The Rathe Mountains

3100 3000 2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 -1000 -1100 -1200 -1300 -1400 -1500 -1600 -1700 -1800 -1900 -2000 -2100 -2200 -2300 -2400 -2500 -2600 -2700 -2800 -2900 -3000 -3100 -3200 -3300 -3400 -3500 6600 6500 6400 6300 6200 6100 6000 5900 5800 5700 5600 5500 5400 5300 5200 5100 5000 4900 4800 4700 4600 4500 4400 4300 4200 4100 4000 3900 3800 3700 3600 3500 3400 3300 3200 3100 3000 2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 -1000 -1100 -1200 -1300 -1400 -1500 -1600 -1700 -1800 -1900 -2000 -2100 -2200 -2300 -2400 -2500
X: 0, Y: 0
Quick Facts
Expansion: Default
Succor: Y: 3825.0, X: 1831.0
XP Modifier: 200%
All can Bind
Lake Rathetear Default
The Feerrott Default
Name Level Class HP MR CR FR DR PR Expansion
Dar Master Griblok 70 GM Warrior 5,600 27 27 27 27 27 Planes 4 - 0
Jin Master Sergug 70 GM Wizard 5,600 27 27 27 27 27 Planes 4 - 0
Kor Master Gloorg 70 GM Cleric 5,600 27 27 27 27 27 Planes 4 - 0
Leatherhide 11 Warrior 374 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Shin Master Grubbus 70 GM Paladin 5,600 27 27 27 27 27 Planes 4 - 0
Yun Master Arglug 70 GM Shaman 5,600 27 27 27 27 27 Planes 4 - 0
Abigail 28 Paladin 1,064 11 11 11 11 11 Default
Albain Tinderbrand 16 Druid 416 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Ankhefenmut 40 Enchanter 2,000 16 16 16 16 16 Default
Ankhesenaten 7 Warrior 119 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Ankhetperure 8 Warrior 144 3 3 3 3 3 Default
Ankhnesmerira 8 Warrior 144 3 3 3 3 3 Default
Anlut Heavenfall 66 Wizard 5,016 26 26 26 26 26 Default
an adult bleeder 4 Warrior 56 2 2 2 2 2 Default
an ebon drake 21 Warrior 651 8 8 8 8 8 Default
an obsidian drake 10 Warrior 200 4 4 4 4 4 Default
an onyx drake 9 Warrior 171 4 4 4 4 4 Default
an orc priest 13 Cleric 299 5 5 5 5 5 Default
an orc warrior 12 Warrior 264 5 5 5 5 5 Default
an unkempt fanatic 52 Druid 3,224 21 21 21 21 21 Default
a bandit 11 Rogue 231 5 5 5 5 5 Default
a barbed bone skeleton 26 Warrior 936 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a basalt drake 26 Warrior 936 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a basilisk 17 Warrior 459 7 7 7 7 7 Default
a black bear 7 Warrior 119 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a brigand 14 Warrior 336 6 6 6 6 6 Default
a brown bear 3 Warrior 39 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a cyclops 28 Warrior 1,064 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a decaying skeleton 1 Warrior 11 1 1 1 1 1 Default
a drake 26 Warrior 936 10 10 10 10 10 Kunark 1 - 0
a fire beetle 2 Warrior 24 1 1 1 1 1 Default
a Frostfell Goblin 1 Warrior 11 0 0 0 0 0 Prophecy 11 - 0
a giant moccasin 5 Warrior 75 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a giant skeleton 25 Warrior 875 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a giant skeleton 30 Warrior 1,200 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a grizzly bear 9 Warrior 171 4 4 4 4 4 Default
a hill giant 33 Warrior 2,980 13 13 13 13 13 Default
a kodiak bear 14 Warrior 336 6 6 6 6 6 Default
a lizardman healer 14 Shaman 336 6 6 6 6 6 Default
a lizardman mystic 9 Shaman 171 4 4 4 4 4 Default
a lizardman robber 15 Warrior 375 6 6 6 6 6 Default
a lizardman robber 17 Warrior 459 7 7 7 7 7 Default
a lizardman warrior 7 Warrior 119 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a skeletal monk 23 Monk 759 9 9 9 9 9 Default
a skeleton 6 Warrior 96 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a tough skinned larvae 6 Warrior 96 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a zombie 9 Warrior 171 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Bindlegrob 25 Necromancer 875 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Blackwing 35 Warrior 1,575 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Blinde the Cutpurse 20 Rogue 600 8 8 8 8 8 Default
Bok Master Thragnog 70 GM Shadow Knight 5,600 27 27 27 27 27 Default
Brill 10 Warrior 200 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Broog Bloodbeard 46 Warrior 9,308 150 100 100 75 75 Default
Brother Zephyl 61 Warrior 40,000 500 500 500 500 500 Kunark 1 - 0
Bunk Odon 13 Warrior 299 5 5 5 5 5 Default
Cathendra Bo 50 Warrior 3,000 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Chandra Kali 35 Shopkeeper 1,675 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Chizzlik 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 16 16 16 16 16 Default
Colgon Dursaar 50 Warrior 3,000 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Cynthia 30 Wizard 1,200 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Darfumpel Zirubbel 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 16 16 16 16 16 Default
David 26 Paladin 936 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Delila 10 Warrior 200 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Drayen Blackguard 50 Rogue 9,000 20 20 20 20 20 Ykesha 5 - 0
dry bone skeleton 17 Warrior 459 7 7 7 7 7 Default
Echo of the Past 51 Warrior 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Elisabeth 20 Paladin 600 8 8 8 8 8 Default
Fandl Arathin 11 Warrior 231 5 5 5 5 5 Default
Findlegrob 25 Necromancer 875 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Fipnoc Birribit 65 Shaman 4,875 26 26 26 26 26 Default
Fireworks Engineer Fabdabus 1 Warrior 11 0 0 0 0 0 Prophecy 11 - 0
Gaz Commander Faltip 60 Warrior 4,200 24 24 24 24 24 Default
Gaz Master Shargnol 70 GM Rogue 5,600 27 27 27 27 27 Default
Glaron the Wicked 32 Shadow Knight 1,344 13 13 13 13 13 Kunark 1 - 0
Goaad Mistigone 50 Warrior 3,000 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Grazhak the Berzerker 30 Berserker 1,200 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Guard Carnita 15 Warrior 375 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Guard Dykalin 21 Ranger 651 8 8 8 8 8 Default
Guard Fernaldo 15 Warrior 375 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Guard Gruilka 35 Shaman 2,200 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Guard Shiznak 35 Shadow Knight 2,200 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Guzzla 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 16 16 16 16 16 Default
Gwynn Marthank 11 Ranger 231 5 5 5 5 5 Default
Hargar the Velium Chef 1 Warrior 11 0 0 0 0 0 Prophecy 11 - 0
