Tainted Axe of Hatred

Tainted Axe of Hatred
Class: BER
Race: ALL
Slot: Range Ammo
blank slot Slot 6, type 20 (Ornamentation)
Weight: 1.6
AC: 18
HP: 200
Endur: 170
Base Dmg: 56
Delay: 31
Range: 175
Strength: 20
Agility: 20
Dexterity: 20
Magic: 20
Fire: 15
Cold: 15
Disease: 10
blank slot Slot 1, type 1 (Stats)
blank slot Slot 2, type 2 (Worn)
blank slot Slot 3, type 3 (Spells)
Effect: Time Rend (Combat)
Stackable Count: 100
Item Lore: Touching the axe makes you burn with hate