Mistmoore's Catacombs: Scion Lair of Fury

700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900
X: 0, Y: 0
Quick Facts
Expansion: Ldon
Succor: Y: 399.0, X: -184.0
XP Modifier: 200%
None can Bind
Name Level Class HP MR CR FR DR PR Expansion
Grortrakien the Mutilator 70 Shadow Knight 30,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
Halusant the Nightblood 70 Shadow Knight 30,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
Scion Flesh Patcher 14 Cleric 350 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Scion Flesh Patcher 20 Cleric 750 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Scion Flesh Patcher 26 Cleric 1,138 19 19 19 19 19 Default
Scion Flesh Patcher 32 Cleric 1,600 24 24 24 24 24 Default
Scion Flesh Patcher 38 Cleric 2,138 34 34 34 34 34 Default
Scion Flesh Patcher 44 Cleric 4,125 40 40 40 40 40 Default
Scion Flesh Patcher 50 Cleric 10,000 43 43 43 43 43 Default
Scion Flesh Patcher 56 Cleric 16,000 47 47 47 47 47 Default
Scion Flesh Patcher 65 Cleric 22,500 64 64 64 64 64 Default
Scion Flesh Patcher 68 Cleric 28,000 65 65 65 65 65 Default
Sfisithik the Light Devourer 70 Shadow Knight 30,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
Trueborn Bloodgiver 14 Cleric 350 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Trueborn Bloodgiver 20 Cleric 750 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Trueborn Bloodgiver 26 Cleric 1,138 19 19 19 19 19 Default
Trueborn Bloodgiver 32 Cleric 1,600 24 24 24 24 24 Default
Trueborn Bloodgiver 38 Cleric 2,138 30 30 30 30 30 Default
Trueborn Bloodgiver 44 Cleric 4,125 40 40 40 40 40 Default
Trueborn Bloodgiver 50 Cleric 10,000 43 43 43 43 43 Default
Trueborn Bloodgiver 56 Cleric 16,000 47 47 47 47 47 Default
Trueborn Bloodgiver 65 Cleric 22,500 64 64 64 64 64 Default
Trueborn Bloodgiver 68 Cleric 28,000 65 65 65 65 65 Default
a bitten victim 9 Warrior 270 6 6 6 6 6 Default
a bitten victim 3 Warrior 90 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a bitten victim 15 Warrior 450 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a bitten victim 21 Warrior 735 14 14 14 14 14 Default
a bitten victim 27 Warrior 1,080 18 18 18 18 18 Default
a bitten victim 33 Warrior 1,485 21 21 21 21 21 Default
a bitten victim 39 Warrior 1,950 25 25 25 25 25 Default
a bitten victim 45 Warrior 5,000 35 35 35 35 35 Default
a bitten victim 54 Warrior 14,000 41 41 41 41 41 Default
a bitten victim 60 Warrior 20,000 51 51 51 51 51 Default
a bitten victim 55 Warrior 15,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a creaking crate 10 Warrior 200 0 0 0 0 0 Default
a dark coffin 11 LDoN Treasure 1,200 16 16 16 16 16 Default
a dark coffin 17 LDoN Treasure 1,200 16 16 16 16 16 Default
a dark coffin 23 LDoN Treasure 1,200 16 16 16 16 16 Default
a dark coffin 29 LDoN Treasure 1,200 16 16 16 16 16 Default
a dark coffin 35 LDoN Treasure 1,200 16 16 16 16 16 Default
a dark coffin 41 LDoN Treasure 1,200 16 16 16 16 16 Default
a dark coffin 47 LDoN Treasure 7,000 16 16 16 16 16 Default
a dark coffin 53 LDoN Treasure 13,000 16 16 16 16 16 Default
a dark coffin 62 LDoN Treasure 1,200 21 21 21 21 21 Default
a dark coffin 68 LDoN Treasure 28,000 21 21 21 21 21 Default
a dusty box 11 LDoN Treasure 1,131 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a dusty box 17 LDoN Treasure 1,131 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a dusty box 23 LDoN Treasure 1,131 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a dusty box 29 LDoN Treasure 1,131 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a dusty box 35 LDoN Treasure 1,131 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a dusty box 41 LDoN Treasure 1,131 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a dusty box 47 LDoN Treasure 7,000 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a dusty box 53 LDoN Treasure 13,000 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a dusty box 62 LDoN Treasure 1,131 21 21 21 21 21 Default
a dusty box 68 LDoN Treasure 28,000 21 21 21 21 21 Default
a rawbone 65 Warrior 22,500 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a sacrificing Scion 67 Necromancer 27,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion bloodprowler 66 Warrior 26,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion blood agent 19 - 20 Warrior 570 12 12 12 12 12 Default
a Scion blood agent 13 - 14 Warrior 390 8 8 8 8 8 Default
a Scion blood agent 25 - 26 Warrior 875 16 16 16 16 16 Default
a Scion blood agent 31 - 32 Warrior 1,395 20 20 20 20 20 Default
a Scion blood agent 37 - 38 Warrior 1,850 24 24 24 24 24 Default
a Scion blood agent 43 - 44 Warrior 3,440 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Scion blood agent 49 - 50 Warrior 9,000 38 38 38 38 38 Default
a Scion blood agent 55 - 56 Warrior 15,000 42 42 42 42 42 Default
a Scion blood agent 64 - 65 Warrior 22,500 54 54 54 54 54 Default
a Scion blood agent 67 - 71 Warrior 27,000 58 58 58 58 58 Default
a Scion cryptrobber 65 Warrior 22,500 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion crypt creeper 64 Warrior 22,500 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion crypt creeper 20 Warrior 700 13 13 13 13 13 Default
a Scion crypt creeper 26 Warrior 1,040 17 17 17 17 17 Default
a Scion crypt creeper 32 Warrior 1,440 21 21 21 21 21 Default
a Scion crypt creeper 38 Warrior 1,900 24 24 24 24 24 Default
a Scion crypt creeper 44 Warrior 3,520 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Scion crypt creeper 50 Warrior 10,000 38 38 38 38 38 Default
a Scion crypt creeper 56 Warrior 16,000 42 42 42 42 42 Default
a Scion crypt creeper 14 Warrior 420 9 9 9 9 9 Default
a Scion crypt creeper 65 Warrior 22,500 54 54 54 54 54 Default
a Scion crypt creeper 68 Warrior 28,000 55 55 55 55 55 Default
a Scion cyst maker 67 Necromancer 27,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion darkcrawler 64 Rogue 22,500 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion deathknave 18 - 19 Rogue 450 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a Scion deathknave 12 - 14 Rogue 300 8 8 8 8 8 Default
a Scion deathknave 24 - 25 Rogue 720 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a Scion deathknave 30 - 31 Rogue 1,200 19 19 19 19 19 Default
a Scion deathknave 36 - 37 Rogue 1,620 23 23 23 23 23 Default
a Scion deathknave 42 - 43 Rogue 3,150 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Scion deathknave 48 - 49 Rogue 8,000 37 37 37 37 37 Default
a Scion deathknave 54 - 55 Rogue 14,000 41 41 41 41 41 Default
a Scion deathknave 63 - 64 Rogue 22,500 53 53 53 53 53 Default
a Scion deathknave 66 - 70 Rogue 26,000 57 57 57 57 57 Default
a Scion deathmarker 66 Shadow Knight 26,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion death agent 64 Rogue 22,500 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion debauchee 67 Enchanter 27,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion debauchee 19 - 20 Enchanter 380 16 16 16 16 16 Default
a Scion debauchee 13 - 14 Enchanter 260 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a Scion debauchee 25 - 26 Enchanter 625 21 21 21 21 21 Default
a Scion debauchee 31 - 32 Enchanter 1,085 26 26 26 26 26 Default
a Scion debauchee 37 - 38 Enchanter 1,480 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Scion debauchee 43 - 44 Enchanter 3,010 42 42 42 42 42 Default
a Scion debauchee 49 - 50 Enchanter 9,000 46 46 46 46 46 Default
a Scion debauchee 55 - 56 Enchanter 15,000 50 50 50 50 50 Default
a Scion debauchee 64 - 65 Enchanter 22,500 70 70 70 70 70 Default
a Scion debauchee 67 - 71 Enchanter 27,000 74 74 74 74 74 Default
a Scion debaucher 66 Enchanter 26,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion embalmer 67 Necromancer 27,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion enticer 63 Cleric 22,500 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion exemplar 67 Warrior 27,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion gorefeeder 66 Warrior 26,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion grave scourer 63 Warrior 22,500 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion idealist 64 Warrior 22,500 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion rites chanter 65 Cleric 22,500 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion rites chanter 19 - 20 Cleric 475 14 14 14 14 14 Default
a Scion rites chanter 25 - 26 Cleric 750 18 18 18 18 18 Default
a Scion rites chanter 31 - 32 Cleric 1,240 23 23 23 23 23 Default
a Scion rites chanter 37 - 38 Cleric 1,665 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Scion rites chanter 43 - 44 Cleric 3,225 39 39 39 39 39 Default
a Scion rites chanter 49 - 50 Cleric 9,000 43 43 43 43 43 Default
a Scion rites chanter 55 - 56 Cleric 15,000 46 46 46 46 46 Default
a Scion rites chanter 13 - 14 Cleric 325 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a Scion rites chanter 64 - 65 Cleric 22,500 63 63 63 63 63 Default
a Scion rites chanter 67 - 71 Cleric 27,000 67 67 67 67 67 Default
a Scion rites performer 67 Necromancer 27,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion sage 67 Wizard 27,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion shadekeeper 19 - 20 Warrior 570 12 12 12 12 12 Default
a Scion shadekeeper 25 - 26 Warrior 875 16 16 16 16 16 Default
a Scion shadekeeper 31 - 32 Warrior 1,395 20 20 20 20 20 Default
a Scion shadekeeper 37 - 38 Warrior 1,850 24 24 24 24 24 Default
a Scion shadekeeper 43 - 44 Warrior 3,440 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Scion shadekeeper 49 - 50 Warrior 9,000 38 38 38 38 38 Default
a Scion shadekeeper 55 - 56 Warrior 15,000 42 42 42 42 42 Default
a Scion shadekeeper 13 - 14 Warrior 390 8 8 8 8 8 Default
a Scion shadekeeper 64 - 65 Warrior 22,500 54 54 54 54 54 Default
a Scion shadekeeper 67 - 71 Warrior 27,000 58 58 58 58 58 Default
a Scion shadewatcher 64 Warrior 22,500 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion shadowscout 65 Warrior 22,500 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion shadowscout 20 Warrior 700 13 13 13 13 13 Default
a Scion shadowscout 26 Warrior 1,040 17 17 17 17 17 Default
a Scion shadowscout 32 Warrior 1,440 21 21 21 21 21 Default
a Scion shadowscout 38 Warrior 1,900 24 24 24 24 24 Default
a Scion shadowscout 44 Warrior 3,520 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Scion shadowscout 50 Warrior 10,000 38 38 38 38 38 Default
a Scion shadowscout 56 Warrior 16,000 42 42 42 42 42 Default
a Scion shadowscout 14 Warrior 420 9 9 9 9 9 Default
a Scion shadowscout 65 Warrior 22,500 54 54 54 54 54 Default
a Scion shadowscout 68 Warrior 28,000 55 55 55 55 55 Default
a Scion shadow agent 63 Rogue 22,500 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion shadow agent 18 - 19 Rogue 450 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a Scion shadow agent 12 - 14 Rogue 300 8 8 8 8 8 Default
a Scion shadow agent 24 - 25 Rogue 720 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a Scion shadow agent 30 - 31 Rogue 1,200 19 19 19 19 19 Default
a Scion shadow agent 36 - 37 Rogue 1,620 23 23 23 23 23 Default
a Scion shadow agent 42 - 43 Rogue 3,150 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Scion shadow agent 48 - 49 Rogue 8,000 37 37 37 37 37 Default
a Scion shadow agent 54 - 55 Rogue 14,000 41 41 41 41 41 Default
a Scion shadow agent 63 - 64 Rogue 22,500 53 53 53 53 53 Default
a Scion shadow agent 66 - 70 Rogue 26,000 57 57 57 57 57 Default
a Scion shadow vanguard 66 Rogue 26,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion spiritburner 63 Wizard 22,500 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Scion vanguard 67 Rogue 27,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Trueborn assassin 20 Rogue 600 13 13 13 13 13 Default
a Trueborn assassin 26 Rogue 910 17 17 17 17 17 Default
a Trueborn assassin 32 Rogue 1,280 21 21 21 21 21 Default
a Trueborn assassin 38 Rogue 1,710 24 24 24 24 24 Default
a Trueborn assassin 44 Rogue 3,300 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Trueborn assassin 50 Rogue 10,000 38 38 38 38 38 Default
a Trueborn assassin 56 Rogue 16,000 42 42 42 42 42 Default
a Trueborn assassin 14 Rogue 350 9 9 9 9 9 Default
a Trueborn assassin 65 Rogue 22,500 54 54 54 54 54 Default
a Trueborn assassin 68 Rogue 28,000 55 55 55 55 55 Default
a Trueborn bloodknave 64 Warrior 22,500 150 150 150 150 150 Default
a Trueborn bloodprowler 18 - 19 Warrior 540 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a Trueborn bloodprowler 24 - 25 Warrior 840 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a Trueborn bloodprowler 30 - 31 Warrior 1,350 19 19 19 19 19 Default
a Trueborn bloodprowler 36 - 37 Warrior 1,800 23 23 23 23 23 Default
a Trueborn bloodprowler 42 - 43 Warrior 3,360 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Trueborn bloodprowler 48 - 49 Warrior 8,000 37 37 37 37 37 Default
a Trueborn bloodprowler 54 - 55 Warrior 14,000 41 41 41 41 41 Default
a Trueborn bloodprowler 12 - 14 Warrior 360 8 8 8 8 8 Default
a Trueborn bloodprowler 63 - 64 Warrior 22,500 53 53 53 53 53 Default
a Trueborn bloodprowler 66 - 70 Warrior 26,000 57 57 57 57 57 Default
a Trueborn converter 18 - 19 Wizard 360 14 14 14 14 14 Default
a Trueborn converter 24 - 25 Wizard 600 20 20 20 20 20 Default
a Trueborn converter 30 - 31 Wizard 1,050 25 25 25 25 25 Default
a Trueborn converter 36 - 37 Wizard 1,440 30 30 30 30 30 Default
a Trueborn converter 42 - 43 Wizard 2,940 41 41 41 41 41 Default