Hasten Bootstrutter 40 Rogue 2,000 16 16 16 16 16 Kunark 1 - 0
High Seer Flogk 70 Warrior 5,600 27 27 27 27 27 Default
Hogus Durmas 12 Warrior 264 5 5 5 5 5 Default
ice bone skeleton 13 Warrior 299 5 5 5 5 5 Default
Initiate Xabbis 11 Wizard 231 5 5 5 5 5 Default
Innkeep Serge 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Innkeep Troy 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Jars Legola 11 Warrior 231 5 5 5 5 5 Default
Jyle Windstorm 8 Warrior 144 3 3 3 3 3 Default
Karam Dragonforge 45 Shopkeeper 5,875 18 18 18 18 18 Default
Kathryn 10 Warrior 200 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Kazzel D`Leryt 50 Necromancer 3,000 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Kedryll Tindle 10 Warrior 200 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Kindra Farseer 30 Enchanter 1,200 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Kor Master Ralg 70 GM Cleric 5,600 27 27 27 27 27 Default
Kor Trainer Galdok 61 GM Cleric 32,000 24 24 24 24 24 Default
Lianna Ferasa 10 Shopkeeper 200 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Loancal Joonan 50 Warrior 3,000 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Lysandra 10 Warrior 200 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Maldyn the Unkempt 33 Ranger 1,800 13 13 13 13 13 Kunark 1 - 0
Marianna 26 Paladin 936 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Master Scribe Uklo 65 GM Wizard 4,875 26 26 26 26 26 Default
Meelana 10 Warrior 200 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Meridith Tindle 10 Warrior 200 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Mortificator Syythrak 38 Shaman 2,000 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Nancine 14 Paladin 336 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Nemeen Pekasr 65 Ranger 32,000 26 26 26 26 26 Default
Nicholas 21 Paladin 651 8 8 8 8 8 Default
Nola Thistleborn 15 Druid 375 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Oculys Ogrefiend 44 Warrior 6,000 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Peltin Funter 13 Warrior 299 5 5 5 5 5 Default
Petrifin 40 Warrior 2,500 7 7 7 7 7 Default
Philicia Drinn 16 Shopkeeper 416 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Quid Rilstone 34 Paladin 1,644 13 13 13 13 13 Default
Rell Ostodl 14 Ranger 336 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Rharzar 55 Cleric 13,750 360 22 22 22 22 Default
Roshmael 35 Shopkeeper 1,675 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Sentry Joanna 22 Paladin 704 9 9 9 9 9 Default
Shardwing 40 - 42 Warrior 1,975 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Sheldon 10 Warrior 200 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Sindlegrob 25 Necromancer 875 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Sir Edwin Motte 33 Paladin 1,419 13 13 13 13 13 Default
Sugal the Fist 70 Warrior 5,600 27 27 27 27 27 Default
Susanna 35 Shopkeeper 1,675 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Sven Drinn 21 Shopkeeper 651 8 8 8 8 8 Default
Sylp Tyanathin 13 Warrior 299 5 5 5 5 5 Default
Tabien the Goodly 32 Paladin 1,344 13 13 13 13 13 Kunark 1 - 0
tainted hill giant 37 Warrior 1,739 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Tal Godin 14 Warrior 336 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Tann Cellus 13 Ranger 299 5 5 5 5 5 Default
Tarikh Korula 35 Shopkeeper 1,675 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Tarskuk 33 Warrior 1,450 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Tholia Fastbond 50 Druid 14,000 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Thomas 61 GM Paladin 32,000 24 24 24 24 24 Default
Tibrinn Ember 45 Druid 8,475 18 18 18 18 18 Default
Tomas 18 Paladin 504 7 7 7 7 7 Default
Ukla 40 Shopkeeper 3,250 16 16 16 16 16 Default
Unkempt preserver 28 Druid 1,064 11 11 11 11 11 Default
unkempt preserver 28 Druid 1,064 11 11 11 11 11 Default
Viira Bali 35 Shopkeeper 1,675 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Xenyari Lisariel 40 Druid 2,000 16 16 16 16 16 Default
Zazamaharet 9 Warrior 171 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Zazamenhu 8 Warrior 144 3 3 3 3 3 Default
Zazamoukh 40 Enchanter 2,000 16 16 16 16 16 Default
Zazaphenebti 8 Warrior 144 3 3 3 3 3 Default
Zepin Winsle 9 Ranger 171 4 4 4 4 4 Default
Zol Master Malgorn 70 GM Necromancer 5,600 27 27 27 27 27 Default
Coordinates (Y, X, Z) NPCs Respawn
(-1686.709961, 5.68, 3.3) an onyx drake (50%)
a basalt drake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3060.0, 1275.0, 128.1) Blinde the Cutpurse (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2870.0, -1905.0, 2.4) Glaron the Wicked (50%)
2 hours
(-674.933105, 1977.549683, 6.7) Leatherhide (50%)
13 hours, 53 minutes and 20 seconds
(-24.209148, -2102.991211, 25.6) a drake (50%)
Brother Zephyl (50%)
Hasten Bootstrutter (75%)
Maldyn the Unkempt (50%)
6 minutes
(-114.375, -679.5, -6.9) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-67.5, 1418.75, 106.9) a giant moccasin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(5016.375, 1476.625, 126.0) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4661.375, 1259.875, -16.5) a kodiak bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-277.25, -160.5, -2.5) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2677.875, -937.875, 91.1) a decaying skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2770.0, -1976.0, 6.2) a basilisk (50%)
Petrifin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3079.0, 1256.0, 130.0) a bandit (50%)
a brigand (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1682.0, 1492.0, 132.4) 10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3158.0, 1517.0, 130.2) a cyclops (50%)
a giant skeleton (50%)
a giant skeleton (50%)
Oculys Ogrefiend (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2787.0, -1613.0, 7.8) a cyclops (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1370.0, 1485.0, 8.5) a decaying skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3943.0, -1366.0, 2.9) Bunk Odon (50%)
Fandl Arathin (50%)
Gwynn Marthank (50%)
Hogus Durmas (50%)
Jars Legola (50%)
Jyle Windstorm (50%)
Peltin Funter (50%)
Rell Ostodl (50%)
Sir Edwin Motte (50%)
Sylp Tyanathin (50%)
Tal Godin (50%)
Tann Cellus (50%)
