Quick Facts
- Expansion: Default
- Succor: Y: -374.8, X: -353.08
- XP Modifier: 200%
- None can Bind
- Outdoor
- Levitate
- Minimum level: 46
Name | Level | Class | HP | MR | CR | FR | DR | PR | Expansion |
Ashenbone Broodmaster | 56 | Necromancer | 14,750 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | Kunark 1 - 0 |
Coercer T`vala | 56 | Enchanter | 14,750 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | Kunark 1 - 0 |
Lord of Ire | 55 | Shadow Knight | 32,000 | 125 | 100 | 50 | 75 | 75 | Kunark 1 - 0 |
The Deathrot Knight | 65 | Shadow Knight | 28,500 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 26 | Luclin 3 - 0 |
an abhorrent | 49 | Rogue | 10,398 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | Default |
an Agent of Innoruuk | 54 | Rogue | 11,139 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | Velious 2 - 0 |
an ashenbone drake | 51 | Necromancer | 11,203 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | Default |
an Elite Dragoon | 55 | Warrior | 8,150 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | Default |
an evil little imp | 48 | Warrior | 7,000 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | Default |
an ire ghast | 50 | Shadow Knight | 11,203 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | Default |
Avatar of Abhorrence | 58 | Rogue | 29,305 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | Kunark 1 - 0 |
a Champion of Innoruuk | 56 | Warrior | 11,148 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | Velious 2 - 0 |
a Disciple of Innoruuk | 56 | Cleric | 11,139 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | Kunark 1 - 0 |
a forsaken revenant | 51 | Enchanter | 10,870 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | Default |
a haunted chest | 50 | Warrior | 10,870 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | Default |
a kiraikuei | 50 | Monk | 11,148 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | Default |
a Knight of Innoruuk | 51 | Shadow Knight | 11,148 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | Kunark 1 - 0 |
a loathling lich | 51 | Wizard | 14,300 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | Default |
a revultant rat | 49 | Warrior | 10,453 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | Default |
a Sage of Innoruuk | 56 | Necromancer | 11,139 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | Velious 2 - 0 |
a scorn banshee | 50 | Bard | 10,870 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | Default |
a spite golem | 51 | Shaman | 17,003 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | Default |
Cleric of Innoruuk | 49 | Cleric | 11,803 | 75 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | Default |
Corrupter of Life | 60 | Wizard | 21,000 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 | Velious 2 - 0 |
Grandmaster R`Tal | 58 | Monk | 29,305 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | Kunark 1 - 0 |
High Priest M`kari | 58 | Cleric | 29,305 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | Default |
Innoruuk | 55 | Wizard | 33,349 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | Default 0 - 1 |
Innoruuk | 63 | Wizard | 200,000 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 | Velious 2 - 0 |
Innoruuk`s Chosen | 55 | Shadow Knight | 11,139 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | Default |
Lord of Loathing | 55 | Wizard | 9,250 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | Kunark 1 - 0 |
Maestro of Rancor | 53 | Bard | 16,228 | 200 | 200 | 75 | 75 | 75 | Default |
Magi P`Tasa | 56 | Magician | 29,543 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | Kunark 1 - 0 |
Master of Spite | 58 | Shaman | 29,305 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | Kunark 1 - 0 |
Mistress of Scorn | 58 | Warrior | 29,305 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | Kunark 1 - 0 |
Coordinates (Y, X, Z) | NPCs | Respawn |
(-619.0, -355.0, 103.6) |
A blood (50%) Filled (50%) Suddenly (50%) You really (50%) |
