The Western Plains of Karana

200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 -1000 -1100 -1200 -1300 -1400 -1500 -1600 -1700 -1800 -1900 -2000 -2100 -2200 -2300 -2400 -2500 -2600 -2700 -2800 -2900 -3000 -3100 -3200 -3300 -3400 -3500 -3600 -3700 -3800 -3900 -4000 -4100 -4200 -4300 -4400 -4500 -4600 -4700 -4800 -4900 -5000 -5100 -5200 -5300 -5400 -5500 -5600 -5700 -5800 -5900 -6000 -6100 -6200 -6300 -6400 -6500 -6600 -6700 -6800 -6900 -7000 -7100 -7200 -7300 -7400 -7500 -7600 -7700 -7800 -7900 -8000 -8100 -8200 -8300 -8400 -8500 -8600 -8700 -8800 -8900 -9000 -9100 -9200 -9300 -9400 -9500 -9600 -9700 -9800 -9900 -10000 -10100 -10200 -10300 -10400 -10500 -10600 -10700 -10800 -10900 -11000 -11100 -11200 -11300 -11400 -11500 -11600 -11700 -11800 -11900 -12000 -12100 -12200 -12300 -12400 -12500 -12600 -12700 -12800 -12900 -13000 -13100 -13200 -13300 -13400 -13500 -13600 -13700 -13800 -13900 -14000 -14100 -14200 -14300 -14400 -14500 -14600 -14700 -14800 -14900 -15000 -15100 -15200 -15300 -15400 -15500 -15600 -15700 -15800 -15900 -16000 -16100 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 -1000 -1100 -1200 -1300 -1400 -1500 -1600 -1700 -1800 -1900 -2000 -2100 -2200 -2300 -2400 -2500 -2600 -2700 -2800 -2900 -3000 -3100 -3200 -3300 -3400 -3500 -3600 -3700 -3800 -3900 -4000 -4100 -4200 -4300 -4400 -4500
X: 0, Y: 0
Quick Facts
Expansion: Default
Succor: Y: 15.0, X: -531.0
Waypoint: Y: -3570, X: -14816
XP Modifier: 200%
Casters can Bind
Name Level Class HP MR CR FR DR PR Expansion
Sir Arlindo Goldheart 70 Paladin 60,000 192 192 192 192 192 Discord 7 - 0
Yuanda 65 Necromancer 14,000 77 77 77 77 77 Discord 7 - 0
Alysa 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 18 18 18 18 18 Default
Alzekar Kerda 25 Warrior 1,200 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Analya 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 18 18 18 18 18 Default
Anderia 5 Warrior 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
an animated scarecrow 14 Warrior 336 6 6 6 6 6 Default
an ogre guard 20 Warrior 600 75 8 8 8 8 Default
an ogre priestess 27 Shaman 999 11 11 11 11 11 Default
an ogre shaman 27 Shaman 999 11 11 11 11 11 Default
an ogre shamaness 25 Shaman 875 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a bandit 12 Wizard 264 5 5 5 5 5 Default
a black wolf 5 Warrior 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a brigand 14 Warrior 336 6 6 6 6 6 Default
a brown bear 3 Warrior 39 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a cyclops 28 Warrior 1,099 12 12 12 12 12 Default
a farmer 5 Warrior 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a fire beetle 2 Warrior 24 1 1 1 1 1 Default
a ghoul yeoman 16 Warrior 416 6 6 6 6 6 Default
a giant fire beetle 8 Warrior 144 3 3 3 3 3 Default
a giant spider 7 Warrior 119 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a grizzly bear 11 Warrior 231 5 5 5 5 5 Default
a hill giant 36 Warrior 3,477 14 14 14 14 14 Default
a lion 10 Warrior 200 4 4 4 4 4 Default
a mist wolf 3 Warrior 39 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a plains lion 8 Warrior 144 3 3 3 3 3 Default
a plains lioness 8 Warrior 144 3 3 3 3 3 Default
a scarecrow 15 Warrior 375 6 6 6 6 6 Default
a shadow wolf 5 Warrior 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a skeletal soldier 6 Warrior 96 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a spiderling 4 Warrior 56 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a treant 27 Druid 999 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a wandering spirit 25 Shaman 875 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a werewolf 32 Warrior 1,344 13 13 13 13 13 Default
a willowisp 9 Warrior 171 4 4 4 4 4 Default
a young plains lion 5 Warrior 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a young plains lioness 3 Warrior 39 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a zombie yeoman 6 Warrior 96 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Brellsan Tarn 50 Warrior 3,496 20 20 20 20 20 Kunark 1 - 0
Brenzl McMannus 25 Shopkeeper 875 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Brother Chintle 6 Cleric 96 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Brother Estle 4 Cleric 56 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Brother Trintle 6 Cleric 96 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Caninel 45 Warrior 8,500 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Carlan the Young 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 18 18 18 18 18 Default
Chief Goonda 34 Shaman 2,100 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Choon 30 Warrior 2,000 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Chrislin Baker 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 18 18 18 18 18 Default
Cleet Miller 32 Shopkeeper 1,344 13 13 13 13 13 Default
Cleet Miller Jr 6 Shopkeeper 96 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Einhorst McMannus 35 Warrior 1,575 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Froon 30 Warrior 2,000 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Frostbite 10 Warrior 200 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Furball Miller 7 Warrior 119 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Ghoul Messenger 27 Warrior 999 11 11 11 11 11 Default
Gindlin Toxfodder 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 16 16 16 16 16 Default
Gomo Limerin 5 Paladin 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Grebin Sneztop 4 Paladin 56 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Guard Ason 30 Warrior 1,200 75 12 12 12 12 Default
Guard Donlan 30 Warrior 1,200 75 12 12 12 12 Default
Guard Gregor 12 Warrior 264 75 5 5 5 5 Default
Guard Justyn 35 Warrior 2,200 75 14 14 14 14 Default
Guard Kilson 30 Warrior 1,500 75 12 12 12 12 Default
Guard McCluskey 36 Warrior 2,200 75 14 14 14 14 Default
Guard Pryde 30 Warrior 1,500 75 12 12 12 12 Default
Habastash Gikin 5 Paladin 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Henina Miller 15 Shopkeeper 375 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Innkeep Danin 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Innkeep Rislarn 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Junth McMannus 20 Warrior 600 8 8 8 8 8 Default
