Wandering Drogard's Brew Book, v2

Wandering Drogard's Brew Book, v2
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Weight: 1.0
Value: 1cp
Item Lore: Wandering Drogard's Brew Book, Vol. 2
Surefall Glade -
No rest for the wicked, they
Off to the forests of
Surefall went I, to sample the
local brew - a drink used by
the rangers to keep body and
soul together on their trails!

This drink is stored in a
special air-sealed container,
made by potters nearby: a jar
sketch, large block of clay,
dab of water, metal twine and
some glue made from Thunder
That glue is the
bones of the thunder salmon,
baked with water - really
sticky too!

With the airtight container
made, they mix in Surefall Sap
and magic essence and the
drink is ready!

To accompany -
I met a fellow traveller
whilst in Surefall, a little
lady who seemed to be fond of
A nice halfling girl
- smelled of cabbage, but she
cooked up a storm!

One dish we ate was a seafood
salad - arctic mussels, small
clams, king crabs,
rock crab, abalone and
vegetables all lightly cooked
in an oil made from something
called a Dragon Bay Snapper!

To follow we had a huge fish
I had to have a good
sleep after that!
It was a
weary-wrass-in-cream filling,
with a bit of dough, all
cooked in a special pot.

She said that the pot was made
from a pie tin sketch, large
block of clay, splash of water
and some funny dark clay.
was talking some nonsense
about getting that from
creatures made entirely of
clay and mud - hah!

Don't ask me how to make the
filling to that pie, I don't
know much about fish!
the bad smell, curse 'em all!
To finish -
I caught the ferry over to
Erudin, and sampled a
delightful tipple therein!

Soda water, some sea horse
eggs, a little magical essence
and some greengill juice, all
mixed into a bottle and
The juice comes from
baking greengill bones with