Ipsor's Enlightenment III

Ipsor's Enlightenment III
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Size: TINY
Weight: 0.0
Value: 8pp
Item Lore: Ipsor's Enlightenment III
Nullify Magic:
Rune of Consumption
Rune of Sorcery
Rune of Arrest

Circle of Force:
Rune of Concussion
Rune of Banding
Rune of the Catalyst

Lava Storm:
Rune of Conception
Rune of Solusek Ro
Rune of the Cyclone

Rune of Conception
Rune of Howling
Rune of Contortion

Rune of Petrification
Rune of Tyranny
Rune of Paralysis

Common Portal:
Rune of Embrace
Rune of the Combine
Rune of Conception

Force Spiral of Al'Kabor:
Rune of the Helix
Rune of Al'Kabor
Rune of Infraction