacks!

Woolie Spider Legs and
Cooking Instructions:
Fire oven for low heat.
Smother woolie spider
legs in frosting and
place in oven.
when hardened and frost-
ing crystallizes.

Tastes great with:
Cookies and Short Beer
Beetle Eye Pie
Being both crunchy and
squishy, Beetle Eye Pie
is the best of both worlds.

Clump of Dough, Flame
Beetle Eye, Spices,
1 Pie Tin
Cooking Instructions:
For crust, line the bottom
of a pie tin with a clump
of dough.
Delicately com-
bine eyeballs and spices
and pour onto the crust.
Top with extra dough.
Bake until golden.

Tastes great with:
Beer Braised Bear and
Tall Beer