a Trueborn converter 48 - 49 Wizard 8,000 45 45 45 45 45 Default
a Trueborn converter 54 - 55 Wizard 14,000 49 49 49 49 49 Default
a Trueborn converter 12 - 14 Wizard 240 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a Trueborn converter 63 - 64 Wizard 22,500 69 69 69 69 69 Default
a Trueborn converter 66 - 70 Wizard 26,000 73 73 73 73 73 Default
a Trueborn cryptrobber 18 - 19 Warrior 540 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a Trueborn cryptrobber 24 - 25 Warrior 840 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a Trueborn cryptrobber 30 - 31 Warrior 1,350 19 19 19 19 19 Default
a Trueborn cryptrobber 36 - 37 Warrior 1,800 23 23 23 23 23 Default
a Trueborn cryptrobber 42 - 43 Warrior 3,360 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Trueborn cryptrobber 48 - 49 Warrior 8,000 37 37 37 37 37 Default
a Trueborn cryptrobber 54 - 55 Warrior 14,000 41 41 41 41 41 Default
a Trueborn cryptrobber 12 - 14 Warrior 360 8 8 8 8 8 Default
a Trueborn cryptrobber 63 - 64 Warrior 22,500 53 53 53 53 53 Default
a Trueborn cryptrobber 66 - 70 Warrior 26,000 57 57 57 57 57 Default
a Trueborn deathknave 19 - 20 Rogue 475 12 12 12 12 12 Default
a Trueborn deathknave 25 - 26 Rogue 750 16 16 16 16 16 Default
a Trueborn deathknave 31 - 32 Rogue 1,240 20 20 20 20 20 Default
a Trueborn deathknave 37 - 38 Rogue 1,665 24 24 24 24 24 Default
a Trueborn deathknave 43 - 44 Rogue 3,225 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Trueborn deathknave 49 - 50 Rogue 9,000 38 38 38 38 38 Default
a Trueborn deathknave 55 - 56 Rogue 15,000 42 42 42 42 42 Default
a Trueborn deathknave 13 - 14 Rogue 325 8 8 8 8 8 Default
a Trueborn deathknave 64 - 65 Rogue 22,500 54 54 54 54 54 Default
a Trueborn deathknave 67 - 71 Rogue 27,000 58 58 58 58 58 Default
a Trueborn deathmarker 20 Shadow Knight 600 14 14 14 14 14 Default
a Trueborn deathmarker 26 Shadow Knight 910 18 18 18 18 18 Default
a Trueborn deathmarker 32 Shadow Knight 1,280 22 22 22 22 22 Default
a Trueborn deathmarker 38 Shadow Knight 1,710 26 26 26 26 26 Default
a Trueborn deathmarker 44 Shadow Knight 3,300 37 37 37 37 37 Default
a Trueborn deathmarker 50 Shadow Knight 10,000 41 41 41 41 41 Default
a Trueborn deathmarker 56 Shadow Knight 16,000 45 45 45 45 45 Default
a Trueborn deathmarker 14 Shadow Knight 350 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a Trueborn deathmarker 65 Shadow Knight 22,500 58 58 58 58 58 Default
a Trueborn deathmarker 68 Shadow Knight 28,000 58 58 58 58 58 Default
a Trueborn embalmer 20 Necromancer 500 17 17 17 17 17 Default
a Trueborn embalmer 26 Necromancer 780 22 22 22 22 22 Default
a Trueborn embalmer 32 Necromancer 1,120 31 31 31 31 31 Default
a Trueborn embalmer 38 Necromancer 1,520 31 31 31 31 31 Default
a Trueborn embalmer 44 Necromancer 3,080 42 42 42 42 42 Default
a Trueborn embalmer 50 Necromancer 10,000 46 46 46 46 46 Default
a Trueborn embalmer 56 Necromancer 16,000 50 50 50 50 50 Default
a Trueborn embalmer 14 Necromancer 280 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a Trueborn embalmer 65 Necromancer 22,500 70 70 70 70 70 Default
a Trueborn embalmer 68 Necromancer 28,000 71 71 71 71 71 Default
a Trueborn exemplar 20 Warrior 700 13 13 13 13 13 Default
a Trueborn exemplar 26 Warrior 1,040 17 17 17 17 17 Default
a Trueborn exemplar 32 Warrior 1,440 21 21 21 21 21 Default
a Trueborn exemplar 38 Warrior 1,900 24 24 24 24 24 Default
a Trueborn exemplar 44 Warrior 3,520 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Trueborn exemplar 50 Warrior 10,000 38 38 38 38 38 Default
a Trueborn exemplar 56 Warrior 16,000 42 42 42 42 42 Default
a Trueborn exemplar 14 Warrior 420 9 9 9 9 9 Default
a Trueborn exemplar 65 Warrior 22,500 54 54 54 54 54 Default
a Trueborn exemplar 68 Warrior 28,000 55 55 55 55 55 Default
a Trueborn flesh reanimator 18 - 19 Necromancer 360 14 14 14 14 14 Default
a Trueborn flesh reanimator 24 - 25 Necromancer 600 20 20 20 20 20 Default
a Trueborn flesh reanimator 30 - 31 Necromancer 1,050 25 25 25 25 25 Default
a Trueborn flesh reanimator 36 - 37 Necromancer 1,440 30 30 30 30 30 Default
a Trueborn flesh reanimator 42 - 43 Necromancer 2,940 41 41 41 41 41 Default
a Trueborn flesh reanimator 48 - 49 Necromancer 8,000 45 45 45 45 45 Default
a Trueborn flesh reanimator 54 - 55 Necromancer 14,000 49 49 49 49 49 Default
a Trueborn flesh reanimator 12 - 14 Necromancer 240 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a Trueborn flesh reanimator 63 - 64 Necromancer 22,500 69 69 69 69 69 Default
a Trueborn flesh reanimator 66 - 70 Necromancer 26,000 73 73 73 73 73 Default
a Trueborn idealist 18 - 19 Warrior 540 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a Trueborn idealist 24 - 25 Warrior 840 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a Trueborn idealist 30 - 31 Warrior 1,350 19 19 19 19 19 Default
a Trueborn idealist 36 - 37 Warrior 1,800 23 23 23 23 23 Default
a Trueborn idealist 42 - 43 Warrior 3,360 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Trueborn idealist 48 - 49 Warrior 8,000 37 37 37 37 37 Default
a Trueborn idealist 54 - 55 Warrior 14,000 41 41 41 41 41 Default
a Trueborn idealist 12 - 14 Warrior 360 8 8 8 8 8 Default
a Trueborn idealist 63 - 64 Warrior 22,500 53 53 53 53 53 Default
a Trueborn idealist 66 - 70 Warrior 26,000 57 57 57 57 57 Default
a Trueborn narcissist 18 - 19 Warrior 540 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a Trueborn narcissist 24 - 25 Warrior 840 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a Trueborn narcissist 30 - 31 Warrior 1,350 19 19 19 19 19 Default
a Trueborn narcissist 36 - 37 Warrior 1,800 23 23 23 23 23 Default
a Trueborn narcissist 42 - 43 Warrior 3,360 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Trueborn narcissist 48 - 49 Warrior 8,000 37 37 37 37 37 Default
a Trueborn narcissist 54 - 55 Warrior 14,000 41 41 41 41 41 Default
a Trueborn narcissist 12 - 14 Warrior 360 8 8 8 8 8 Default
a Trueborn narcissist 63 - 64 Warrior 22,500 53 53 53 53 53 Default
a Trueborn narcissist 66 - 70 Warrior 26,000 57 57 57 57 57 Default
a Trueborn ritualcaller 18 - 19 Necromancer 360 14 14 14 14 14 Default
a Trueborn ritualcaller 24 - 25 Necromancer 600 20 20 20 20 20 Default
a Trueborn ritualcaller 30 - 31 Necromancer 1,050 25 25 25 25 25 Default
a Trueborn ritualcaller 36 - 37 Necromancer 1,440 30 30 30 30 30 Default
a Trueborn ritualcaller 42 - 43 Necromancer 2,940 41 41 41 41 41 Default
a Trueborn ritualcaller 48 - 49 Necromancer 8,000 45 45 45 45 45 Default
a Trueborn ritualcaller 54 - 55 Necromancer 14,000 49 49 49 49 49 Default
a Trueborn ritualcaller 12 - 14 Necromancer 240 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a Trueborn ritualcaller 63 - 64 Necromancer 22,500 69 69 69 69 69 Default
a Trueborn ritualcaller 66 - 70 Necromancer 26,000 73 73 73 73 73 Default
a Trueborn sage 20 Wizard 500 17 17 17 17 17 Default
a Trueborn sage 26 Wizard 780 22 22 22 22 22 Default
a Trueborn sage 32 Wizard 1,120 30 30 30 30 30 Default
a Trueborn sage 38 Wizard 1,520 30 30 30 30 30 Default
a Trueborn sage 44 Wizard 3,080 42 42 42 42 42 Default
a Trueborn sage 50 Wizard 10,000 46 46 46 46 46 Default
a Trueborn sage 56 Wizard 16,000 50 50 50 50 50 Default
a Trueborn sage 14 Wizard 280 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a Trueborn sage 65 Wizard 22,500 70 70 70 70 70 Default
a Trueborn sage 68 Wizard 28,000 71 71 71 71 71 Default
a Trueborn shadow vanguard 18 - 19 Rogue 450 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a Trueborn shadow vanguard 24 - 25 Rogue 720 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a Trueborn shadow vanguard 30 - 31 Rogue 1,200 19 19 19 19 19 Default
a Trueborn shadow vanguard 36 - 37 Rogue 1,620 23 23 23 23 23 Default
a Trueborn shadow vanguard 42 - 43 Rogue 3,150 34 34 34 34 34 Default
a Trueborn shadow vanguard 48 - 49 Rogue 8,000 37 37 37 37 37 Default
a Trueborn shadow vanguard 54 - 55 Rogue 14,000 41 41 41 41 41 Default
a Trueborn shadow vanguard 12 - 14 Rogue 300 8 8 8 8 8 Default
a Trueborn shadow vanguard 63 - 64 Rogue 22,500 53 53 53 53 53 Default
a Trueborn shadow vanguard 66 - 70 Rogue 26,000 57 57 57 57 57 Default
a Trueborn soul gnasher 20 Shadow Knight 600 14 14 14 14 14 Default
a Trueborn soul gnasher 26 Shadow Knight 910 18 18 18 18 18 Default
a Trueborn soul gnasher 32 Shadow Knight 1,280 22 22 22 22 22 Default
a Trueborn soul gnasher 38 Shadow Knight 1,710 26 26 26 26 26 Default
a Trueborn soul gnasher 44 Shadow Knight 3,300 37 37 37 37 37 Default
a Trueborn soul gnasher 50 Shadow Knight 10,000 41 41 41 41 41 Default
a Trueborn soul gnasher 56 Shadow Knight 16,000 45 45 45 45 45 Default
a Trueborn soul gnasher 14 Shadow Knight 350 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a Trueborn soul gnasher 65 Shadow Knight 22,500 58 58 58 58 58 Default
a Trueborn soul gnasher 68 Shadow Knight 28,000 58 58 58 58 58 Default
Elite Scion Guardian 71 Warrior 396,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
Scion Mummy Summoner 69 Necromancer 29,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
Scion Shadow Summoner 69 Necromancer 29,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
Scion Werewolf Summoner 69 Wizard 29,000 150 150 150 150 150 Default
Coordinates (Y, X, Z) NPCs Respawn
(-873.0, 132.0, 46.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-814.0, 253.0, 54.1) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-222.0, 287.0, 21.0) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 373.0, 37.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-755.0, 255.0, 54.1) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-534.0, 537.0, 36.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-483.0, 512.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-461.0, 457.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-417.0, -107.0, 54.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-425.0, 77.0, 53.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-335.0, 216.0, 37.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-17.0, -249.0, 4.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 118.0, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-781.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-262.625, 107.25, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-185.0, -270.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-167.0, 91.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-190.0, -178.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-244.0, 46.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-300.0, 110.0, 22.9) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-199.0, 62.0, 22.8) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-147.0, -289.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -309.0, 6.4) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-86.0, 73.0, 5.0) a Trueborn soul gnasher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-670.0, 283.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-445.0, 38.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-487.0, 400.0, 37.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-358.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-423.0, -203.0, 45.4) a Trueborn sage (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-453.0, 81.0, 53.9) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-833.0, 153.0, 46.6) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-66.0, 28.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(15.0, -66.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(29.0, -99.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(24.0, 89.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-531.0, 590.0, 36.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-135.0, -55.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-221.0, -97.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -358.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-36.0, 189.0, 1.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(168.0, -137.0, -28.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-636.875, 235.0, 53.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-477.0, 211.0, 38.0) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-407.0, 214.375, 37.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-280.0, 51.0, 21.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-219.0, -336.0, 4.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-35.125, 61.625, 4.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(54.0, -154.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, -150.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(46.0, -245.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-497.0, 624.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -227.0, 45.5) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 177.0, 21.1) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(181.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -191.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(321.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -137.0, -11.4) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(291.0, -211.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(17.0, -206.0, 5.1) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(78.0, -215.0, 5.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-789.0, 253.0, 53.5) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-517.0, 445.