The Freeport Observer Vol. 8 No. 2

The Freeport Observer Vol. 8 No. 2
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Size: TINY
Weight: 0.1
Value: 2sp 5cp
Item Lore: Freeport Local Newspaper
::Freeport Observer::

Volume 8, No. 2

~Wayfarers Find Grozmok Stone~

The Wayfarers Brotherhood has located the Grozmok Stone.

Calliav Giniuar, a magician becoming known for his strange visions, is now studying the stone.

"Our friend, Calliav, is researching the Grozmok Stone and believes it has some kind of magic that may impact our next journey," said Morden Rasp, Wayfarers Brotherhood leader.

The ship that the Wayfarers Brotherhood is building in Nedaria's Landing is well underway as well.

"We're always looking for enterprising young Norrathians to help us out here," Rasp said.

~Boomba Goes on Rampage~

Renowned pickle salesman, Boomba the Big, went on a rampage last week, terrorizing visitors to Freeport.

A passing bard, Faralei Ariaweaver, that witnessed Boomba's tirades said that he was shaking people "out of their wits" asking them if they new about the meat.

Boomba, who was temporarily detained, said that he was sorry, but that he was very angry.

The Freeport Observer has learned that an unidentified citizen left a bag of meat for Boomba to pickle.
It turned out that the meat delivered was, in fact, ogre meat.

"Me did not know 'til I made da pickles that it was ogre meat," Boomba said.
"Me was so mad at da joke dat I went nuts.
Dat not funny joke.
Wut if dat was my dad or sumtin?"

Boomba was released and fined 100 platinum for public mischief and assault on a halfling.