The Plane of Sky

1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 -1000 -1100 -1200 -1300 -1400 -1500 -1600 -1700 -1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 -1000 -1100 -1200 -1300 -1400 -1500 -1600 -1700 -1800
X: 0, Y: 0
Quick Facts
Expansion: Default
Succor: Y: 1415.0, X: 614.0
Waypoint: Y: 1560, X: 700
XP Modifier: 200%
None can Bind
Minimum level: 46
East Freeport Default
Name Level Class HP MR CR FR DR PR Expansion
The Gale Caller 55 Enchanter 18,500 155 35 35 35 35 Default
an avenging gazer 59 Wizard 17,750 500 340 340 30 30 Default
an azarack 53 Rogue 13,345 85 25 340 340 25 Default
an essence harvester 52 Warrior 10,750 100 90 90 65 70 Default
an undine spirit 53 Cleric 18,500 105 85 85 75 75 Default
a blade storm 61 Warrior 20,800 100 85 95 75 75 Default
a crystaline cloud 53 Warrior 18,500 30 425 30 30 30 Default
a fatestealer drake 58 Wizard 16,750 340 335 335 320 320 Default
a gorgalask 55 Warrior 27,750 95 65 145 45 135 Default
a gorgalask 56 Warrior 14,750 95 65 145 45 135 Default
a greater sphinx 54 Enchanter 25,434 185 185 165 170 165 Default
a gust of wind 53 Warrior 11,750 30 450 30 30 30 Default
a heartsbane drake 56 Wizard 15,075 35 35 35 35 35 Default
a shimmering meteor 55 Warrior 32,000 30 30 30 30 30 Default
a soul carrier 52 Warrior 17,000 100 90 90 65 70 Default
a spiroc arbiter 52 Druid 23,632 90 100 90 75 80 Default
a spiroc banisher 52 Ranger 23,632 90 100 90 75 80 Default
a spiroc caller 52 Druid 23,632 90 100 90 75 80 Default
a spiroc expulser 52 Druid 23,632 90 100 90 75 80 Default
a spiroc revolter 52 Ranger 23,632 90 100 90 75 80 Default
a spiroc vanquisher 58 Warrior 23,632 105 95 85 70 75 Default
a spiroc walker 52 Ranger 10,750 90 100 90 70 75 Default
a sprited harpie 54 Shadow Knight 25,500 50 30 30 30 30 Default
a sprited harpie 55 Shadow Knight 25,500 50 30 30 30 30 Default
a thunder spirit 50 Warrior 15,075 50 100 100 50 50 Default
a thunder spirit princess 53 Warrior 20,000 150 135 160 140 130 Kunark 1 - 0
a watchful guard 55 Enchanter 22,400 115 100 100 30 30 Default
a watchful guard 56 Enchanter 25,750 115 100 100 30 30 Default
a windrider drake 60 Wizard 19,000 95 35 90 80 85 Default
Bzzazzt 50 Warrior 19,000 190 185 165 165 180 Default
Cilin Spellsinger 55 Warrior 32,000 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Dason Goldblade 55 Warrior 32,000 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Drakis Bloodcaster 55 Warrior 13,750 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Echo of the Past 100 Warrior 10,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Enchanter Jolas 55 Warrior 13,750 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Eternal Spirit 55 Shaman 20,000 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Eye of Veeshan 70 Warrior 32,000 475 475 475 460 460 Default
Gorgalosk 60 Warrior 29,890 500 430 90 85 415 Default
heart harpie 58 Shadow Knight 28,900 70 330 345 315 315 Default
Holwin 55 Warrior 13,750 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Josin Faithbringer 55 Warrior 13,750 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Key Master 55 Shopkeeper 13,750 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Kihun Solstin 61 Magician 20,000 24 24 24 24 24 Default
Magus Frinon 55 Warrior 13,750 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Medicine Man Veetra 55 Warrior 13,750 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Noble Dojorn 60 Paladin 32,000 430 430 430 430 430 Default
Ranger Spirit 55 Warrior 13,750 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Sarkis Ebonblade 55 Warrior 13,750 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Strandar Pinemist 55 Warrior 13,750 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Thalik Silenthand 55 Warrior 13,750 22 22 22 22 22 Default