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-392.0, -4.0, 53.2) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-359.0, 224.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(374.0, -200.0, -12.7) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-687.0, 272.0, 53.6) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-170.0, 102.0, 20.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-201.0, -227.0, 3.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-155.0, -331.0, 5.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(107.0, -199.0, 4.4) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-548.0, 532.0, 39.2) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-273.0, 110.0, 22.8) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(16.0, 69.0, 6.4) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 155.0, 18.6) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-141.0, -101.0, 18.4) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-16.0, -40.0, 1.9) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-454.0, 417.0, 37.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 424.0, 38.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -107.0, 49.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-424.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-484.0, 582.0, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-410.125, 253.25, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, 154.0, 4.5) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-581.0, 239.0, 53.2) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-516.0, 231.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-448.0, 261.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-305.0, 224.0, 27.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 227.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 226.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 183.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-33.0, 15.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-138.875, 61.0, 21.5) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(33.0, 191.0, 2.1) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-61.0, 75.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-706.0, 253.0, 54.6) Scion Flesh Patcher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-355.0, 104.0, 21.6) Trueborn Bloodgiver (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-874.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -81.0, 54.9) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-691.0, 218.0, 54.1) a Trueborn assassin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-536.0, 626.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathmarker (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-365.0, -108.0, 54.9) a Trueborn ritualcaller (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-215.0, 145.0, 21.5) a Scion deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-164.0, -42.0, 20.9) a Scion shadow agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(255.0, -195.0, -11.5) a Trueborn embalmer (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-873.0, 132.0, 46.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-814.0, 253.0, 54.1) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-222.0, 287.0, 21.0) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 373.0, 37.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-755.0, 255.0, 54.1) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-534.0, 537.0, 36.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-483.0, 512.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-461.0, 457.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-417.0, -107.0, 54.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-425.0, 77.0, 53.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-335.0, 216.0, 37.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-17.0, -249.0, 4.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 118.0, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-781.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-262.625, 107.25, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-185.0, -270.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-167.0, 91.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-190.0, -178.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-244.0, 46.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-300.0, 110.0, 22.9) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-199.0, 62.0, 22.8) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-147.0, -289.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -309.0, 6.4) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-86.0, 73.0, 5.0) a Trueborn soul gnasher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-670.0, 283.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-445.0, 38.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-487.0, 400.0, 37.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-358.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-423.0, -203.0, 45.4) a Trueborn sage (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-453.0, 81.0, 53.9) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-833.0, 153.0, 46.6) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-66.0, 28.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(15.0, -66.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(29.0, -99.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(24.0, 89.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-531.0, 590.0, 36.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-135.0, -55.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-221.0, -97.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -358.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-36.0, 189.0, 1.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(168.0, -137.0, -28.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-636.875, 235.0, 53.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-477.0, 211.0, 38.0) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-407.0, 214.375, 37.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-280.0, 51.0, 21.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-219.0, -336.0, 4.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-35.125, 61.625, 4.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(54.0, -154.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, -150.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(46.0, -245.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-497.0, 624.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -227.0, 45.5) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 177.0, 21.1) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(181.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -191.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(321.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -137.0, -11.4) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(291.0, -211.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(17.0, -206.0, 5.1) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(78.0, -215.0, 5.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-789.0, 253.0, 53.5) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-517.0, 445.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-392.0, -4.0, 53.2) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-359.0, 224.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(374.0, -200.0, -12.7) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-687.0, 272.0, 53.6) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-170.0, 102.0, 20.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-201.0, -227.0, 3.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-155.0, -331.0, 5.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(107.0, -199.0, 4.4) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-548.0, 532.0, 39.2) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-273.0, 110.0, 22.8) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(16.0, 69.0, 6.4) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 155.0, 18.6) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-141.0, -101.0, 18.4) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-16.0, -40.0, 1.9) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-454.0, 417.0, 37.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 424.0, 38.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -107.0, 49.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-424.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-484.0, 582.0, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-410.125, 253.25, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, 154.0, 4.5) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-581.0, 239.0, 53.2) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-516.0, 231.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-448.0, 261.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-305.0, 224.0, 27.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 227.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 226.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 183.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-33.0, 15.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-138.875, 61.0, 21.5) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(33.0, 191.0, 2.1) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-61.0, 75.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-706.0, 253.0, 54.6) Scion Flesh Patcher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-355.0, 104.0, 21.6) Trueborn Bloodgiver (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-874.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -81.0, 54.9) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-691.0, 218.0, 54.1) a Trueborn assassin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-536.0, 626.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathmarker (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-365.0, -108.0, 54.9) a Trueborn ritualcaller (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-215.0, 145.0, 21.5) a Scion deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-164.0, -42.0, 20.9) a Scion shadow agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(255.0, -195.0, -11.5) a Trueborn embalmer (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-873.0, 132.0, 46.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-814.0, 253.0, 54.1) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-222.0, 287.0, 21.0) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 373.0, 37.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-755.0, 255.0, 54.1) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-534.0, 537.0, 36.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-483.0, 512.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-461.0, 457.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-417.0, -107.0, 54.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-425.0, 77.0, 53.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-335.0, 216.0, 37.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-17.0, -249.0, 4.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 118.0, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-781.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-262.625, 107.25, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-185.0, -270.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-167.0, 91.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-190.0, -178.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-244.0, 46.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-300.0, 110.0, 22.9) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-199.0, 62.0, 22.8) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-147.0, -289.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -309.0, 6.4) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-86.0, 73.0, 5.0) a Trueborn soul gnasher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-670.0, 283.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-445.0, 38.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-487.0, 400.0, 37.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-358.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-423.0, -203.0, 45.4) a Trueborn sage (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-453.0, 81.0, 53.9) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-833.0, 153.0, 46.6) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-66.0, 28.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(15.0, -66.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(29.0, -99.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(24.0, 89.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-531.0, 590.0, 36.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-135.0, -55.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-221.0, -97.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -358.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-36.0, 189.0, 1.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(168.0, -137.0, -28.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-636.875, 235.0, 53.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-477.0, 211.0, 38.0) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-407.0, 214.375, 37.