Zepin Winsle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3028.0, 1310.0, 128.4) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3251.0, -1461.0, 116.6) an orc warrior (50%)
an orc warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(125.0, 1225.0, 125.1) Guard Carnita (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3293.0, -1441.0, 116.5) an orc warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3310.0, -1383.0, 118.2) an orc warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2490.5, -954.0, -1.1) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1495.0, 232.0, 1.9) Ankhnesmerira (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1555.0, 1724.875, 8.4) Guard Shiznak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-783.0, -1556.0, 2.1) a skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2869.0, 1279.0, 124.0) a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
a bandit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3070.0, -763.0, 111.6) Nicholas (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2890.0, -840.0, 117.5) Marianna (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-782.0, -1615.0, 3.1) ice bone skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1976.0, 422.0, -0.1) Kor Trainer Galdok (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1930.0, 297.0, 1.2) Anlut Heavenfall (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1916.0, 266.0, 5.9) Sugal the Fist (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1573.0, -255.0, 45.0) Gaz Commander Faltip (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1937.0, 453.0, 0.9) Master Scribe Uklo (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1146.0, 217.0, 0.4) High Seer Flogk (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1883.0, 2140.0, 0.9) Kor Master Ralg (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1751.0, 2145.0, 2.0) Bok Master Thragnog (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1748.0, 2103.0, 1.2) Gaz Master Shargnol (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2058.0, 1958.0, 0.9) Zol Master Malgorn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1620.0, 259.0, -0.5) Jin Master Sergug (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1689.0, 445.0, 0.1) Yun Master Arglug (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1664.0, 352.0, 0.6) Shin Master Grubbus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1718.0, 327.0, -0.5) Kor Master Gloorg (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1648.0, 358.0, 0.5) Dar Master Griblok (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1686.0, -986.0, -2.2) Cathendra Bo (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(984.0, -1849.0, 2.0) Loancal Joonan (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3875.0, 1272.0, 2.8) Goaad Mistigone (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4391.0, 893.0, 5.2) Colgon Dursaar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(5177.0, 1897.0, 130.2) Tholia Fastbond (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(5251.0, 1637.0, 129.5) Tibrinn Ember (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-47.0, -716.0, 1.9) a lizardman healer (50%)
a lizardman robber (50%)
a lizardman robber (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3968.0, -1282.0, 2.0) Guard Dykalin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1760.875, 1288.0, 0.4) Guzzla (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1731.875, 1289.0, 0.4) Ukla (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1719.0, 1310.0, 3.4) Chizzlik (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2813.0, 2394.0, 15.9) Zazamaharet (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2895.0, 2337.0, 47.4) Zazamenhu (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2894.0, 2476.0, 45.1) Zazaphenebti (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2407.0, 2278.0, 22.1) a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2502.0, 2210.0, 2.1) a lizardman warrior (50%)
a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1644.0, -875.0, 2.0) Viira Bali (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1592.0, -888.0, 2.8) Roshmael (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1634.0, -916.0, 3.5) Kindra Farseer (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4002.0, -1359.0, 3.0) Philicia Drinn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3992.0, -1383.0, 3.0) Sven Drinn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4061.0, -1298.0, 3.5) Brill (50%)
Lysandra (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3879.0, -1303.0, 2.8) Kedryll Tindle (50%)
Meridith Tindle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1838.802368, 1180.461914, 127.8) Zazamoukh (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3476.0, -3304.0, 28.8) Ankhefenmut (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2971.0, -823.0, 117.6) David (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2912.875, -762.0, 118.8) Elisabeth (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2996.875, -883.0, 117.2) Nancine (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2971.0, -762.0, 118.5) Sentry Joanna (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2829.875, -825.0, 117.4) Tomas (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2908.0, -769.0, 119.0) Susanna (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-705.0, -1624.0, 8.0) dry bone skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-867.0, -1532.0, 10.8) ice bone skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-829.0, -1574.0, 13.1) a giant skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-795.0, -1627.0, 4.0) a barbed bone skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-819.0, -1608.0, 2.1) a zombie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-794.0, -1658.0, 2.8) a skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-448.0, -2237.0, 1.0) a zombie (50%)
a zombie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-502.0, -2304.0, 7.5) dry bone skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-488.0, -2253.0, 1.0) a zombie (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-445.0, -2326.0, 9.6) ice bone skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-477.0, -2284.0, 2.8) Sindlegrob (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-982.0, -791.0, 0.5) an orc warrior (50%)
