Xectia's Hot Pie

Xectia's Hot Pie
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Size: TINY
Weight: 0.1
Value: 4gp
Item Lore: Xectia's Hot Pie

Quick Facts

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Bixie Crunchies
These tiny nuggets fizzle
and pop upon contact.
People who are constantly
found eating this deli-
cacy are nicknamed "Drool-
ing Fools" because of the
excessive foam dripping
from their mouths.

Bixie Parts and Frosting
Cooking Instructions:
Fire oven for low heat.
Smother bixie parts in
frosting and place in
Remove when
hardened and frosting

Tastes great with:
Hot-n-Spicy Toelings and
Rat Ear Turnovers
Also known as "Rat Splat
Pie", this crunchy and
nutty flavored pie is well
known among chefs for its
distinctive texture. Each
bite is packed with
crispy, crackling goodness.

Clump of Dough, Rat Ears,
1 Pie Tin
Cooking Instructions:
For crust, line the bottom
of a pie tin with a clump
of dough.
Combine rat
ears and spices and pour
onto the crust.
extra dough on top.
at low heat until golden.

Tastes great with:
Pickled Gator and
Bog Juice
Fruit Pie
Naturally sweet and
delicious, fruit pie is
fresh-picked goodness.
For a smoother texture,
try removing thorns.

Clump of Dough, Fruit,
Spices, 1 Pie Tin
Cooking Instructions:
For crust, line the bottom
of a pie tin with a clump
of dough.
Combine fruit
and spices and pour onto
the crust. Bake at medium
heat until bubbly, and
fruit juices splatter

Tastes great with:
Bear Steaks and Brandy
Sweet and hot is the only
way a cookie should be
If a baker deems
appropriate they can cut the
cookies into amusing shapes.

Clump of Dough, Spices,
Frosting, (cookie cutter)
Cooking Instructions:
Take and beat down the
clump of dough to a thin
Pull off cookie
sized segments or use the
cookie cutter.
Frost and
spice the cookies.
Set in
the oven at high heat.

Best Served With:
Everything and a Flask
of Water