Frosted Wrap of the Calm Spirit

Frosted Wrap of the Calm Spirit
Class: MNK
Race: ALL
Slot: Shoulders
Weight: 1.2
AC: 53
HP: 465
Endur: 455
Strength: 27
Stamina: 30
Agility: 35
Dexterity: 33
Charisma: 25
Magic: 35
Fire: 40
Disease: 25
Poison: 45
Attack: 30
HP Regen: 3
Shielding: 2
Avoidance: 15
Accuracy: 15
Strikethrough: 5
blank slot Slot 1, type 1 (Stats)
Effect: Improved Dodge V (Worn)
Item Lore: Surrounded by an intangible aura of calm