Dusty Kobold Scroll

Dusty Kobold Scroll
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Size: TINY
Weight: 0.1
Item Lore: The Kobold Age of Blood
Three hundred years after the fall of King Gkar, Brell recognized the opportunity to form a second pact thus allowing him to strengthen his hold on the subterranean lands.
This time Fizzlethorpe, Cazic-Thule, and Rallos Zek agreed to the pact. Brell created the Gnomes and placed them near the lands of the Dwarves. The societies of the Dwarves and Gnomes expanded rapidly at this time and we kobolds now reduced to a tribal people inevitably discovered the Kingdoms of the younger races.
Recognizing the monuments erected by the short ones as being devoted to Brell we Kobolds were enraged and a great bloody war began beneath the surface of Norrath.