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-280.0, 51.0, 21.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-219.0, -336.0, 4.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-35.125, 61.625, 4.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(54.0, -154.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, -150.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(46.0, -245.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-497.0, 624.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -227.0, 45.5) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 177.0, 21.1) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(181.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -191.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(321.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -137.0, -11.4) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(291.0, -211.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(17.0, -206.0, 5.1) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(78.0, -215.0, 5.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-789.0, 253.0, 53.5) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-517.0, 445.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-392.0, -4.0, 53.2) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-359.0, 224.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(374.0, -200.0, -12.7) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-687.0, 272.0, 53.6) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-170.0, 102.0, 20.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-201.0, -227.0, 3.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-155.0, -331.0, 5.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(107.0, -199.0, 4.4) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-548.0, 532.0, 39.2) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-273.0, 110.0, 22.8) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(16.0, 69.0, 6.4) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 155.0, 18.6) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-141.0, -101.0, 18.4) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-16.0, -40.0, 1.9) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-454.0, 417.0, 37.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 424.0, 38.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -107.0, 49.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-424.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-484.0, 582.0, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-410.125, 253.25, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, 154.0, 4.5) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-581.0, 239.0, 53.2) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-516.0, 231.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-448.0, 261.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-305.0, 224.0, 27.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 227.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 226.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 183.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-33.0, 15.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-138.875, 61.0, 21.5) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(33.0, 191.0, 2.1) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-61.0, 75.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-706.0, 253.0, 54.6) Scion Flesh Patcher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-355.0, 104.0, 21.6) Trueborn Bloodgiver (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-874.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -81.0, 54.9) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-691.0, 218.0, 54.1) a Trueborn assassin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-536.0, 626.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathmarker (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-365.0, -108.0, 54.9) a Trueborn ritualcaller (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-215.0, 145.0, 21.5) a Scion deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-164.0, -42.0, 20.9) a Scion shadow agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(255.0, -195.0, -11.5) a Trueborn embalmer (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-873.0, 132.0, 46.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-814.0, 253.0, 54.1) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-222.0, 287.0, 21.0) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 373.0, 37.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-755.0, 255.0, 54.1) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-534.0, 537.0, 36.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-483.0, 512.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-461.0, 457.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-417.0, -107.0, 54.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-425.0, 77.0, 53.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-335.0, 216.0, 37.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-17.0, -249.0, 4.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 118.0, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-781.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-262.625, 107.25, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-185.0, -270.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-167.0, 91.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-190.0, -178.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-244.0, 46.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-300.0, 110.0, 22.9) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-199.0, 62.0, 22.8) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-147.0, -289.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -309.0, 6.4) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-86.0, 73.0, 5.0) a Trueborn soul gnasher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-670.0, 283.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-445.0, 38.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-487.0, 400.0, 37.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-358.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-423.0, -203.0, 45.4) a Trueborn sage (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-453.0, 81.0, 53.9) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-833.0, 153.0, 46.6) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-66.0, 28.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(15.0, -66.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(29.0, -99.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(24.0, 89.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-531.0, 590.0, 36.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-135.0, -55.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-221.0, -97.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -358.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-36.0, 189.0, 1.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(168.0, -137.0, -28.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-636.875, 235.0, 53.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-477.0, 211.0, 38.0) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-407.0, 214.375, 37.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-280.0, 51.0, 21.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-219.0, -336.0, 4.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-35.125, 61.625, 4.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(54.0, -154.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, -150.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(46.0, -245.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-497.0, 624.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -227.0, 45.5) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 177.0, 21.1) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(181.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -191.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(321.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -137.0, -11.4) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(291.0, -211.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(17.0, -206.0, 5.1) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(78.0, -215.0, 5.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-789.0, 253.0, 53.5) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-517.0, 445.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-392.0, -4.0, 53.2) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-359.0, 224.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(374.0, -200.0, -12.7) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-687.0, 272.0, 53.6) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-170.0, 102.0, 20.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-201.0, -227.0, 3.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-155.0, -331.0, 5.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(107.0, -199.0, 4.4) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-548.0, 532.0, 39.2) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-273.0, 110.0, 22.8) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(16.0, 69.0, 6.4) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 155.0, 18.6) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-141.0, -101.0, 18.4) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-16.0, -40.0, 1.9) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-454.0, 417.0, 37.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 424.0, 38.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -107.0, 49.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-424.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-484.0, 582.0, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-410.125, 253.25, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, 154.0, 4.5) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-581.0, 239.0, 53.2) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-516.0, 231.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-448.0, 261.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-305.0, 224.0, 27.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 227.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 226.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 183.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-33.0, 15.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-138.875, 61.0, 21.5) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(33.0, 191.0, 2.1) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-61.0, 75.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-706.0, 253.0, 54.6) Scion Flesh Patcher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-355.0, 104.0, 21.6) Trueborn Bloodgiver (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-874.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -81.0, 54.9) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-691.0, 218.0, 54.1) a Trueborn assassin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-536.0, 626.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathmarker (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-365.0, -108.0, 54.9) a Trueborn ritualcaller (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-215.0, 145.0, 21.5) a Scion deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-164.0, -42.0, 20.9) a Scion shadow agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(255.0, -195.0, -11.5) a Trueborn embalmer (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-873.0, 132.0, 46.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-814.0, 253.0, 54.1) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-222.0, 287.0, 21.0) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 373.0, 37.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-755.0, 255.0, 54.1) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-534.0, 537.0, 36.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-483.0, 512.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-461.0, 457.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-417.0, -107.0, 54.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-425.0, 77.0, 53.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-335.0, 216.0, 37.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-17.0, -249.0, 4.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 118.0, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-781.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-262.625, 107.25, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-185.0, -270.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-167.0, 91.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-190.0, -178.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-244.0, 46.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-300.0, 110.0, 22.9) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-199.0, 62.0, 22.8) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-147.0, -289.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -309.0, 6.4) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-86.0, 73.0, 5.0) a Trueborn soul gnasher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-670.0, 283.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-445.0, 38.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-487.0, 400.0, 37.