The Clockworks Press On

The Clockworks Press On
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Weight: 1.0
Value: 1pp
Item Lore: The Clockworks Press On
October 18th
Lately even though my mind has
become focused on projects
that I work on, my body has
become clumsier.
I seem to
cut my fingers on the gears as
I place them.
I set about to
make a gauze press so I could
bandage up the many cuts that
I have endured.
The gauze
press is an amazing invention
I must say.
I took one
bandage and added it to the
machine and it constantly
produces new fresh bandages.

I took a base prototype and
added gnomish bolts, a static
orb, and a class six battery
to keep all the gears in

I have started to create new
form of clockwork that puts
those in Ak'Anon to shame.

Their intelligence grows
Their perpetual
learning ability is amazing.

I have no fear of them
surpassing me though.
I feel
like my mind's power has moved
beyond any gnome before.

The clockwork work tirelessly.
Within a few short weeks they
have created a massive factory
to further the production of
They continue to
build better versions of
themselves, and discard those
that are obsolete.
Those that
are discarded eventually run
out of power in the junkyard.
I go out and collect parts
from these left behind models
for inventions that keep
coming to mind.