Companion's Symbol of Defiance

Companion's Symbol of Defiance
Magic No Drop
Race: ALL
Slot: Ear Ears
Size: TINY
Weight: 0.2
AC: 78
HP: 1267
Mana: 1340
Endur: 1340
Strength: 24+9
Stamina: 26+4
Agility: 34+10
Dexterity: 29+7
Intelligence: 20+16
Wisdom: 36+16
Charisma: 41+8
Magic: 38
Fire: 58
Cold: 68
Disease: 66
Poison: 40
Attack: 42
HP Regen: 3
Mana Regen: 6
Spell Shielding: 2
Combat Effects: 12
Shielding: 2
DoT Shielding: 2
Avoidance: 9
Accuracy: 4
Stun Resist: 6
Strikethrough: 2
Damage Shield: 2
Heal Amount: 15
Spell Damage: 15
blank slot Slot 1, type 8 (General: Raid)
blank slot Slot 2, type 3 (Spells)
Effect: Sharpshooting IX (Worn)
Click Effect: Tiny Companion (Casting time: Instant)
Click Type: Click from inventory with Level/Class/Race requirement.
Charges: Unlimited
Focus Effect: Enhanced Minion IX
Item Lore: A companion's bond is greater than one's self