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-358.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-423.0, -203.0, 45.4) a Trueborn sage (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-453.0, 81.0, 53.9) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-833.0, 153.0, 46.6) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-66.0, 28.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(15.0, -66.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(29.0, -99.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(24.0, 89.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-531.0, 590.0, 36.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-135.0, -55.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-221.0, -97.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -358.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-36.0, 189.0, 1.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(168.0, -137.0, -28.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-636.875, 235.0, 53.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-477.0, 211.0, 38.0) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-407.0, 214.375, 37.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-280.0, 51.0, 21.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-219.0, -336.0, 4.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-35.125, 61.625, 4.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(54.0, -154.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, -150.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(46.0, -245.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-497.0, 624.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -227.0, 45.5) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 177.0, 21.1) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(181.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -191.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(321.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -137.0, -11.4) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(291.0, -211.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(17.0, -206.0, 5.1) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(78.0, -215.0, 5.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-789.0, 253.0, 53.5) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-517.0, 445.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-392.0, -4.0, 53.2) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-359.0, 224.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(374.0, -200.0, -12.7) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-687.0, 272.0, 53.6) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-170.0, 102.0, 20.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-201.0, -227.0, 3.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-155.0, -331.0, 5.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(107.0, -199.0, 4.4) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-548.0, 532.0, 39.2) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-273.0, 110.0, 22.8) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(16.0, 69.0, 6.4) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 155.0, 18.6) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-141.0, -101.0, 18.4) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-16.0, -40.0, 1.9) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-454.0, 417.0, 37.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 424.0, 38.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -107.0, 49.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-424.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-484.0, 582.0, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-410.125, 253.25, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, 154.0, 4.5) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-581.0, 239.0, 53.2) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-516.0, 231.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-448.0, 261.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-305.0, 224.0, 27.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 227.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 226.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 183.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-33.0, 15.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-138.875, 61.0, 21.5) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(33.0, 191.0, 2.1) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-61.0, 75.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-706.0, 253.0, 54.6) Scion Flesh Patcher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-355.0, 104.0, 21.6) Trueborn Bloodgiver (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-874.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -81.0, 54.9) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-691.0, 218.0, 54.1) a Trueborn assassin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-536.0, 626.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathmarker (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-365.0, -108.0, 54.9) a Trueborn ritualcaller (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-215.0, 145.0, 21.5) a Scion deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-164.0, -42.0, 20.9) a Scion shadow agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(255.0, -195.0, -11.5) a Trueborn embalmer (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-873.0, 132.0, 46.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-814.0, 253.0, 54.1) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-222.0, 287.0, 21.0) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 373.0, 37.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-755.0, 255.0, 54.1) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-534.0, 537.0, 36.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-483.0, 512.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-461.0, 457.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-417.0, -107.0, 54.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-425.0, 77.0, 53.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-335.0, 216.0, 37.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-17.0, -249.0, 4.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 118.0, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-781.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-262.625, 107.25, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-185.0, -270.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-167.0, 91.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-190.0, -178.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-244.0, 46.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-300.0, 110.0, 22.9) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-199.0, 62.0, 22.8) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-147.0, -289.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -309.0, 6.4) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-86.0, 73.0, 5.0) a Trueborn soul gnasher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-670.0, 283.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-445.0, 38.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-487.0, 400.0, 37.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-358.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-423.0, -203.0, 45.4) a Trueborn sage (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-453.0, 81.0, 53.9) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-833.0, 153.0, 46.6) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-66.0, 28.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(15.0, -66.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(29.0, -99.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(24.0, 89.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-531.0, 590.0, 36.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-135.0, -55.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-221.0, -97.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -358.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-36.0, 189.0, 1.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(168.0, -137.0, -28.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-636.875, 235.0, 53.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-477.0, 211.0, 38.0) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-407.0, 214.375, 37.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-280.0, 51.0, 21.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-219.0, -336.0, 4.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-35.125, 61.625, 4.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(54.0, -154.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, -150.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(46.0, -245.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-497.0, 624.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -227.0, 45.5) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 177.0, 21.1) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(181.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -191.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(321.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -137.0, -11.4) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(291.0, -211.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(17.0, -206.0, 5.1) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(78.0, -215.0, 5.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-789.0, 253.0, 53.5) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-517.0, 445.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-392.0, -4.0, 53.2) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-359.0, 224.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(374.0, -200.0, -12.7) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-687.0, 272.0, 53.6) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-170.0, 102.0, 20.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-201.0, -227.0, 3.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-155.0, -331.0, 5.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(107.0, -199.0, 4.4) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-548.0, 532.0, 39.2) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-273.0, 110.0, 22.8) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(16.0, 69.0, 6.4) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 155.0, 18.6) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-141.0, -101.0, 18.4) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-16.0, -40.0, 1.9) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-454.0, 417.0, 37.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 424.0, 38.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -107.0, 49.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-424.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-484.0, 582.0, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-410.125, 253.25, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, 154.0, 4.5) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-581.0, 239.0, 53.2) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-516.0, 231.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-448.0, 261.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-305.0, 224.0, 27.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 227.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 226.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 183.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-33.0, 15.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-138.875, 61.0, 21.5) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(33.0, 191.0, 2.1) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-61.0, 75.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-706.0, 253.0, 54.6) Scion Flesh Patcher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-355.0, 104.0, 21.6) Trueborn Bloodgiver (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-874.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -81.0, 54.9) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-691.0, 218.0, 54.1) a Trueborn assassin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-536.0, 626.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathmarker (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-365.0, -108.0, 54.9) a Trueborn ritualcaller (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-215.0, 145.0, 21.5) a Scion deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-164.0, -42.0, 20.9) a Scion shadow agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(255.0, -195.0, -11.5) a Trueborn embalmer (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-873.0, 132.0, 46.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-814.0, 253.0, 54.1) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-222.0, 287.0, 21.0) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 373.0, 37.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-755.0, 255.0, 54.1) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-534.0, 537.0, 36.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-483.0, 512.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-461.0, 457.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-417.0, -107.0, 54.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-425.0, 77.0, 53.