8 hours |
(-450.0, -104.0, 49.0) |
A blood (50%) A wise (50%) Filled (50%) Suddenly (50%) The stench (50%) You would (50%) |
8 hours |
(-426.0, -73.0, 101.7) |
A blood (50%) Filled (50%) The stench (50%) You really (50%) |
8 hours |
(-361.0, -352.0, 4.3) |
A blood (50%) Suddenly (50%) The stench (50%) You really (50%) |
8 hours |
(-117.0, 127.0, 3.7) |
A blood (50%) Filled (50%) Suddenly (50%) You really (50%) You would (50%) |
8 hours |
(-111.0, 97.0, 4.0) |
A blood (50%) A wise (50%) You really (50%) |
8 hours |
(-51.0, 296.0, 4.0) |
A blood (50%) Filled (50%) The stench (50%) You really (50%) You would (50%) |
8 hours |
(69.0, 123.0, 4.0) |
A blood (50%) Filled (50%) You would (50%) |
8 hours |
(157.0, -99.0, 101.7) |
A blood (50%) A wise (50%) Filled (50%) The stench (50%) |
8 hours |
(249.0, -236.0, 4.0) |
A blood (50%) Filled (50%) You would (50%) |
8 hours |
(259.0, 100.0, 101.7) |
A blood (50%) A wise (50%) Suddenly (50%) |
8 hours |
(471.0, 8.0, 101.7) |
A blood (50%) Filled (50%) The stench (50%) |
8 hours |
(-277.0, -160.0, 4.0) |
A wise (50%) Filled (50%) You would (50%) |
8 hours |
(300.0, -75.0, 4.0) |
A wise (50%) Filled (50%) You really (50%) You would (50%) |
8 hours |
(-35.994995, -327.669281, 3.9) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(19.38979, -101.844749, 10.5) |
The Deathrot Knight (50%) |
8 hours |
(501.546539, 136.33757, 101.9) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(520.806824, -185.980835, 101.9) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(517.129883, -187.423615, 148.9) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(492.901825, 97.375938, 148.9) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(296.479919, -102.274002, 101.9) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(223.336227, 128.065262, 101.9) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(197.14502, 48.89484, 101.9) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(436.175232, -368.214294, 101.9) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(430.68158, -398.925476, 101.9) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(393.689972, -480.196503, 103.8) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(425.651642, 545.991577, 103.8) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(406.152283, 537.340698, 103.8) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(145.5793, 514.235413, 103.8) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(93.766716, 79.078217, 101.9) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(21.127508, 456.196289, 105.7) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(19.08371, 495.246765, 103.8) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(10.500066, 504.708893, 125.3) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(343.263123, 477.030731, 103.8) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(112.649384, 109.391403, 124.7) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(34.615723, -387.421387, 101.9) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(139.957535, -462.986633, 124.7) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(427.12619, 352.219238, 3.1) |
a loathling lich (50%) |
8 hours |
(273.509491, 350.345276, 3.1) |
A blood (50%) a scorn banshee (50%) Filled (50%) Suddenly (50%) You would (50%) |
8 hours |
(-312.236786, 341.584778, 3.1) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-317.041626, 272.819885, 3.1) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(335.65744, 86.093651, 148.9) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(336.737793, 120.505363, 148.9) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(220.167068, -28.003233, 101.9) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(252.995773, -24.05653, 101.9) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(408.540283, -164.711334, 101.9) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(378.830322, -164.031967, 101.9) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(488.675385, -49.86087, 