Emblem of Ambitious Dreams (Legendary)

Emblem of Ambitious Dreams (Legendary)
Magic Attuneable
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot: Chest
Size: TINY
Weight: 0.0
AC: 90
HP: 1230
Mana: 1690
Endur: 845
Magic: 60+15
Fire: 70+18
Cold: 70+18
Disease: 50+13
Poison: 50+13
Attack: 25
HP Regen: 12
Mana Regen: 14
Spell Shielding: 3
Avoidance: 4
Stun Resist: 5
Augmentation Slot Type: 1, 2
Item Lore: Delve into mysteries in your dreams
Proc rate Modifier: 20