Kobot Dellin 5 Paladin 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Konia Swiftfoot 40 Warrior 3,250 16 16 16 16 16 Kunark 1 - 0
Kyle Rinlin 5 Paladin 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Lander Billkin 5 Paladin 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Lars McMannus 20 Warrior 884 8 8 8 8 8 Default
Lempeck Hargrin 20 Warrior 600 8 8 8 8 8 Default
Linaya Sowlin 7 Druid 119 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Maldin the Old 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 18 18 18 18 18 Default
Maligar 40 Necromancer 3,250 16 16 16 16 16 Default
Melaara Tenwinds 65 Bard 28,500 26 26 26 26 26 Ldon 6 - 0
Minda 6 Warrior 96 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Minya Coldtoes 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 18 18 18 18 18 Default
Misla McMannus 25 Shopkeeper 875 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Mistrana Two Notes 25 Bard 875 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Misty Storyswapper 13 Bard 299 5 5 5 5 5 Default
Mystik 68 Monk 100,000 500 500 500 500 500 Discord 7 - 0
Nenika Lightfoot 25 Warrior 1,200 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Ollysa Bladefinder 27 Shopkeeper 999 11 11 11 11 11 Default
Oobnopterbevny Biddilets 40 Necromancer 3,250 16 16 16 16 16 Default
Parcil Vinder 5 Paladin 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Quegin Hadder 5 Paladin 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Renux Herkanor 51 Rogue 20,750 21 21 21 21 21 Kunark 1 - 0
Rongol 4 Warrior 56 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Ronly Jogmill 5 Paladin 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Ryshon Hunsti 23 Paladin 759 9 9 9 9 9 Kunark 1 - 0
Scary Miller 50 None 100,000 64 64 64 64 64 Dragons 9 - 0
Sera McMannus 25 Shopkeeper 875 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Silna Weaver 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 18 18 18 18 18 Default
Sonagin Fartide 50 Warrior 3,496 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Spinner 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 18 18 18 18 18 Default
Tarnar 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Tarnic McWillows 61 Warrior 32,000 24 24 24 24 24 Ykesha 5 - 0
Thurgen Thunderhead 25 Warrior 1,200 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Tiny Miller 37 Warrior 1,739 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Tolony Marle 5 Paladin 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Tukk 7 Warrior 119 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Ulrich McMannus 30 Warrior 1,200 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Vilnius the Small 46 Rogue 7,500 18 18 18 18 18 Default
Yiz Pon 5 Wizard 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Coordinates (Y, X, Z) NPCs Respawn
(-2409.444092, -4278.855957, 10.1) Scary Miller (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1341.30835, -15075.536133, 85.7) Yiz Pon (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-215.0, -5916.879883, -2.0) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1570.880005, -12868.0, 1.1) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1968.0, -4991.0, -14.1) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(583.0, -6073.0, 30.0) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1031.0, -2218.0, 9.4) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(972.0, -1868.0, -5.6) Carlan the Young (50%)
Maldin the Old (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4023.0, -2344.0, -47.4) Misla McMannus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4011.0, -2222.0, -47.8) Sera McMannus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3686.0, -2002.0, 24.8) Brenzl McMannus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1453.0, -12836.879883, 11.8) Spinner (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(488.0, -4223.0, 9.0) Ollysa Bladefinder (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(431.0, -4364.0, 9.0) Alysa (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(849.0, -1905.0, -14.9) Misty Storyswapper (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3603.0, -2170.0, 32.0) Junth McMannus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1513.880005, -13004.879883, 17.1) Innkeep Danin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(326.0, -4417.0, 1.5) Innkeep Rislarn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(855.0, -1831.0, -21.6) Minya Coldtoes (50%)
Silna Weaver (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1008.0, -2087.0, 3.0) Tarnar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4243.0, -9358.0, -64.8) a farmer (50%)
a farmer (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3725.0, -9256.0, -0.1) Anderia (50%)
Anderia (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3706.0, -9290.0, -0.1) Rongol (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3945.0, -7778.0, -63.8) a farmer (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2252.879883, -4127.879883, 0.0) Cleet Miller (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2439.0, -5429.879883, 1.6) Tiny Miller (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-758.0, -4221.879883, 42.6) Guard Pryde (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1360.0, -7364.0, 100.9) Mystik (50%)
2 hours
