On Advanced Fireworks

On Advanced Fireworks
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Weight: 1.0
Value: 1pp 5sp
Item Lore: On Advanced Fireworks
January 25th
An item of necessity that I
have created is a weather
The rain here is
acidic at times and burns the
I have used a concept
taught to me by the Elves of
Greater Faydark.
Calling on
Karana they can cease the rain
somehow with the use of an
I placed an opal on a
normal Firework and then used
an Advanced Propulsion Unit to
send it up to the sky.
the firework up to the clouds
it explodes with the attached
The opal dust from the
explosion spreads out among
the clouds and the rain ceases
for a period of time that is
It is useful
when you need to finish up
what you are working on
quickly and get inside out of
the corrosive rain.
was made from spare parts that
I had laying around; a
tinkered catapult, firewater,
coiled spring, and saltpeter.

While fooling around with the
meteorological rocket, I made
Some of the
clockworks have started to
attack me while out collecting
it seems that they
are easily startled by loud
So I made a rocket
as I did with the
meteorological rocket but used
saltpeter instead of an opal.
The effect is a very loud
explosion that does minimal
damage but is enough to ward
away the attacking rogue

Using a telescope I spied on
something that I thought was
quite amazing today.
gnome appeared.
He is dressed
in some plate mail that I have
not ever seen before.
scrapes are on it and lots of
scars can be seen on his face.
He spoke to the clockwork
without fear of them.
I think
that he has made some sort of
agreement with them.
I am not
sure what is being created in
the factory but it is churning
all hours of the night.

Louder and more quickly than
it ever has.
I believe that I
will start my new creation
A sort of
protection just in case all of
these clockwork decide to turn
on me.
For today I shall
finish my ultimate creation.