Quick Facts
- Expansion: Prophecy
- Succor: Y: 296.0, X: 606.0
- XP Modifier: 200%
- None can Bind
- Outdoor
- Levitate
Name | Level | Class | HP | MR | CR | FR | DR | PR | Expansion |
Agrel the Scorned | 72 | Warrior | 5,904 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Drekin the Scorned | 72 | Warrior | 5,904 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Lugnah the Arcane | 74 | Warrior | 6,216 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Maryn Tak`Yaliz | 70 | Druid | 5,600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Orgaf the Crafter | 72 | Warrior | 5,904 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Remlin the Scorned | 73 | Warrior | 6,059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Shalowen the Pure | 72 | Warrior | 5,904 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Speaker Grayleaf | 65 | Druid | 4,875 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Spirit of the Claw | 74 | Warrior | 6,216 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Trickster Velana | 72 | Warrior | 5,904 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Tunarshen the Free | 74 | Warrior | 6,216 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Vertekin the Soothsayer | 80 | Warrior | 7,200 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Zorbig the Scorned | 74 | Warrior | 6,216 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
an animated grovespirit | 66 | Warrior | 5,016 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
an Elddar defender | 72 | Warrior | 5,904 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
an Elddar guard | 72 | Warrior | 5,904 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
an enchanted forest spirit | 69 | Warrior | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
an enchanted oak spirit | 67 | Warrior | 5,159 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
an enchanted unicorn | 72 | Warrior | 5,904 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
an enchanted wind spirit | 70 | Warrior | 5,600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
an enraptured pegasus | 69 | Warrior | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
an oaken treant | 68 | Druid | 5,304 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
an orc tent | 30 | LDoN Treasure | 1,200 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
an unkempt treant | 68 | Druid | 5,304 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Arch Druid Lilthill`yan | 71 | Rogue | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a blackfang boa | 69 | Rogue | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a boa constrictor | 69 | Warrior | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a canine animist | 69 | Warrior | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Clan Vorzek oracle | 70 | Shaman | 5,600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Clan Vorzek preserver | 71 | Druid | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Clan Vorzek replenisher | 71 | Cleric | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Clan Vorzek soldier | 67 | Warrior | 5,159 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Clan Vorzek soothsayer | 73 | Shaman | 6,059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Clan Vorzek strategist | 70 | Warrior | 5,600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Clan Vorzek vanquisher | 70 | Warrior | 5,600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Clan Vorzek warlord | 73 | Warrior | 6,059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a clay totemkeeper | 70 | Warrior | 5,600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a conjured clairvoyant | 73 | Wizard | 6,059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a fanged spirit | 70 | Warrior | 5,600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a feral canine | 67 | Warrior | 5,159 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a forest greenfang | 70 | Warrior | 5,600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a grove stalker | 71 | Warrior | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a grove tiger | 68 | Warrior | 5,304 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a loyalist of Hiz | 70 | Warrior | 5,600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a loyalist of Takish | 73 | Warrior | 6,059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a lumbering naturespirit | 66 | Druid | 5,016 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Nogdha Tribe arcanist | 70 | Wizard | 5,600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Nogdha Tribe channeler | 71 | Wizard | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Nogdha Tribe hunter | 69 | Warrior | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire | 69 | Warrior | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Nogdha Tribe oracle | 69 | Shaman | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Nogdha Tribe warlord | 73 | Warrior | 6,059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a paladin of Hiz | 71 | Paladin | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a priestess of Hiz | 73 | Cleric | 6,059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a priest of Hiz | 71 | Cleric | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a scorned guardian | 66 | Warrior | 5,016 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a scorned protector | 66 | Warrior | 5,016 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a sentient grovespirit | 68 | Druid | 5,304 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a shambling naturespirit | 68 | Warrior | 5,304 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a summoned revitalizer | 71 | Druid | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a sylph forestkin | 69 | Druid | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a sylph ritualist | 71 | Wizard | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a sylph windrunner | 70 | Warrior | 5,600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish arcanist | 72 | Wizard | 5,904 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish blackguard | 71 | Rogue | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish clergyman | 70 | Cleric | 5,600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish coercer | 69 | Enchanter | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish defender | 73 | Warrior | 6,059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish forestkeeper | 72 | Warrior | 5,904 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish geomancer | 72 | Paladin | 5,904 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish loyalist | 73 | Paladin | 6,059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish natureguard | 69 | Druid | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish paladin | 69 | Paladin | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish performer | 69 | Warrior | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish phantasmist | 71 | Enchanter | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish portalkeeper | 73 | Wizard | 6,059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish priestess | 71 | Cleric | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish prophet | 72 | Rogue | 5,904 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish scrollkeeper | 73 | Enchanter | 6,059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish sentinel | 69 | Rogue | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish teleporter | 70 | Wizard | 5,600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish templekeeper | 73 | Enchanter | 6,059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish wanderer | 69 | Druid | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Takish watchman | 73 | Paladin | 6,059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a timberland grizzly | 67 | Warrior | 5,159 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a Tunarian devotee | 72 | Druid | 5,904 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a verdant anaconda | 66 | Warrior | 5,016 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a wetland treant | 68 | Druid | 5,304 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a wild tiger | 70 | Warrior | 5,600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a woodland grizzly | 63 | Warrior | 4,599 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
a woodland tiger | 69 | Warrior | 5,451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Chancellor Deradan | 71 | Enchanter | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Chancellor Do`mare | 71 | Wizard | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Chancellor Erad | 71 | Warrior | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Chancellor Oromaun | 71 | Warrior | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Chancellor Rokhoi | 71 | Rogue | 5,751 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
High Chief Gahran`Gahn | 73 | Warrior | 6,059 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Totem of the East | 1 | LDoN Treasure | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Totem of the North | 1 | LDoN Treasure | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Totem of the South | 1 | LDoN Treasure | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Totem of the West | 1 | LDoN Treasure | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Treant of the Ancient Grove | 62 | Warrior | 4,464 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Default |
Coordinates (Y, X, Z) | NPCs | Respawn |
(884.0, 127.0, 185.9) |
a Takish clergyman (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(863.375, 32.625, 183.1) |
a Takish coercer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(949.0, -55.0, 186.0) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(842.0, 114.0, 185.9) |
a Takish teleporter (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(877.0, -28.0, 186.0) |
an Elddar defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1075.0, -64.0, 182.8) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(863.0, -51.0, 186.0) |
a Takish forestkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(978.0, -105.0, 186.0) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(923.0, -100.0, 186.0) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(965.125, -82.875, 261.5) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1012.0, -134.0, 284.4) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(731.25, -4.5, 113.1) |
a loyalist of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1065.0, -166.0, 182.4) |
a Takish forestkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(689.625, 125.375, 163.1) |
a Takish blackguard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(659.0, 183.0, 264.4) |
a Takish forestkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(650.0, 160.0, 264.4) |
a Takish watchman (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(652.0, -12.0, 116.0) |
a loyalist of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(760.0, -184.0, 115.9) |
a Takish coercer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(663.0, 242.0, 163.1) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1324.625, 44.25, 4.0) |
a grove tiger (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(623.0, 162.0, 166.0) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(667.0, -117.25, 113.1) |
a Takish coercer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(629.0, -17.0, 116.0) |
a loyalist of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(601.0, 105.0, 166.0) |
a Takish forestkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(655.5, 163.125, 203.5) |
a paladin of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(611.0, -56.0, 116.0) |
a Takish paladin (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(903.0, -282.0, 10.4) |
Treant of the Ancient Grove (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1336.5, -18.5, 1.9) |
a feral canine (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(871.0, -280.0, 13.0) |
Speaker Grayleaf (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(919.0, -298.0, 10.4) |
Treant of the Ancient Grove (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(565.0, 144.0, 166.0) |
an Elddar defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(865.0, -310.0, 3.1) |
Arch Druid Lilthill`yan (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(540.0, 59.0, 166.0) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(909.0, -339.0, 10.4) |
Treant of the Ancient Grove (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(857.75, 507.5, 4.0) |
a woodland tiger (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(889.0, -341.0, 10.4) |
Treant of the Ancient Grove (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(518.0, 83.0, 166.0) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(520.125, 60.875, 163.1) |
a Takish blackguard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(869.25, 414.125, 2.5) |
a blackfang boa (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1368.0, 331.75, 2.5) |
a verdant anaconda (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(662.375, -240.75, 138.9) |
a loyalist of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(519.0, 217.0, 162.9) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1454.0, -41.0, 4.1) |
an enchanted wind spirit (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(838.5, -483.75, 4.4) |
an Elddar defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(773.0, -415.0, 183.0) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1137.125, 450.0, 13.0) |
a Clan Vorzek vanquisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(490.5, -118.375, 92.4) |
a Takish sentinel (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(630.0, -375.0, 186.0) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(523.0, -266.0, 185.9) |
a Takish wanderer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(650.375, -420.25, 253.4) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(679.0, -414.0, 186.0) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(718.0, -430.0, 284.4) |
a Takish forestkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(431.0, -86.0, 96.6) |
a Takish paladin (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1282.625, -233.5, -29.2) |
a blackfang boa (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(693.0, -435.0, 284.4) |
a Takish priestess (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(566.0, -390.875, 186.0) |
a Takish blackguard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(518.0, -304.0, 185.9) |
a Takish coercer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(428.0, -157.0, 96.6) |
a Takish wanderer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(398.0, -70.0, 91.8) |
a Takish wanderer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(967.0, 686.0, 13.0) |
an enchanted oak spirit (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(619.0, -428.0, 186.0) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(553.0, -374.0, 186.0) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(369.75, -3.375, 94.8) |
a Takish wanderer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(873.125, 691.625, 13.0) |
a Clan Vorzek vanquisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(375.0, -112.0, 87.2) |
a Takish performer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(392.0, -173.0, 94.1) |
a Takish natureguard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(547.0, -404.0, 186.0) |
a Takish forestkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1689.625, 376.25, 4.2) |
an enraptured pegasus (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(345.0, -64.0, 96.6) |
a loyalist of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1435.0, 558.125, 4.0) |
a grove tiger (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(656.0, -500.0, 179.4) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(399.875, 418.75, 4.2) |
an Elddar defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(352.0, -167.0, 94.1) |
a loyalist of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1234.75, -537.25, -65.9) |
a woodland tiger (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(373.75, -205.125, 99.4) |
a Takish clergyman (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(297.0, -55.75, 88.0) |
a Takish coercer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(300.0, -114.0, 90.4) |
a loyalist of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(319.0, 226.125, 91.4) |
a Takish clergyman (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1346.0, -546.0, -65.9) |
a wild tiger (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(275.375, 421.25, -2.6) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(211.125, -40.0, 88.1) |
a loyalist of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(569.25, 709.5, -38.0) |
a feral canine (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1792.625, 126.0, 4.8) |
an enraptured pegasus (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(169.0, 46.0, 91.0) |
a Takish priestess (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1822.875, 95.375, 5.5) |
an enraptured pegasus (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(145.0, -55.0, 91.0) |
a Takish teleporter (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(130.0, 71.0, 91.0) |
a Takish paladin (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(127.0, 5.0, 88.1) |
Shalowen the Pure (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(138.0, -88.0, 91.0) |
a Takish coercer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(123.0, 210.0, 219.8) |
an Elddar defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(177.0, -237.25, 149.8) |
a Takish coercer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(123.0, 231.0, 219.8) |
a Takish forestkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(111.0, -47.0, 91.0) |
Maryn Tak`Yaliz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(62.0, 220.375, 219.8) |
a loyalist of Takish (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1712.5, -173.25, -65.2) |
an enraptured pegasus (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(210.0, -385.0, 157.6) |
a Takish blackguard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(407.0, -492.5, 96.1) |
a loyalist of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(210.0, -418.0, 177.6) |
a Takish portalkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(162.25, -461.75, 177.6) |
a loyalist of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(150.0, -322.0, 157.6) |
a Takish portalkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1293.25, 910.625, 38.2) |
an oaken treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(202.0, -430.0, 156.0) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1362.875, 824.25, 42.9) |
a wetland treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(131.0, -303.0, 157.6) |
a Takish portalkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(170.0, -383.0, 177.6) |
a loyalist of Takish (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1611.0, 752.0, 15.9) |
a verdant anaconda (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(168.0, -387.0, 157.6) |
a loyalist of Takish (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(213.0, -466.0, 177.6) |
a Takish portalkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(266.625, 639.875, -26.9) |
a wetland treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(562.875, 868.625, 13.0) |
an oaken treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(23.875, -185.375, 185.2) |
a loyalist of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(33.0, -88.0, 218.0) |
a Takish wanderer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(160.0, -424.0, 156.0) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(328.75, -640.375, 3.1) |
a Takish forestkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(584.875, -958.75, -57.0) |
a boa constrictor (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(173.0, -470.0, 177.6) |
a paladin of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(169.0, -468.0, 157.6) |
a Takish phantasmist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-6.125, -323.25, 173.9) |
a loyalist of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(71.0, -284.0, 157.6) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(12.0, -75.0, 218.0) |
a Takish natureguard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1107.625, 1071.0, 48.6) |
a wetland treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-8.0, 184.0, 218.1) |
a Takish arcanist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(59.0, -296.0, 177.6) |
a Takish phantasmist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(817.25, 1062.625, 42.9) |
a Clan Vorzek replenisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(83.0, -369.75, 157.6) |
a Takish sentinel (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(26.0, -239.0, 177.6) |
a paladin of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(22.0, -238.0, 157.6) |
a Tunarian devotee (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(29.0, -267.0, 156.0) |
a Takish phantasmist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-14.0, -112.0, 218.0) |
a Takish teleporter (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1076.0, -912.0, -66.8) |
a scorned guardian (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1106.0, -911.0, -66.8) |
a scorned protector (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-25.625, -95.125, 218.0) |
a Takish paladin (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-45.0, 191.0, 218.1) |
a Takish loyalist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(918.75, -877.625, -67.4) |
a boa constrictor (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1117.0, -932.0, -56.9) |
Drekin the Scorned (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(72.0, -422.0, 157.6) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-59.0, 25.0, 219.8) |
a Takish forestkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-57.0, 229.0, 218.1) |
a Takish templekeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1143.0, -940.0, -66.8) |
a scorned guardian (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(941.125, -553.75, -14.4) |
a grove stalker (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(36.0, -385.0, 157.6) |
a paladin of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-11.0, -282.0, 177.6) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-75.125, 127.625, 219.8) |
a Takish phantasmist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-15.0, -278.0, 157.6) |
a Takish phantasmist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-82.0, 23.0, 219.8) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-83.0, 152.0, 218.1) |
a Tunarian devotee (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1169.0, -968.0, -66.8) |
a scorned protector (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-16.375, -452.25, 190.8) |
a Takish natureguard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(9.0, -432.0, 157.6) |
a Tunarian devotee (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-119.0, 180.0, 219.8) |
a Takish templekeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-2.0, -432.0, 256.0) |
a Takish scrollkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1122.0, -1012.0, -66.5) |
a scorned protector (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(220.75, 640.125, -26.9) |
a wetland treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-12.0, -459.0, 256.0) |
a Takish portalkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1399.125, -852.0, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1322.125, -1405.75, -65.1) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1317.375, 1545.25, 80.0) |
a woodland grizzly (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(315.25, -620.0, 4.8) |
a woodland tiger (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1724.875, 757.5, 25.9) |
a woodland grizzly (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1168.0, 1067.5, 38.0) |
a wetland treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1307.625, -1097.5, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe arcanist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1630.625, 1156.0, 94.9) |
an oaken treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1527.875, -1265.125, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-263.0, -147.0, 220.5) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-262.0, -170.0, 220.5) |
a paladin of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-268.0, -152.0, 156.1) |
a loyalist of Takish (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-287.0, -33.0, 154.1) |
a loyalist of Takish (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-354.0, 555.5, 2.5) |
a verdant anaconda (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1009.375, -1401.375, -97.0) |
a timberland grizzly (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1175.625, 1374.375, 45.2) |
a feral canine (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-290.0, -177.0, 219.5) |
a Tunarian devotee (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-312.0, -36.0, 154.1) |
a Tunarian devotee (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(485.625, 1249.25, 30.6) |
a Clan Vorzek vanquisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-301.0, -142.0, 219.5) |
a paladin of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(919.625, -1217.5, -97.0) |
a timberland grizzly (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-275.0, -284.0, 154.1) |
a loyalist of Takish (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-304.625, -160.875, 219.5) |
a Takish portalkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-323.0, -105.0, 156.1) |
a paladin of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-319.0, -202.0, 156.1) |
a loyalist of Takish (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-184.875, 679.25, 13.0) |
a wetland treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1355.25, 1203.875, 34.9) |
a feral canine (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-331.0, -158.0, 218.5) |
a Takish prophet (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(902.625, -1269.125, -95.9) |
a woodland tiger (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-303.0, -294.0, 154.1) |
a Takish portalkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-342.0, -119.0, 220.5) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-323.0, -221.0, 156.1) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-337.0, -180.0, 218.5) |
a paladin of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-351.375, -92.125, 218.2) |
a Takish portalkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(250.625, 1244.25, 68.4) |
a Clan Vorzek preserver (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(854.125, -1217.875, -95.9) |
a woodland tiger (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(438.0, -1147.0, -98.2) |
a sylph forestkin (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1846.625, -1048.0, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe arcanist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-322.875, -161.75, 156.1) |
a Takish phantasmist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-391.0, -150.0, 156.1) |
a Takish phantasmist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-390.0, -164.0, 156.1) |
a paladin of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-380.125, -173.375, 199.8) |
a loyalist of Takish (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1498.0, -1219.0, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe oracle (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1225.0, -1287.0, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe oracle (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1960.0, -919.0, -62.0) |
an orc tent (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-417.0, -38.0, 213.5) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1960.0, -928.0, -65.0) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(752.0, 1211.875, 16.1) |
an oaken treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1534.625, -1184.625, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe arcanist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(673.125, 1468.0, 22.5) |
an oaken treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1500.0, -1083.375, -44.5) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(444.0, -1210.0, -98.4) |
a sylph forestkin (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1952.0, -955.0, -64.1) |
a Nogdha Tribe oracle (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-463.5, -209.875, 163.5) |
a Takish blackguard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1963.0, -948.0, -64.8) |
(50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(345.0, -1168.0, -98.1) |
a sylph windrunner (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(143.5, -1248.625, -98.4) |
a sylph forestkin (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1983.0, -940.0, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(210.0, -1099.0, -96.6) |
a sylph windrunner (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1235.0, -1324.0, -66.1) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-414.0, -276.0, 213.5) |
a paladin of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1995.0, -945.0, -62.0) |
an orc tent (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-460.0, -34.0, 213.5) |
a Takish blackguard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-436.625, -105.0, 177.2) |
a Tunarian devotee (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(374.0, -1209.0, -98.4) |
a sylph windrunner (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-449.0, -150.0, 156.1) |
a Tunarian devotee (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(188.0, -1104.0, -96.9) |
a sylph forestkin (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-463.0, -68.0, 213.5) |
a Takish portalkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(965.25, -1417.625, -98.0) |
a grove stalker (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(844.375, 1566.75, 91.5) |
a shambling naturespirit (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(82.75, 1374.625, 83.0) |
a Clan Vorzek oracle (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(532.125, -1118.375, -97.9) |
a sylph ritualist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(205.0, -1131.0, -98.0) |
a sylph forestkin (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(227.0, -1153.0, -98.1) |
a sylph forestkin (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-467.0, -169.0, 156.1) |
a priestess of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-456.0, -256.0, 213.5) |
a Takish portalkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-450.0, -283.0, 213.5) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1668.0, -1229.0, -63.0) |
an orc tent (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1701.0, -1215.0, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe oracle (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(507.0, -1310.0, -98.4) |
a sylph windrunner (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1632.0, -1263.0, -63.0) |
an orc tent (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-445.0, 475.125, 2.9) |
a woodland grizzly (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1429.125, -1065.5, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe oracle (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(514.0, -1325.0, -98.4) |
a sylph ritualist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1678.0, -1249.0, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1633.0, -1272.0, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(449.0, -1310.0, -98.4) |
a sylph forestkin (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1751.0, -1216.0, -63.0) |
an orc tent (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-514.125, -84.875, 156.1) |
a loyalist of Takish (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1751.0, -1224.0, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe hunter (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1978.875, 1259.25, 73.4) |
a sentient grovespirit (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-105.0, -1220.5, -98.0) |
a grove stalker (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-550.0, -11.0, 156.1) |
a priest of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1716.875, -1262.0, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe oracle (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1729.875, -1255.0, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1678.0, -1284.0, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-540.125, -52.875, 222.0) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1772.0, -1238.0, -68.0) |
a canine animist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1721.0, -1268.0, -63.0) |
an orc tent (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1621.0, -1318.0, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1705.125, -1278.125, -65.2) |
Lugnah the Arcane (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1689.0, -1288.0, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-511.375, -230.875, 156.1) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(265.0, -1265.0, -98.4) |
a sylph ritualist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1614.0, -1326.625, -66.2) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-570.0, -31.0, 156.1) |
a Takish phantasmist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1677.0, -1307.0, -63.0) |
an orc tent (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-574.0, -42.0, 254.5) |
a paladin of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-577.0, -15.0, 254.5) |
a Takish geomancer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(317.0, -1312.0, -98.4) |
Trickster Velana (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1201.0, 1651.0, 85.6) |
Remlin the Scorned (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-587.0, -19.0, 254.5) |
a Takish blackguard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-548.0, -306.0, 156.1) |
a loyalist of Takish (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-556.0, -287.0, 156.1) |
a loyalist of Takish (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-587.0, -145.0, 156.1) |
a priestess of Hiz (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(97.0, -1214.0, -98.4) |
a sylph ritualist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-590.0, -172.0, 156.1) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-560.0, -317.0, 254.5) |
Chancellor Oromaun (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-571.0, -289.0, 254.5) |
Chancellor Erad (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-575.5, -320.625, 186.0) |
an Elddar guard (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(528.0, -1442.0, -98.4) |
a sylph forestkin (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-587.0, -278.0, 254.5) |
Chancellor Rokhoi (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-575.0, -328.0, 254.5) |
Chancellor Deradan (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-480.5, 521.0, 13.0) |
an oaken treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(355.0, -1383.0, -98.4) |
a sylph windrunner (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(152.75, -1322.125, -98.4) |
a sylph forestkin (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-588.0, -300.0, 254.5) |
Chancellor Do`mare (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-257.625, -1057.0, -84.2) |
a boa constrictor (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(370.0, -1404.0, -98.4) |
a sylph ritualist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(209.0, -1334.0, -98.4) |
a sylph ritualist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(311.5, -1392.625, -98.4) |
a sylph ritualist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(517.0, -1470.0, -98.4) |
a sylph forestkin (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(84.0, -1276.0, -98.4) |
a sylph ritualist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(40.5, 1402.875, 75.2) |
a summoned revitalizer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1894.375, -1327.875, -66.1) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(100.0, 1500.0, 95.0) |
Totem of the East (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-368.125, 1047.875, 15.0) |
an enchanted unicorn (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-341.875, 840.5, 3.6) |
an enchanted unicorn (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-645.75, -149.875, 153.5) |
a Tunarian devotee (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(158.0, -1345.0, -98.4) |
a sylph windrunner (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-520.5, 363.875, 1.9) |
a feral canine (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(191.0, 1556.875, 83.1) |
a Clan Vorzek vanquisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1985.5, 1450.5, 155.0) |
an oaken treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(147.0, 1547.0, 95.0) |
Totem of the North (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1304.25, 1752.375, 156.8) |
a verdant anaconda (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(335.0, -1466.0, -98.4) |
a sylph windrunner (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(302.0, -1455.0, -98.4) |
a sylph windrunner (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-46.5, 1583.625, 83.1) |
a Clan Vorzek replenisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(100.0, 1547.0, 83.0) |
Vertekin the Soothsayer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(53.0, 1547.0, 95.0) |
Totem of the South (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(2002.0, -1320.0, -64.8) |
Orgaf the Crafter (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1860.25, 1609.125, 111.6) |
a grove tiger (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(100.0, 1594.0, 95.0) |
Totem of the West (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(328.0, 1712.0, 125.2) |
a conjured clairvoyant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(307.0, 1708.375, 132.5) |
a Clan Vorzek vanquisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-42.0, 1518.0, 93.4) |
a clay totemkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1547.375, -1481.25, -65.8) |
an enraptured pegasus (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-506.375, -894.125, -74.5) |
a grove tiger (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(257.0, 1706.0, 133.0) |
a Clan Vorzek warlord (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-905.0, 156.625, -53.4) |
a Takish forestkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1031.375, 1739.875, 166.8) |
a lumbering naturespirit (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-714.375, 586.375, 13.0) |
an oaken treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1736.0, -1528.625, -67.4) |
a forest greenfang (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-832.25, -235.875, -18.0) |
a Takish forestkeeper (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-776.125, -963.375, -92.5) |
a woodland tiger (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-25.0, 1585.0, 83.0) |
a Clan Vorzek preserver (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-268.0, -1195.0, -95.1) |
an enchanted unicorn (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-175.625, -1428.875, -98.4) |
a sylph windrunner (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1635.0, 1792.0, 123.4) |
an enchanted forest spirit (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-269.0, 1406.0, 134.5) |
a Clan Vorzek strategist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-743.0, -842.75, -87.2) |
a sentient grovespirit (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-715.75, -1040.375, -96.9) |
Spirit of the Claw (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1807.125, -1676.75, -63.6) |
a Nogdha Tribe legionnaire (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(237.0, 1800.0, 134.5) |
a Clan Vorzek warlord (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-400.0, -1153.0, -96.2) |
an enchanted unicorn (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-292.0, 1471.0, 134.5) |
a Clan Vorzek vanquisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(186.0, 1818.0, 134.5) |
a Clan Vorzek soothsayer (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1827.0, -1630.0, -64.6) |
a Nogdha Tribe channeler (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-78.5, 1713.75, 91.6) |
a Clan Vorzek vanquisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1832.0, -1639.0, -64.4) |
(50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1849.0, -1640.0, -64.4) |
a Nogdha Tribe warlord (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-920.5, 466.25, -44.1) |
an oaken treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-660.125, -588.625, -36.1) |
an animated grovespirit (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1829.0, -1668.0, -64.5) |
a Nogdha Tribe warlord (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1849.875, -1657.875, -63.5) |
High Chief Gahran`Gahn (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1825.0, -1680.0, -60.0) |
an orc tent (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(1860.0, -1667.0, -60.0) |
an orc tent (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-517.75, 1354.0, 98.5) |
a Clan Vorzek vanquisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-26.125, 1813.75, 93.0) |
a Clan Vorzek preserver (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-530.0, -1151.0, -96.8) |
an enchanted unicorn (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-251.0, -1434.0, -95.9) |
an enchanted unicorn (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-987.375, -159.5, -17.2) |
a Takish defender (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-457.0, 1506.625, 132.4) |
a Clan Vorzek soldier (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-277.0, 1621.0, 133.0) |
a Clan Vorzek vanquisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-1121.375, 900.25, -16.2) |
a lumbering naturespirit (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-229.75, 1597.375, 133.1) |
a Clan Vorzek replenisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-997.75, 274.25, -76.5) |
an animated grovespirit (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-884.0, 1160.5, 43.9) |
a Clan Vorzek soldier (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-483.0, 1516.0, 133.0) |
a Clan Vorzek oracle (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-1059.0, 303.0, -57.1) |
an unkempt treant (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-662.0, -1163.0, -96.2) |
an enchanted unicorn (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-1207.0, 313.375, -87.6) |
a shambling naturespirit (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-374.0, 1680.0, 133.0) |
a Clan Vorzek vanquisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-362.125, -1110.75, -98.2) |
a sylph ritualist (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-1110.125, -464.75, -96.9) |
a timberland grizzly (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-397.0, -1514.0, -96.1) |
an enchanted unicorn (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-1469.25, -83.0, -98.0) |
a feral canine (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-516.0, -1448.0, -96.5) |
Tunarshen the Free (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-1073.0, 704.0, -63.4) |
a forest greenfang (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-922.625, 1060.875, 28.0) |
a Clan Vorzek soldier (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-313.0, 1824.0, 134.5) |
a Clan Vorzek vanquisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-892.625, -933.125, -87.8) |
a grove stalker (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-1107.25, -464.75, -96.9) |
a timberland grizzly (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-326.0, 1855.0, 134.5) |
a Clan Vorzek replenisher (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-1291.625, -658.125, -97.0) |
a woodland grizzly (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-672.0, -1375.0, -96.0) |
an enchanted unicorn (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-698.25, -1052.0, -96.8) |
a scorned guardian (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-708.375, -1047.75, -96.6) |
a scorned guardian (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-1054.375, 963.375, 13.0) |
a Clan Vorzek soldier (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-704.125, -1052.5, -96.6) |
a scorned guardian (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-691.75, -1048.75, -86.8) |
Agrel the Scorned (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-982.0, -1016.0, -96.6) |
a fanged spirit (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-348.125, 926.25, 18.8) |
Zorbig the Scorned (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-1131.625, 1025.0, 13.0) |
a Clan Vorzek soldier (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-1260.0, -451.0, -97.0) |
InvisManFrostfellELD (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-877.125, 840.0, 3.0) |
a shambling naturespirit (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-862.375, -958.625, -87.6) |
a woodland tiger (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-1593.75, -66.875, -97.4) |
a verdant anaconda (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-1332.375, -560.875, -98.0) |
a feral canine (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
(-1284.625, 442.75, -94.4) |
a shambling naturespirit (50%) |
10 minutes and 40 seconds |
Name | Coordinates | Respawn | Comment |
Cloth Cap | (446.179, 685.221) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (384.353, 645.367) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-834.837, -849.401) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-801.267, -1226.88) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1791.37, -1008.18) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (268.49, 731.037) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (420.434, 900.564) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (496.713, 728.247) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1618.85, 427.545) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1675.62, 396.587) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1048.17, -675.276) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (921.83, 1364.11) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1134.67, 1062.37) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (600.607, 1173.69) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (826.997, 1364.19) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1072.04, 1118.83) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-338.847, -1528.13) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1440.26, 360.089) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (833.075, 726.022) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1239.8, -303.424) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (950.7, -557.141) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (830.357, -1155.29) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (790.984, -1023.49) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (252.074, -638.946) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-120.587, -899.414) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-774.145, -966.831) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-789.902, -1199.83) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1264.45, -152.413) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-710.189, 402.531) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-222.576, 373.854) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (179.762, 714.782) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-41.093, 809.289) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1293.12, 464.554) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1248.37, 659.669) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-839.884, 630.716) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1033.41, 480.667) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-697.646, 645.693) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-551.853, 988.354) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (490.637, -1334.44) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1524.37, -1601.64) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1732.56, -1628.58) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (2021.11, -1321.83) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1790.57, -982.051) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1800.94, -249.214) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1838.19, 77.4408) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1316.98, 281.834) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1432.4, 570.111) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1595.32, 751.387) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1787.78, 1098.83) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1277.2, 1232.99) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1660.77, 877.272) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1845.09, 1173.8) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1988.93, 1488.47) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1894.46, 1706.03) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1381.06, 1738.6) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1092.01, 1870.21) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (805.654, 1641.13) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1234.87, -537.317) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (743.496, -612.07) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (876.822, -1397.51) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (764.482, -1042.82) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-232.755, -656.957) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-145.512, -1198.93) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-527.836, -946.336) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-664.51, -774.672) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1112.91, -897.638) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1146.66, 13.8435) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-583.405, 206.357) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-441.908, 518.571) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (557.693, 1070.53) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (120.816, 593.332) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-23.811, 855.729) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1261.04, 328.914) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1240.26, 773.869) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-947.476, 558.604) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1107.05, 219.054) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-563.971, 698.483) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-565.791, 780.665) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-432.486, -1545.92) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (446.207, -1287.58) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1264.93, -1258.52) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1898.86, -1588.93) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1987.36, -1171.83) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1939.19, -50.5438) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1776.46, -100.485) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1467.53, -58.8029) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1759.31, 570.628) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1904.84, 