(-62.0, -409.0, 3.1) Brellsan Tarn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2739.0, -5869.0, 0.0) Sonagin Fartide (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-743.880005, -4230.879883, 40.8) Guard Kilson (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-472.880005, -2417.879883, 42.2) Guard Ason (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(89.0, -7472.879883, 90.8) a giant spider (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3072.879883, -10977.879883, 20.6) a giant spider (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-479.880005, -2402.0, 42.1) Guard Justyn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(955.0, -1909.0, -13.9) Guard Gregor (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-526.0, -2439.0, 43.4) Konia Swiftfoot (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3668.0, -2001.0, 23.8) Mistrana Two Notes (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3352.0, -14815.0, 0.4) Melaara Tenwinds (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3039.0, -4269.0, 45.9) an animated scarecrow (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3076.0, -5220.0, 35.2) an animated scarecrow (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3192.0, -5716.0, 44.4) an animated scarecrow (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(740.0, -11545.0, 12.0) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(751.0, -11534.0, 15.0) a shadow wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2856.0, -5842.879883, 0.8) Henina Miller (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(324.0, -5249.0, 18.1) a grizzly bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-47.0, -68.0, 0.0) a plains lion (50%)
Gomo Limerin (50%)
Grebin Sneztop (50%)
Habastash Gikin (50%)
Kobot Dellin (50%)
Kyle Rinlin (50%)
Lander Billkin (50%)
Parcil Vinder (50%)
Quegin Hadder (50%)
Ronly Jogmill (50%)
Tolony Marle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2350.0, -5573.0, 5.0) an animated scarecrow (50%)
a scarecrow (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2684.0, -4956.0, 14.6) an animated scarecrow (50%)
a scarecrow (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2084.0, -14782.0, 1.0) a farmer (50%)
a farmer (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3013.0, -5735.0, 17.8) Cleet Miller Jr (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3279.0, -4988.0, 37.5) Furball Miller (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(151.0, -7829.0, 205.2) a giant fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2165.0, -7130.0, 29.8) a plains lioness (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2626.0, -7820.0, 28.2) a plains lioness (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1322.0, -10319.0, 202.0) a cyclops (50%)
a hill giant (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(777.0, -3352.0, 13.8) a giant fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5.0, -4466.879883, -15.0) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2507.879883, -11100.879883, 129.8) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(70.0, -2724.0, -2.5) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1824.0, -3139.0, 24.2) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3590.0, -6278.0, 10.1) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1880.0, -3237.0, 29.0) a young plains lioness (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-335.0, -4955.0, -4.0) a spiderling (50%)
a spiderling (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2452.0, -4268.0, 21.8) an animated scarecrow (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1213.0, -8778.0, 177.0) Choon (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1267.0, -8718.0, 172.0) Froon (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2778.0, -10726.0, 30.0) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1752.0, -12795.0, 5.0) a lion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1537.0, -5953.0, 22.6) a young plains lion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1584.0, -4428.0, -4.4) a young plains lion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-20.0, -6045.0, 5.0) a young plains lion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(578.0, -7469.0, 36.8) a giant spider (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1558.0, -7954.879883, 16.1) a spiderling (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(765.0, -8011.0, 131.8) a spiderling (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2767.0, -10717.25, 31.1) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-633.130005, -13867.129883, 225.4) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(431.880005, -6510.879883, 177.0) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-188.0, -6952.879883, 102.0) a young plains lion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1679.0, -8262.0, 10.1) a young plains lion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1604.0, -3203.0, 18.6) a young plains lion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3321.0, -4471.0, 43.2) a young plains lion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1259.0, -5618.0, 20.4) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3144.879883, -8535.879883, 15.6) a grizzly bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3371.879883, -8248.879883, 26.8) a young plains lioness (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1193.0, -8349.879883, 189.9) a young plains lioness (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2033.880005, -6919.879883, 5.8) a young plains lioness (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-415.0, -3386.0, 7.0) a young plains lioness (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-142.880005, -12799.0, 204.3) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3960.0, -11651.879883, -6.0) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3.0, -1538.0, -0.1) Brother Estle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1418.0, -7548.879883, 31.0) a grizzly bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1184.880005, -12679.879883, 22.4) a grizzly bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2501.0, -5887.0, 11.6) a grizzly bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(215.0, -5349.0, 7.1) a grizzly bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(480.880005, -13136.879883, 102.8) a giant fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1129.0, -3729.0, 33.9) a giant fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1958.880005, -13461.879883, 26.8) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-266.0, -8526.0, 263.2) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-301.0, -8521.0, 259.4) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-312.0, -8532.0, 256.4) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1013.0, -11958.0, 341.6) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(419.5, -6497.129883, 177.0) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2988.514893, -13403.499023, 36.7) Renux Herkanor (50%)
