River's Hastily Scribbled Note

River's Hastily Scribbled Note
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Weight: 1.0
Value: 1cp
Item Lore: River's Hastily Scribbled Note
The spirits found me just last night, I must commit the dream to paper.
I saw an sketch of an idol, and clay - was it magical?
There was water, and celestial essence - some other essence too, as well as pure, distilled mana.
Worked with tools, then fired with a holy glaze on a high-quality firing sheet.
That other essence - what was it? It could have been water with Halas turnip, or was it with Deadbone Barley?
Or with the Innothule ground-growers or maybe the Payala Fruit?
What an odd brew.
Not as odd as that skull drink, or that funny Poppin Ale.