First Days in Innovation

First Days in Innovation
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Item Lore: First Days in Innovation
September 27th
It has been nearly two weeks
since I have appeared in this
I feel my mind wander
to places I have never seen.

Thoughts of creations flow
I can't scribe fast
enough to keep up with the
devices that I picture.
It is
as if my mind feeds of the
very essence of this plane.
have never been so excited
with the thoughts that I have
been conjuring before, however
this place is a lonely one so
I keep this journal as my

Something that I would have
enjoyed using back home is the
Maximizing Device I have made.
There were many times when
visiting abroad that the
shelves were very unwelcoming
to gnomes.
The growing device
alters the body of the user to
make them increase in size.

The Maximizing Device came
about by using a Base
Prototype that I would use for
future creations.
The Base
Prototype was created from
steel casing, pinion, grease,
and a ball bearing.
I took
the Base Prototype and used
gnomish bolts and sprockets
for the base motor.
I added a
class six battery to power the
whole engine.
I then added a
perpetual air pump.
much testing I have found that
the machine will harmlessly
increases the size of the

On the other side of the gear
I created a device that would
allow me to shrink down to the
smallest size and go into
holes as small as a mouse.
make the Minimizing Device I
used all the same ingredients
as the Maximizing Device but
used a perpetual steam pump
Many tests with this
item show it to be harmless to
the body as well.