1 hour
(-3570.0, -14816.0, 36.0) 20 minutes
(-280.0, -8552.0, 258.6) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2149.0, -8041.879883, 19.0) a spiderling (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3448.879883, -5193.0, 35.0) a spiderling (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(608.0, -3488.0, 8.8) a spiderling (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-291.0, -8562.879883, 254.8) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(391.130005, -7320.379883, 16.4) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(263.380005, -7365.25, 36.6) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(264.880005, -4528.879883, -19.6) a young plains lion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1455.0, -4736.0, 9.0) a young plains lion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1392.0, -4814.0, 10.8) a young plains lion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3513.0, -3619.0, 46.2) a young plains lion (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2245.879883, -8150.879883, 34.9) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3548.879883, -5041.0, 22.0) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3516.879883, -4616.879883, 32.5) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(173.0, -2531.0, -7.5) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3316.879883, -6518.0, 28.6) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2682.879883, -3309.0, 3.4) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1780.880005, -5143.0, -15.8) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3595.879883, -2620.0, 28.5) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2855.879883, -6208.0, 11.3) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(788.880005, -10779.0, 236.3) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3337.879883, -4434.879883, 37.6) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-736.0, -13757.0, 234.4) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2648.879883, -12500.0, -1.4) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-162.0, -12323.0, 309.5) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3079.879883, -9460.0, 30.9) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1038.880005, -9247.0, 120.0) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(760.880005, -13326.879883, 68.1) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2946.879883, -13948.879883, 0.9) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-42.130001, -9982.879883, 329.9) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(106.879997, -15475.879883, 12.3) a brown bear (50%)
Ghoul Messenger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-612.25, -13803.0, 246.2) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-642.880005, -13804.0, 241.2) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1711.0, -8059.879883, 1.6) a giant spider (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2843.0, -3644.0, 20.6) a giant spider (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1806.0, -5535.879883, -3.0) a willowisp (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1077.75, -11934.25, 326.2) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3495.25, -11105.0, -0.1) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1024.0, -11969.0, 338.8) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2492.0, -1373.0, 139.0) Oobnopterbevny Biddilets (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1053.0, -11959.879883, 332.8) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(368.880005, -6064.0, 12.5) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-13.0, -1543.0, -0.1) Brother Chintle (50%)
Brother Trintle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2128.0, -14686.0, -0.1) a farmer (50%)
a farmer (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-358.880005, -5417.879883, 0.2) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-369.880005, -5428.879883, -3.8) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3204.629883, -12562.629883, -128.9) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1459.0, -11224.0, 360.6) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2038.0, -3828.0, 4.1) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2589.75, -2869.629883, -128.9) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-909.0, -4899.0, 22.8) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(329.0, -5164.0, 25.9) a mist wolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3505.0, -15292.0, -0.1) a ghoul yeoman (50%)
a skeletal soldier (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3478.0, -15248.0, 5.1) a skeletal soldier (50%)
a skeletal soldier (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-312.0, -5461.879883, -2.1) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-290.0, -5408.0, -5.2) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2805.879883, -4903.0, 27.6) a young plains lioness (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-676.0, -6979.879883, -0.1) a young plains lioness (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1181.880005, -5723.0, 13.8) a young plains lioness (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(976.25, -8629.379883, 41.1) a treant (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(422.75, -6491.629883, 176.9) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(412.130005, -6497.379883, 177.1) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(354.0, -6527.879883, 178.1) a bandit (50%)
