Enchanter Spells by Level

Name Target Type Skill Effect
Echo of the Grove Self only Alteration 12: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1 (L1) to 33 (L65)
Illusion: Butterfly Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Butterfly
2: Effect type: Increase Player Size by 0%
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Echo of Experience Self only Melee 12: Effect type: Percent XP Increase by 50
Echo of Aegolism Self only Abjuration 10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 50 (L1) to 470 (L65)
11: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 1 (L1) to 50 (L65), Everyone else by 0 (L1) to 37 (L65)
Echo of Focus Self only Alteration 8: Effect type: Increase ATK by 26 (L1) to 90 (L65)
9: Effect type: Increase STA by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
10: Effect type: Increase AGI by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
11: Effect type: Increase DEX by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
12: Effect type: Increase STR by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
Illusion: Scaled Wolf Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Chokadai
Illusion: Erudite Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Pirate
Illusion: Erudite Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Pirate
Illusion: Human Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Pirate
Illusion: Human Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Pirate
Illusion: Ogre Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Pirate
Illusion: Ogre Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Pirate
Illusion: Dark Elf Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Pirate
Illusion: Dark Elf Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Pirate
Illusion: Gnomish Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Pirate
Illusion: Gnomish Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Pirate
Illusion: Troll Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Troll
Illusion: Troll Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Troll
Illusion: Gunthak Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 8
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 8
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 8
4: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 8
5: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 9
6: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 9
7: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 8
8: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 8
9: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 9
10: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 9
11: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 8
12: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 8
Illusion: Warped Chetari Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Ratman
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Echo of Selo Self only Hit 12: Effect type: Increase Movement by 22% (L1) to 150% (L65)
Echo of Koadic Self only Alteration 8: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 29 (L1) to 285 (L65)
9: Effect type: Increase Mana by 1 (L1) to 11 (L65) per tick (total 2040 to 22440)
10: Effect type: Increase INT by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
11: Effect type: Increase WIS by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
Echo of the Brood Self only Alteration 11: Effect type: Increase Spell Haste by 10%
12: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 25% (L1) to 57% (L65)
Illusion: Evil Eye Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Evil Eye
Illusion: Spectre Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Spectre
2: Effect type: Infravision
3: Effect type: See Invisible
Illusion: Fairy Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Fairy
Illusion: Kobold Serf Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Kobold
2: Effect type: Increase Disease Resist by 1 (L1) to 22 (L65)
3: Effect type: Infravision
Illusion: Hideous Harpy Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Harpy
2: Effect type: Increase CHA by 1 (L1) to 22 (L65)
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 1 (L1) to 33 (L65)
Illusion: Stone Gargoyle Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Gargoyle
5: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 0 (L1) to 12 (L65), Everyone else by 0 (L1) to 9 (L65)
Illusion: Hooded Scrykin Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Scrykin
Illusion: Goblin King Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Goblin
Illusion: Kobold King Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Kobold
Illusion: Bixie Queen Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Bixie
Illusion: Bixie Drone Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Bixie
Illusion: Brownie Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Brownie
Illusion: Brownie Noble Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Brownie
Illusion: Pyrilen Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Pyrilen
Illusion: Gelidran Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Gelidran
Illusion: Banshee Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Banshee
Illusion: Crystal Golem Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Golem
Illusion: Arcane Scrykin Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Scrykin
Illusion: Corrupted Shiliskin Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Shiliskin
Illusion: Ice Golem Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Golem
Illusion: Aviak Rook Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Aviak
2: Effect type: Increase Movement by 30% (L1) to 50% (L40)
3: Effect type: Levitate
Illusion: Siren Enticer Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Siren
2: Effect type: Increase CHA by 10 (L1) to 42 (L65)
Illusion: Frost Goblin Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Goblin
2: Effect type: Increase Cold Resist by 10 (L1) to 42 (L65)
Illusion: Iksar Skeleton Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Undead Iksar
2: Effect type: Set Faction by 1229
Illusion: Raptor Predator Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Raptor
3: Effect type: Increase Movement by 40%
Illusion: Gnomish Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Pirate
4: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 10
5: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 10
6: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 10
7: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 16
Illusion: Embattled Minotaur Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Minotaur
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 10 (L1) to 42 (L65)
Illusion: Spirited Satyr Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Satyr
Illusion: Primal Kerran Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Kerran
2: Effect type: Increase Fire Resist by 10 (L1) to 42 (L65)
Illusion: Barraki Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Minotaur
Illusion: Centaur Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Centaur
Illusion: Banshee Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Banshee
Illusion: Blood Runed Gargoyle Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Gargoyle
5: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 0 (L1) to 12 (L65), Everyone else by 0 (L1) to 9 (L65)
Illusion: Eagle Aviak Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Aviak
2: Effect type: Increase Movement by 30% (L1) to 50% (L40)
3: Effect type: Levitate
Illusion: Snow Kobold Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Kobold
5: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 0 (L1) to 12 (L65), Everyone else by 0 (L1) to 9 (L65)
Illusion: Recluse Spider Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Spider
2: Effect type: Add Melee Proc Contact Poison I
Illusion: Drachnid Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Drachnid
2: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dodge by 10%
3: Effect type: Increase Movement by 20%
Illusion: Ogre Pirate Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Pirate
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 500
Illusion: Crystalline Trichordont Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Hydra Crystal
4: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 1
Illusion: Vitrik Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Demon Vulture
2: Effect type: Levitate
3: Effect type: Increase Movement by 20%
5: Effect type: Increase Disease Resist by 30
Illusion: Crystalline Sessiloid Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Crystalskin Sessiloid
4: Effect type: Increase Movement by 40%
5: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 40
Strengthen Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase STR by 5 (L1) to 10 (L6)
Weaken Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease STR by 11 (L1) to 15 (L10)
True North Self only Divination 1: Effect type: True North
Lull Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Frenzy Radius (15/30)
2: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/30)
Pendril's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation1
Shallow Breath Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 4 (L1) to 5 (L4)
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 5
3: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 5
Minor Illusion Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Minor Illusion
2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 7000%
Minor Shielding Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 6 (L1) to 10 (L5)
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 3 (L1) to 5 (L5), Everyone else by 2 (L1) to 3 (L5)
Taper Enchantment Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (0)
Charm Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 10
2: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 2%
3: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 15%
4: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 50
Reclaim Energy Caster's pet Conjuration 1: Effect type: Reclaim Energy
Illusion: Simple Gnomework Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Gnomework
11: Effect type: New AC Effect by 1 (L1) to 33 (L65)
Illusion: Flame Telmira Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Telmira
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Visage of the Daft Trickster Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 60
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 30
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 10
Illusion: Daft Trickster Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Jokester
Illusion: Daft Trickster Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Jokester
Illusion: Daft Trickster Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Jokester
Illusion: Gelatinous Cube Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Gelatinous Cube
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Illusion: Silver Gnomework Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Gnomework
11: Effect type: New AC Effect by 1 (L1) to 33 (L65)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Mesmerize Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 55
2: Effect type: Memblur (1%)
Illusion: Human Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Human
Tashina Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 7 (L2) to 13 (L8)
Juli's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation2
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Fear Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Color Flux Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (4.0 sec)
Haze Single target Abjuration 4: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 4 (L3) to 5 (L8), Everyone else by 3
Illusion: Half-Elf Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Half Elf
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Gate Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Gate
Invisibility Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Invisibility by 1
Enfeeblement Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease STR by 18 (L4) to 20 (L8)
2: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 3, Everyone else by 2
Suffocating Sphere Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 13
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 5
3: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 5
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 8 (L4) to 13 (L14)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
See Invisible Single target Divination 1: Effect type: See Invisible
Root Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Root
Lesser Shielding Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 17 (L5) to 30 (L18)
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 5 (L5) to 11 (L18), Everyone else by 4 (L5) to 8 (L18)
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 6 (L5) to 10 (L20)
Soothe Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Frenzy Radius (10/40)
2: Effect type: Reaction Radius (10/40)
3: Effect type: Pacify
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Cancel Magic Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (1)
Mircyl's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation3
Chaotic Feedback Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 29 (L7) to 32 (L14)
2: Effect type: Stun (1.0 sec)
Enchant Silver Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Silver Bar
Mass Enchant Silver Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Silver Bar
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Languid Pace Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 30%
3: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 6
Whirl till you hurl Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Ebbing Strength Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease STR by 20 (L9) to 25 (L20)
Kilan's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation4
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Beguile Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 25
2: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 4%
3: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 30%
4: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 55
Serpent Sight Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Infravision
Memory Blur Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Memblur (10%)
Illusion: Dark Elf Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Dark Elf
Mist Single target Abjuration 4: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 7 (L10) to 9 (L16), Everyone else by 4 (L10) to 7 (L16)
Illusion: Simple Gnoll Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Gnoll
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Illusion: Burning Nekhon Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Balrog
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Illusion: Steam Suit Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Exoskeleton
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Illusion: Kedge Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Kedge
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Mass Thicken Mana Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Vial of Viscous Mana
Greater Mass Enchant Silver Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Silver Bar
Thicken Mana Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Vial of Viscous Mana
Choke Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 20 (L11) to 30 (L32)
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 7 (L11) to 10 (L18)
3: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 7 (L11) to 10 (L18)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 20 (L11) to 30 (L32)
Illusion: High Elf Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: High Elf
Intellectual Advancement Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Effective Casting Level by 3
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Enthrall Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 55
2: Effect type: Memblur (1%)
Rune I Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 17 (L13) to 65 (L21)
Illusion: Dwarf Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Dwarf
Wuggan's Lesser Appraisal Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Appraise LDoN Chest by 40 (L13) to 69 (L23)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Mass Enchant Electrum Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Electrum Bar
Wuggan's Lesser Discombobulation Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Disarm LDoN Chest by 43 (L14) to 69 (L23)
Wuggan's Lesser Extrication Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Unlock LDoN Chest by 43 (L14) to 87 (L29)
Invisibility versus Undead Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Invisibility versus Undead
Enchant Electrum Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Electrum Bar
Shalee's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation5
Breeze Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 4 (L14) to 6 (L20) per tick (total 1080 to 1620)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Quickness Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 27% (L15) to 30% (L20)
Levitate Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Levitate
Identify Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Identify
Illusion: Barbarian Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Barbarian
Illusion: Tree Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Treeform
2: Effect type: Root
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Disempower Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease STA by 9 (L12) to 20 (L34)
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 13 (L12) to 15 (L16)
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 8 (L12) to 11 (L28), Everyone else by 5 (L12) to 8 (L28)
Chase the Moon Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Sanity Warp Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 81 (L16) to 87 (L22)
2: Effect type: Stun (1.0 sec)
Mesmerization Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 55
2: Effect type: Memblur (1%)
Shielding Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 45 (L15) to 50 (L20)
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 15 (L15) to 17 (L21), Everyone else by 10 (L15) to 12 (L21)
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 11 (L15) to 12 (L16)
Focus Primitive Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Primitive Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Focus Rudimentary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Rudimentary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Focus Crude Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Crude Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Focus Makeshift Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Makeshift Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Endure Magic Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 20
Illusion: Ogre Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Ogre
Cloud Single target Abjuration 4: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 10 (L17) to 12 (L25), Everyone else by 7 (L17) to 9 (L25)
Sisna's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation6
Intellectual Superiority Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Effective Casting Level by 6
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Calm Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Frenzy Radius (5/50)
2: Effect type: Reaction Radius (5/50)
3: Effect type: Pacify
Sympathetic Aura Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase CHA by 15 (L18) to 18 (L24)
Illusion: Troll Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Troll
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1
Tashani Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 19 (L18) to 23 (L26)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Berserker Strength Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase STR by 19 (L19) to 25 (L30)
2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 29 (L19) to 52 (L65)
3: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 11 (L19) to 15 (L28)
Feckless Might Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease STR by 26 (L19) to 30 (L28)