101.9) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(480.739502, 43.091969, 101.9) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(497.801849, -23.171642, 101.9) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(526.889893, 385.861908, 103.8) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(526.591125, 363.792328, 103.8) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(476.344849, 462.510956, 103.8) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(195.334946, 465.515503, 103.8) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(193.440643, 520.855713, 103.8) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-0.61675, 153.185211, 101.9) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-206.738586, 316.928986, 101.9) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-169.47377, 331.367004, 101.9) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-200.995819, 344.696808, 101.9) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-71.800003, 273.399994, 3.5) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(109.337326, -317.607574, 27.7) |
Ashenbone Broodmaster (50%) Coercer T`vala (50%) Lord of Ire (50%) Avatar of Abhorrence (50%) Grandmaster R`Tal (50%) High Priest M`kari (50%) Lord of Loathing (50%) Magi P`Tasa (50%) Master of Spite (50%) Mistress of Scorn (50%) |
3 days |
(-366.139191, -168.751297, 3.2) |
Ashenbone Broodmaster (50%) Coercer T`vala (50%) Lord of Ire (50%) Avatar of Abhorrence (50%) Grandmaster R`Tal (50%) High Priest M`kari (50%) Lord of Loathing (50%) Magi P`Tasa (50%) Master of Spite (50%) Mistress of Scorn (50%) |
3 days |
(232.26915, 19.611467, 148.9) |
Innoruuk (50%) |
1 week |
(234.756439, 5.552423, 148.9) |
Innoruuk (50%) |
1 week |
(148.291138, -450.313507, 103.8) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(89.086861, -480.452179, 103.8) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(198.086014, -517.732605, 103.8) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(29.699234, -479.76004, 103.8) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(157.442902, -392.956146, 101.9) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-162.837509, -154.013306, 101.9) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-199.717804, -153.655731, 101.9) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-232.276825, 115.3395, 101.9) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(482.513397, 191.602707, 101.9) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(573.339844, 136.278061, 103.8) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(384.61618, 396.013275, 101.9) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(385.43103, 425.844574, 103.8) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(170.844742, 395.075928, 101.9) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(171.856903, 434.881012, 103.8) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(243.191147, 264.828674, 101.9) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(243.188477, 238.05896, 101.9) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(603.659302, -1.811775, 103.8) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-63.253109, -464.854187, 103.2) |
Ashenbone Broodmaster (50%) Coercer T`vala (50%) Lord of Ire (50%) Avatar of Abhorrence (50%) Grandmaster R`Tal (50%) High Priest M`kari (50%) Lord of Loathing (50%) Magi P`Tasa (50%) Master of Spite (50%) Mistress of Scorn (50%) |
3 days |
(-130.776703, -187.057144, 101.2) |
Ashenbone Broodmaster (50%) Coercer T`vala (50%) Lord of Ire (50%) Avatar of Abhorrence (50%) Grandmaster R`Tal (50%) High Priest M`kari (50%) Lord of Loathing (50%) Magi P`Tasa (50%) Master of Spite (50%) Mistress of Scorn (50%) |
3 days |
(-367.847351, -143.220169, 3.2) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-70.680054, 294.545898, 3.9) |
Ashenbone Broodmaster (50%) Coercer T`vala (50%) Lord of Ire (50%) Avatar of Abhorrence (50%) Grandmaster R`Tal (50%) High Priest M`kari (50%) Lord of Loathing (50%) Magi P`Tasa (50%) Master of Spite (50%) Mistress of Scorn (50%) |
