Sorin's Treats on the Go

Sorin's Treats on the Go
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Size: TINY
Weight: 0.1
Value: 5gp
Item Lore: Sorin's Treats on the Go
Wolf Sandwich
Everyone likes a sandwich,
especially when it's cover-
ed with hair!
Not only
does the bread stick to
the roof of your mouth,
but the fine hairs get
stuck between your teeth
for added appeal!

Wolf Meat and Bread
Cooking Instructions:
Tenderly dump chunks of
hairy wolf meat onto a
slice of bread.
Top with
second slice of bread,
and serve.

Tastes great with:
Vegetable Soup and Ale
Bear Sandwich
This stringy, straggly
sandwich has a highly
robust flavor that con-
fuses your mouth so you
are never really sure if
you have finished
eating it.

Bear Meat and Bread
Cooking Instructions:
Pile long strings of bear
meat onto a slice of
bread, trying to keep
most of it from hanging
over the sides.
Top with
second slice of bread,
and serve.

Tastes great with:
Bug Bites and Ale
Mammoth Sandwich
Only a fool, or maybe an
ogre, would ever think of
eating an entire Mammoth
Sandwich by himself, but
legends of mighty men who
swallowed the beast still
put forth the challenge
to this day.

Mammoth Meat and Bread
Cooking Instructions:
Spread of several slices
of bread in a long line.
Hoist mammoth meat onto
Top with several
more slices of bread, and

Tastes great with:
Cookies and Ale
Entertainment while you
Muffins are a fun
and frivolous accompani-
ment to any dish.
toss them across the table
and watch them bounce onto
your plate.

Clump of Dough, Fruit,
1 Muffin Tin
Cooking Instructions:
Pour a clump of dough and
some fruit into muffin
Bake at extremely
low heat to allow batter
to gloss and become
Throw onto
plates and serve warm.

Tastes great with:
Beer Braised Rat and
Short Beer