an orc warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-946.0, -551.0, 7.6) an orc priest (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-951.0, -698.0, 6.1) an orc priest (50%)
an orc warrior (50%)
an orc warrior (50%)
an orc warrior (50%)
an orc warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-915.0, -747.0, 2.4) an orc warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-540.875, -1324.0, 14.4) a lizardman robber (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-471.0, -825.0, 79.0) a lizardman robber (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-400.0, -664.0, 31.8) a lizardman robber (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-379.0, -1133.0, 69.8) a lizardman robber (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1729.0, 383.0, 41.5) Ankhesenaten (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1491.0, 93.0, 11.1) Ankhetperure (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4283.0, 842.0, 6.0) Innkeep Troy (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4294.0, 831.0, 6.0) Innkeep Serge (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4243.0, 847.0, 6.0) Meelana (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4342.0, 844.0, 6.0) Delila (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4198.0, 1057.0, 3.8) Kathryn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4182.0, 1024.0, 2.8) Sheldon (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(6254.0, 2301.0, 8.5) an orc warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(6323.0, 2356.0, 10.2) an orc warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(6338.0, 2303.0, 5.8) an orc warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(6349.0, 2269.0, 3.1) an orc priest (50%)
Grazhak the Berzerker (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(6371.0, 2324.0, 5.5) an orc priest (50%)
Grazhak the Berzerker (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3974.0, 1422.0, 1.6) Tarikh Korula (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3922.0, 1390.0, 2.0) Chandra Kali (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3989.0, 1477.0, 2.4) Lianna Ferasa (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2015.0, 711.0, 14.9) ice bone skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2045.0, 748.0, 5.2) a skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2071.0, 789.0, 2.6) dry bone skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2023.0, 790.0, 8.8) a skeletal monk (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2008.0, 742.0, 6.1) Findlegrob (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(5296.0, 1775.0, 127.6) Nola Thistleborn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(5056.0, 1808.0, 131.5) Albain Tinderbrand (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3960.0, 1427.0, 2.0) Cynthia (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4109.0, 918.0, 2.4) Karam Dragonforge (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4093.0, 896.0, 1.8) Darfumpel Zirubbel (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2.0, -1006.0, 7.5) a lizardman robber (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(27.0, -1062.0, 16.8) a lizardman robber (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(40.0, -971.0, 37.5) a lizardman robber (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(46.0, -1079.0, 38.8) a lizardman healer (50%)
a lizardman healer (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(67.0, -1009.0, 22.2) a lizardman robber (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3997.0, 1380.0, 0.8) Nemeen Pekasr (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1218.0, 390.0, 0.8) Fipnoc Birribit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(6325.0, 1570.0, 4.0) Tabien the Goodly (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1779.0, 1207.0, 136.0) a decaying skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1767.0, 1863.0, 8.4) a decaying skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1623.0, 997.0, 105.0) a decaying skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3667.0, 2031.875, 23.5) a grizzly bear (50%)
a grizzly bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2146.0, -1094.0, -10.1) a decaying skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3341.0, -1703.875, 115.5) a lizardman warrior (50%)
a lizardman warrior (50%)
a lizardman warrior (50%)
a lizardman warrior (50%)
Quid Rilstone (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1626.75, 210.875, 1.0) a grizzly bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2254.0, -1308.875, 12.8) a brown bear (50%)
a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3275.0, 1807.0, 17.6) a grizzly bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-297.875, 1104.0, 14.2) a giant moccasin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-327.875, 781.0, 5.1) a giant moccasin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2648.0, -1785.875, -0.4) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2777.0, 1211.0, 129.9) a cyclops (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a giant skeleton (50%)
a giant skeleton (50%)
Oculys Ogrefiend (50%)
Tarskuk (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3549.875, 1962.875, -26.6) a kodiak bear (50%)
a kodiak bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-532.875, -1949.875, 13.1) a lizardman warrior (50%)
a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-296.875, -1098.0, 30.6) a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-252.875, -859.875, 2.1) a lizardman warrior (50%)
a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-513.125, -743.875, 64.5) a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-359.0, -1062.0, 82.1) an orc priest (50%)
an orc priest (50%)