a brigand (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-334.75, -5418.879883, -5.1) a farmer (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-339.75, -5431.879883, -4.1) a farmer (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1340.0, -13371.0, 91.0) Caninel (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(308.0, -6486.0, 178.0) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(172.0, -10644.0, 347.5) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3552.879883, -11125.0, -0.1) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-676.880005, -9077.0, 56.2) an ogre shaman (50%)
an ogre shaman (50%)
an ogre shamaness (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-655.880005, -9190.879883, 51.5) an ogre guard (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2986.0, -13398.0, 37.5) Gindlin Toxfodder (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-658.880005, -9128.0, 53.0) an ogre priestess (50%)
an ogre shaman (50%)
an ogre shaman (50%)
Chief Goonda (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-744.880005, -9125.0, 53.9) an ogre guard (50%)
an ogre guard (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-698.880005, -9038.0, 58.8) an ogre guard (50%)
an ogre guard (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-590.75, -9082.0, 55.2) an ogre guard (50%)
an ogre guard (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3480.0, -15258.0, -0.1) a skeletal soldier (50%)
a zombie yeoman (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3498.0, -15357.0, -0.1) a skeletal soldier (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3501.0, -15349.0, -0.1) a ghoul yeoman (50%)
a ghoul yeoman (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3574.0, -15371.879883, -0.1) a skeletal soldier (50%)
a skeletal soldier (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1048.0, -1989.0, 0.8) Chrislin Baker (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(904.880005, -11593.0, 14.4) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-653.0, -13794.0, 241.2) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-664.0, -13805.0, 238.5) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(892.880005, -11557.0, 18.0) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(881.880005, -11567.0, 16.4) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-967.0, -14147.0, 80.9) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-750.880005, -10417.0, 251.5) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2438.879883, -10338.0, 24.5) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3010.879883, -14786.879883, -1.4) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(635.880005, -8291.879883, 118.9) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3274.879883, -8493.879883, 5.3) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3418.879883, -5160.0, 35.8) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2617.0, -8361.879883, 33.5) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3556.879883, -11513.0, -1.4) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3081.879883, -12723.0, 40.0) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1680.880005, -15815.879883, -1.4) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(111.879997, -13511.879883, 175.4) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-783.880005, -13797.879883, 217.8) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(868.880005, -8589.0, 31.5) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(527.880005, -12181.0, 267.0) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2369.879883, -9217.0, 42.0) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(429.880005, -11509.879883, 71.4) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2630.0, -10241.879883, 37.8) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(489.0, -2796.0, 5.5) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(613.0, -5681.0, 34.0) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2990.0, -8576.0, 27.6) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1024.0, -14402.879883, 18.4) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1235.0, -10313.0, 344.8) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1169.880005, -2883.0, -1.0) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2832.879883, -4633.0, 29.4) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4.88, -6596.879883, 195.5) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2296.879883, -7334.0, 42.3) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-945.880005, -6572.0, 24.8) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3312.879883, -3771.0, 11.5) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-595.0, -5710.879883, -2.0) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-92.879997, -2763.0, -2.0) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1009.630005, -12031.25, 309.9) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2960.0, -13754.879883, 9.2) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3092.0, -8790.0, 15.4) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1889.0, -15929.879883, -2.0) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(648.880005, -11270.0, 45.8) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3327.879883, -14073.879883, -2.0) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-987.0, -12335.879883, 116.9) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-460.380005, -11065.75, 311.9) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1612.880005, -9533.0, 113.9) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(452.880005, -8986.0, 153.3) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3511.0, -12943.879883, 32.4) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2981.879883, -15721.0, -2.0) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(375.880005, -12505.879883, 310.8) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2862.0, -9248.0, 34.9) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(114.879997, -10941.0, 362.3) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(780.880005, -9732.0, 354.0) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3606.879883, -14437.879883, -2.0) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(149.0, -8111.0, 265.4) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(195.0, -4401.0, -9.5) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1956.0, -2480.0, 42.2) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2246.879883, -8878.0, 34.9) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(445.880005, -11941.879883, 232.1) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1582.880005, -14047.0, 0.8) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-344.0, -9251.0, 63.4) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1246.0, -10324.0, 344.2) a black wolf (50%)
