Journal of Gimblestan XI

Journal of Gimblestan XI
Class: NONE
Race: ALL
Size: TINY
Weight: 0.1
Value: 1gp
Item Lore: Journal of Gimblestan XI
From the notes of Gimblestan,
First Assistant to King
Ak-'Anon the XVII,
Master of the Tinkering Arts.
Volume XI

As previously mentioned, the
fishing expedition had been
planned for second-week, with
a prize going to he clan that
could pull the most fish from
the waters of our beloved Lake
How could we resist
such a contest?

It was a given that we would
use our superior intellect to
come up with a better way to
win the competition.
suggested the use of
underwater explosives,
claiming that we could catch
the fish once they floated to
the surface.
This was
immediately voted down by the
committee, since other groups
might grab the fish we had
used such innovation to catch.
I myself was leery,
remembering the accident at
the FIREWATER storage facility
from the previous week.
seems some young gnome,
wanting to make FIREWORKS, had
fixed the wrong ratio of water
to gnomish spirits, resulting
in unstable fuel for the
When she later
attached the bat wings to the
metal shaft, the unstable
firewater ignited prematurely,
sending the firework screaming
into the storage facility.

The new storage cavern was a
welcome addition to our city.

The committee finally decided
upon a gadget of my own humble
design for the contest:
Armed with
bits of cork and sprikets, we
assembled mass quantities of
this new style bait.

The final piece of work for
the contest, and my personal
favorite, is the COLLAPSIBLE
Using three
metal rods and some gnomish
bolts, I tinkered together a
fishing pole that would fit
inside of my belt pouch.

It was a good day to be a