3 days |
(-369.556091, -193.167328, 3.2) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-607.118408, -508.10495, 103.8) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-532.548523, -541.152344, 126.6) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-475.803955, -455.789703, 103.8) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-392.252869, -417.985992, 126.3) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-311.428497, -522.627319, 103.8) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-316.520874, -535.209656, 126.6) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-204.752579, -344.975677, 101.9) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-155.06308, -379.254822, 126.3) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-54.271309, 145.967255, 126.3) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-37.181587, 243.666016, 101.9) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-0.199082, 211.582825, 126.3) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(544.618652, -260.538879, 103.8) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(180.788971, 366.095978, 101.9) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(233.721054, 337.650238, 101.9) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(601.803589, 269.397095, 103.8) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-553.023499, 294.901489, 103.8) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-313.394073, 477.168335, 103.8) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-368.63681, 510.00647, 126.6) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-101.246162, 297.892853, 124.7) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-103.811325, 298.119568, 101.9) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-512.19458, 36.204659, 103.8) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-85.732597, -59.725838, 101.9) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-440.666107, 219.023392, 101.9) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-393.923981, 354.652618, 101.9) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-419.449951, 366.006744, 101.9) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-276.062469, 356.078247, 101.9) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-396.273468, 105.173279, 50.3) |
Ashenbone Broodmaster (50%) Coercer T`vala (50%) Lord of Ire (50%) Avatar of Abhorrence (50%) Grandmaster R`Tal (50%) High Priest M`kari (50%) Lord of Loathing (50%) Magi P`Tasa (50%) Master of Spite (50%) Mistress of Scorn (50%) |
3 days |
(-374.227661, -168.579636, 50.3) |
Ashenbone Broodmaster (50%) Coercer T`vala (50%) Lord of Ire (50%) Avatar of Abhorrence (50%) Grandmaster R`Tal (50%) High Priest M`kari (50%) Lord of Loathing (50%) Magi P`Tasa (50%) Master of Spite (50%) Mistress of Scorn (50%) |
3 days |
(304.761536, 371.234009, 6.6) |
an ire ghast (50%) |
8 hours |
(-374.725067, -188.607239, 50.2) |
a scorn banshee (50%) |
8 hours |
(-375.227661, -146.385727, 50.2) |
a scorn banshee (50%) |
8 hours |
(425.202026, 252.370636, 3.4) |
a spite golem (50%) |
8 hours |
(206.353271, -441.066376, 103.4) |
Ashenbone Broodmaster (50%) Coercer T`vala (50%) Lord of Ire (50%) Avatar of Abhorrence (50%) Grandmaster R`Tal (50%) High Priest M`kari (50%) Lord of Loathing (50%) Magi P`Tasa (50%) Master of Spite (50%) Mistress of Scorn (50%) |
3 days |
(-163.431732, -62.004379, 3.4) |
a revultant rat (50%) |
8 hours |
(-247.0, -121.0, 148.7) |
Innoruuk`s Advisor (50%) |
8 hours |
(-191.0, 295.0, 101.7) |
Innoruuk`s Advisor (50%) |
8 hours |
(117.0, 496.0, 148.7) |
Innoruuk`s Advisor (50%) |
8 hours |
(231.0, 13.0, 148.7) |
A wise (50%) Filled (50%) Innoruuk`s Advisor (50%) You would (50%) |
8 hours |
(471.0, 101.0, 148.7) |
Innoruuk`s Advisor (50%) |
8 hours |
(-545.0, -550.0, 103.6) |
Little eggs of evil (50%) ShowEQ Users Are Lame (50%) |
8 hours |