a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3501.879883, -11143.879883, -0.1) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3512.879883, -11154.879883, -0.1) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-570.0, -9326.0, 65.5) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3528.879883, -7011.879883, 4.8) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3095.0, -8397.879883, 38.2) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1431.880005, -8472.879883, 129.5) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(740.880005, -3454.0, 6.3) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1278.880005, -6040.879883, 30.3) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1121.880005, -3456.0, 28.3) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3141.879883, -13319.0, 34.4) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2312.879883, -14061.879883, 7.1) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3068.879883, -13198.879883, 40.0) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3085.879883, -14625.879883, -1.4) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1032.880005, -15249.879883, -1.4) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2242.0, -10980.879883, 190.2) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-665.0, -15569.879883, -1.4) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-496.0, -10332.0, 221.4) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(788.880005, -11710.879883, 7.5) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-593.880005, -8808.0, 115.4) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2268.0, -7359.0, 45.1) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1875.0, -7247.0, 5.0) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-314.0, -8006.0, 273.1) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-424.0, -6599.0, 20.0) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(178.0, -12141.879883, 368.6) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1249.0, -10905.0, 209.8) Maligar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(167.0, -6696.0, 263.6) a brigand (50%)
a brigand (50%)
Vilnius the Small (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1245.0, -10892.0, 210.5) Thurgen Thunderhead (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1191.0, -10941.0, 212.2) Nenika Lightfoot (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1246.0, -10936.0, 209.9) Alzekar Kerda (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3897.879883, -5575.879883, -6.1) Lempeck Hargrin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4240.0, -15170.0, -64.4) Ryshon Hunsti (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3531.879883, -2235.879883, 33.5) Frostbite (50%)
Frostbite (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2797.129883, -5322.129883, 18.5) a wandering spirit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3736.879883, -7692.879883, 1.4) Minda (50%)
Minda (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3685.879883, -7675.879883, 2.1) Tukk (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4034.0, -2489.0, -61.6) Analya (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3144.0, -13413.0, 35.6) a farmer (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2265.0, -5546.0, 0.9) Tarnic McWillows (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3739.629883, -7643.879883, 2.2) Linaya Sowlin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(876.880005, -7069.0, 54.1) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1262.0, -12568.0, 81.0) Yuanda (50%)
2 hours
(904.880005, -7058.0, 57.9) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1084.25, -11937.129883, 327.0) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(915.880005, -7047.0, 60.8) a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(892.880005, -7033.0, 62.1) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2913.0, -2043.0, 44.0) Guard Donlan (50%)
Guard Donlan (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-690.0, -4270.0, 33.2) Sir Arlindo Goldheart (50%)
2 hours
(-2927.0, -2027.0, 44.0) Guard McCluskey (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3803.0, -2096.0, 6.5) Einhorst McMannus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3793.0, -2352.879883, 8.9) Ulrich McMannus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4112.0, -2208.0, -65.1) Lars McMannus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3842.406494, -3874.784912, 6.5) a werewolf (50%)
a werewolf (50%)
a werewolf (50%)
a werewolf (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(11.722396, -1085.86731, -6.0) Trigger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
Item Name Dropped By
Alkaline Loam
Multiple NPCs
Amber a hill giant
Backpack a farmer
Bale of Hay Tiny Miller
Multiple NPCs
Bandages Ulrich McMannus
Bandit Sash
Multiple NPCs
Batfang Headband
Multiple NPCs
Batskull Earring
Multiple NPCs
Bear Meat
Multiple NPCs
Bear Parts
Multiple NPCs
Belt Pouch
Multiple NPCs
Black Pearl a hill giant
Black Wolf Skin a black wolf
Black Wolf Tooth
Multiple NPCs
Bloodstone a hill giant
Bone Armplates
Multiple NPCs
Bone Chips a skeletal soldier
Bone Legplates
Multiple NPCs
Bottle of Kalish
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Battle Axe
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Boots
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Bracers
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Breastplate
