McVaxius` Horn of War

McVaxius` Horn of War
Class: BRD
Race: ALL
Slot: Secondary
blank slot Slot 6, type 20 (Ornamentation)
Weight: 1.7
AC: 103
HP: 1935
Mana: 1805
Endur: 1905
Strength: 31+11
Stamina: 32+10
Agility: 30+11
Dexterity: 31+13
Intelligence: 16+9
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 26+11
Magic: 58
Fire: 80
Cold: 39
Disease: 36
Poison: 76
Attack: 41
HP Regen: 5
Mana Regen: 6
Spell Shielding: 6
Combat Effects: 5
DoT Shielding: 2
Avoidance: 6
Accuracy: 28
Stun Resist: 1
Strikethrough: 7
Damage Shield: 3
Heal Amount: 12
Spell Damage: 8
blank slot Slot 1, type 1 (Stats)
blank slot Slot 2, type 3 (Spells)
Effect: BRD Melee Damage Focus (Worn)
Bard skill: Brass (240%)
Item Lore: Calls armies to battle