Grazhak the Berzerker (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(163.75, 1875.375, 132.4) a giant moccasin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(735.0, 154.75, -11.0) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2623.875, -1826.875, -1.1) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2849.875, -1503.0, 1.1) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2331.125, -1058.625, -24.1) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2317.0, -748.0, 1.0) a decaying skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2623.0, 755.875, 4.2) a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2133.0, -959.0, 11.5) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1922.875, 2270.875, 7.1) an obsidian drake (50%)
an obsidian drake (50%)
Rharzar (50%)
Shardwing (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-337.0, -1167.0, 12.9) a lizardman mystic (50%)
a lizardman mystic (50%)
Mortificator Syythrak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3435.875, 1450.875, 80.8) a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-627.875, -944.875, 86.0) a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1251.0, 1840.0, 2.6) an obsidian drake (50%)
Rharzar (50%)
Shardwing (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1646.875, 1442.0, 4.5) an onyx drake (50%)
an onyx drake (50%)
Rharzar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2920.5, 1157.375, 119.6) Drayen Blackguard (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(5037.0, 1289.0, 46.0) an unkempt fanatic (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(5691.875, 1662.0, 109.1) a black bear (50%)
a black bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1738.0, 2363.875, 5.9) a basilisk (50%)
Petrifin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(5499.875, 1605.875, 133.5) a kodiak bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4575.0, 1452.0, 4.8) a kodiak bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(5021.0, 2227.875, -7.2) unkempt preserver (50%)
Unkempt preserver (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(5399.875, 1443.0, 123.4) a black bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4871.0, 1095.875, 9.2) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(5076.875, 1430.875, 127.9) a kodiak bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4602.0, 1126.0, 0.2) a brown bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(4513.0, 1379.0, -8.0) a black bear (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3435.0, 2037.875, -5.0) a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3286.875, 1047.0, 31.5) a cyclops (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a giant skeleton (50%)
Oculys Ogrefiend (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3309.875, 990.0, 7.2) a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2411.0, 809.0, 33.1) a giant skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2966.875, 1051.0, 109.5) a giant skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2549.0, 1076.875, 62.1) a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3006.875, 973.875, 71.2) a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1311.0, 1740.0, 5.9) an ebon drake (50%)
Rharzar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1491.0, 2340.875, 28.6) an ebon drake (16%)
an obsidian drake (16%)
an onyx drake (17%)
Blackwing (17%)
Rharzar (17%)
Shardwing (17%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1400.0, 1363.0, 6.0) an obsidian drake (50%)
Rharzar (50%)
Shardwing (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1929.875, 2094.875, 29.2) a basalt drake (50%)
Rharzar (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-447.5, -748.375, 74.1) a lizardman mystic (50%)
Mortificator Syythrak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-305.375, -1092.375, 43.0) a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-229.125, -956.5, 14.5) a lizardman mystic (50%)
Mortificator Syythrak (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2716.0, -920.0, 103.9) a fire beetle (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3029.875, -892.0, 119.6) a decaying skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1937.5, -1202.25, 5.1) Thomas (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1937.375, -1202.375, 5.1) Abigail (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(5298.875, 1765.0, 127.5) Xenyari Lisariel (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-633.875, -1560.875, 20.0) Kazzel D`Leryt (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-95.25, -694.0, -0.9) a basilisk (50%)
Petrifin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2552.5, -923.875, 6.5) a skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-535.625, -819.875, 58.2) a lizardman warrior (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(96.25, 702.375, 77.9) a tough skinned larvae (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-358.375, -1020.75, 91.9) a basilisk (50%)
Petrifin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(663.875, 2061.875, 30.4) an adult bleeder (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-319.875, 1971.875, 14.0) a giant moccasin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-590.875, -399.0, 46.5) a basilisk (50%)
Petrifin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-11.625, -1649.0, 116.8) a lizardman healer (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3059.875, -1013.0, 116.9) a decaying skeleton (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3557.875, -1904.875, 13.1) a cyclops (50%)
a giant skeleton (50%)
a hill giant (50%)
a hill giant (50%)
a hill giant (50%)
Broog Bloodbeard (50%)
tainted hill giant (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3535.875, -1902.875, 1.4) a lizardman mystic (50%)
Mortificator Syythrak (50%)
Quid Rilstone (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3031.0, -1654.875, 36.9) a lizardman warrior (50%)
Quid Rilstone (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2930.875, -1447.875, 26.4) a cyclops (50%)
a giant skeleton (50%)
a hill giant (50%)
Broog Bloodbeard (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(2810.0, -1428.0, 12.2) a cyclops (50%)
a giant skeleton (50%)
a giant skeleton (50%)
a hill giant (50%)