Crystallize Mana Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Vial of Cloudy Mana
Tiny Companion Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Change Height by 50
Greater Mass Enchant Electrum Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Electrum Bar
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Mass Crystallize Mana Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Vial of Cloudy Mana
Focus Mass Primitive Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Primitive Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Focus Mass Rudimentary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Rudimentary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Focus Mass Crude Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Crude Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Focus Mass Makeshift Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Makeshift Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Shifting Sight Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Bind Sight
3: Effect type: Infravision
Benevolence Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Faction by 200
Color Shift Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Cajoling Whispers Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 35
2: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 6%
3: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 45%
4: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 60
Illusion: Iksar Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Iksar
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Alacrity Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 32% (L21) to 40% (L36)
Chaos Flux Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 152 (L21) to 175 (L33)
2: Effect type: Stun (1.0 sec)
Illusion: Earth Elemental Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Elemental
2: Effect type: Increase STR by 10
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Strip Enchantment Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (1)
2: Effect type: Cancel Magic (1)
3: Effect type: Cancel Magic (1)
4: Effect type: Cancel Magic (1)
Rune II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 97 (L22) to 140 (L65)
Sagar's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation7
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Major Shielding Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 68 (L23) to 75 (L30)
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 21 (L23) to 23 (L28), Everyone else by 15 (L23) to 17 (L28)
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 14
Tepid Deeds Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 50%
3: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 9
Wuggan's Appraisal Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Appraise LDoN Chest by 70 (L23) to 72 (L24)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Instill Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Root
Listless Power Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 23 (L25) to 35 (L50)
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 23 (L25) to 35 (L50)
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 12 (L25) to 23 (L50), Everyone else by 9 (L25) to 17 (L50)
Feedback Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 11
Focus Elementary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Elementary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Illusion: Simple Bellikos Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Bellikos
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Clarity Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 7 (L26) to 9 (L32) per tick (total 1890 to 2430)
Curse of the Simple Mind Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease INT by 15 (L26) to 20 (L48)
2: Effect type: Decrease WIS by 15 (L26) to 20 (L48)
Suffocate Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 48
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 14 (L26) to 20 (L38)
3: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 14 (L26) to 20 (L38)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 40 (L26) to 48 (L42)
Haunting Visage Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 5%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Ultravision Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Ultravision
Clarify Mana Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Vial of Clear Mana
Obscure Single target Abjuration 4: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 14 (L27) to 17 (L34), Everyone else by 10 (L27) to 12 (L34)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Augmentation Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 22% (L28) to 28% (L52)
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 19 (L28) to 30 (L50)
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 7 (L28) to 11 (L50), Everyone else by 4 (L28) to 8 (L50)
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
Nullify Magic Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (4)
2: Effect type: Cancel Magic (4)
Illusion: Water Elemental Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Elemental
2: Effect type: WaterBreathing by 1
Dyn's Dizzying Draught Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
2: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 10 (L28) to 18 (L49), Everyone else by 8 (L28) to 14 (L49)
3: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 50 per tick (total 100)
4: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 29 (L28) to 50 (L49)
Greater Mass Enchant Gold Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Gold Bar
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Mass Clarify Mana Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Vial of Clear Mana
Ward of Alendar Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Focus Mass Elementary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Elementary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Illusion: Air Elemental Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Elemental
3: Effect type: Levitate
Uleen's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation8
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Mana Sieve Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 190 (L30) to 370 (L60)
Allure Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 45
2: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 8%
3: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 60%
4: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 65
Entrance Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 55
2: Effect type: Memblur (1%)
Illusion: Drakkin of Mysaphar Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Drakkin
Illusion: Drakkin of Atathus Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Drakkin
Illusion: Drakkin of Keikolin Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Drakkin
Entrancing Lights Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 55
Illusion: Drakkin of Draton`ra Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Drakkin
Illusion: Drakkin of Osh`vir Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Drakkin
Illusion: Drakkin of Venesh Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Drakkin
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Greater Shielding Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 91 (L31) to 100 (L40)
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 25 (L31) to 29 (L39), Everyone else by 18 (L31) to 21 (L39)
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 16
Radiant Visage Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase CHA by 25 (L31) to 30 (L40)
Boltran's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation9
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Wuggan's Greater Appraisal Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Appraise LDoN Chest by 100 (L33) to 120 (L40)
Rune III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 158 (L33) to 300 (L48)
Illusion: Fire Elemental Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Elemental
2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 10 (L33) to 18 (L65)
Runic Strike Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 128
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Focus Modest Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Modest Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Pacify Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Frenzy Radius (1/55)
2: Effect type: Reaction Radius (1/55)
3: Effect type: Pacify
Invoke Fear Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Insight Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase WIS by 9 (L35) to 14 (L52)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 5 (L35) to 9 (L65)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Gravity Flux Area of effect around the target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 242 (L36) to 300 (L65)
2: Effect type: Toss Up by 100
Mind Wipe Area of effect around the target Alteration 1: Effect type: Memblur (15%)
Calming Visage Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 5%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Resist Magic Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 40
Illusion: Dry Bone Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Skeleton
2: Effect type: Increase Fire Resist by 25
Shade Single target Abjuration 4: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 18 (L37) to 21 (L44), Everyone else by 14 (L37) to 15 (L44)
Aanya's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation10
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Illusion: Spirit Wolf Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Wolf
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 15
3: Effect type: Increase Cold Resist by 10
Rampage Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase STR by 29 (L38) to 42 (L65)
2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 78 (L38) to 90 (L50)
3: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 20
Distill Mana Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Vial of Distilled Mana
Wandering Mind Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 6 per tick (total 120)
Greater Mass Enchant Platinum Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Platinum Bar
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Arch Shielding Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 140 (L40) to 150 (L50)
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 31 (L40) to 35 (L48), Everyone else by 23 (L40) to 25 (L48)
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 20
Incapacitate Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 45 (L40) to 55 (L50)
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 45 (L40) to 55 (L50)
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 27 (L40) to 30 (L50), Everyone else by 20 (L40) to 23 (L50)
Rune IV Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 295 (L40) to 454 (L51)
Boon of the Garou Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Add Proc: Lifetap Strike
3: Effect type: Increase ATK by 30
4: Effect type: Increase DEX by 100
Boltran's Agacerie Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 55
2: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 10%
3: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 75%
4: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 75
Ordinance Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 52
2: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 10%
3: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 75%
4: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 70
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Brilliance Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase WIS by 6 (L41) to 9 (L65)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 11 (L41) to 14 (L52)
Shiftless Deeds Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 65%
3: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 12
Tashania Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 30 (L41) to 33 (L48)
Yegoreff's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation11
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Pillage Enchantment Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (4)
2: Effect type: Cancel Magic (4)
3: Effect type: Cancel Magic (4)
4: Effect type: Cancel Magic (4)
Weakness Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease STR by 52 (L42) to 65 (L55)
Illusion: Werewolf Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Werewolf
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 43 (L42) to 66 (L65)
3: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 40%
6: Effect type: Increase STR by 22 (L42) to 30 (L58)
Boon of the Clear Mind Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 9 (L42) to 10 (L48) per tick (total 2430 to 2700)
Ruin Magic Single target Melee 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (95)
2: Effect type: Cancel Magic (95)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Color Skew Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (8.0 sec)
Discordant Mind Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 387
2: Effect type: Stun (1.0 sec)
Summon Companion Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Call Pet
Enchant Velium Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Velium Bar
Bounce Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 40%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Illusion: Scaled Wolf Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Illusion: Chokadai
2: Effect type: Increase Movement by 42% (L44) to 45% (L50)
3: Effect type: Increase ATK by 30
Leviathan Eyes Single target Divination 1: Effect type: See Invisible
2: Effect type: Ultravision
3: Effect type: WaterBreathing by 1
Mass Enchant Velium Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Velium Bar
Guard of Alendar Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Greater Mass Enchant Velium Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Velium Bar
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Focus Simple Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Simple Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Paralyzing Earth Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Root
Reoccurring Amnesia Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Memblur (25%)
Purify Mana Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Vial of Purified Mana
Illusion: Imp Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Imp
3: Effect type: Levitate
8: Effect type: Increase Fire Resist by 15
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Swift Like the Wind Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 60%
Berserker Spirit Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase STR by 40
2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 200
3: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 20
Dazzle Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 55
2: Effect type: Memblur (1%)
Gasping Embrace Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 89
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 29 (L47) to 30 (L50)
3: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 29 (L47) to 30 (L50)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 86 (L47) to 89 (L50)
Mass Purify Mana Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Vial of Purified Mana
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Group Resist Magic Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 53 (L48) to 55 (L50)
Shadow Single target Abjuration 4: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 24, Everyone else by 18
Kintaz's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation12
Enchant Mithril Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Lrg. Brick of Mithril
Enchant Adamantite Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Lrg. Brick of Adamantite
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Enchant Brellium Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Lrg. Brick of Brellium
Mass Enchant Adamantite Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Lrg. Brick of Adamantite
Mass Enchant Brellium Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Lrg. Brick of Brellium
Mass Enchant Mithril Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Enchanted Lrg. Brick of Mithril
Mass Enchant Steel Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Large Brick of Enchanted Ore
Focus Mass Simple Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Simple Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Wake of Tranquility Area of effect around the target Alteration 1: Effect type: Frenzy Radius (1/62)
2: Effect type: Reaction Radius (1/62)
3: Effect type: Pacify
Muzzle of Mardu Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Summoned: Muzzle of Mardu (Legendary)
Everlasting Breath Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: WaterBreathing by 1
Levitation Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Levitate
Bite of Tashani Area of effect around the caster Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 81 (L51) to 95 (L65)
Focus of Arcanum Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reduce Spell Resist by 9 (L51) to 11 (L65)
2: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (85)
3: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
4: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Trickster's Visage Single in Group Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Imp
Scryer's Trespass Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 50 per tick (total 500)
Illusion: Guktan Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Froglok
Rune V Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 600
Fascination Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 55
2: Effect type: Memblur (1%)
Clarity II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 9 (L52) to 11 (L65) per tick (total 3150 to 3850)
Color Slant Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (8.0 sec)
2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 100
Dictate Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 60
2: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 10%
3: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 90%
4: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 75
Trickster's Augmentation Single in Group Divination 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Trickster's Torment
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Levitate
8: Effect type: Increase Fire Resist by 30
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Cripple Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 58 (L53) to 70 (L65)
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 68 (L53) to 80 (L65)
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 68 (L53) to 80 (L65)
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 40 (L53) to 44 (L65), Everyone else by 29 (L53) to 33 (L65)
Recant Magic Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (9)
2: Effect type: Cancel Magic (9)
3: Effect type: Cancel Magic (9)
4: Effect type: Cancel Magic (9)
Aanya's Quickening Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 64%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shield of the Magi Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 232 (L54) to 250 (L60)
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 38 (L54) to 41 (L60), Everyone else by 28 (L54) to 30 (L60)
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 22 (L54) to 24 (L60)
Glamour of Kintaz Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 57
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Dementia Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 571
2: Effect type: Stun (1.0 sec)
Beguiling Visage Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 50%
Illusion: Vah Shir Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Vah Shir
Focus Mass Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Illusion: Orc Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Orc
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Protection of Alendar Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Illusion: Frost Bone Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Skeleton
