Head Housekeeper's Log

Head Housekeeper's Log
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Weight: 0.1
Item Lore: A Book From Ghiosk's Collection
Keeper of the House's log

1. New wash basins must be

acquired. Servant Hujin will

see the Quartermaster and

place the order tomorrow.

2. The chandelier in the main

hall was finally repaired

tonight. Payment must be sent

to the contract holder tomorrow.

3. Advisor Snith ordered that

I personally find and acquire

3 dozen finely made vials.

What they are for he would

not explain and was very firm

that I do this as quickly

as possible. Best to make

haste to fulfill the order,

rumors abound of the Advisor's

mastery of the arcane.

4. We've been low on candles

for the last week. There is

no explanation for the shortage

of wax says our civilian contract

holder. Perhaps I should send

a Palace Reaver escort with

the next pick up crew. The

craftsman may have the

intelligence to figure the


5. It is imperative that we

return the High Scale's Icon

to the church as discretely

as possible. If Rak

returns from his journey early

and discovers it was found

in the royal bedroom it may

prove disastrous. I cannot

decide whether to place it

ourselves with help of our

Black Guard, or to approach

one of our contacts in the

church. The less people that

know of this the better. It

might be prudent to ..remove..

the servant who found it within

the sheets.
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