Broog Bloodbeard (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(136.0, 1199.0, 126.1) Guard Fernaldo (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-534.0, -1919.0, 18.0) Initiate Xabbis (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1541.0, 1811.0, 16.0) Guard Gruilka (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-456.0, -2304.0, 5.2) Bindlegrob (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-746.0, -1587.0, 4.8) Ytyrs the Reborn (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1209.0, 242.0, 3.2) 10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1191.0, 391.0, -0.2) a Frostfell Goblin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1252.0, 264.0, 0.0) Hargar the Velium Chef (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1135.0, 237.0, -0.8) Fireworks Engineer Fabdabus (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(5130.0, 1700.0, 132.0) 20 minutes
(3776.0, 2125.0, 3.0) 10 minutes
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Trigger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(3258.0, -1225.0, 120.0) a drake (50%)
Brother Zephyl (50%)
Hasten Bootstrutter (75%)
Maldyn the Unkempt (50%)
6 minutes
(3826.072754, 1857.28479, 27.9) Echo of the Past (100%)
20 minutes
(-1944.099976, 687.599976, 76.4) a drake (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(672.0, 1738.0, 42.5) a giant skeleton (50%)
a hill giant (50%)
Broog Bloodbeard (50%)
tainted hill giant (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
Item Name Dropped By
Aderirse Bur a skeletal monk
Alkaline Loam
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Ancient Rock a giant skeleton
Axe of the Slayers Grazhak the Berzerker
Azure Idol of Karana Drayen Blackguard
Ykesha 5 - 0
Bandit Sash a bandit
Barbed Bone Chips a barbed bone skeleton
Basalt Drake Scales
Multiple NPCs
Basilisk Parts a basilisk
Basilisk Tongue a basilisk
Bear Meat
Multiple NPCs
Bear Parts
Multiple NPCs
Black Headband Brother Zephyl
Bleeder Carapace an adult bleeder
Bleeder Wing an adult bleeder
Bleeder's Poison Sack an adult bleeder
Bloodblack Wand a giant skeleton
Multiple NPCs
Bloodstone Ring
Multiple NPCs
Bonded Loam Brother Zephyl
Kunark 1 - 0
Bone Barbs a barbed bone skeleton
Bone Chips
Multiple NPCs
Broken Bow Part A Maldyn the Unkempt
Bronze Bastard Sword Nicholas
Bronze Battle Axe
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Broad Sword Glaron the Wicked
Kunark 1 - 0
Bronze Dagger
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Knuckles
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Long Sword
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Mace
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Main Gauche
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Rapier
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Short Sword
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Shortened Spear
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Spear
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Two Handed Sword
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Warhammer Tibrinn Ember
Multiple NPCs
Chunk of Meat
Multiple NPCs
Chunk of Mosquito Meat an adult bleeder
Cloth Cap
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Cord a zombie
Cloth Gloves a zombie
Cloth Pants Blinde the Cutpurse
Cloth Sleeves a zombie
Cloth Veil a zombie
Coarse Silk
Multiple NPCs
Complex Embossed Rune an ebon drake
Complex Etched Rune a basilisk
Complex Gold Gem Dusted Rune Kazzel D`Leryt
Complex Platinum Etched Rune an ebon drake
Complex Platinum Silvered Rune a cyclops
Complex Velium Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Complex Velium Silvered Rune
Multiple NPCs
Consigned Bite of the Shissar I
Multiple NPCs
Consigned Bite of the Shissar II Nicholas
Consigned Bite of the Shissar III Marianna
Consigned Bite of the Shissar IV Glaron the Wicked
Kunark 1 - 0
Cracked Aquamarine a giant moccasin
Cracked Giant Scarab Carapace
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Skeleton Skull a skeleton
Cracked Staff
Multiple NPCs
Crude Binding Powder
Multiple NPCs
Crude Spinneret Fluid Hasten Bootstrutter
Kunark 1 - 0
Crystallized Marrow ice bone skeleton
Crystallized Sulfur
Multiple NPCs
Cyclops Charm Tarskuk
Cyclops Eye
Multiple NPCs
Cyclops Toes
Multiple NPCs
Damp Marrow
Multiple NPCs
Dark Totems
Multiple NPCs
Desiccated Marrow
Multiple NPCs
Drake Spine Rharzar
Dry Eye Weed a zombie
Dry Marrow
Multiple NPCs
Dull Bone Chips a skeletal monk
Dusty Marrow
Multiple NPCs
Dwarf Meat
Multiple NPCs
Ebon Drake Backbone an ebon drake
Ebon Drake Bile an ebon drake
Ebon Drake Wing an ebon drake
Embalming Dust a zombie
Multiple NPCs
Emerald Ring
Multiple NPCs
Envy Glaron the Wicked
Kunark 1 - 0
Exquisite Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Etched Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Gold Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Platinum Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Platinum Etched Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Platinum Silvered Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Velium Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Velium Gilded Rune
Multiple NPCs
Eye of Petrifin Petrifin
Eye of Serilis a cyclops
Faded Salil's Writ Page
Multiple NPCs
Faded Salil's Writ Page
Multiple NPCs
Faded Velishoul's Tome Page a cyclops
Faded Velishoul's Tome Page
Multiple NPCs
Fine Spinneret Fluid Brother Zephyl
Fine Steel Great Staff
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Long Sword
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Morning Star
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Rapier
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Scimitar
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Short Sword
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Spear
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Two Handed Sword
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Warhammer
Multiple NPCs
Fire Beetle Eye a fire beetle
Fire Beetle Leg a fire beetle
Fire Emerald
Multiple NPCs
Fire Opal
Multiple NPCs
Flame Agate
Multiple NPCs
Flame of Vox a cyclops
Flawless Aquamarine a cyclops
Foot of Candlestick
Multiple NPCs
Fused Loam Brother Zephyl
Giant Moccasin Eye a giant moccasin
Giant Moccasin Fang a giant moccasin
Giant Mosquito Wings an adult bleeder
Giant Scarab Egg Sack
Multiple NPCs
Giant Scarab Eye
Multiple NPCs
Giant Scarab Legs
Multiple NPCs
Giant Snake Fang
Multiple NPCs
Giant Snake Rattle a giant moccasin
Glove of Rallos Zek a cyclops
Gnome Meat
Multiple NPCs
Gold Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Gold Etched Rune