Focus Refined Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Refined Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Beguiler's Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Gift of Insight Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 100
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 1 per tick (total 750)
Wind of Tashani Area of effect around the target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 23
Memory Flux Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Largarn's Lamentation Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Stun (8.0 sec)
3: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 75
Zumaik's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation13
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Trepidation Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Gift of Pure Thought Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 10 (L56) to 11 (L60) per tick (total 3300 to 3630)
Torment of Argli Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase WIS by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 35 per tick (total 700)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 1
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 28
Overwhelming Splendor Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase CHA by 50
Augment Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 43% (L56) to 47% (L65)
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 33 (L56) to 37 (L65)
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 22 (L56) to 25 (L65), Everyone else by 16 (L56) to 18 (L65)
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
Horrifying Visage Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 10%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Enlightenment Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase WIS by 20 (L57) to 22 (L65)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 20 (L57) to 22 (L65)
Tashanian Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 38 (L57) to 42 (L65)
Umbra Single target Abjuration 4: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 29, Everyone else by 21
Forlorn Deeds Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 70%
3: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 16
Phobia Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Reflect Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 50%
Fetter Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Root
Wondrous Rapidity Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 70%
Bedlam Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase STR by 50
2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 350
3: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 25
Dementing Visions Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 836
Glamorous Visage Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 10%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Rapture Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 63
2: Effect type: Memblur (40%)
Asphyxiate Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 168
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 40 (L59) to 43 (L65)
3: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 40 (L59) to 43 (L65)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 167 (L59) to 168 (L60)
Focus Mass Refined Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Refined Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Focus Intricate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Intricate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Gift of Brilliance Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 150
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 2 per tick (total 2000)
Wind of Tashanian Area of effect around the target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 40
Visions of Grandeur Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 58%
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 40
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 25
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 20
Ancient: Eternal Rapture Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 63
2: Effect type: Memblur (40%)
Ancient: Chaotic Visions Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 880
Koadic's Endless Intellect Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 250
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 14 per tick (total 21000)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 25
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 25
Speed of the Brood Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 66%
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 40
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 15, Everyone else by 11
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Greater Fetter Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Root
Arcane Rune Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 1500
Boggle Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease hate by 500
Shield of the Arcane Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 298 (L61) to 300 (L62)
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 44 (L61) to 47 (L65), Everyone else by 34 (L61) to 35 (L65)
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 30
Apathy Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 62
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Howl of Tashan Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 71 (L61) to 73 (L65)
Rune of Zebuxoruk Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 850
Beckon Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 65
2: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 10%
3: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 105%
4: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 75
Imbue Disease Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Green Diamond of Disease
Imbue Justice Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : White Diamond of Justice
Rune of the Scale Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 950
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Word of Morell Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 65
Imbue Torment Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Purple Diamond of Torment
Jitterskin Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Aeldorb's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation14
Pacification Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Frenzy Radius (1/65)
2: Effect type: Reaction Radius (1/65)
3: Effect type: Pacify
Speed of Vallon Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 52
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 33
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 41
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
Guard of Druzzil Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 75
Imbue Nightmare Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Black Diamond of Nightmares
Strangle Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 230
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 224 (L62) to 230 (L65)
Imbue Storm Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Gray Diamond of Storms
Imbue Earth Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Brown Diamond of Earth
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Night's Dark Terror Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Scarecrow
2: Effect type: Add Proc: Lifetap Strike
3: Effect type: Increase ATK by 45
4: Effect type: Increase DEX by 120
Torment of Scio Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase WIS by 2
2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 45 per tick (total 900)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 2
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 40
Tranquility Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 260
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 16 per tick (total 12800)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 26
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 26
Uproar Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 425
Sleep Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 65
2: Effect type: Memblur (35%)
Imbue Valor Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Yellow Diamond of Valor
Imbue War Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Orange Diamond of War
Bulwark of Alendar Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Color Cloud Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (8.0 sec)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Bliss Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 68
2: Effect type: Memblur (40%)
Focus Mass Intricate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Intricate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Shield of Maelin Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 350
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 50, Everyone else by 37
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 40
Insanity Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1100
Imbue Air Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Cloudy Diamond of Air
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Illusion: Froglok Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Froglok
Vallon's Quickening Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 52
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 33
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 41
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
Illusion: Kunark Goblin Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Goblin
Command of Druzzil Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 65
Imbue Fire Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Red Diamond of Fire
Imbue Water Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Aqua Diamond of Water
Voice of Quellious Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 275
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 18 per tick (total 14400)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 28
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 28
Dreary Deeds Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 70%
3: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 16
Bliss of the Nihil Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 68
Madness of Ikkibi Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1210
Ancient: Chaos Madness Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1320
Hastening of Salik Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 60
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 50
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 53
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
Focus Elaborate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Elaborate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Synapsis Spasm Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 100
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 100
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 100
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 50, Everyone else by 37
Ethereal Rune Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 1950
Mystic Shield Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 390
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 61, Everyone else by 46
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 40
Salik's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation15
Suppression Field Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Invisibility 2
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Felicity Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 70
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Rune of Salik Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 1105
Placate Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (10/70)
Speed of Salik Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 60
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 50
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 53
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
Anxiety Attack Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Compel Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 67
Clairvoyance Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 400
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 20 per tick (total 16000)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 32
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 32
Wall of Alendar Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Psychosis Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1513
Circle of Dreams Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 70
Echoing Madness Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 73
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Arcane Noose Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 302
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 292
Wake of Felicity Area of effect around the target Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 70
Mayhem Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 552
Color Snap Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Euphoria Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 73
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Rune of Rikkukin Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 1500
Desolate Deeds Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 70%
3: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
Focus Mass Elaborate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Elaborate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Colored Chaos Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1600
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Circle of Alendar Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
True Name Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 69
Voice of Clairvoyance Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 400
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 20 per tick (total 16000)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 32
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 32
Ancient: Neurosis Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1634
Ancient: Voice of Muram Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 70
Focus Ornate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Ornate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Mana Flare Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
4: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Flare Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
9: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Trigger On Cast' and < 0
10: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Trigger On Cast' and < 0
Ward of Bedazzlement Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Bedazzlement Effect
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Mind Shatter Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 50 per tick (total 250)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 435
Illusionist's Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Fractured Consciousness Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 106
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 106
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 106
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 53, Everyone else by 40
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 1%
Fractured Consciousness Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 108
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 108
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 108
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 54, Everyone else by 40
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 2%
Fractured Consciousness Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 110
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 110
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 110
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 54, Everyone else by 41
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 3%
Draconic Rune Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 2808
Draconic Rune Rk. II Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 3019
Draconic Rune Rk. III Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 3245
Sorcerous Shield Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 468
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 73, Everyone else by 54
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 48
Sorcerous Shield Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 488
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 76, Everyone else by 56
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 50
Sorcerous Shield Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 507
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 79, Everyone else by 59
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 52
Ellowind's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation16
Rune of Ellowind Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 2160
Rune of Ellowind Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 2322
Rune of Ellowind Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 2496
Perplexing Flash Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 78
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Perplexing Flash Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 78
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Perplexing Flash Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 78
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Quiet Mind Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/75)
Quiet Mind Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (12/75)
Quiet Mind Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (10/75)
Speed of Ellowind Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 72
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 60
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 64
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (1%)
Speed of Ellowind Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 75
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 63
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 66
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (2%)
Speed of Ellowind Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 78
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 65
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 69
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (3%)
Echo of Tashan Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 56
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (75)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Echo of Tashan Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 59
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (75)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Echo of Tashan Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 61
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (75)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Coax Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 72
Coax Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 72
Coax Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 72
Bewilderment Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 78
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Bewilderment Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 78
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Bewilderment Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 78
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Entrancer's Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Entrancer's Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Entrancer's Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Seer's Intuition Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 480
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 24 per tick (total 19200)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 38
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 38
Seer's Intuition Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 500
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 25 per tick (total 20000)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 40
