Translated Parchment

Translated Parchment
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Weight: 0.1
Item Lore: Note from V'ghera

We are ready for you to move
into the next phase of the

I have read your thoughts on
the x'kanta Johann, and his
chosen tool, Stanos.
is a willing pawn, and will
serve us well, for greed is
yet another facet of
Innoruuk's power.

Stanos should also work out
well, he is quite formidable,
though I understand he does
not yet know he has been
chosen to actually carry out
the task.
Watch him well when
the time comes, but I agree
with your judgement.

Joren will be in Qeynos the
entire month, so you have
ample time to s'ktkar your
Enclosed are the tools
you will give to the Human

The blade is a gift from
Innoruuk himself, forged in
his temple and imbued with
Be sure to recover it
after the mission is complete,
it is much too powerful to
leave in the hands of those we
intend to il'kaash in the
Combined with Stanos'
skill, Joren and his guards
should fall easily.

The Guise has been handcrafted
my our Master Coercer and
should allow the wearer to
pass undetected as Koada'dal,
thus allowing the assassin to
gain entry into the
Ambassador's quarters.
Luckily, it shall be a Human
transforming himself into that
zm'rina form.

Be sure to eliminate all the
human x'kanda you have
recruited, and have no fear of
the repercussions, for the
Circle of Unseen Hands is no
threat to us here in Neriak.

I have spoken with your master
Tani N'mar and he assures me
that his group of x'kantar
will aid us if need be.