(-424.0, 303.0, 5.7) |
an evil little imp (50%) Little eggs of evil (50%) ShowEQ Users Are Lame (50%) |
8 hours |
(-422.0, 360.0, 5.7) |
an evil little imp (50%) Little eggs of evil (50%) ShowEQ Users Are Lame (50%) |
8 hours |
(-402.0, -5.0, 148.7) |
Little eggs of evil (50%) ShowEQ Users Are Lame (50%) |
8 hours |
(-366.0, 362.0, 5.7) |
an evil little imp (50%) Little eggs of evil (50%) ShowEQ Users Are Lame (50%) |
8 hours |
(-176.0, -253.0, 101.7) |
ShowEQ Users Are Lame (50%) |
8 hours |
(-175.0, 128.0, 101.7) |
Little eggs of evil (50%) ShowEQ Users Are Lame (50%) |
8 hours |
(148.0, -28.0, 101.7) |
Little eggs of evil (50%) ShowEQ Users Are Lame (50%) |
8 hours |
(298.0, 52.0, 101.7) |
Little eggs of evil (50%) ShowEQ Users Are Lame (50%) |
8 hours |
(303.0, -563.0, 103.6) |
Little eggs of evil (50%) ShowEQ Users Are Lame (50%) |
8 hours |
(306.0, -118.0, 101.7) |
Little eggs of evil (50%) ShowEQ Users Are Lame (50%) |
8 hours |
(352.0, 218.0, 101.7) |
Little eggs of evil (50%) ShowEQ Users Are Lame (50%) |
8 hours |
(547.0, -264.0, 103.6) |
Little eggs of evil (50%) ShowEQ Users Are Lame (50%) |
8 hours |
(-9.0, -161.0, 103.0) |
an abhorrent (50%) |
8 hours |
(-73.0, -454.0, 105.0) |
an abhorrent (50%) |
8 hours |
(283.0, 254.0, 5.0) |
an abhorrent (50%) |
8 hours |
(-195.0, -41.0, 5.0) |
an abhorrent (50%) |
8 hours |
(-199.0, -27.0, 30.0) |
an abhorrent (50%) |
8 hours |
(-60.0, -347.0, 30.0) |
an abhorrent (50%) |
8 hours |
(-26.0, -231.0, 5.0) |
an abhorrent (50%) |
8 hours |
(-372.0, -252.0, 30.0) |
an abhorrent (50%) |
8 hours |
(-2.596699, -71.681648, 101.1) |
an ashenbone drake (50%) |
8 hours |
(54.785156, -47.604965, 101.1) |
an ashenbone drake (50%) |
8 hours |
(-374.0, 117.0, 1.0) |
an ashenbone drake (50%) |
8 hours |
(227.0, 38.0, 5.0) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(204.0, -138.0, 103.0) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(28.0, -125.0, 103.0) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(66.0, -323.0, 103.0) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-75.0, -467.0, 105.0) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-106.0, -55.0, 5.0) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-113.0, -151.0, 5.0) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-134.679276, -72.079643, 50.2) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-101.905602, -73.870934, 50.2) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(418.0, -138.0, 4.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(281.0, -78.0, 4.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(426.0, -100.0, 4.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(-64.0, 275.0, 52.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(276.0, -178.0, 29.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(376.0, -270.0, 29.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(444.0, -313.0, 29.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(409.0, -367.0, 4.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(326.0, -286.0, 4.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(330.0, -349.0, 4.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(111.0, -226.0, 102.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(-59.0, -444.0, 104.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(133.0, -30.0, 4.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(321.0, -183.0, 29.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(158.0, -350.0, 4.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(55.0, -350.0, 4.0) |
a forsaken revenant (50%) |
8 hours |
(113.0, 277.0, 4.0) |
a haunted chest (50%) |
8 hours |
(274.0, -277.0, 4.0) |
a haunted chest (50%) |
8 hours |
(410.0, -74.0, 4.0) |
a haunted chest (50%) |
8 hours |
(-321.0, 306.0, 4.0) |
a haunted chest (50%) |
8 hours |
(203.0, -221.0, 26.0) |
a haunted chest (50%) |
8 hours |
(-67.0, -279.0, 28.0) |
a haunted chest (50%) |
8 hours |
(-324.0, -293.0, 28.0) |
a haunted chest (50%) |
8 hours |
(-148.0, -214.0, 2.0) |
