Band of Endless Fire

Band of Endless Fire
Magic No Drop
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot: Fingers
Size: TINY
Weight: 0.4
AC: 53
HP: 525
Mana: 525
Endur: 525
Stamina: 32
Agility: 32
Dexterity: 32
Intelligence: 32
Wisdom: 32
Charisma: 32
Magic: 42
Cold: 42
Disease: 42
Poison: 42
Mana Regen: 5
Spell Shielding: 3
DoT Shielding: 3
Stun Resist: 3
blank slot Slot 1, type 8 (General: Raid)
Effect: Improved Dodge V (Worn)
Focus Effect: Mysaphar's Prolonged Perpetuation
Item Lore: The thirst for destruction is never quenched