Notes from the Greenmist Tome

Notes from the Greenmist Tome
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Weight: 2.0
Item Lore: Notes from the Greenmist Tome
I made these notes from my
interpretation of the Sarnak

Read them carefully.

The weaponsmith who created
the Greenmist still exists in
some form.
He has been
tormented for a very long time
and may not remember his art.
If this is the case, there may
still be some chance of
recovering the design of the
sacred blade.
The key lies
with the Lich-King's beloved.

It is rumored the lich had a
mirror created that allows his
beloved Drusella to see her
former self in its reflection.
Perhaps this artifact can
offer you some assistance in
this quest.

Several items will be needed
to recreate the Greenmist
A special hammer was
specifically created to fold
and sculpt the weapon's blade.
Both the Greenmist and this
hammer were created on the
same day.
Only the year is
The year was 1406.

The tome mentions that the
Sarnak were actively seeking
the tool.

The formula that will be
needed to smelt the Tynnonium
is written in the back of this
Use this book when you
find the forge needed to
create the Khukri. You will
need a design pattern, the
block of Tynnonium, the
hammer, and this tome to
create the Greenmist blade.

To finish the weapon, you will
need the Lord of Pain's
Khukri, this tome, the hammer,
the Greenmist blade, and a
Greenmist shard or fragment.
We have not found any
Greenmist fragments.

All items must be forged in
the hottest of all forges, the
Forge of Dalnir.

May the will of Cazic-Thule
guide you

Quests where item is a reward: