Diminishing Helix Rk. III

1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 70%
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 292
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 158, Everyone else by 118
5: Effect type: Decrease DEX by 292
6: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 292
7: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dual Wield by 17%

Mana: 673 Skill: Alteration
Casting Time: 2.5s Recast Time: 6.0s
Recovery Time: 1.5s Range: 200
Min Duration: 5 min (50 ticks) Max Duration: 5 min (50 ticks)
Target Type: Single target Resist Type: Magic (-30)
Zone Type: Any Time of Day: Any

When cast on you: Your strength is diminished.
When cast on other: Soandso is diminished.
When fading: You are no longer diminished.
Items with this spell as an effect: