Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade

Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
Magic No Drop
Class: PAL SHD
Race: ALL
Slot: Primary
Weight: 3.5
Skill: 1H Slashing
AC: 38
HP: 345
Mana: 335
Base Dmg: 85
Magic Damage: 1
Delay: 35
Strength: 25
Stamina: 25
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 20
Charisma: 20
Fire: 20
Cold: 20
Disease: 20
Poison: 25
blank slot Slot 1, type 8 (General: Raid)
blank slot Slot 2, type 20 (Ornamentation)
Effect: Rune IV (Combat)
Item Lore: The handle of the sword is soaked in fresh blood