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 40
Seer's Intuition Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 520
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 26 per tick (total 20800)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 42
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 42
Aegis of Alendar Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Aegis of Alendar Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Aegis of Alendar Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Polychromatic Assault Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1892
Polychromatic Assault Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1967
Polychromatic Assault Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2043
Dreams of Veldyn Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 78
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 20
Dreams of Veldyn Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 78
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 25
Dreams of Veldyn Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 78
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 30
Thin Air Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 378
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 358
Thin Air Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 393
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 373
Thin Air Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 408
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 388
Mana Recursion Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Recursion Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
9: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Trigger On Cast' and < 0
10: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Trigger On Cast' and < 0
Mana Recursion Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Recursion Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
9: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Trigger On Cast' and < 0
10: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Trigger On Cast' and < 0
Mana Recursion Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Recursion Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
9: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Trigger On Cast' and < 0
10: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Trigger On Cast' and < 0
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Focus Mass Ornate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Ornate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Wake of Subdual Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 78
Wake of Subdual Rk. II Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 78
Wake of Subdual Rk. III Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 78
Brimstone Body Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 662
Brimstone Body Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 690
Brimstone Body Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 718
Color Collapse Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Color Collapse Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Color Collapse Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Spinning into the Void Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Spinning into the Void Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Spinning into the Void Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Legion of Alendar Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Legion of Alendar Rk. II Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Legion of Alendar Rk. III Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Rune of the Kedge Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 2160
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Lower Hate Effect
Rune of the Kedge Rk. II Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 2322
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Lower Hate Effect
Rune of the Kedge Rk. III Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 2496
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Lower Hate Effect
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Focus Runed Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Runed Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Dyn`leth's Whispers Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 74
Dyn`leth's Whispers Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 74
Dyn`leth's Whispers Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 74
Hastening of Ellowind Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 72
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 60
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 64
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (1%)
Hastening of Ellowind Rk. II Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 75
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 63
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 66
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (2%)
Hastening of Ellowind Rk. III Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 78
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 65
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 69
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (3%)
Voice of Intuition Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 480
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 24 per tick (total 19200)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 38
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 38
Voice of Intuition Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 500
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 25 per tick (total 20000)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 40
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 40
Voice of Intuition Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 520
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 26 per tick (total 20800)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 42
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 42
Ward of Bewilderment Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Bewilderment Effect
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Polychromatic Rune Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 2610
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 10677
Polychromatic Rune Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 2806
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 10678
Polychromatic Rune Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 3016
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 10679
Mind Phobiate Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 60 per tick (total 300)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 544
Mind Phobiate Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 63 per tick (total 315)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 565
Mind Phobiate Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 65 per tick (total 325)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 587
Illusion: Violet Sporali Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Sporali
Illusion: Bloodmoon Orc Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Orc
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Mystifying Flash Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 83
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Mystifying Flash Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 83
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Mystifying Flash Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 83
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Learner's Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Learner's Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Learner's Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Illusion: Goblin of Solusek Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Goblin
Illusion: Goblin of Dagnor's Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Goblin
Illusion: Goblin of the Valley Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Goblin
Shattered Consciousness Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 116
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 116
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 116
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 57, Everyone else by 43
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 4%
Shattered Consciousness Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 132
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 132
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 132
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 66, Everyone else by 49
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 5%
Shattered Consciousness Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 140
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 140
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 140
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 69, Everyone else by 51
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 6%
Opalescent Rune Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 5273
Opalescent Rune Rk. II Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 5668
Opalescent Rune Rk. III Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 6093
Spellbound Shield Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 537
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 81, Everyone else by 61
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 54
Spellbound Shield Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 634
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 93, Everyone else by 69
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 61
Spellbound Shield Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 683
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 99, Everyone else by 74
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 65
Erradien's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation17_Rk1
Erradien's Animation Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation17_Rk2
Erradien's Animation Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation17_Rk3
Rune of Erradien Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 3831
Rune of Erradien Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 4118
Rune of Erradien Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 4427
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Silent Mind Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/80)
Silent Mind Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (12/80)
Silent Mind Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (10/80)
Speed of Erradien Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 80
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 67
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 71
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (4%)
Speed of Erradien Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 92
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 77
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 81
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 28%
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (5%)
Speed of Erradien Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 98
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 82
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 86
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (6%)
Din of Tashan Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 59
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (80)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Din of Tashan Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 62
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (80)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Din of Tashan Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 65
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (80)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Cajole Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 77
Cajole Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 77
Cajole Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 77
Mystify Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 83
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Mystify Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 83
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Mystify Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 83
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Mystifier's Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mystifier's Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mystifier's Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Swirl Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Swirl Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Swirl Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Seer's Cognizance Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 535
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 30 per tick (total 24000)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 43
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 43
Seer's Cognizance Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 610
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 35 per tick (total 28000)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 49
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 49
Seer's Cognizance Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 650
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 38 per tick (total 30400)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 52
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 52
Aegis of Qandieal Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Aegis of Qandieal Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Aegis of Qandieal Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Multichromatic Assault Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2164
Multichromatic Assault Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2459
Multichromatic Assault Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2656
Visions of Kirathas Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 83
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 20
Visions of Kirathas Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 83
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 25
Visions of Kirathas Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 83
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 30
Strangling Air Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 432
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 402
Strangling Air Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 491
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 461
Strangling Air Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 530
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 500
Mana Resurgence Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Resurgence Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Mana Resurgence Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Resurgence Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Mana Resurgence Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Resurgence Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Wake of Atrophy Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Wake of Atrophy Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Wake of Atrophy Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Quelling Wave Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 83
Quelling Wave Rk. II Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 83
Quelling Wave Rk. III Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 83
Brimstone Tenement Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 759
Brimstone Tenement Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 897
Brimstone Tenement Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 966
Color Cataclysm Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Color Cataclysm Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Color Cataclysm Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Whirling into the Hollow Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Whirling into the Hollow Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Whirling into the Hollow Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Legion of Qandieal Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Legion of Qandieal Rk. II Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Legion of Qandieal Rk. III Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Rune of the Deep Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 3831
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Blurred Shadows
Rune of the Deep Rk. II Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 4118
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Blurred Shadows Rk. II
Rune of the Deep Rk. III Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 4427
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Blurred Shadows Rk. III
Aura of Endless Glamour Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Aura of Endless Glamour Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Aura of Endless Glamour Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Aura of Horror Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Aura of Horror Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Aura of Horror Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Focus Mass Runed Spellcaster's Empowering Essence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Runed Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Mask of the Doll Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Bellikos
Haunting Whispers Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 79
Haunting Whispers Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 79
Haunting Whispers Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 79
Hastening of Erradien Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 80
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 67
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 71
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (4%)
Hastening of Erradien Rk. II Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 92
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 77
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 81
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 28%
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (5%)
Hastening of Erradien Rk. III Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 98
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 82
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 86
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (6%)
Voice of Cognizance Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 535
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 30 per tick (total 24000)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 43
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 43
Voice of Cognizance Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 610
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 35 per tick (total 28000)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 49
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 49
Voice of Cognizance Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 650
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 38 per tick (total 30400)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 52
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 52
Ward of Mystifying Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Mystifying Effect
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Ward of Mystifying Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Mystifying Effect Rk. II
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Ward of Mystifying Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Mystifying Effect Rk. III
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Multichromatic Rune Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 4901
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 14575
Multichromatic Rune Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 5269
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 14576
Multichromatic Rune Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 5664
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 14577
Tears of Qandieal Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 482
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Tears of Qandieal Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 549
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Tears of Qandieal Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 585
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Mind Oscillate Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 67 per tick (total 335)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 622
Mind Oscillate Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 77 per tick (total 385)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 706
Mind Oscillate Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 82 per tick (total 410)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 763
Mana Resurgence Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mana Resurgence Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mana Resurgence Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Fragmented Consciousness Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 141
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 141
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 141
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 70, Everyone else by 53
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 7%
Fragmented Consciousness Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 161
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 161
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 161
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 80, Everyone else by 60
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 8%
Fragmented Consciousness Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 172
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 172
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 172
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 85, Everyone else by 63
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 9%
Pearlescent Rune Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 9901
Pearlescent Rune Rk. II Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 10644
Pearlescent Rune Rk. III Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 11442
Shield of the Void Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 697
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 100, Everyone else by 74
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 65
Shield of the Void Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 824
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 113, Everyone else by 85
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 74
Shield of the Void Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 888
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 121, Everyone else by 90
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 79
Yozan's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation18_Rk1
Yozan's Animation Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation18_Rk2
Yozan's Animation Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation18_Rk3
Rune of Yozan Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 6795
Rune of Yozan Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 7305
Rune of Yozan Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 7853
Befuddling Flash Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Befuddling Flash Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Befuddling Flash Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Hushed Mind Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/85)
Hushed Mind Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (12/85)
Hushed Mind Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (10/85)
Bark of Tashan Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 63
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (85)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Bark of Tashan Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 67
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (85)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Bark of Tashan Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 70
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (85)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Seduction Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 82
Seduction Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 82
Seduction Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 82
Befuddle Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Befuddle Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Befuddle Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Befuddler's Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Befuddler's Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Befuddler's Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Shimmer Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Shimmer Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Shimmer Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Dominating Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Dominating Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Dominating Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Prescience Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 653
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 41 per tick (total 32800)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 52
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 52
Prescience Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 744
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 49 per tick (total 39200)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 60
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 60
Prescience Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 793
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 53 per tick (total 42400)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 64
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 64
Aegis of Xadrith Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Aegis of Xadrith Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Aegis of Xadrith Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Polychaotic Assault Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2706
Polychaotic Assault Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3074
Polychaotic Assault Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3320
Docility Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 20
Docility Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 25
Docility Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 30
Smother Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 540
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 500
Smother Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 613
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 573
Smother Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 662
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 622
Mana Reiterate Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Reiterate Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Mana Reiterate Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Reiterate Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Mana Reiterate Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Reiterate Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Aura of Abstract Acumen Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Aura of Abstract Acumen Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Aura of Abstract Acumen Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Chaotic Befuddling Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
Chaotic Befuddling Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
Chaotic Befuddling Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Ensorcelling Wave Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
Ensorcelling Wave Rk. II Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
Ensorcelling Wave Rk. III Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
Dermal Brimstone Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 987
Dermal Brimstone Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 1166
Dermal Brimstone Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 1256
Color Conflux Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Color Conflux Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Color Conflux Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
The Downward Spiral Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
The Downward Spiral Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
The Downward Spiral Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Legion of Xadrith Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Legion of Xadrith Rk. II Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Legion of Xadrith Rk. III Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Rune of the Void Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 6795
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Blurred Shadows
Rune of the Void Rk. II Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 7305
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Blurred Shadows Rk. II
Rune of the Void Rk. III Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 7853
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Blurred Shadows Rk. III
Twincast Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Twincast Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Twincast Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Arcane Disjunction Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Arcane Disjunction Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Arcane Disjunction Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Dominate Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 84
Dominate Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 84
Dominate Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 84
Voice of Prescience Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 653
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 41 per tick (total 32800)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 52
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 52
Voice of Prescience Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 744
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 49 per tick (total 39200)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 60
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 60
Voice of Prescience Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 793
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 53 per tick (total 42400)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 64
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 64
Ward of Befuddlement Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Befuddlement Effect
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Ward of Befuddlement Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Befuddlement Effect Rk. II
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Ward of Befuddlement Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Befuddlement Effect Rk. III
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Polychaotic Rune Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 9204
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 18633
Polychaotic Rune Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 9894
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 18634
Polychaotic Rune Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 10636
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 18635
Tears of Xadrith Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 587
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Tears of Xadrith Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 670
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Tears of Xadrith Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 714
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Mind Twist Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 82 per tick (total 410)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 777
Mind Twist Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 94 per tick (total 470)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 883
Mind Twist Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 100 per tick (total 500)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 953
Mana Reiterate Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mana Reiterate Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mana Reiterate Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Hypnotic Stare Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 16
Hypnotic Stare Rk. II Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 20
Hypnotic Stare Rk. III Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 88
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 24
Hypnotic Stare Mindwipe Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Memblur (40%)
Compliant Lurch Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Gravity Effect by 200
Compliant Lurch Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Gravity Effect by 250
Compliant Lurch Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Gravity Effect by 300
Illusion: Capricious Drakkin Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 16
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 17
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 17
4: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 17
5: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 17
6: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 16
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shield of Dreams Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1003
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 144, Everyone else by 107
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 83
Shield of Dreams Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1185
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 164, Everyone else by 122
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 93
Shield of Dreams Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1276
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 174, Everyone else by 131
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 100
Baffling Flash Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Baffling Flash Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Baffling Flash Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
2: Effect type: Memblur (35%)
Chromatic Jab Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3371
Chromatic Jab Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3829
Chromatic Jab Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4135
Illusion: Scarecrow Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Scarecrow
Novak's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation19_Rk1
Novak's Animation Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation19_Rk2
Novak's Animation Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation19_Rk3
Rune of Novak Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 12054
Rune of Novak Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 12958
Rune of Novak Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 13930
Spectral Rune Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 19737
Spectral Rune Rk. II Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 21217
Spectral Rune Rk. III Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 22808
Speed of Novak Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 113
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 94
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 100
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 30%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 12
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (7%)
Speed of Novak Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 129
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 108
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 114
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 31%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 14
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (8%)
Speed of Novak Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 138
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 115
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 121
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 32%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 17
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (9%)
Splintered Consciousness Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 162
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 162
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 162
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 88, Everyone else by 66
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 9%
Splintered Consciousness Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 185
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 185
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 185
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 100, Everyone else by 75
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 10%
Splintered Consciousness Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 198
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 198
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 198
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 107, Everyone else by 80
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 11%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Baffle Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Baffle Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Baffle Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
2: Effect type: Memblur (35%)
Baffler's Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Baffler's Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Baffler's Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Bucolic Mind Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/90)
Bucolic Mind Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (12/90)
Bucolic Mind Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (10/90)
Chromarcana Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4140
Chromarcana Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4703
Chromarcana Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5080
Clamor of Tashan Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 66
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (90)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Clamor of Tashan Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 70
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (90)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Clamor of Tashan Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 74
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (90)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Deception Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 87
Deception Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 87
Deception Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 87
Subjugating Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Subjugating Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Subjugating Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Gleam Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Gleam Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Gleam Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Aegis of Zykean Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Aegis of Zykean Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Aegis of Zykean Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Bucolic Aura Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Bucolic Aura Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Bucolic Aura Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Chaotic Baffling Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
