Bloodstained Journal, Vol 5

Bloodstained Journal, Vol 5
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Weight: 0.1
Value: 5sp 5cp
Item Lore: Bloodstained Journal, Vol 5
Day 19
My Gnomish companion has
become obsessed with opening
the door - I turn my back to
find him edging towards it
with a distant look in his

My sleep has been restless.

Sometimes it sounds as if the
very walls of the temple
itself are whispering to me.
Day 20
Kinopio showed me plans for a
suit of full plate armour,
based on the lizard plating
that he constructed several
days ago.

With a smithing hammer, flask
of water, leather padding,
mold and several of the lizard
platings, he claims to be able
to make anything.
Day 21
Kinopio woke before me and ran
out of the door.
He was gone
all morning, and appeared
soaked in blood and sweat in
the afternoon.

Locking the door behind him,
he sat in a corner, staring
into space, clutching a
strange silk substance in his
Day 22
Kinopio sleeps, fitfully.

From two of the strands of the
silk, smeared in some form of
unidentifiable ichor, I was
able to make a crude swatch of
From whatever creature
this originates, I would
rather not know - it is
strong, and yet flexible.

Inordinately so.
Day 23
I fear for Kinopio's mental
state, he appears to have gone
quite insane.
constantly gibbering about
some kind of sacrifice, his
skilled hands crafted
something from the silk swatch
and a pattern of his own
making - imagine my surprise
when the poor soul presented
me with a hand-sewn cap!

Day 24
A transformation has occured
in my companion.
His former
state of incoherence and
madness has been replaced by a
firm determinism.
He seems
resolved, though in what I
cannot say.

The cap fits well - it seems
logical that the silk can be
used to make other garments.
Day 25
I awoke to find Kinopio gone.
Where he is I cannot guess,
though the door remains

The scurrying sounds outside
the door become almost
unbearable in the silence of
the room.
I must stay, I must
wait.. help could be on its
Day 26
I can stand it no longer.

I will find Kinopio, and
together we shall escape.

The door opens?