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-335.0, 216.0, 37.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-17.0, -249.0, 4.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 118.0, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-781.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-262.625, 107.25, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-185.0, -270.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-167.0, 91.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-190.0, -178.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-244.0, 46.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-300.0, 110.0, 22.9) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-199.0, 62.0, 22.8) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-147.0, -289.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -309.0, 6.4) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-86.0, 73.0, 5.0) a Trueborn soul gnasher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-670.0, 283.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-445.0, 38.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-487.0, 400.0, 37.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-358.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-423.0, -203.0, 45.4) a Trueborn sage (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-453.0, 81.0, 53.9) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-833.0, 153.0, 46.6) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-66.0, 28.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(15.0, -66.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(29.0, -99.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(24.0, 89.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-531.0, 590.0, 36.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-135.0, -55.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-221.0, -97.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -358.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-36.0, 189.0, 1.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(168.0, -137.0, -28.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-636.875, 235.0, 53.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-477.0, 211.0, 38.0) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-407.0, 214.375, 37.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-280.0, 51.0, 21.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-219.0, -336.0, 4.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-35.125, 61.625, 4.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(54.0, -154.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, -150.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(46.0, -245.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-497.0, 624.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -227.0, 45.5) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 177.0, 21.1) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(181.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -191.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(321.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -137.0, -11.4) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(291.0, -211.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(17.0, -206.0, 5.1) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(78.0, -215.0, 5.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-789.0, 253.0, 53.5) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-517.0, 445.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-392.0, -4.0, 53.2) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-359.0, 224.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(374.0, -200.0, -12.7) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-687.0, 272.0, 53.6) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-170.0, 102.0, 20.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-201.0, -227.0, 3.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-155.0, -331.0, 5.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(107.0, -199.0, 4.4) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-548.0, 532.0, 39.2) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-273.0, 110.0, 22.8) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(16.0, 69.0, 6.4) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 155.0, 18.6) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-141.0, -101.0, 18.4) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-16.0, -40.0, 1.9) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-454.0, 417.0, 37.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 424.0, 38.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -107.0, 49.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-424.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-484.0, 582.0, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-410.125, 253.25, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, 154.0, 4.5) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-581.0, 239.0, 53.2) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-516.0, 231.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-448.0, 261.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-305.0, 224.0, 27.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 227.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 226.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 183.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-33.0, 15.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-138.875, 61.0, 21.5) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(33.0, 191.0, 2.1) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-61.0, 75.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-706.0, 253.0, 54.6) Scion Flesh Patcher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-355.0, 104.0, 21.6) Trueborn Bloodgiver (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-874.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -81.0, 54.9) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-691.0, 218.0, 54.1) a Trueborn assassin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-536.0, 626.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathmarker (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-365.0, -108.0, 54.9) a Trueborn ritualcaller (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-215.0, 145.0, 21.5) a Scion deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-164.0, -42.0, 20.9) a Scion shadow agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(255.0, -195.0, -11.5) a Trueborn embalmer (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-873.0, 132.0, 46.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-814.0, 253.0, 54.1) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-222.0, 287.0, 21.0) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 373.0, 37.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-755.0, 255.0, 54.1) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-534.0, 537.0, 36.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-483.0, 512.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-461.0, 457.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-417.0, -107.0, 54.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-425.0, 77.0, 53.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-335.0, 216.0, 37.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-17.0, -249.0, 4.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 118.0, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-781.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-262.625, 107.25, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-185.0, -270.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-167.0, 91.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-190.0, -178.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-244.0, 46.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-300.0, 110.0, 22.9) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-199.0, 62.0, 22.8) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-147.0, -289.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -309.0, 6.4) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-86.0, 73.0, 5.0) a Trueborn soul gnasher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-670.0, 283.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-445.0, 38.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-487.0, 400.0, 37.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-358.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-423.0, -203.0, 45.4) a Trueborn sage (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-453.0, 81.0, 53.9) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-833.0, 153.0, 46.6) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-66.0, 28.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(15.0, -66.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(29.0, -99.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(24.0, 89.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-531.0, 590.0, 36.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-135.0, -55.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-221.0, -97.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -358.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-36.0, 189.0, 1.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(168.0, -137.0, -28.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-636.875, 235.0, 53.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-477.0, 211.0, 38.0) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-407.0, 214.375, 37.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-280.0, 51.0, 21.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-219.0, -336.0, 4.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-35.125, 61.625, 4.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(54.0, -154.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, -150.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(46.0, -245.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-497.0, 624.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -227.0, 45.5) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 177.0, 21.1) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(181.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -191.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(321.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -137.0, -11.4) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(291.0, -211.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(17.0, -206.0, 5.1) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(78.0, -215.0, 5.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-789.0, 253.0, 53.5) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-517.0, 445.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-392.0, -4.0, 53.2) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-359.0, 224.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(374.0, -200.0, -12.7) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-687.0, 272.0, 53.6) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-170.0, 102.0, 20.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-201.0, -227.0, 3.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-155.0, -331.0, 5.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(107.0, -199.0, 4.4) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-548.0, 532.0, 39.2) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-273.0, 110.0, 22.8) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(16.0, 69.0, 6.4) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 155.0, 18.6) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-141.0, -101.0, 18.4) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-16.0, -40.0, 1.9) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-454.0, 417.0, 37.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 424.0, 38.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -107.0, 49.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-424.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-484.0, 582.0, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-410.125, 253.25, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, 154.0, 4.5) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-581.0, 239.0, 53.2) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-516.0, 231.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-448.0, 261.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-305.0, 224.0, 27.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 227.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 226.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 183.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-33.0, 15.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-138.875, 61.0, 21.5) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(33.0, 191.0, 2.1) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-61.0, 75.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-706.0, 253.0, 54.6) Scion Flesh Patcher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-355.0, 104.0, 21.6) Trueborn Bloodgiver (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-874.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -81.0, 54.9) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-691.0, 218.0, 54.1) a Trueborn assassin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-536.0, 626.