Old Delivered Book

Old Delivered Book
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Size: TINY
Weight: 0.1
Value: 2pp
Item Lore: An Old Delivered Book

As promised, I acquired the
information you wanted.
am hated in my own land now
and you will compensate me
for it.
The information is
as follows:

There are many poisons that do
not need to be made.
Examples are the Vial of
Rabid Froth and the Crook-
Stinger Poison.

To make poisons use the
mortar and pestle.

Before battle apply the
poison to a piercing weapon.

Poisons of the Desert

Regalis Poison
A Poison Vial
Urticating Hairs
Froglok Poison Gland

Asp Poison
A Poison Vial
Two Asp Poison Sacs
Lixt Wing Dust
Lined Poison Vial
Two Embalming Dusts

Poisons of the Snow

Crystal Eritus
Lined Poison Vial
Two Crystallized Marrows

Cyclan Butil
Lined Poison Vial
Two Cyclamine Corms
Snake Venom Sac

Sweet Lathyris
Lined Poison Vial
Two Ichors
Giant Wasp Venom Sac
Poisons of the Fire
Basilisk Poison
Lined Poison Vial
Two Basilisk Eyestalks

Putrid Desil
Lined Poison Vial
Two Putrid Biles

Festering Nettle
Lined Poison Vial
Two Ashroots

Now you will deliver to me
the map and the money I wish.
The price we decided on was
5pp. I now want 40pp.
If I do
not hear from you within two
days I will steal your herd.
If I do not hear from you in
three days I will burn your
If I do not hear
from you in four days I will
kill your family.
You will
You will wish not to.
Pay back your debt to me.

You will always owe me,