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Collar
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Dagger a bandit
Bronze Gauntlets
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Girdle
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Greaves
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Helm
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Knuckles
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Long Sword
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Mace
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Main Gauche a bandit
Bronze Mask
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Pauldron
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Rapier a bandit
Bronze Shortened Spear a bandit
Bronze Spear a bandit
Bronze Two Handed Sword a bandit
Bronze Vambraces
Multiple NPCs
Burned Out Lightstone a willowisp
Busted Prayer Beads Brother Estle
Busted Prayer Beads Brother Trintle
Cast-Iron Rapier Lars McMannus
Ceramic Dirk Vilnius the Small
Chipped Bone Bracelet
Multiple NPCs
Chipped Bone Collar
Multiple NPCs
Chunk of Meat
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Cap a bandit
Cloth Cape a bandit
Cloth Choker a bandit
Cloth Cord
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Gloves a bandit
Cloth Pants
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Shirt
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Sleeves a zombie yeoman
Coarse Silk
Multiple NPCs
Complex Etched Rune
Multiple NPCs
Complex Platinum Etched Rune a werewolf
Complex Platinum Silvered Rune Chief Goonda
Complex Velium Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Consigned Bite of the Shissar I a bandit
Consigned Bite of the Shissar III
Multiple NPCs
Consigned Bite of the Shissar XII Mystik
Discord 7 - 0
Coyote Skull a black wolf
Cracked Staff
Multiple NPCs
Crude Binding Powder
Multiple NPCs
Cyclops Eye
Multiple NPCs
Cyclops Toes
Multiple NPCs
Decaying Finger Bones a skeletal soldier
Decaying Foot Bones a skeletal soldier
Desiccated Marrow
Multiple NPCs
Dusty Marrow
Multiple NPCs
Elementary Binding Powder an ogre shaman
Excellent Marrow Mystik
Discord 7 - 0
Exquisite Embossed Rune an ogre shaman
Exquisite Etched Rune an animated scarecrow
Exquisite Gold Embossed Rune an ogre shaman
Exquisite Platinum Embossed Rune an animated scarecrow
Exquisite Platinum Etched Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Platinum Silvered Rune
Multiple NPCs
Eye of Serilis Ulrich McMannus
Faded Velishoul's Tome Page Ulrich McMannus
Faded Velishoul's Tome Page Ulrich McMannus
Fine Steel Dagger a hill giant
Fine Steel Great Staff
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Long Sword
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Morning Star
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Rapier a hill giant
Fine Steel Scimitar
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Short Sword
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Spear a hill giant
Fine Steel Two Handed Sword Ulrich McMannus
Fine Steel Warhammer
Multiple NPCs
Fire Beetle Carapace a fire beetle
Fire Beetle Eye a fire beetle
Fire Beetle Leg a fire beetle
Flame of Vox Ulrich McMannus
Fleshy Orb Lempeck Hargrin
Fleshy Orb Lempeck Hargrin
Forged Bastard Sword Einhorst McMannus
Giant Fire Beetle Brain a giant fire beetle
Giant Fire Beetle Carapace a giant fire beetle
Giant Fire Beetle Eye a giant fire beetle
Giant Fire Beetle Leg a giant fire beetle
Giant Snakespine Belt Chief Goonda
Giant Spider Egg Sack a giant spider
Giant Wood Spider Femur
Multiple NPCs
Giant Wood Spider Thorax
Multiple NPCs
Glove of Rallos Zek Chief Goonda
Glowing Bone Collar an ogre priestess
Gold Embossed Rune a werewolf
Gold Painted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Golden Bandit Tooth a bandit
Golden Earring a hill giant
Great Staff a treant
Greater Cat Tooth
Multiple NPCs
Greater Lightstone a willowisp
Grizzly Bear Skin a grizzly bear
Guard Bracelet
Multiple NPCs
Guard Bracelet Guard McCluskey
Handful of Pumpkin Seeds
Multiple NPCs
High Quality Bear Skin
Multiple NPCs
High Quality Cat Pelt
Multiple NPCs
High Quality Wolf Skin
Multiple NPCs
Hill Giant Toes a hill giant
Human Blood
Multiple NPCs
Human Heart Linaya Sowlin
Ice of Velious a werewolf
Iron Ration
Multiple NPCs
Jack-O-Lantern Fungus
Multiple NPCs
Jagged Diamond Dagger Renux Herkanor
Kunark 1 - 0
Jasper a hill giant
Koalindl Fish Frostbite
Lambent Stone a hill giant
Large Bag a farmer
Large Bronze Boots an ogre guard
Large Bronze Bracers an ogre guard
Large Bronze Breastplate an ogre guard
Large Bronze Collar an ogre guard
Large Bronze Gauntlets an ogre guard
Large Bronze Greaves an ogre guard
Large Bronze Helm an ogre guard
Large Bronze Mask an ogre guard
Large Bronze Pauldron an ogre guard
Large Bronze Vambraces an ogre guard
Large Cloth Cap a bandit
Large Cloth Cape a bandit
Large Cloth Choker a bandit
Large Cloth Cord a bandit
Large Cloth Gloves a bandit
Large Cloth Pants a bandit
Large Cloth Shirt a bandit
Large Cloth Sleeves a bandit
Large Splinted Bronze Cloak an ogre guard
Large Wooden Shield a bandit
Multiple NPCs
Lion Meat
Multiple NPCs
Lion Tail
Multiple NPCs
Live Enchanted Rat: Jar 1 Oobnopterbevny Biddilets
Live Enchanted Rat: Jar 2 Oobnopterbevny Biddilets
Live Enchanted Rat: Jar 3 Oobnopterbevny Biddilets
Loaf of Bread
Multiple NPCs
Lock of Scarecrow Straw
Multiple NPCs
Low Quality Bear Skin
Multiple NPCs
Low Quality Wolf Skin
Multiple NPCs
Lupine Runed Armband a werewolf
Main Gauche Vilnius the Small
Makeshift Binding Powder
Multiple NPCs
Mandolin Misty Storyswapper
Matted Greater Cat Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Mead Ulrich McMannus
Medium Quality Bear Skin
Multiple NPCs
Medium Quality Cat Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Medium Quality Wolf Skin
Multiple NPCs
Message in Thieves Cant Guard Gregor
Mist Wolf Pelt a mist wolf
Natural Marrow Mystik
Discord 7 - 0
Old Used Robe Maligar
Order of Thunder Kobot Dellin
Order of Thunder Kobot Dellin
Parrying Dagger a zombie yeoman
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 23 an animated scarecrow