The Spiroc Guardian 60 Druid 23,888 90 85 95 65 95 Default
The Spiroc Lord 63 Ranger 33,261 435 435 435 420 420 Default
The Storm Mistress 55 Magician 17,750 55 95 95 25 25 Default
Torgon Blademaster 55 Warrior 13,750 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Wizard Schrock 55 Warrior 13,750 22 22 22 22 22 Default
Coordinates (Y, X, Z) NPCs Respawn
(1332.414062, 621.919373, -662.5) a thunder spirit princess (50%)
6 hours
(1475.731689, 601.554077, -646.5) Echo of the Past (100%)
20 minutes
(-762.0, 295.0, 770.4) 10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1039.0, -912.0, 1150.4) an undine spirit (50%)
1 day
(-1063.0, -936.0, 1150.4) an undine spirit (50%)
1 day
(-695.0, 610.0, 420.0) a spiroc vanquisher (50%)
4 hours
(-408.0, 668.0, 434.0) a spiroc vanquisher (50%)
4 hours
(-338.0, 1057.0, 436.0) a spiroc vanquisher (50%)
4 hours
(-571.0, 788.0, 454.0) a spiroc revolter (50%)
4 hours
(0.0, 0.0, -1100.0) zoner (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-540.0, 951.0, 456.0) a spiroc walker (50%)
4 hours
(-616.0, 705.0, 447.0) a spiroc expulser (50%)
4 hours
(-243.0, 760.0, 416.2) The Spiroc Lord (50%)
4 hours
(-868.630005, 766.630005, 423.5) The Spiroc Guardian (50%)
4 hours
(-467.380005, 1125.880005, 469.5) a spiroc caller (50%)
4 hours
(866.880005, -697.0, 171.1) The Gale Caller (50%)
4 hours
(635.0, -1106.0, 179.6) a soul carrier (50%)
4 hours
(893.0, -660.0, 164.9) a soul carrier (50%)
4 hours
(491.0, -813.875, 190.6) a soul carrier (50%)
4 hours
(723.880005, -1483.880005, 152.1) an essence harvester (50%)
4 hours
(807.0, -964.0, 167.0) an essence harvester (50%)
4 hours
(-1148.630005, -711.130005, 1059.0) a windrider drake (50%)
1 day
(-1142.0, -718.880005, 1060.0) a windrider drake (50%)
1 day
(-1145.630005, -642.25, 1054.0) a windrider drake (50%)
1 day
(633.0, 323.0, -53.8) heart harpie (50%)
4 hours
(317.0, -30.0, -110.0) a watchful guard (50%)
4 hours
(435.0, 694.880005, -115.0) a watchful guard (50%)
4 hours
(608.0, 290.0, -53.8) Gorgalosk (50%)
4 hours and 40 seconds
(362.0, 359.880005, -77.0) a watchful guard (50%)
4 hours
(838.880005, 738.880005, -115.0) a gorgalask (50%)
4 hours
(639.0, -6.0, -88.0) a sprited harpie (50%)
4 hours
(530.0, 750.0, -116.0) a sprited harpie (50%)
4 hours
(864.880005, -0.88, -104.0) a gorgalask (50%)
4 hours
(862.880005, 576.880005, -105.0) a gorgalask (50%)
4 hours
(608.0, 353.0, -54.0) an avenging gazer (50%)
4 hours
(768.880005, 683.880005, -113.0) a sprited harpie (50%)
4 hours
(860.880005, 177.0, -73.0) a sprited harpie (50%)
4 hours
(-1100.0, -965.0, 1094.1) a greater sphinx (50%)
1 day
(-972.0, -753.0, 1094.1) a greater sphinx (50%)
1 day
(-955.0, -965.0, 1094.1) a greater sphinx (50%)
1 day
(-1039.0, -990.0, 1094.1) a greater sphinx (50%)
1 day
(-1100.0, -898.0, 1094.1) a greater sphinx (50%)
1 day
(-1100.0, -753.0, 1094.1) a greater sphinx (50%)
1 day
(-955.0, -898.0, 1094.1) a greater sphinx (50%)
1 day
(456.880005, 60.0, -86.0) a gorgalask (50%)
4 hours
(359.0, 320.0, -73.2) a crystaline cloud (50%)
a gust of wind (50%)
4 hours
(703.0, 245.0, -54.0) a crystaline cloud (50%)
a gust of wind (50%)
4 hours
(493.0, 291.0, -70.0) a crystaline cloud (50%)
a gust of wind (50%)
4 hours
(493.0, 347.0, -74.0) a crystaline cloud (50%)
a gust of wind (50%)
4 hours
(703.0, 400.0, -54.0) a crystaline cloud (50%)
a gust of wind (50%)
4 hours
(-384.130005, -659.630005, -340.0) an azarack (50%)
4 hours
(-282.630005, -591.880005, -342.0) an azarack (50%)
4 hours
(-334.5, -733.630005, -344.0) an azarack (50%)
4 hours
(-76.0, -462.380005, -360.0) an azarack (50%)
4 hours
(-340.75, -475.380005, -345.0) an azarack (50%)
4 hours
(-388.630005, -755.0, -349.0) an azarack (50%)
4 hours
(-397.25, -718.5, -345.0) an azarack (50%)
4 hours
(-373.130005, -585.75, -342.0) an azarack (50%)
4 hours
(-33.630001, -511.130005, -360.0) an azarack (50%)
4 hours
(-168.589996, -552.52002, -330.8) an azarack (50%)
4 hours
(1372.0, 609.0, -658.0) a thunder spirit princess (50%)
4 hours
(1520.0, 731.0, -676.0) a thunder spirit (50%)
4 hours
(1357.0, 386.0, -679.0) a thunder spirit (50%)
6 hours
(1216.0, 548.0, -675.0) a thunder spirit (50%)
6 hours
(1422.0, 836.0, -679.0) a thunder spirit (50%)
6 hours
(1579.0, 573.0, -679.0) a thunder spirit (50%)
6 hours
(1265.0, 769.0, -679.0) a thunder spirit (50%)
6 hours
(1197.0, 632.0, -670.0) a thunder spirit (50%)
6 hours
(1548.0, 479.0, -679.0) a thunder spirit (50%)
6 hours
(868.0, 715.0, -116.0) a watchful guard (50%)
4 hours
(700.0, 323.0, -55.0) a watchful guard (50%)
4 hours
(286.0, 1102.0, 20.2) a blade storm (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1340.0, 564.0, -762.2) Dason Goldblade (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(460.880005, 1098.880005, 23.6) a blade storm (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1194.130005, -722.25, 1070.0) a fatestealer drake (50%)
1 day
(-872.880005, -757.130005, 1067.0) a fatestealer drake (50%)
1 day
(-1034.380005, -644.75, 1055.9) a fatestealer drake (50%)
1 day
(-913.0, -1089.380005, 1078.0) a fatestealer drake (50%)
1 day
(-945.75, -1089.0, 1084.0) a fatestealer drake (50%)
1 day
(-1194.0, -1013.630005, 1060.0) a fatestealer drake (50%)
1 day
(378.0, 1080.0, 12.9) The Storm Mistress (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(589.0, 193.0, 141.1) a shimmering meteor (50%)
4 hours
(635.0, 322.0, 166.0) a shimmering meteor (50%)
4 hours
(635.0, 402.0, 141.0) a shimmering meteor (50%)
4 hours
(635.0, 243.0, 141.0) a shimmering meteor (50%)
4 hours
(588.0, 450.0, 140.9) a shimmering meteor (50%)
4 hours
(1380.0, 659.880005, -762.2) Cilin Spellsinger (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1320.0, 564.0, -762.2) Strandar Pinemist (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1400.0, 639.880005, -762.2) Medicine Man Veetra (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1400.0, 564.0, -762.2) Torgon Blademaster (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1324.880005, 659.880005, -765.9) Holwin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1305.0, 580.0, -766.0) Wizard Schrock (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1360.0, 564.0, -765.9) Sarkis Ebonblade (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-812.130005, -909.25, 1049.0) a heartsbane drake (50%)
1 day
(-1253.75, -825.75, 1068.0) a heartsbane drake (50%)
1 day
(-812.75, -676.25, 1050.0) a heartsbane drake (50%)
1 day
(-814.0, -1030.130005, 1046.0) a heartsbane drake (50%)
1 day
(-1253.75, -809.380005, 1073.0) a heartsbane drake (50%)
1 day
(-1130.75, -1148.5, 1048.0) a heartsbane drake (50%)
1 day
(-1246.630005, -610.5, 1046.0) a heartsbane drake (50%)
1 day
(-812.25, -1144.880005, 1035.0) a heartsbane drake (50%)
1 day
(1305.0, 629.880005, -766.0) Enchanter Jolas (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1305.0, 604.880005, -762.2) Magus Frinon (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1380.0, 564.0, -766.0) Thalik Silenthand (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1349.880005, 659.880005, -765.9) Josin Faithbringer (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1305.0, 654.880005, -762.2) Drakis Bloodcaster (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1400.0, 609.880005, -762.2) Ranger Spirit (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1467.0, 654.0, -765.0) Kihun Solstin (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(1384.75, 601.0, -658.3) Key Master (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(377.479279, 1039.10376, 8.1) Noble Dojorn (50%)
3 days
(-890.0, 94.0, 843.0) Bzzazzt (50%)
Bzzazzt (50%)
Bzzazzt (50%)
8 hours
(390.799988, -1194.5, 154.3) Eternal Spirit (50%)
4 hours
(-976.0, 160.0, 843.0) Bzzazzt (50%)
Bzzazzt (50%)
Bzzazzt (50%)
8 hours
(-828.5, 1051.0, 435.8) a spiroc banisher (50%)
4 hours
(-750.380005, 1072.25, 447.8) a spiroc arbiter (50%)
4 hours
(-881.0, 269.0, 843.0) Bzzazzt (50%)
Bzzazzt (50%)
Bzzazzt (50%)
8 hours
(286.0, 1043.0, -8.0) a presence (50%)
10 minutes and 40 seconds
(-268.0, -1371.0, 1250.0) Eye of Veeshan (50%)
6 hours
Item Name Dropped By
Adumbrate Globe
Multiple NPCs
Aged Nectar Bzzazzt
Animal Figurine
Multiple NPCs
Auburn Tessera a thunder spirit
Azure Ring Gorgalosk
Azure Tessera a thunder spirit
Belt of Concordance
Multiple NPCs
Belt of Contention
Multiple NPCs
Belt of Iniquity
Multiple NPCs
Belt of the Pine
Multiple NPCs
Belt of Tranquility
Multiple NPCs
Belt of Transience
Multiple NPCs
Belt of Virtue
Multiple NPCs
Binding Powder
Multiple NPCs
Bird Whistle
Multiple NPCs
Black Nebulous Sapphire
Multiple NPCs
Black Sky Diamond
Multiple NPCs
Blade of Abrogation
Multiple NPCs
Blood Sky Emerald
Multiple NPCs
Blood Sky Ruby Eye of Veeshan
Bloodsky Sapphire Eye of Veeshan
Bloodstained Hilt
Multiple NPCs
Bluish Stone
Multiple NPCs
Bolts of Tallon a fatestealer drake
Bonded Loam a spiroc vanquisher
Bottled Djinni
Multiple NPCs
Bracelet of Cessation
Multiple NPCs
Bracelet of Distortion
Multiple NPCs
Bracelet of Exertion
Multiple NPCs
Bracelet of Quiescence
Multiple NPCs
Brass Knuckles Noble Dojorn
Breath of Ro a shimmering meteor
Broken Mirror an azarack
Bronze Disc an azarack
Carmine Spiroc Feather
Multiple NPCs
Ceremonial Belt The Spiroc Lord
Complex Gold Gem Dusted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Complex Platinum Gem Dusted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Complex Velium Gem Dusted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Complex Velium Gemmed Rune a shimmering meteor
Consigned Bite of the Shissar VIII
Multiple NPCs
Copper Air Band
Multiple NPCs
Copper Disc an azarack
Crimson Tessera a thunder spirit
Crown of Elemental Mastery
Multiple NPCs
Crude Spinneret Fluid a thunder spirit princess
Kunark 1 - 0
Crude Wooden Flute The Spiroc Lord
Dark Spiroc Feather
Multiple NPCs
Dark Wood
Multiple NPCs
Decree of Quellious
Multiple NPCs
Diaphanous Globe
Multiple NPCs
Djinni Statuette
Multiple NPCs
Dove Slippers The Spiroc Lord
Ductile Loam a spiroc vanquisher
Dulcet Nectar Bzzazzt
Dull Dragon Scale Bzzazzt
Dull Stone
Multiple NPCs
Ebon Tessera a thunder spirit
Efreeti Battle Axe Noble Dojorn
Efreeti Belt Noble Dojorn
Efreeti Great Staff Eye of Veeshan
Efreeti Long Sword Noble Dojorn
Efreeti Mace Noble Dojorn
Efreeti Magi Staff Noble Dojorn
Efreeti Scimitar Noble Dojorn
Efreeti Standard Noble Dojorn
Efreeti Statuette
Multiple NPCs
Efreeti War Axe Noble Dojorn
Efreeti War Bow Noble Dojorn
Efreeti War Club Noble Dojorn
Efreeti War Horn Noble Dojorn
Efreeti War Maul Noble Dojorn
Efreeti War Shield Noble Dojorn
Efreeti War Spear Noble Dojorn
Efreeti Wind Staff Noble Dojorn
Emerald Spiroc Feather
Multiple NPCs
Essence of the Gale The Gale Caller
Essence of the Storm The Storm Mistress
Essence of Wind
Multiple NPCs
Ethereal Amber
Multiple NPCs
Ethereal Emerald Eye of Veeshan
Ethereal Opal
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Gem Dusted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Gold Gem Dusted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Platinum Gem Dusted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Velium Gem Dusted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Fae Pauldrons Eye of Veeshan
Feathered Cape Gorgalosk
Fine Cloth Raiment The Spiroc Lord
Finely Crafted Amulet Gorgalosk
Finely Woven Cloth Amice
Multiple NPCs
Finely Woven Cloth Belt The Spiroc Lord
Finely Woven Cloth Cord Gorgalosk
Fire Sky Ruby
Multiple NPCs
Fire Sky Ruby
Multiple NPCs
Flame of Fennin
Multiple NPCs
Gem of Empowerment
Multiple NPCs
Glowing Black Pearl
Multiple NPCs
Gold Disc an azarack
Gold Gem Dusted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Golden Coffer The Spiroc Lord
Golden Efreeti Bracers Noble Dojorn
Golden Efreeti Chestplate Noble Dojorn
Golden Efreeti Gauntlets Noble Dojorn
Golden Efreeti Greaves Noble Dojorn
Golden Efreeti Turban Noble Dojorn
Golden Efreeti Vambraces Noble Dojorn
Golden Hilt
Multiple NPCs
Gorgon Head Gorgalosk
Grey Damask Cloak Gorgalosk
Gridelin Globe
Multiple NPCs
Griffenne Blood a soul carrier
Griffon Statuette
Multiple NPCs
Griffon Talon Gorgalosk
Griffon's Beak Gorgalosk
Harpy Statuette
Multiple NPCs
Harpy Tongue
Multiple NPCs
Hazy Opal Eye of Veeshan
Hemic Marrow a spiroc vanquisher
High Quality Raiment The Spiroc Lord
Honeyed Nectar Bzzazzt
Hyaline Globe
Multiple NPCs
Imp Statuette
Multiple NPCs
Inlaid Choker Gorgalosk
Iron Disc an azarack
Ivory Sky Diamond The Spiroc Lord
Ivory Tessera a thunder spirit
Jar of Honey Bzzazzt
Large Opal Eye of Veeshan
Large Sky Diamond Eye of Veeshan
Large Sky Pearl Noble Dojorn
Large Sky Sapphire Eye of Veeshan
Leather Cord Gorgalosk
Light Damask Mantle The Spiroc Lord
Light Woolen Mask Gorgalosk
Lightning Rod
Multiple NPCs
Lost Rabbit's Foot a thunder spirit
Lush Nectar Bzzazzt
Manna Nectar Bzzazzt
Miniature Sword a thunder spirit
Mithril Air Ring
Multiple NPCs
Mithril Bands Eye of Veeshan
Mithril Disc an azarack
Mottled Spiroc Feather
Multiple NPCs
Music Box
Multiple NPCs
Natural Spinneret Fluid
Multiple NPCs
Nature Walker's Sky Emerald
Multiple NPCs
Nebulous Diamond Eye of Veeshan
Nebulous Emerald
Multiple NPCs
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 378 a shimmering meteor
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 379 a shimmering meteor
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 400 a shimmering meteor
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 401 a shimmering meteor
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 415 a shimmering meteor
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 416 a shimmering meteor
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 449 a shimmering meteor
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 450 a shimmering meteor
Noise Maker a spiroc vanquisher
Obsidian Amulet
Multiple NPCs
Ochre Tessera a thunder spirit
Part of Toharon's Memoir Pg. 15
Multiple NPCs
Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 102 a heartsbane drake
Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 25 an avenging gazer
Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 26 Gorgalosk
Part of Zeannor's Thesis Pg. 14 a soul carrier
Part of Zeannor's Thesis Pg. 14 a spiroc caller
Pearlescent Globe
Multiple NPCs
Pegasus Statuette
Multiple NPCs
Phosphoric Globe
Multiple NPCs
Platinum Disc an azarack
Platinum Gem Dusted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Primordial Substance a spiroc vanquisher
Prismatic Sphere
Multiple NPCs
Raw Indigo Nihilite
Multiple NPCs
Raw Shimmering Nihilite
Multiple NPCs
Red Face Paint
Multiple NPCs
Refined Binding Powder
Multiple NPCs
Replica of the Wyrm Queen
Multiple NPCs
Rugous Globe a shimmering meteor
Rune of Amalgamation a fatestealer drake
Rune of Antithesis an avenging gazer
Rune of Ap`Sagor a shimmering meteor
Rune of Cascade
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Concussion a shimmering meteor
Rune of Coruscation
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Crippling a shimmering meteor
Rune of Draught a spiroc arbiter
Rune of Ellipse
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Fennin Ro a heartsbane drake
Rune of Frost a shimmering meteor
Rune of Glint an avenging gazer
Rune of Impetus a shimmering meteor
Rune of Impulse The Gale Caller
Rune of Incitation a greater sphinx
Rune of Opposition a heartsbane drake
Rune of Rathe a shimmering meteor
Rune of Synergy
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Tempest
Multiple NPCs
Rune of the Astral a shimmering meteor
Rune of Vortex an avenging gazer
Rune of Zephyr The Spiroc Guardian
Saffron Spiroc Feather
Multiple NPCs
Scales of Veeshan
Multiple NPCs
Shimmering Pearl Eye of Veeshan
Shimmering Topaz
Multiple NPCs
Shiny Pauldrons The Spiroc Lord
Silken Mask The Spiroc Lord
Silken Strands Gorgalosk
Silver Disc an azarack
Silver Hoop Gorgalosk
Simple Binding Powder
Multiple NPCs
Small Pick
Multiple NPCs
Small Sapphire
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Acumen
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Aegis of Ro
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Atol`s Spectral Shackles
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Augment
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Bane of Nife Gorgalosk
Spell: Breath of Karana
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Call of the Hero
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Cannibalize III
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Chill Bones
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Circle of Summer
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Circle of Winter
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Conjure Corpse
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Convergence
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Cripple
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Death Pact a thunder spirit
Spell: Defoliation a thunder spirit
Spell: Dementia
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Draught of Jiva
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Dyzil`s Deafening Decoy
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Enforced Reverence
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Enlightenment
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Entrapping Roots
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Evacuate
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Eye of Tallon
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Form of the Howler
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Gift of Xev Bzzazzt
Spell: Heroic Bond
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Inferno of Al`Kabor a heartsbane drake
Spell: Infusion
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Levant
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Mala
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Markar`s Discord
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Omakin's Alacrity
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Pillar of Lightning
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Quiver of Marr
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Quivering Veil of Xarn
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Reckoning
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Regrowth of the Grove
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Scars of Sigil
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Sedulous Subversion
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Servant of Bones
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Sha's Ferocity
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Spirit of Omakin
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Spirit of Scale
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Spirit of the Howler
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Spirit of the Storm
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Splurt
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Succor
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Summon: Muzzle of Mardu
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Talisman of Jasinth
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Talisman of the Brute
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Tears of Druzzil a thunder spirit
Spell: Tears of Prexus
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Theft of Thought
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Thrall of Bones
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Tigir`s Insects
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Trepidation
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Tunare`s Request
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Velocity
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Vocarate: Water
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Wake of Tranquility
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Wind of Tashani
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Wind of Tashanian
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Yaulp IV a thunder spirit
Spell: Zumaik`s Animation
Multiple NPCs
Sphinx Crown
Multiple NPCs
Sphinx Tallow
Multiple NPCs
Spiroc Air Totem The Spiroc Lord
Spiroc Battle Staff The Spiroc Lord
Spiroc Earth totem The Spiroc Lord
Spiroc Elder's Totem The Spiroc Lord
Spiroc Feathers
Multiple NPCs
Spiroc Healing Totem
Multiple NPCs
Spiroc Peace Totem
Multiple NPCs
Spiroc Sky Totem The Spiroc Lord
Spiroc Statuette
Multiple NPCs
Spiroc Talon
Multiple NPCs
Spiroc Thunder Totem
Multiple NPCs
Spiroc Wind Totem
Multiple NPCs
Spiroc Wingblade The Spiroc Lord
Stein of Flowing Ichor
Multiple NPCs
Storm Sky Opal Eye of Veeshan
Sunshard Ore
Multiple NPCs
Sunshard Pebble
Multiple NPCs
Supple Loam an undine spirit
Sweet Nectar Bzzazzt
Symbol of Marr
Multiple NPCs
Symbol of Veeshan Eye of Veeshan
Tear of Quellious Eye of Veeshan
Tears of Prexus a shimmering meteor
Thickened Nectar Bzzazzt
Tiny Ruby
Multiple NPCs
Treant Tear
Multiple NPCs
Uncut Alexandrite a windrider drake
Uncut Amethyst The Spiroc Guardian
Uncut Morganite a windrider drake
Velium Gem Dusted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Velium Gemmed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Verdant Tessera a thunder spirit
Weight of the Gods
Multiple NPCs
White Satin Gloves
Multiple NPCs
White Spiroc Feather
Multiple NPCs
White-tipped Spiroc Feather
Multiple NPCs
Whitened Treant Fists
Multiple NPCs
Wilder's Girdle
Multiple NPCs
Wing of Xegony a shimmering meteor
Wooden Bands
Multiple NPCs
Words of Acquisition (Beza) a shimmering meteor
Words of Agony an essence harvester
Words of Anguish a soul carrier
Words of Apparition
Multiple NPCs
Words of Banshee
Multiple NPCs
Words of Bondage a shimmering meteor
Words of Capacity a spiroc vanquisher
Words of Comprehension a spiroc expulser
Words of Control heart harpie
Words of Covert an avenging gazer
Words of Decision
Multiple NPCs
Words of Divergence The Spiroc Guardian
Words of Edification a heartsbane drake
Words of Expedition a spiroc arbiter
Words of Grappling a shimmering meteor
Words of Intent a soul carrier
Words of Pain heart harpie
Words of Requisition a shimmering meteor
Words of Retention a windrider drake
Words of the Ethereal a shimmering meteor
Worn Leather Mask Gorgalosk
Writ of Quellious
Multiple NPCs
Name Coordinates Respawn Comment
Charm and Sacrifice (1297.0, 560.0) 0.86 seconds book of charm and sacrifice
Charm and Sacrifice (1297.0, 560.0) 0.86 seconds book of charm and sacrifice