a haunted chest (50%) |
8 hours |
(-18.92395, -325.885132, 101.1) |
Innoruuk (50%) |
1 week |
(104.0, -116.0, 103.0) |
an ire ghast (50%) |
8 hours |
(-19.0, 183.0, 103.0) |
an ire ghast (50%) |
8 hours |
(102.0, -79.0, 103.0) |
an ire ghast (50%) |
8 hours |
(445.0, 54.0, 5.0) |
an ire ghast (50%) |
8 hours |
(-47.0, 161.0, 5.0) |
an ire ghast (50%) |
8 hours |
(-167.0, -227.0, 30.0) |
an ire ghast (50%) |
8 hours |
(234.0, 275.0, 5.0) |
an ire ghast (50%) |
8 hours |
(-205.0, -286.0, 5.0) |
an ire ghast (50%) |
8 hours |
(103.0, 226.0, 103.0) |
an ire ghast (50%) |
8 hours |
(-144.0, 104.0, 5.0) |
an ire ghast (50%) |
8 hours |
(-437.0, 179.0, 24.0) |
an ire ghast (50%) |
8 hours |
(-221.0, -311.0, 5.0) |
an ire ghast (50%) |
8 hours |
(-97.0, 199.0, 52.0) |
a kiraikuei (50%) |
8 hours |
(229.0, 37.0, 53.0) |
a kiraikuei (50%) |
8 hours |
(166.0, 334.0, 30.0) |
a kiraikuei (50%) |
8 hours |
(130.0, 291.0, 30.0) |
a kiraikuei (50%) |
8 hours |
(-136.0, 322.0, 5.0) |
a kiraikuei (50%) |
8 hours |
(329.0, 321.0, 5.0) |
a kiraikuei (50%) |
8 hours |
(-223.0, -54.0, 30.0) |
a kiraikuei (50%) |
8 hours |
(-231.0, 266.0, 5.0) |
a kiraikuei (50%) |
8 hours |
(-310.0, 114.0, 54.0) |
a loathling lich (50%) |
8 hours |
(62.0, -221.0, 104.0) |
a loathling lich (50%) |
8 hours |
(256.0, -12.0, 6.0) |
a loathling lich (50%) |
8 hours |
(94.0, -108.0, 6.0) |
a loathling lich (50%) |
8 hours |
(-193.0, -318.0, 6.0) |
a loathling lich (50%) |
8 hours |
(456.0, 47.0, 6.0) |
a loathling lich (50%) |
8 hours |
(-283.0, -71.0, 53.0) |
a loathling lich (50%) |
8 hours |
(-82.0, 295.299988, 5.2) |
High Priest M`kari (50%) |
8 hours |
(186.0, 94.0, 6.0) |
a revultant rat (50%) |
8 hours |
(283.0, 148.0, 6.0) |
a revultant rat (50%) |
8 hours |
(250.0, -139.0, 6.0) |
a revultant rat (50%) |
8 hours |
(-332.740997, -288.270905, 3.8) |
a revultant rat (50%) |
8 hours |
(-159.0, -267.0, 6.0) |
a revultant rat (50%) |
8 hours |
(-144.0, 214.0, 6.0) |
a revultant rat (50%) |
8 hours |
(-174.0, 62.0, 6.0) |
a revultant rat (50%) |
8 hours |
(-204.0, 65.0, 52.0) |
a revultant rat (50%) |
8 hours |
(-345.0, -290.0, 30.0) |
a revultant rat (50%) |
8 hours |
(-25.0, -342.0, -103.0) |
a scorn banshee (50%) |
8 hours |
(169.0, 285.0, 30.0) |
a scorn banshee (50%) |
8 hours |
(409.0, -4.0, 6.0) |
a scorn banshee (50%) |
8 hours |
(-374.0, 280.0, 6.0) |
a scorn banshee (50%) |
8 hours |
(-335.0, 325.0, 29.0) |
a scorn banshee (50%) |
8 hours |
(459.0, 1.0, 6.0) |
a scorn banshee (50%) |
8 hours |
(-358.0, 253.0, 6.0) |
a scorn banshee (50%) |
8 hours |
(215.0, -194.0, 103.0) |
a spite golem (50%) |
8 hours |
(1.0, -121.0, 128.0) |
a spite golem (50%) |
8 hours |
(247.0, -89.0, 5.0) |
a spite golem (50%) |
8 hours |
(246.0, -388.0, 21.0) |
a spite golem (50%) |
8 hours |
(419.0, -248.0, 5.0) |
a spite golem (50%) |
8 hours |
(375.0, 300.0, 5.0) |
a spite golem (50%) |
8 hours |
(489.0, 95.0, 102.0) |
a spite golem (50%) The stench (50%) You really (50%) |
8 hours |
(-452.0, -529.0, 104.0) |
a spite golem (50%) Filled (50%) Suddenly (50%) |
8 hours |
(402.0, 279.0, 1.0) |
Maestro of Rancor (50%) |
3 days |
(334.880341, 219.887665, 51.3) |
Ashenbone Broodmaster (50%) Coercer T`vala (50%) Lord of Ire (50%) Avatar of Abhorrence (50%) Grandmaster R`Tal (50%) High Priest M`kari (50%) Lord of Loathing (50%) Magi P`Tasa (50%) Master of Spite (50%) Mistress of Scorn (50%) |
3 days |
(-71.699997, 317.200012, 4.0) |
Cleric of Innoruuk (50%) High Priest M`kari (50%) |
8 hours |
(-527.0, -306.0, 129.0) |
Corrupter of Life (50%) |
8 hours |
(-116.710236, -64.798111, 50.2) |
Ashenbone Broodmaster (50%) Coercer T`vala (50%) Lord of Ire (50%) Avatar of Abhorrence (50%) Grandmaster R`Tal (50%) High Priest M`kari (50%) Lord of Loathing (50%) Magi P`Tasa (50%) Master of Spite (50%) Mistress of Scorn (50%) |
3 days |
(305.0, 27.0, 103.0) |
a Champion of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(572.0, -467.0, 128.0) |