1030.33) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1329.38, 1401.91) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1646.52, 835.514) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1978.91, 1259.32) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (2011.03, 1566.12) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1862.02, 1608.32) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1416.64, 1768.83) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1149.87, 1762.72) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (735.515, 837.276) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (446.179, 685.221) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (384.353, 645.367) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-834.837, -849.401) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-801.267, -1226.88) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1791.37, -1008.18) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (268.49, 731.037) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (420.434, 900.564) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (496.713, 728.247) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1618.85, 427.545) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1675.62, 396.587) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1048.17, -675.276) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (921.83, 1364.11) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1134.67, 1062.37) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (600.607, 1173.69) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (826.997, 1364.19) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1072.04, 1118.83) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-338.847, -1528.13) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1440.26, 360.089) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (833.075, 726.022) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1239.8, -303.424) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (950.7, -557.141) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (830.357, -1155.29) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (790.984, -1023.49) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (252.074, -638.946) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-120.587, -899.414) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-774.145, -966.831) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-789.902, -1199.83) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1264.45, -152.413) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-710.189, 402.531) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-222.576, 373.854) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (179.762, 714.782) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-41.093, 809.289) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1293.12, 464.554) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1248.37, 659.669) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-839.884, 630.716) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1033.41, 480.667) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-697.646, 645.693) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-551.853, 988.354) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (490.637, -1334.44) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1524.37, -1601.64) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1732.56, -1628.58) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (2021.11, -1321.83) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1790.57, -982.051) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1800.94, -249.214) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1838.19, 77.4408) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1316.98, 281.834) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1432.4, 570.111) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1595.32, 751.387) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1787.78, 1098.83) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1277.2, 1232.99) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1660.77, 877.272) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1845.09, 1173.8) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1988.93, 1488.47) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1894.46, 1706.03) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1381.06, 1738.6) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1092.01, 1870.21) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (805.654, 1641.13) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1234.87, -537.317) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (743.496, -612.07) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (876.822, -1397.51) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (764.482, -1042.82) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-232.755, -656.957) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-145.512, -1198.93) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-527.836, -946.336) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-664.51, -774.672) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1112.91, -897.638) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1146.66, 13.8435) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-583.405, 206.357) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-441.908, 518.571) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (557.693, 1070.53) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (120.816, 593.332) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-23.811, 855.729) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1261.04, 328.914) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1240.26, 773.869) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-947.476, 558.604) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-1107.05, 219.054) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-563.971, 698.483) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-565.791, 780.665) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (-432.486, -1545.92) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (446.207, -1287.58) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1264.93, -1258.52) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1898.86, -1588.93) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1987.36, -1171.83) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1939.19, -50.5438) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1776.46, -100.485) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1467.53, -58.8029) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1759.31, 570.628) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1904.84, 1030.33) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1329.38, 1401.91) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1646.52, 835.514) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1978.91, 1259.32) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (2011.03, 1566.12) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1862.02, 1608.32) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1416.64, 1768.83) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (1149.87, 1762.72) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |
Cloth Cap | (735.515, 837.276) | 0.3 seconds | Auto generated by Collector. FIX THE ITEMID! |