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 23 an animated scarecrow
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24
Multiple NPCs
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24 an animated scarecrow
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 26
Multiple NPCs
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 26 a ghoul yeoman
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 30 an ogre guard
Peridot a hill giant
Pile of Wood a black wolf
Plains Roots Tukk
Platinum Embossed Rune Chief Goonda
Platinum Painted Rune Chief Goonda
Platinum Silvered Rune an ogre shaman
Pliant Loam
Multiple NPCs
Pumpkin Flesh
Multiple NPCs
Qeynos Kite Shield Guard Justyn
Rain Water Furball Miller
Rat Shaped Ring Brother Trintle
Multiple NPCs
Ravenscale Belt Renux Herkanor
Kunark 1 - 0
Ravenscale Cloak Renux Herkanor
Kunark 1 - 0
Ravenscale Mask Renux Herkanor
Kunark 1 - 0
Ravenscale Neckguard Renux Herkanor
Kunark 1 - 0
Ravenscale Shoulderpads Renux Herkanor
Kunark 1 - 0
Raw Crimson Nihilite Mystik
Discord 7 - 0
Raw-hide Belt Misty Storyswapper
Raw-hide Boots Misty Storyswapper
Raw-hide Cloak
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Gloves Misty Storyswapper
Raw-hide Gorget Misty Storyswapper
Raw-hide Leggings Misty Storyswapper
Raw-hide Mask Misty Storyswapper
Raw-hide Shoulderpads Misty Storyswapper
Raw-hide Skullcap Misty Storyswapper
Raw-hide Sleeves Misty Storyswapper
Raw-hide Tunic
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Wristbands Misty Storyswapper
Ruined Bear Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Ruined Cat Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Ruined Lion Skin
Multiple NPCs
Ruined Wolf Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Concussion a hill giant
Rune of Dismemberment
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Falhalem an animated scarecrow
Rune of Fulguration
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Fulguration Ulrich McMannus
Rune of Nagafen
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Periphery
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Proximity
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Regeneration Ulrich McMannus
Rune of Solusek Ro a hill giant
Rune of Substance an animated scarecrow
Rune of the One Eye Choon
Rune of the One Eye Froon
Rusty Battle Axe an animated scarecrow
Rusty Broad Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Dagger
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Dagger Tiny Miller
Rusty Halberd Ulrich McMannus
Rusty Knuckles an animated scarecrow
Rusty Long Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Mace
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Morning Star
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Rapier
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Scythe an animated scarecrow
Rusty Short Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Shortened Spear
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Spear
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Two Handed Sword an animated scarecrow
Rusty Warhammer
Multiple NPCs
Salty Loam
Multiple NPCs
Scale Ore Mystik
Discord 7 - 0
Seal of Mystik Mystik
Discord 7 - 0
Serpent Insignia Collar a werewolf
Shadow Wolf Paw
Multiple NPCs
Shadow Wolf Pelt a shadow wolf
Shadow Wolf Tibia a shadow wolf
Sheer Bone Mask
Multiple NPCs
Shimmering Black Pearl a hill giant
Short Ale
Multiple NPCs
Short Beer
Multiple NPCs
Short Sword Guard McCluskey
Shovel Furball Miller
Silvril Ore
Multiple NPCs
Simple Embossed Rune Chief Goonda
Sir Arlindo's Head Sir Arlindo Goldheart
Discord 7 - 0
Small Bag
Multiple NPCs
Small Box a farmer
Small Splinted Bronze Cloak
Multiple NPCs
Spider Legs
Multiple NPCs
Spider Silk a giant spider
Spider Venom Sac a giant spider
Spiderling Eye a spiderling
Spiderling Legs a spiderling
Spiderling Silk a spiderling
Splintering Club
Multiple NPCs
Star Rose Quartz a hill giant
Strategic Map of Kithicor Ghoul Messenger
Sullied Spinneret Fluid
Multiple NPCs
Sunshard Dust
Multiple NPCs
Swordfish Bill Junth McMannus
Tacky Spinneret Fluid a werewolf
Thick Grizzly Bear Skin a grizzly bear
Thick Spinneret Fluid
Multiple NPCs
Topaz a hill giant
Torch Brother Trintle
Translated Parchment Renux Herkanor
Kunark 1 - 0
Trochilic's Skean Renux Herkanor
Kunark 1 - 0
Turtleshell Helm Chief Goonda
Two Handed Sword Sir Arlindo Goldheart
Discord 7 - 0
Uncut Alexandrite Mystik
Discord 7 - 0
Velishoul's Tome Pg. 109 Ulrich McMannus
Velishoul's Tome Pg.43 Ulrich McMannus
Velishoul's Tome Pg.67 Chief Goonda
Velishoul's Tome Pg.68 Chief Goonda
Velishoul's Tome Pg.76 Ulrich McMannus
Velium Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Versluierd Fungus Mystik
Discord 7 - 0
Water Flask
Multiple NPCs
Wax Candle Brother Trintle
Werewolf Pelt a werewolf
Wolf Meat
Multiple NPCs
Wooden Shards a treant
Wooden Shield
Multiple NPCs
Words of Acquisition (Azia) Ulrich McMannus
Words of Cazic-Thule an ogre shaman
Words of Coercion Ulrich McMannus
Words of Derivation
Multiple NPCs
Words of Dissemination Ulrich McMannus
Words of Dissolution
Multiple NPCs
Words of Dominion a werewolf
Words of Duration a hill giant
Words of Eradication an animated scarecrow
Words of Haunting Ulrich McMannus
Words of Imitation an animated scarecrow
Words of Materials
Multiple NPCs
Words of Possession
Multiple NPCs
Words of Purification Ulrich McMannus
Words of Reviviscence
Multiple NPCs
Words of Sight Ulrich McMannus
Words of Spirit
Multiple NPCs
Words of the Element an animated scarecrow
Words of the Extinct a werewolf
Words of the Sentient (Azia)
Multiple NPCs
Words of the Suffering a hill giant
Words of Tyranny
Multiple NPCs
Worn Great Staff an animated scarecrow
Worn Weighted Gloves an animated scarecrow
Woven Spider Silk a giant spider
Wrist Pouch
Multiple NPCs
Young Plains Cat Scalp
Multiple NPCs
Young Puma Skin a young plains lioness
Zombie Skin a zombie yeoman
Name Coordinates Respawn Comment
Bale of Hay (-2320.0, -4234.0) 0.3 seconds Shakey's Stuffing
Bale of Hay (-2320.0, -4234.0) 0.3 seconds Shakey's Stuffing
Plains Pebble (100%)