Multiple NPCs
Gold Painted Rune a giant skeleton
Gold Ring
Multiple NPCs
Golden Bandit Tooth a bandit
Golden Earring
Multiple NPCs
Golden Pendant
Multiple NPCs
Granite Bracer Petrifin
Grave Mold a skeletal monk
Gray Sr Apprentice Robe Kazzel D`Leryt
Grizzly Bear Skin
Multiple NPCs
Head of Sir Edwin Motte Sir Edwin Motte
Hematite an ebon drake
Hemic Marrow Brother Zephyl
High Elf Parts
Multiple NPCs
High Quality Bear Skin
Multiple NPCs
Hill Giant Toes
Multiple NPCs
Human Blood
Multiple NPCs
Human Parts Gwynn Marthank
Hunting Bow
Multiple NPCs
Ice of Velious
Multiple NPCs
Ingot of Sacrament a giant skeleton
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Jade Earring
Multiple NPCs
Jade Ring
Multiple NPCs
Jade Shard
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Lambent Stone
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Cap
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Cape
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Choker
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Cord
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Gloves
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Pants
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Sandals
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Shawl
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Shirt
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Sleeves
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Veil
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Wristband
Multiple NPCs
Large Raw-hide Belt a lizardman warrior
Large Raw-hide Boots a lizardman warrior
Large Raw-hide Cloak a lizardman warrior
Large Raw-hide Gloves a lizardman warrior
Large Raw-hide Gorget a lizardman warrior
Large Raw-hide Leggings a lizardman warrior
Large Raw-hide Mask a lizardman warrior
Large Raw-hide Shoulderpads a lizardman warrior
Large Raw-hide Skullcap a lizardman warrior
Large Raw-hide Sleeves a lizardman warrior
Large Raw-hide Tunic a lizardman warrior
Large Raw-hide Wristbands a lizardman warrior
Large Ringmail Belt Guard Shiznak
Large Ringmail Boots Guard Gruilka
Larval Carapace a tough skinned larvae
Leather Belt
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Lizard Meat
Multiple NPCs
Lizard Tail
Multiple NPCs
Low Quality Bear Skin
Multiple NPCs
Makeshift Binding Powder
Multiple NPCs
Malleable Bleeder Skin an adult bleeder
Malleable Loam Hasten Bootstrutter
Man-o-War Quid Rilstone
Marr's Promise Tabien the Goodly
Kunark 1 - 0
Medium Quality Bear Skin
Multiple NPCs
Mithril Amulet a skeletal monk
Mithril Earring
Multiple NPCs
Mithril Plated Girth Grazhak the Berzerker
Moccasin Poison a giant moccasin
Modest Binding Powder
Multiple NPCs
Moist Marrow Hasten Bootstrutter
Kunark 1 - 0
Mortificator Staff Mortificator Syythrak
Mosquito Carcass an adult bleeder
Mosquito Eye an adult bleeder
Mystic Doll
Multiple NPCs
Obsidian Drake Wing
Multiple NPCs
Ogre Hair Mats
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Onyx Drake Gut Blackwing
Onyx Drakescale Cloak Shardwing
Multiple NPCs
Opal Bracelet a skeletal monk
Parrying Dagger a zombie
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24 a basilisk
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24
Multiple NPCs
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 26 a basilisk
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 30 an ebon drake
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390
Multiple NPCs
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Pearl Earring a cyclops
Pearl Necklace
Multiple NPCs
Pearl Ring a cyclops
Pearl Shard
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Platinum Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Platinum Painted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Platinum Silvered Rune
Multiple NPCs
Pliant Loam
Multiple NPCs
Pristine Bleeder Skin an adult bleeder
Pristine Giant Scarab Carapace
Multiple NPCs
Pristine Moccasin Scales a giant moccasin
Multiple NPCs
Raw Amber Nihilite a skeletal monk
Raw Crimson Nihilite a skeletal monk
Raw Shimmering Nihilite a skeletal monk
Raw-hide Belt
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Boots
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Cloak
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Gloves
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Gorget
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Leggings
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Mask
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Shoulderpads
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Skullcap
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Sleeves
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Tunic
Multiple NPCs
Raw-hide Wristbands
Multiple NPCs
Ringmail Bracelet Sir Edwin Motte
Ringmail Cape Sir Edwin Motte
Robe of the Lost Circle Brother Zephyl
Kunark 1 - 0
Rotting Zombie Skull a zombie
Round Shield a zombie
Ruined Bear Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Al'Kabor
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Arrest
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Attraction
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Banding
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Clay Bindlegrob
Rune of Clay Findlegrob
Rune of Clay Sindlegrob
Rune of Concussion
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Consumption
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Contortion
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Disassociation
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Dismemberment a cyclops
Rune of Embrace Ankhefenmut
Rune of Expulsion
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Fulguration a cyclops
Rune of Fulguration a kodiak bear
Rune of Howling
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Karana
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Nagafen a basilisk
Rune of Periphery
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Petrification a cyclops
Rune of Presence
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Regeneration a cyclops
Rune of Solusek Ro
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Sorcery
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Substance a basilisk
Rune of the Catalyst
Multiple NPCs