Chaotic Baffling Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
Chaotic Baffling Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
Constrict Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 1130
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 848
Constrict Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 1201
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 933
Constrict Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 1296
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1022
Curtailing Helix Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 70%
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 163
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 88, Everyone else by 66
5: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 163
6: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 163
7: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 9%
Curtailing Helix Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 70%
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 186
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 100, Everyone else by 75
5: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 186
6: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 186
7: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 10%
Curtailing Helix Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 70%
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 199
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 107, Everyone else by 80
5: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 199
6: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 199
7: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 11%
Forethought Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 872
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 57 per tick (total 47880)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 67
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 67
Forethought Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1003
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 66 per tick (total 55440)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 77
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 77
Forethought Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1179
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 70 per tick (total 58800)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 89
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 89
Illusion: Amygdalan Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Amygdalan
Mana Reiteration Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Reiteration Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Mana Reiteration Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Reiteration Strike II)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Mana Reiteration Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Reiteration Strike III)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Serenity Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 20
Serenity Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 25
Serenity Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 30
Spectral Assault Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4237
Spectral Assault Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4814
Spectral Assault Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5199
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Baffling Constriction Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 899
3: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 3%
4: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 16
5: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 638
Baffling Constriction Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 950
3: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 5%
4: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 18
5: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 710
Baffling Constriction Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 1064
3: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 8%
4: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 21
5: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 818
Brimstone Brawn Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 1974
Brimstone Brawn Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 2332
Brimstone Brawn Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 2512
Color Clash Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Color Clash Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Color Clash Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Dizzying Helix Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Dizzying Helix Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Dizzying Helix Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Echo of Subjugation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Echo of Subjugation Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Echo of Subjugation Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Legion of Zykean Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Legion of Zykean Rk. II Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Legion of Zykean Rk. III Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Manastorm Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Sympathetic Proc by 20
2: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (90)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
4: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Manastorm Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit: Instant spells only
7: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Manastorm Rk. II Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Sympathetic Proc by 20
2: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (90)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
4: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Manastorm Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit: Instant spells only
7: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Manastorm Rk. III Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Sympathetic Proc by 20
2: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (90)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
4: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Manastorm Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit: Instant spells only
7: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Serene Wave Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
Serene Wave Rk. II Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
Serene Wave Rk. III Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
Twilight Rune Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 12054
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Twilight Shadows
Twilight Rune Rk. II Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 12958
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Twilight Shadows II
Twilight Rune Rk. III Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 13930
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Twilight Shadows III
Twilight Shadows Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Decrease hate by 718
Twilight Shadows II Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Decrease hate by 818
Twilight Shadows III Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Decrease hate by 872
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Hastening of Novak Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 113
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 94
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 100
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 30%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 12
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (7%)
Hastening of Novak Rk. II Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 129
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 108
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 114
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 31%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 14
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (8%)
Hastening of Novak Rk. III Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 138
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 115
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 121
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 32%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 17
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (9%)
Illusion: Royal Guardian Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Beefeater
Mana Reiteration Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mana Reiteration Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mana Reiteration Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mind Helix Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 143 per tick (total 715)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1296
Mind Helix Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 161 per tick (total 805)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1472
Mind Helix Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 172 per tick (total 860)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1589
Mind Helix Recourse Self only Conjuration 7: Effect type: Increase Mana by 143 per tick (total 715)
Mind Helix Recourse II Self only Conjuration 7: Effect type: Increase Mana by 161 per tick (total 805)
Mind Helix Recourse III Self only Conjuration 7: Effect type: Increase Mana by 172 per tick (total 860)
Mindblade Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 8122
Mindblade Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 9227
Mindblade Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 9966
Soporific Stare Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 16
Soporific Stare Rk. II Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 20
Soporific Stare Rk. III Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 24
Polyspectral Rune Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 17815
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 27059
Polyspectral Rune Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 19151
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 27060
Polyspectral Rune Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 20587
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 27061
Polyspectral Rune Strike Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Polyspectral Rune Strike II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Polyspectral Rune Strike III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Spectral Unity Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Spectral Unity Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Spectral Unity Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Subjugate Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 89
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 27068
Subjugate Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 89
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 27069
Subjugate Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 89
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 27070
Tears of Zykean Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 675
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Tears of Zykean Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 771
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Tears of Zykean Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 821
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Voice of Forethought Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 872
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 57 per tick (total 47880)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 67
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 67
Voice of Forethought Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1003
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 66 per tick (total 55440)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 77
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 77
Voice of Forethought Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1179
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 70 per tick (total 58800)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 89
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 89
Ward of Bafflement Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Bafflement Effect
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Ward of Bafflement Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Bafflement Effect II
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Ward of Bafflement Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Bafflement Effect III
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Bafflement Effect Single target Melee 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
Bafflement Effect II Single target Melee 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
Bafflement Effect III Single target Melee 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 93
Illusion: Somnium Satyr Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Satyr
Illusion: Polka Dot Bunny Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Rabbit
2: Effect type: Increase Player Size by 0%
Illusion: White Bunny Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Rabbit
2: Effect type: Increase Player Size by 0%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shield of Bronze Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1595
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 200, Everyone else by 149
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 110
Shield of Bronze Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1675
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 211, Everyone else by 158
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 116
Shield of Bronze Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1759
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 221, Everyone else by 166
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 122
Misleading Flash Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Misleading Flash Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Misleading Flash Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
2: Effect type: Memblur (35%)
Chromatic Flash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4549
Chromatic Flash Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4776
Chromatic Flash Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5015
Illusion: Ripclaw Raptor Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Raptor
Seronvall's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation20_Rk1
Seronvall's Animation Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation20_Rk2
Seronvall's Animation Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation20_Rk3
Rune of Tonmek Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 21383
Rune of Tonmek Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 22987
Rune of Tonmek Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 24711
Arcanaward's Rune Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 39344
Arcanaward's Rune Rk. II Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 42295
Arcanaward's Rune Rk. III Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 45467
Speed of Aransir Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 152
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 127
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 133
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 19
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (10%)
Speed of Aransir Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 160
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 133
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 140
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 34%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 20
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (11%)
Speed of Aransir Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 168
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 140
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 147
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 21
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (12%)
Slivered Consciousness Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 218
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 218
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 218
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 118, Everyone else by 88
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 12%
Slivered Consciousness Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 229
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 229
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 229
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 123, Everyone else by 92
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 13%
Slivered Consciousness Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 240
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 240
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 240
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 129, Everyone else by 96
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 14%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Mislead Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Mislead Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Mislead Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
2: Effect type: Memblur (35%)
Arctender's Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Arctender's Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Arctender's Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Arctender's Echo Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Arctender's Echo Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Arctender's Echo Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Halcyon Mind Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/95)
Halcyon Mind Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (12/95)
Halcyon Mind Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (10/95)
Remote Color Convergence Target Ring AE Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Remote Color Convergence Rk. II Target Ring AE Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Remote Color Convergence Rk. III Target Ring AE Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Chromaruin Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5588
Chromaruin Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5867
Chromaruin Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6160
Declaration of Tashan Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 78
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (95)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Declaration of Tashan Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 80
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (95)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Declaration of Tashan Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Vulnerability by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 82
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (95)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Compelling Edict Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 92
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 152
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 127
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 133
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 19
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (10%)
Compelling Edict Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 92
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 160
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 133
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 140
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 34%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 20
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (11%)
Compelling Edict Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 92
