How to Dye and Stain

How to Dye and Stain
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Weight: 1.0
Value: 1gp
Item Lore: How to Dye and Stain
Making Dyes:

Dyes are made from the
extracts of plants and other
organic material.

You must go out and collect
items from the environment to
make the colors you desire.

Some include: permafrost
crystals, evergreen leafs,
sarcoscypha fungus, russet
oxide, jack-o-lantern fungus,
iron oxide, and charcoal.

Once you have collected an
item, one who is skilled in
the art of alchemy or
poison making can extract the
colors. This is done by
combining it with a flask of
water and an empty vial.
This will create the extract.
From here you must purchase
resin, a medium clay jar and
combine it with the extract.
One, two, or three resins
combined will provide a
different shade of the color.
Note: Only one resin is needed
for russet and iron oxide.

Staining your Armor:

To apply your product to a
piece of fine steel plate, you
must forge the armor with
lacquer, the dye, and a jar of

Once this process is finished
you will not be able to
remove the stain from your