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathmarker (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-365.0, -108.0, 54.9) a Trueborn ritualcaller (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-215.0, 145.0, 21.5) a Scion deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-164.0, -42.0, 20.9) a Scion shadow agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(255.0, -195.0, -11.5) a Trueborn embalmer (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-873.0, 132.0, 46.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-814.0, 253.0, 54.1) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-222.0, 287.0, 21.0) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 373.0, 37.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-755.0, 255.0, 54.1) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-534.0, 537.0, 36.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-483.0, 512.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-461.0, 457.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-417.0, -107.0, 54.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-425.0, 77.0, 53.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-335.0, 216.0, 37.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-17.0, -249.0, 4.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 118.0, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-781.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-262.625, 107.25, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-185.0, -270.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-167.0, 91.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-190.0, -178.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-244.0, 46.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-300.0, 110.0, 22.9) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-199.0, 62.0, 22.8) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-147.0, -289.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -309.0, 6.4) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-86.0, 73.0, 5.0) a Trueborn soul gnasher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-670.0, 283.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-445.0, 38.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-487.0, 400.0, 37.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-358.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-423.0, -203.0, 45.4) a Trueborn sage (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-453.0, 81.0, 53.9) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-833.0, 153.0, 46.6) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-66.0, 28.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(15.0, -66.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(29.0, -99.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(24.0, 89.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-531.0, 590.0, 36.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-135.0, -55.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-221.0, -97.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -358.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-36.0, 189.0, 1.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(168.0, -137.0, -28.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-636.875, 235.0, 53.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-477.0, 211.0, 38.0) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-407.0, 214.375, 37.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-280.0, 51.0, 21.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-219.0, -336.0, 4.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-35.125, 61.625, 4.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(54.0, -154.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, -150.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(46.0, -245.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-497.0, 624.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -227.0, 45.5) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 177.0, 21.1) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(181.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -191.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(321.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -137.0, -11.4) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(291.0, -211.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(17.0, -206.0, 5.1) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(78.0, -215.0, 5.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-789.0, 253.0, 53.5) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-517.0, 445.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-392.0, -4.0, 53.2) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-359.0, 224.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(374.0, -200.0, -12.7) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-687.0, 272.0, 53.6) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-170.0, 102.0, 20.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-201.0, -227.0, 3.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-155.0, -331.0, 5.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(107.0, -199.0, 4.4) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-548.0, 532.0, 39.2) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-273.0, 110.0, 22.8) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(16.0, 69.0, 6.4) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 155.0, 18.6) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-141.0, -101.0, 18.4) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-16.0, -40.0, 1.9) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-454.0, 417.0, 37.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 424.0, 38.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -107.0, 49.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-424.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-484.0, 582.0, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-410.125, 253.25, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, 154.0, 4.5) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-581.0, 239.0, 53.2) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-516.0, 231.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-448.0, 261.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-305.0, 224.0, 27.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 227.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 226.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 183.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-33.0, 15.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-138.875, 61.0, 21.5) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(33.0, 191.0, 2.1) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-61.0, 75.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-706.0, 253.0, 54.6) Scion Flesh Patcher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-355.0, 104.0, 21.6) Trueborn Bloodgiver (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-874.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -81.0, 54.9) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-691.0, 218.0, 54.1) a Trueborn assassin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-536.0, 626.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathmarker (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-365.0, -108.0, 54.9) a Trueborn ritualcaller (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-215.0, 145.0, 21.5) a Scion deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-164.0, -42.0, 20.9) a Scion shadow agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(255.0, -195.0, -11.5) a Trueborn embalmer (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-873.0, 132.0, 46.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-814.0, 253.0, 54.1) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-222.0, 287.0, 21.0) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 373.0, 37.4) a Trueborn exemplar (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(24.0, 89.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-531.0, 590.0, 36.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-135.0, -55.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-221.0, -97.0, 20.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -358.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-36.0, 189.0, 1.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(168.0, -137.0, -28.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-636.875, 235.0, 53.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-477.0, 211.0, 38.0) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-407.0, 214.375, 37.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-280.0, 51.0, 21.5) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-219.0, -336.0, 4.9) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-35.125, 61.625, 4.6) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(54.0, -154.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(318.0, -211.0, -11.4) a Scion embalmer (50%)
3 hours
(308.0, -190.0, -11.4) a Scion embalmer (50%)
3 hours
(288.0, -212.0, -11.4) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours
(262.0, -137.0, -11.9) a Scion bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours
(255.0, -158.0, -12.0) a Scion exemplar (50%)
3 hours
(254.0, -122.0, -12.0) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours
(213.0, -137.0, -11.9) a Scion death agent (50%)
3 hours
(168.0, -137.0, -28.5) a Scion bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours
(154.0, -192.0, -11.4) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours
(105.0, -201.0, 5.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours
(82.0, -168.0, 5.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours
(76.0, -214.0, 4.4) a Scion bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours
(60.0, -247.0, 5.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours
(54.0, -155.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodknave (50%)
3 hours
(43.0, -181.0, 3.8) rt (50%)
3 hours
(30.0, -98.0, 5.0) a rawbone (50%)
3 hours
(17.0, -208.0, 4.5) a Scion bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours
(15.75, -99.625, 5.2) a rawbone (50%)
3 hours
(15.0, -98.0, 4.0) ft (50%)
3 hours
(-7.0, -159.0, 5.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours
(-7.0, -259.0, 4.4) a Scion bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours
(-18.0, -205.0, 5.0) a Scion vanguard (50%)
3 hours
(-20.0, -237.0, 1.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(34.0, 44.0, 5.0) a Scion sage (50%)
3 hours
(-15.0, -40.0, 4.4) a Scion bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours
(-13.0, -13.0, 5.0) a rawbone (50%)
3 hours
(34.0, 93.0, 5.0) a Scion vanguard (50%)
3 hours
(28.0, 111.0, 1.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-33.0, 15.0, 5.0) a rawbone (50%)
3 hours
(28.0, 120.0, 1.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(0.0, 87.0, 4.4) a Scion rites performer (50%)
3 hours
(-29.0, 42.0, 3.8) rt (50%)
3 hours
(26.0, 125.0, 1.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(19.0, 122.0, 1.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-26.0, 60.0, 4.6) a Scion bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours
(-66.0, 28.0, 4.4) a Trueborn bloodknave (50%)
3 hours
(-22.0, 106.0, 4.4) a Scion bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours
(14.0, 153.0, 4.5) a Scion shadow agent (50%)
3 hours
(32.0, 192.0, 1.5) a Scion bloodprowler (50%)
3 hours
(-62.0, 76.0, 5.0) a rawbone (50%)
3 hours
(-14.0, 154.0, 5.1) a rawbone (50%)
3 hours
(0.0, 183.0, 2.6) Elite Scion Guardian (50%)
3 hours
(-139.0, -102.0, 20.9) a Scion vanguard (50%)
3 hours
(-150.0, -250.0, 1.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-139.0, -322.0, 4.5) a Scion enticer (50%)
3 hours
(-155.0, -137.0, 20.9) a Scion vanguard (50%)
3 hours
(-148.0, -289.0, 4.6) a Scion grave scourer (50%)
3 hours
(-157.0, -252.0, 1.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-36.0, 187.0, 2.1) a rawbone (50%)
3 hours
(-171.0, -71.0, 21.1) a Scion darkcrawler (50%)
3 hours
(-165.0, -42.0, 20.9) a Scion exemplar (50%)
3 hours
(-178.0, -270.0, 2.5) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours
(-137.0, 52.0, 21.5) a rawbone (50%)
3 hours
(-138.0, 61.0, 20.2) ft (50%)
3 hours
(-179.0, -311.0, 5.0) a Scion grave scourer (50%)
3 hours
(-138.0, 69.0, 20.9) a Scion death agent (50%)
3 hours
(-179.0, -352.0, 5.6) Elite Scion Guardian (50%)
3 hours
(-203.0, -225.0, 4.5) a Scion exemplar (50%)
3 hours
(-202.5, -122.875, 20.9) a Scion spiritburner (50%)
3 hours
(-199.0, -94.0, 20.2) rt (50%)
3 hours
(-201.875, -73.25, 20.9) a Scion idealist (50%)
3 hours
(-190.0, -9.0, 21.1) a Scion grave scourer (50%)
3 hours
(-213.0, -252.0, 1.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-215.0, -259.0, 1.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-187.0, 22.0, 20.9) a Scion debaucher (50%)
3 hours
(-223.0, -147.0, 18.4) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-222.0, -250.0, 1.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-221.0, -261.0, 1.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-227.0, -141.0, 18.6) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-228.0, -148.0, 18.4) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-212.0, -332.0, 4.4) a Scion exemplar (50%)
