Letters of Jonas Vol. 1

Letters of Jonas Vol. 1
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Size: TINY
Weight: 0.1
Value: 2pp
Item Lore: Letters of Jonas Vol. 1
Dearest Allyssa,

I'm writing to you to
say that I am well. I have
reached Halas and met the
local medicine man (or
"Shaman" as he refers to
himself). He's a rough sort,
but has a good nature, and
his manner with those who
are brought to him is as fine
and caring as I would hope
for from any of my students.
Convincing him to allow me
to study his use of herbs and
potions has been difficult in
the extreme. To his people,
he is as much a member of the
clergy as any Priest of
Mithaniel Marr is to us, and
his treatments are deeply
held as sacred mysteries. We
spent a full night of eating
and drinking (these barbar-
ians are a rough lot) without
success, although he seemed
impressed that a "city man"
could match his pace at

Indeed, I had almost des-
paired of doing so until the
next morning. Waking with a
severe headache from my
excesses the night before, I
blearily made my way from my
hut to meet him. Initially
amused at my state, he threw
a dried rat ear and a root I
recognized as alkanet (a
general folk remedy chewed
for aches in these parts)
into a medicine bag and pro-
ceeded to pulp the root to a
Pouring the noisome
concoction into a mug, he
handed it to me. Not wishing
to appear effete, I drank
readily (if without enthu-
siasm) and a more disgusting
flavor is hard to imagine.
However, my pains left me
entirely within seconds, as
did any remaining intox-

He told me that he had
developed this "Somber
Origins" so that he could
recover his sobriety quickly
in order to treat unexpected
patients on feast nights,
when young bravos are prone
to fighting. With a wink, he
also confided that those same
young men were quite fond of
his "Charming Deceit", an
unlikely combination of un-
dead froglok tongue and
mugwart, which aided them in
impressing the ladies of the
Please write and tell me you
are well.

Your Jonas