Letters of Jonas Vol. 2

Letters of Jonas Vol. 2
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Size: TINY
Weight: 0.1
Value: 2pp
Item Lore: Letters of Jonas Vol. 2
Dearest Allyssa,

I was overjoyed to
receive your letter, but dis-
mayed yet again over the
words your father had for me.
My resolve to learn pharma-
copoeial skills to make me a
prestigious consultant and worthy
of your hand in his eyes has
only redoubled.

My education proceeds, as my
host allows me to observe his
treatments and preparations.
Today a party of hunters
came. They were preparing for
a long expedition to the Icy
Plains. Apparently these are
as frigid as they sound, as
the group was dressed in warm
furs, even though these same
men face the frozen avenues
of Halas in no more than a
kilt and a pair of boots.

I was reminded of just how
chill this was as I was sent
out to the shops to find
certain leaves and skins
(cold enough to wrap myself
in uncured skins). When
I returned, my mentor
arranged these on his bench
where a couple of jars had
been already opened. I
watched with interest as he

First he removed a multi-
colored faerie wing (I
forbore asking how he got it)
and combined it with
Yebamante to create what he
referred to as "Troll's
Essence". I asked why it was
called that when there was no
part of a troll in it, he
said it was just how it had
come to be called. Apparently
this brew enhances the
martial skills and con-
stitution of those who take

Reucoat's leaves were matched
with an odoriferous piece of
zombie flesh, to create
"Spurn Affliction."
the Reucoat reversed the
effect of the putrid flesh,
actually armoring the drinker
against disease.

Then a piece of wolf skin of
the highest quality was cut
from the hide, and combined
with sticklewort. The
resulting "Wolves Blood" was
apparently intended as an
energizer, reducing the need
to rest from strenuous
activity. Certainly hunting
in these climes is always

I am sure that the skills I
am learning will serve me
well, and look forward eagerly
to your next letter.

Your Jonas