Rune of the Combine a cyclops
Rune of the Cyclone
Multiple NPCs
Rune of the Helix a cyclops
Rune of Trauma
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Velious an ebon drake
Rune of Xegony
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Axe
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Bastard Sword a zombie
Rusty Battle Axe
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Broad Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Dagger a zombie
Rusty Dagger a zombie
Rusty Knuckles
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Long Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Mace
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Morning Star
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Rapier
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Scimitar
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Scythe
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Short Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Shortened Spear
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Spear
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Two Handed Battle Axe a zombie
Rusty Two Handed Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Warhammer
Multiple NPCs
Salil's Writ Pg. 174 Zazamoukh
Salil's Writ Pg. 60
Multiple NPCs
Salil's Writ Pg. 60
Multiple NPCs
Salil's Writ Pg. 64
Multiple NPCs
Salil's Writ Pg. 90
Multiple NPCs
Salty Loam
Multiple NPCs
Sapphire a skeletal monk
Scale Ore a skeletal monk
Shardwing Arrow
Multiple NPCs
Short Ale Blinde the Cutpurse
Silver Amulet
Multiple NPCs
Silver Earring
Multiple NPCs
Silver Ring
Multiple NPCs
Silvril Ore
Multiple NPCs
Simple Embossed Rune a cyclops
Simple Etched Rune
Multiple NPCs
Siryn Hair Hood Quid Rilstone
Skeletal Finger a giant skeleton
Skeletal Toe a giant skeleton
Skeleton Parts
Multiple NPCs
Slook Bunk Odon
Small Bag Blinde the Cutpurse
Small Brick of Ore
Multiple NPCs
Small Bronze Boots a barbed bone skeleton
Small Bronze Bracers a barbed bone skeleton
Small Bronze Breastplate a barbed bone skeleton
Small Bronze Collar a barbed bone skeleton
Small Bronze Gauntlets a barbed bone skeleton
Small Bronze Girdle a barbed bone skeleton
Small Bronze Greaves a barbed bone skeleton
Small Bronze Helm a barbed bone skeleton
Small Bronze Mask a barbed bone skeleton
Small Bronze Pauldron a barbed bone skeleton
Small Bronze Vambraces a barbed bone skeleton
Small Cloth Cap a zombie
Small Cloth Choker a zombie
Small Cloth Cord a zombie
Small Cloth Gloves a zombie
Small Cloth Shawl a zombie
Small Cloth Shirt a zombie
Small Cloth Wristband a zombie
Small Magical Artifact Leatherhide
Small Raw-hide Boots
Multiple NPCs
Small Raw-hide Cloak
Multiple NPCs
Small Raw-hide Gloves
Multiple NPCs
Small Sack of Ogre Baubles
Multiple NPCs
Small Splinted Bronze Cloak a barbed bone skeleton
Snake Egg a giant moccasin
Snake Meat a giant moccasin
Snake Venom Sac a giant moccasin
Splintering Club
Multiple NPCs
Star Rose Quartz
Multiple NPCs
Star Ruby
Multiple NPCs
Steel Torque
Multiple NPCs
Sullied Spinneret Fluid
Multiple NPCs
Sunshard Dust
Multiple NPCs
Supple Loam Hasten Bootstrutter
Kunark 1 - 0
Syythrak Hide Vest Mortificator Syythrak
Tacky Spinneret Fluid
Multiple NPCs
Tattered Codex Initiate Xabbis
Thick Grizzly Bear Skin
Multiple NPCs
Thick Spinneret Fluid
Multiple NPCs
Tome of Thunder an unkempt fanatic
Multiple NPCs
Torn Cloth Tunic Brother Zephyl
Totemic Boots Oculys Ogrefiend
Totemic Bracers Oculys Ogrefiend
Totemic Breastplate Oculys Ogrefiend
Totemic Cloak Oculys Ogrefiend
Totemic Gauntlets Oculys Ogrefiend
Totemic Greaves Oculys Ogrefiend
Totemic Helm Oculys Ogrefiend
Totemic Vambraces Oculys Ogrefiend
Multiple NPCs
Uncut Amethyst a skeletal monk
Uncut Black Sapphire a skeletal monk
Uncut Combine Star a skeletal monk
Uncut Demantoid a skeletal monk
Uncut Goshenite a skeletal monk
Uncut Jacinth a skeletal monk
Uncut Morganite a skeletal monk
Uncut Rubellite a skeletal monk
Urticaceae a skeletal monk
Velishoul's Tome Pg. 109 a cyclops
Velishoul's Tome Pg. 8
Multiple NPCs
Velishoul's Tome Pg. 9
Multiple NPCs
Velishoul's Tome Pg.17
Multiple NPCs
Velishoul's Tome Pg.43 a cyclops
Velishoul's Tome Pg.44 a cyclops
Velishoul's Tome Pg.67
Multiple NPCs
Velishoul's Tome Pg.68 a cyclops
Velishoul's Tome Pg.75 a cyclops
Velishoul's Tome Pg.76 a cyclops
Velium Embossed Rune a cyclops
Velium Silvered Rune
Multiple NPCs
Warbone Chips a skeletal monk
Water Soaked Journal Leatherhide
Woe Glaron the Wicked
Kunark 1 - 0
Wood Elf Parts
Multiple NPCs
Wooden Shield
Multiple NPCs
Words of Abatement
Multiple NPCs
Words of Absorption
Multiple NPCs
Words of Acquisition (Azia) a cyclops
Words of Allure
Multiple NPCs
Words of Bidding Zazamoukh
Words of Cazic-Thule
Multiple NPCs
Words of Cloudburst
Multiple NPCs
Words of Coercion a cyclops
Words of Collection (Beza) Zazamoukh
Words of Dark Paths
Multiple NPCs
Words of Derivation a basilisk
Words of Descrying Zazamoukh
Words of Detachment
Multiple NPCs
Words of Detention
Multiple NPCs
Words of Dimension
Multiple NPCs
Words of Discernment
Multiple NPCs
Words of Dissemination a cyclops
Words of Dissolution
Multiple NPCs
Words of Dominion an ebon drake
Words of Duration
Multiple NPCs
Words of Duress
Multiple NPCs
Words of Efficacy
Multiple NPCs
Words of Endurance
Multiple NPCs
Words of Eventide
Multiple NPCs
Words of Grappling Kazzel D`Leryt
Words of Haunting a cyclops
Words of Imitation a basilisk
Words of Mistbreath
Multiple NPCs
Words of Motion
Multiple NPCs
Words of Neglect
Multiple NPCs
Words of Parasitism a cyclops
Words of Possession
Multiple NPCs
Words of Purification a cyclops
Words of Quivering
Multiple NPCs
Words of Recluse
Multiple NPCs
Words of Resolve
Multiple NPCs
Words of Reviviscence a basilisk
Words of Rupturing a cyclops
Words of Seizure
Multiple NPCs
Words of Sight a cyclops
Words of Spirit a basilisk
Words of the Element a basilisk
Words of the Extinct an ebon drake
Words of the Incorporeal a cyclops
Words of the Sentient (Azia) a kodiak bear
Words of the Sentient (Beza)
Multiple NPCs
Words of the Spectre
Multiple NPCs
Words of the Suffering
Multiple NPCs
Words of Transcendence
Multiple NPCs
Words of Tyranny a kodiak bear
Worn Great Staff
Multiple NPCs
Worn Weighted Gloves a lizardman warrior
Wrist Pouch Blinde the Cutpurse
Zombie Skin a zombie