Liber Brassica Felix v 7
| Liber Brassica Felix v 7 | | Class: NONE | Race: ALL | | |
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Value: 1cp |
Item Lore: Liber Brassica Felix v 7 |
Quick Facts
- Progression:
- Tribute:
- Tint:
Then came the third and final
gift of Man,
Brought by Running Wolf, but
where had he ran?
A strange name for a druid
He closely resembled a friend
of mine.
The gift was a Robe, so well
made and sewn,
If I were a taller, I'd have
one of my own!
The neckpiece was silver,
smithed with skill;
Magical silver, metal bits and
water to fill.
Then, gems of the primary
colours and that chain -
A jeweller had clearly crafted
one main.
With pieces of Tunarean silk -
perhaps three,
A tailor had sewn the robe, I
could see,
Also using a pattern, and the
gemmed chain,
And a magical needle, or I am
not sane!
Those basic ingrediants six
went to form,
The luxuriant robe, honourably
Upon the magical silk, I then
did wonder,
A process exact, one cannot
Combining a swatch of silk,
and magical essence,
And a pinch of Tunarean dust
would make sense.
The magical needle, now there
is a thought -
I think from a mold and metal
bits is it wrought;
Magical essence and water
don't forget to include,
Then smith in the forge
whenever is your mood!
So mankind and elfkind their
gifts had given,
By love of their Gods to their
arts driven.
A second star appeared
brightly in the sky,
As if the opening of another
deity's eye;
And so, to those of Karana's
humble folk,
To the duty of sacrifice,
passion awoke!
Sorrun, brave halfling, he
held high,
What appeared to be a
sumptuous pie!
So fitting for the halfling
There is no doubt he is far
from thin!
The pie smelled divine, made
from good dough,
A good shaped pie tin; the
filling, though
It seemed familiar, as if it
were a paste,
Created from vile plants in my
Caverns, make haste!
Slay them well, and mix them,
with flour,
And cream and allspice, a
taste to devour!