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 168
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 140
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 147
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 21
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (12%)
Governing Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Governing Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Governing Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Glow Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Glow Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Glow Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Aegis of Soliadal Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Aegis of Soliadal Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Aegis of Soliadal Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Placid Issuance Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Placid Issuance Rk. II Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Placid Issuance Rk. III Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Chaotic Confusion Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
Chaotic Confusion Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
Chaotic Confusion Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
Suffocation Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 1490
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1046
Suffocation Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 1565
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1111
Suffocation Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 1643
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1201
Attenuating Helix Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 70%
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 219
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 118, Everyone else by 88
5: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 219
6: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 219
7: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 12%
Attenuating Helix Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 70%
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 230
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 123, Everyone else by 93
5: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 230
6: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 230
7: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 13%
Attenuating Helix Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 70%
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 241
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 129, Everyone else by 97
5: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 241
6: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 241
7: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 14%
Premeditation Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1356
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 81 per tick (total 68040)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 102
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 102
Premeditation Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1424
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 85 per tick (total 71400)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 107
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 107
Premeditation Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1495
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 89 per tick (total 74760)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 112
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 112
Illusion: Deadraiser Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Swinetor
Mana Repercussion Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Repercussion Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Mana Repercussion Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Repercussion Strike II)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Mana Repercussion Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Repercussion Strike III)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Confusion Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 20
Confusion Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 25
Confusion Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 30
Arcane Assault Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5719
Arcane Assault Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6005
Arcane Assault Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6305
Horrifying Rune Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 6320
Horrifying Rune Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 6636
Horrifying Rune Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 6968
Horrifying Rune Effect Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 20%
Horrifying Rune Effect II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 21%
Horrifying Rune Effect III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 22%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Confusing Constriction Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 1224
3: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 9%
4: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 23
5: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 941
Confusing Constriction Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 1285
3: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 9%
4: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 24
5: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 988
Confusing Constriction Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 1349
3: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 9%
4: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 25
5: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1037
Brimstone Potency Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 5024
Brimstone Potency Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 5275
Brimstone Potency Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 5539
Color Convergence Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Color Convergence Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Color Convergence Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Dizzying Gyre Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Dizzying Gyre Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Dizzying Gyre Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Echo of Coercion Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Echo of Coercion Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Echo of Coercion Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Legion of Tonmek Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Legion of Tonmek Rk. II Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Legion of Tonmek Rk. III Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Peaceful Wave Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
Peaceful Wave Rk. II Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
Peaceful Wave Rk. III Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
Shadowed Rune Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 21383
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Obscuring Shadows
Shadowed Rune Rk. II Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 22987
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Obscuring Shadows II
Shadowed Rune Rk. III Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 24711
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Obscuring Shadows III
Obscuring Shadows Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Decrease hate by 1308
Obscuring Shadows II Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Decrease hate by 1373
Obscuring Shadows III Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Decrease hate by 1442
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Hastening of Aransir Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 152
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 127
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 133
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 19
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (10%)
Hastening of Aransir Rk. II Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 160
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 133
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 140
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 34%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 20
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (11%)
Hastening of Aransir Rk. III Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 168
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 140
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 147
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 21
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (12%)
Illusion: Revenant of Thelasa Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Alaran Ghost
Mana Repercussion Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mana Repercussion Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mana Repercussion Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mind Spiral Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 206 per tick (total 1030)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1748
Mind Spiral Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 216 per tick (total 1080)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1835
Mind Spiral Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 227 per tick (total 1135)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1927
Mind Spiral Recourse Self only Conjuration 7: Effect type: Increase Mana by 206 per tick (total 1030)
Mind Spiral Recourse II Self only Conjuration 7: Effect type: Increase Mana by 216 per tick (total 1080)
Mind Spiral Recourse III Self only Conjuration 7: Effect type: Increase Mana by 227 per tick (total 1135)
Mindscythe Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 12458
Mindscythe Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 13081
Mindscythe Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 13735
Sedative Stare Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 16
Sedative Stare Rk. II Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 20
Sedative Stare Rk. III Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 24
Polyarcanic Rune Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 34483
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 30199
Polyarcanic Rune Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 37069
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 30200
Polyarcanic Rune Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 39849
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 30201
Polyarcanic Rune Strike Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Polyarcanic Rune Strike II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Polyarcanic Rune Strike III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Arcane Unity Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Arcane Unity Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Arcane Unity Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Enforce Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 94
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 152
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 127
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 133
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 19
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (10%)
9: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 30208
Enforce Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 94
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 160
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 133
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 140
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 34%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 20
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (11%)
9: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 30209
Enforce Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 94
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 168
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 140
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 147
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 21
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (12%)
9: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 30210
Tears of Wreliard Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 903
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Tears of Wreliard Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 971
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Tears of Wreliard Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 1044
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Voice of Premeditation Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1356
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 81 per tick (total 68040)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 102
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 102
Voice of Premeditation Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1424
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 85 per tick (total 71400)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 107
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 107
Voice of Premeditation Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1495
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 89 per tick (total 74760)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 112
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 112
Ward of Arctending Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Arctending Effect
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Ward of Arctending Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Arctending Effect II
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Ward of Arctending Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Arctending Effect III
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Arctending Effect Single target Melee 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
Arctending Effect II Single target Melee 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
Arctending Effect III Single target Melee 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 98
Issuance of Mana Repercussion Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Issuance of Mana Repercussion Rk. II Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Issuance of Mana Repercussion Rk. III Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shield of the Dauntless Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3254
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 321, Everyone else by 240
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 126
Shield of the Dauntless Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3417
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 337, Everyone else by 252
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 132
Shield of the Dauntless Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3588
2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 354, Everyone else by 265
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 138
Confound Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Confound Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Confound Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Memblur (35%)
Xorlex's Animation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation21_Rk1
Xorlex's Animation Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation21_Rk2
Xorlex's Animation Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pet: Animation21_Rk3
Rune of Xolok Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 37931
Rune of Xolok Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 40776
Rune of Xolok Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 43834
Mastermind's Rune Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 78431
Mastermind's Rune Rk. II Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 84313
Mastermind's Rune Rk. III Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 90636
Speed of Sviir Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 185
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 154
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 162
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 22
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (13%)
Speed of Sviir Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 194
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 162
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 170
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 22
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (14%)
Speed of Sviir Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 204
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 170
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 179
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 22
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (15%)
Demolished Consciousness Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 264
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 264
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 264
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 142, Everyone else by 107
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 15%
Demolished Consciousness Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 277
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 277
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 277
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 149, Everyone else by 112
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 16%
Demolished Consciousness Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 291
2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 291
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 291
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 157, Everyone else by 118
5: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 17%
Chromatic Percussion Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5642
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Chromatic Percussion Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5924
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Chromatic Percussion Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6220
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Mental Appropriation Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7488
Mental Appropriation Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7862
Mental Appropriation Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 8255
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shield of Fate Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Threshold Guard by 60
2: Effect type: Melee Threshold Guard by 75
Shield of Fate Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Threshold Guard by 60
2: Effect type: Melee Threshold Guard by 75
Empowered Minion Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Empowered Clash
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 206
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 165
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 181, Everyone else by 135
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 5358
8: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 7769
Empowered Minion Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Empowered Clash II
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 21%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 216
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 165
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 190, Everyone else by 142
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 5626
8: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 8157
Empowered Minion Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Empowered Clash III
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 22%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 227
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 165
