Speaker of the Scale

Speaker of the Scale
Magic No Drop
Class: BRD
Race: ALL
Slot: Fingers
Weight: 0.9
AC: 40
HP: 335
Mana: 325
Stamina: 35
Agility: 23
Dexterity: 17
Intelligence: 25
Magic: 35
Fire: 20
Cold: 20
Poison: 25
HP Regen: 7
Shielding: 4
Stun Resist: 6
Damage Shield: 5
blank slot Slot 1, type 8 (General: Raid)
Effect: Cleave V (Worn)
Click Effect: Kessdona's Roar (Casting time: 1.0 sec)
Click Type: Click from inventory with Level/Class/Race requirement.
Level for effect: 0
Charges: Unlimited
Item Lore: Worn by ancient diplomats from the Nest