Pages from Brodders Diary VI

Pages from Brodders Diary VI
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Weight: 0.1
Value: 5sp
Item Lore: Diary of Brodder Foamymugs
Ogres- I've managed to
befriend some of the ogres,
by playing off the politics
that run between the shaman
cultures and their
shadowknights. here I tried
such things as ARMADILLO
As best I can remember the
first is made with Armadillo
fat, while the husk is made
into a serving bowl, the fat
is rendered and mixed with
ogre swill, which clears it
up considerably, mixed with
vinegar, malt, and yeast.
Surprisingly it was a
passable beverage, with a
surprising kick. Which leads
me to think that an alchemist
imprisoned here developed
this drink to buy his freedom
and to make living here while
waiting for freedom bearable.
The TAIL KICKER is made by
boiling lizard tails in
vinegar, adding malt, yeast
and two flasks of water. The
results are distilled into
clay flasks, trust me one
flask of this juice is enough
to uncurl a Dwarf's beard and
untie his boots.
I asked about the fabled
Burning SKULL ALE, and was
told that it was made for big
ceremonies and required a
sacrifice of not a few
prisoners. Their skulls were
cut open at the top and the
brains removed and mixed with
rare herbs and vinegar
(what's with ogres and
vinegar?), and spices and
short beer. It was set near
a fire and ready when the
skull's began to burn with an
internal flame. Alchemy or
brewing I'm not sure, but I
did steal a nicely carved
Cyclops skull.
My host wondered why no one
made that drink anymore, my
last words in Oggok were
"maybe it's that brains are
just in short supply in
Oggok" I left in a hurry
before they figured that one