a Champion of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(144.0, 5.0, 103.0) |
a Champion of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(102.0, -50.0, 128.0) |
a Champion of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(66.0, 115.0, 103.0) |
a Champion of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(441.0, -401.0, 126.0) |
a Champion of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(561.0, -454.0, 105.0) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-39.0, 79.0, 128.0) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(518.0, 134.0, 128.0) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(542.0, 304.0, 105.0) |
a Knight of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(401.0, -344.0, 103.0) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(359.0, -400.0, 103.0) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(40.0, 88.0, 103.0) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(408.0, -532.0, 105.0) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(517.0, 462.0, 128.0) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(273.0, -458.0, 105.0) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(-230.652969, -302.880035, 101.8) |
a Disciple of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(399.0, -446.0, 105.0) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(442.0, -470.0, 105.0) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(575.0, 98.0, 128.0) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(534.0, -465.0, 128.0) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(553.0, 283.0, 126.0) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(485.0, 513.0, 128.0) |
a Sage of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(322.0, -362.0, 103.0) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(349.0, -476.0, 105.0) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(456.0, -404.0, 128.0) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(471.0, -315.0, 103.0) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(568.0, -98.0, 105.0) |
an Agent of Innoruuk (50%) |
8 hours |
(468.0, 157.0, 103.0) |
an Elite Dragoon (50%) |
8 hours |
(243.0, 106.0, 103.0) |
an Elite Dragoon (50%) |
8 hours |
(547.0, -226.0, 105.0) |
an Elite Dragoon (50%) |
8 hours |
(443.0, 219.0, 103.0) |
an Elite Dragoon (50%) |
8 hours |
(-625.0, 128.0, 118.0) |
an Elite Dragoon (50%) |
8 hours |
(-547.0, -592.0, 156.0) |
an Elite Dragoon (50%) |
8 hours |
(325.0, 325.0, 103.0) |
Innoruuk`s Chosen (50%) |
8 hours |
(512.0, -217.0, 103.0) |
Innoruuk`s Chosen (50%) |
8 hours |
(512.0, -286.0, 103.0) |
Innoruuk`s Chosen (50%) |
8 hours |
(323.0, 113.0, 148.2) |
Innoruuk`s Chosen (50%) |
8 hours |
(322.0, 96.0, 150.0) |
Innoruuk`s Chosen (50%) |
8 hours |
(247.0, 44.0, 150.0) |
Innoruuk`s Chosen (50%) |
8 hours |
(238.0, -13.0, 103.0) |
Innoruuk`s Chosen (50%) |
8 hours |
(360.0, -65.0, 150.0) |
Innoruuk`s Chosen (50%) |
8 hours |
(-337.0, 208.0, 3.7) |
A wise (50%) Filled (50%) Suddenly (50%) The stench (50%) |
8 hours |
(-255.0, 330.0, 3.7) |
A wise (50%) Filled (50%) Suddenly (50%) The stench (50%) |
8 hours |
(-147.0, -431.0, 103.6) |
Suddenly (50%) The stench (50%) |
8 hours |
(-108.0, -253.0, 101.7) |
A wise (50%) Suddenly (50%) The stench (50%) |
8 hours |
(-102.0, 38.0, 28.5) |
A wise (50%) Suddenly (50%) You would (50%) |
8 hours |
(31.0, -25.0, 16.3) |
Filled (50%) Suddenly (50%) You really (50%) |
8 hours |
(164.0, 147.0, 101.7) |
Suddenly (50%) The stench (50%) |
8 hours |
(379.0, -297.0, 4.0) |
Filled (50%) Suddenly (50%) You would (50%) |
8 hours |
(-486.0, 390.0, 103.6) |
A wise (50%) The stench (50%) |
8 hours |
(-201.0, 60.0, 101.7) |
You really (50%) You would (50%) |
8 hours |
(-108.0, -257.0, 4.0) |
You really (50%) |
8 hours |
(-254.0, 310.0, 101.7) |
The stench (50%) You would (50%) |
8 hours |
Name | Coordinates | Respawn | Comment |
Book of Souls | (-59.5, 324.4) | 0.3 seconds | Part of Rogue Epic |
Book of Souls | (-59.5, 324.4) | 0.3 seconds | Part of Rogue Epic |