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 199, Everyone else by 149
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 5907
8: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 8565
Shield of Fate Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Threshold Guard by 60
2: Effect type: Melee Threshold Guard by 75
Confounding Flash Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Confounding Flash Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Memblur (30%)
Confounding Flash Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Memblur (35%)
Mastermind's Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mastermind's Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mastermind's Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mastermind's Echo Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mastermind's Echo Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mastermind's Echo Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Quiescent Mind Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/100)
Quiescent Mind Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (12/100)
Quiescent Mind Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (10/100)
Remote Color Confluence Target Ring AE Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Remote Color Confluence Rk. II Target Ring AE Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Remote Color Confluence Rk. III Target Ring AE Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Chromaclash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 8778
Chromaclash Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 9217
Chromaclash Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 9678
Enunciation of Tashan Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Damage Amt Incoming by 1210
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 84
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Enunciation of Tashan Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Damage Amt Incoming by 1271
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 86
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Enunciation of Tashan Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Damage Amt Incoming by 1335
2: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 88
4: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 1
5: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
6: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
7: Effect type: Limit: Resist (Chromatic allowed)
8: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Temptation Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 97
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 185
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 154
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 162
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 22
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (13%)
Temptation Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 97
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 194
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 162
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 170
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 22
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (14%)
Temptation Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 97
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 204
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 170
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 179
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 22
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (15%)
Tempting Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Tempting Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Tempting Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Radiance Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Radiance Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Runic Radiance Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Aegis of Xorbb Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Aegis of Xorbb Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Aegis of Xorbb Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Quiescent Issuance Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Quiescent Issuance Rk. II Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Quiescent Issuance Rk. III Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Chaotic Confounding Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
Chaotic Confounding Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
Chaotic Confounding Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
Stifle Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 2136
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1679
Stifle Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 2243
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1748
Stifle Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 2355
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1821
Diminishing Helix Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 70%
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 265
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 142, Everyone else by 107
5: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 265
6: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 265
7: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 15%
Diminishing Helix Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 70%
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 278
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 149, Everyone else by 112
5: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 278
6: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 278
7: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 16%
Diminishing Helix Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 70%
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 292
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 158, Everyone else by 118
5: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 292
6: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 292
7: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 17%
Foresight Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1682
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 100 per tick (total 84000)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 126
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 126
Foresight Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1766
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 105 per tick (total 88200)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 132
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 132
Foresight Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1854
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 110 per tick (total 92400)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 139
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 139
Illusion: Coldain Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Coldain
Mana Reverberation Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Reverberation Strike)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Mana Reverberation Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Reverberation Strike II)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Mana Reverberation Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Trigger On Cast by 100
2: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell(Mana Reverberation Strike III)
6: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
7: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
8: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
Disorientation Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 20
3: Effect type: Memblur (6%)
Disorientation Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 25
3: Effect type: Memblur (7%)
Disorientation Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 30
3: Effect type: Memblur (8%)
Phantasmal Assault Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 10246
Phantasmal Assault Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 10758
Phantasmal Assault Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 11296
Terrifying Rune Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 12891
Terrifying Rune Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 13536
Terrifying Rune Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 14213
Terrifying Rune Effect Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 22%
Amplifying Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Amplifying Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Amplifying Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Aegis of the Keeper Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Dot Damage Mitigation by 20
Mirror Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 70%
Mirror Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 65%
Mirror Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 67%
Aegis of the Keeper Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Dot Damage Mitigation by 20
Aegis of the Keeper Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Dot Damage Mitigation by 20
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Slackening Glance Rk. III Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Add Hate Percentage by 100
Slackening Glance Rk. II Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Add Hate Percentage by 100
Slackening Glance Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Add Hate Percentage by 100
Confounding Constriction Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 2991
3: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 9%
4: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 27
5: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1167
Confounding Constriction Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 3141
3: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 9%
4: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 28
5: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1225
Confounding Constriction Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 3298
3: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 9%
4: Effect type: Decrease Magic Resist by 29
5: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1286
Brimstone Eminence Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 10386
Brimstone Eminence Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 10905
Brimstone Eminence Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 11450
Color Confluence Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Color Confluence Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Color Confluence Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Dizzying Squall Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Dizzying Squall Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Dizzying Squall Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: SpinStun
Echo of Temptation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Echo of Temptation Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Echo of Temptation Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Legion of Xolok Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Legion of Xolok Rk. II Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Legion of Xolok Rk. III Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20
Slackening Wave Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
Slackening Wave Rk. II Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
Slackening Wave Rk. III Area of effect around the target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
Umbral Rune Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 37931
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Obscuring Umbra
Umbral Rune Rk. II Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 40776
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Obscuring Umbra II
Umbral Rune Rk. III Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 43834
2: Effect type: Defensive Proc Obscuring Umbra III
Obscuring Umbra Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Decrease hate by 2271
Obscuring Umbra II Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Decrease hate by 2385
Obscuring Umbra III Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Decrease hate by 2504
Umbral Auspice Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Melee Threshold Guard by 75
Umbral Auspice Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Melee Threshold Guard by 75
Umbral Auspice Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Melee Threshold Guard by 75
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Hastening of Sviir Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 185
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 154
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 162
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 22
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (13%)
Hastening of Sviir Rk. II Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 194
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 162
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 170
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 22
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (14%)
Hastening of Sviir Rk. III Group Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 204
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 170
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 179
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 22
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (15%)
Illusion: Lord Soptyvr Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Illusion: Evil Eye
Mana Reverberation Aura Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mana Reverberation Aura Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mana Reverberation Aura Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Mind Squall Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 641 per tick (total 3205)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3420
Mind Squall Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 673 per tick (total 3365)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3591
Mind Squall Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Mana by 707 per tick (total 3535)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3771
Mind Squall Recourse Self only Conjuration 7: Effect type: Increase Mana by 321 per tick (total 1605)
Mind Squall Recourse II Self only Conjuration 7: Effect type: Increase Mana by 337 per tick (total 1685)
Mind Squall Recourse III Self only Conjuration 7: Effect type: Increase Mana by 354 per tick (total 1770)
Mindcleave Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 20791
Mindcleave Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 21831
Mindcleave Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 22922
Mesmerizing Stare Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 16
Mesmerizing Stare Rk. II Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 20
Mesmerizing Stare Rk. III Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 24
Polyiridescent Rune Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 66747
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 36247
Polyiridescent Rune Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 71753
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 36248
Polyiridescent Rune Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 77134
2: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 36249
Polyiridescent Rune Strike Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Polyiridescent Rune Strike II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Polyiridescent Rune Strike III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Stun (6.0 sec)
Phantasmal Unity Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Phantasmal Unity Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Phantasmal Unity Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Impose Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 99
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 185
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 154
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 162
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 22
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (13%)
9: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 36256
Impose Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 99
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 194
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 162
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 170
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 22
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (14%)
9: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 36257
Impose Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Charm up to level 99
2: Effect type: Increase AGI by 204
3: Effect type: Increase DEX by 170
4: Effect type: Increase ATK by 179
5: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
7: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 22
8: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (15%)
9: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 36258
Tears of Syrkl Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 1342
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Tears of Syrkl Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 1409
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Tears of Syrkl Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Mana Drain Damage by 1479
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Voice of Foresight Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1682
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 100 per tick (total 84000)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 126
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 126
Voice of Foresight Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1766
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 105 per tick (total 88200)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 132
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 132
Voice of Foresight Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 1854
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 110 per tick (total 92400)
3: Effect type: Increase INT by 139
4: Effect type: Increase WIS by 139
Ward of the Mastermind Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Mastermind's Warding Effect
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Ward of the Mastermind Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Mastermind's Warding Effect II
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Ward of the Mastermind Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Mastermind's Warding Effect III
2: Effect type: Negate Spell Effect by 0
Mastermind's Warding Effect Single target Melee 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
Mastermind's Warding Effect II Single target Melee 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
Mastermind's Warding Effect III Single target Melee 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
Issuance of Mana Reverberation Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Issuance of Mana Reverberation Rk. II Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Issuance of Mana Reverberation Rk. III Target Ring AE Conjuration 1: Effect type: Persistent Effect by 1
Perilous Disorientation Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
Perilous Disorientation Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
Perilous Disorientation Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Divination 1: Effect type: Mesmerize up to level 103
Legion of the Keeper Rk. III Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Dot Damage Mitigation by 20
Legion of the Keeper Rk. II Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Dot Damage Mitigation by 20
Mindcleave Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 20791
Legion of the Keeper Group teleport Abjuration 1: Effect type: Dot Damage Mitigation by 20
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Form of Mana Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Illusion: Scrykin