3 hours
(-229.0, -136.0, 18.6) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-233.0, -142.0, 18.6) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-232.0, -130.0, 21.1) a Scion exemplar (50%)
3 hours
(-168.0, 102.0, 20.9) a Scion exemplar (50%)
3 hours
(-232.0, -93.0, 21.8) a Scion deathmarker (50%)
3 hours
(-224.0, -47.0, 20.9) a Scion exemplar (50%)
3 hours
(-234.0, -72.0, 18.6) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-199.0, 67.0, 21.4) a Scion grave scourer (50%)
3 hours
(-190.0, 96.0, 21.1) a Scion darkcrawler (50%)
3 hours
(-230.0, 42.0, 20.9) a Scion exemplar (50%)
3 hours
(-184.0, 181.0, 18.4) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-206.0, 144.0, 21.5) a Scion vanguard (50%)
3 hours
(-244.0, 88.0, 21.1) a Scion grave scourer (50%)
3 hours
(-243.0, 101.0, 20.2) rt (50%)
3 hours
(-184.0, 225.0, 18.4) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-209.0, 220.0, 21.0) a Scion exemplar (50%)
3 hours
(-271.0, 108.0, 20.9) a Scion debaucher (50%)
3 hours
(-280.0, 120.0, 18.4) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-235.0, 206.0, 19.6) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours
(-209.0, 260.0, 20.9) a Scion rites performer (50%)
3 hours
(-298.0, 110.0, 21.1) a Scion exemplar (50%)
3 hours
(-360.0, -186.0, 45.4) a Scion deathmarker (50%)
3 hours
(-357.0, -270.0, 45.4) a Scion shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours
(-286.0, 155.0, 21.1) a Scion deathmarker (50%)
3 hours
(-248.0, 225.0, 21.0) a Scion gorefeeder (50%)
3 hours
(-363.0, -105.0, 55.5) Scion Shadow Summoner (50%)
3 hours
(-236.0, 259.0, 20.9) a Scion sage (50%)
3 hours
(-286.0, 178.0, 21.1) a Scion gorefeeder (50%)
3 hours
(-377.0, -202.0, 46.0) a Scion shadewatcher (50%)
3 hours
(-222.0, 286.0, 21.0) a Scion cyst maker (50%)
3 hours
(-380.0, -249.0, 46.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours
(-372.0, -12.0, 54.5) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours
(-391.0, -152.0, 51.4) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-391.0, -224.0, 50.5) Sfisithik the Light Devourer (50%)
3 hours
(-392.0, -136.0, 55.5) Scion Shadow Summoner (50%)
3 hours
(-391.0, -279.0, 42.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-391.0, -80.0, 55.5) Scion Shadow Summoner (50%)
3 hours
(-348.0, 108.0, 21.6) Elite Scion Guardian (50%)
3 hours
(-402.0, -201.0, 45.4) a Scion deathmarker (50%)
3 hours
(-402.0, -251.0, 46.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours
(-385.0, 7.0, 53.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours
(-365.0, 94.0, 20.9) a Scion vanguard (50%)
3 hours
(-404.0, -19.0, 54.5) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours
(-422.0, -186.0, 46.0) a Scion shadewatcher (50%)
3 hours
(-419.0, -108.0, 55.5) Scion Shadow Summoner (50%)
3 hours
(-419.0, -270.0, 46.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours
(-424.0, -142.0, 52.0) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours
(-403.0, 34.0, 54.6) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours
(-331.0, 225.0, 36.8) ft (50%)
3 hours
(-363.0, 187.0, 37.4) a Scion gorefeeder (50%)
3 hours
(-437.0, 33.0, 54.5) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours
(-426.0, 76.0, 53.9) a Scion idealist (50%)
3 hours
(-357.0, 253.0, 34.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-440.0, 57.0, 53.5) ft (50%)
3 hours
(-364.0, 244.0, 37.4) a Scion gorefeeder (50%)
3 hours
(-396.0, 189.0, 37.4) a Scion vanguard (50%)
3 hours
(-379.5, 225.25, 38.0) a Scion embalmer (50%)
3 hours
(-438.0, 111.0, 54.6) a Scion shadewatcher (50%)
3 hours
(-379.5, 253.5, 37.4) a Scion cyst maker (50%)
3 hours
(-454.0, 81.0, 54.5) a Scion shadewatcher (50%)
3 hours
(-430.0, 160.0, 38.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours
(-413.0, 217.0, 36.9) rt (50%)
3 hours
(-417.0, 222.0, 37.5) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours
(-439.0, 252.125, 39.0) a Scion cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours
(-474.0, 189.0, 37.4) a Scion exemplar (50%)
3 hours
(-467.0, 215.0, 37.4) a Scion gorefeeder (50%)
3 hours
(-516.0, 232.0, 37.4) a Scion gorefeeder (50%)
3 hours
(-533.0, 258.0, 37.4) a Scion idealist (50%)
3 hours
(-472.0, 385.0, 38.0) a Scion embalmer (50%)
3 hours
(-517.0, 316.0, 37.0) ft (50%)
3 hours
(-531.0, 315.0, 38.0) a Scion embalmer (50%)
3 hours
(-501.0, 400.0, 37.4) a Scion exemplar (50%)
3 hours
(-486.0, 435.0, 34.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-482.0, 446.0, 34.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-491.0, 440.0, 37.4) a Scion enticer (50%)
3 hours
(-488.0, 446.0, 34.9) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-608.0, 238.0, 55.6) a Scion cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours
(-520.0, 424.0, 38.0) Scion Mummy Summoner (50%)
3 hours
(-547.0, 403.0, 38.0) Scion Mummy Summoner (50%)
3 hours
(-637.0, 237.0, 53.9) a Scion exemplar (50%)
3 hours
(-501.0, 482.0, 38.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours
(-634.0, 252.0, 53.2) ft (50%)
3 hours
(-485.0, 514.0, 38.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours
(-545.0, 448.0, 38.0) Scion Mummy Summoner (50%)
3 hours
(-517.0, 502.0, 36.9) a Scion vanguard (50%)
3 hours
(-542.0, 473.0, 37.4) a Scion vanguard (50%)
3 hours
(-687.0, 225.0, 54.6) Scion Werewolf Summoner (50%)
3 hours
(-506.0, 545.0, 36.4) a sacrificing Scion (50%)
3 hours
(-548.0, 512.0, 38.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours
(-687.0, 282.0, 54.6) Scion Werewolf Summoner (50%)
3 hours
(-707.0, 253.0, 53.4) (50%)
3 hours
(-707.0, 253.0, 54.0) a Scion debaucher (50%)
3 hours
(-729.0, 225.0, 54.6) Scion Werewolf Summoner (50%)
3 hours
(-537.0, 580.0, 37.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours
(-517.0, 612.0, 40.6) Grortrakien the Mutilator (50%)
3 hours
(-749.0, 229.0, 51.4) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-729.0, 282.0, 54.6) Scion Werewolf Summoner (50%)
3 hours
(-782.0, 133.0, 48.0) a Scion cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours
(-748.0, 254.0, 55.8) a Scion cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours
(-749.0, 277.0, 51.4) a creaking crate (50%)
3 hours
(-548.0, 625.0, 38.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours
(-826.0, 108.0, 48.0) a Scion cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours
(-826.0, 174.0, 51.0) Halusant the Nightblood (50%)
3 hours
(-826.0, 212.0, 46.4) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours
(-823.0, 254.0, 53.9) a Scion vanguard (50%)
3 hours
(-869.0, 134.0, 46.4) a Scion exemplar (50%)
3 hours
(-853.0, 205.0, 46.4) a Scion idealist (50%)
3 hours
(0.0, -150.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(46.0, -245.0, 4.4) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-497.0, 624.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -227.0, 45.5) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 177.0, 21.1) a Trueborn deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(181.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -191.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(321.0, -212.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(211.0, -137.0, -11.4) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(291.0, -211.0, -11.5) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(17.0, -206.0, 5.1) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(78.0, -215.0, 5.0) a Scion crypt creeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-789.0, 253.0, 53.5) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-517.0, 445.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-392.0, -4.0, 53.2) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-359.0, 224.0, 36.8) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(374.0, -200.0, -12.7) fft (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-687.0, 272.0, 53.6) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-170.0, 102.0, 20.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-201.0, -227.0, 3.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-155.0, -331.0, 5.2) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(107.0, -199.0, 4.4) a bitten victim (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-548.0, 532.0, 39.2) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-273.0, 110.0, 22.8) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(16.0, 69.0, 6.4) a dark coffin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-286.0, 155.0, 18.6) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-141.0, -101.0, 18.4) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-16.0, -40.0, 1.9) a dusty box (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-454.0, 417.0, 37.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-538.0, 424.0, 38.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -107.0, 49.4) a Trueborn shadow vanguard (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-424.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-484.0, 582.0, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-410.125, 253.25, 37.4) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(0.0, 154.0, 4.5) a Scion rites chanter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-581.0, 239.0, 53.2) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-516.0, 231.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-448.0, 261.0, 36.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-305.0, 224.0, 27.8) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 227.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 226.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-245.0, 183.0, 20.4) a Scion blood agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-755.0, 255.0, 54.1) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-534.0, 537.0, 36.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-483.0, 512.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-461.0, 457.0, 37.4) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-417.0, -107.0, 54.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-425.0, 77.0, 53.9) a Trueborn converter (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-33.0, 15.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-138.875, 61.0, 21.5) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(33.0, 191.0, 2.1) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-61.0, 75.0, 5.0) a Scion shadekeeper (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-706.0, 253.0, 54.6) Scion Flesh Patcher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-355.0, 104.0, 21.6) Trueborn Bloodgiver (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-874.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-391.0, -81.0, 54.9) a Scion debauchee (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-691.0, 218.0, 54.1) a Trueborn assassin (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-536.0, 626.0, 36.9) a Trueborn deathmarker (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-365.0, -108.0, 54.9) a Trueborn ritualcaller (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-215.0, 145.0, 21.5) a Scion deathknave (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-164.0, -42.0, 20.9) a Scion shadow agent (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(255.0, -195.0, -11.5) a Trueborn embalmer (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-335.0, 216.0, 37.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-17.0, -249.0, 4.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-200.0, 118.0, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-781.0, 187.0, 46.4) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-262.625, 107.25, 20.9) a Trueborn flesh reanimator (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-185.0, -270.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-167.0, 91.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-190.0, -178.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-244.0, 46.0, 22.5) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-300.0, 110.0, 22.9) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-199.0, 62.0, 22.8) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-147.0, -289.0, 6.0) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-179.0, -309.0, 6.4) a Trueborn cryptrobber (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-86.0, 73.0, 5.0) a Trueborn soul gnasher (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-670.0, 283.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-445.0, 38.0, 53.9) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-487.0, 400.0, 37.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-358.0, -185.0, 45.4) a Trueborn narcissist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-423.0, -203.0, 45.4) a Trueborn sage (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-453.0, 81.0, 53.9) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-833.0, 153.0, 46.6) a Trueborn idealist (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(-66.0, 28.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(15.0, -66.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
(29.0, -99.0, 5.0) a Scion shadowscout (50%)
3 hours and 30 minutes
Item Name Dropped By
Amulet of the Dark Gift
Multiple NPCs
Ancient Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
Multiple NPCs
Ancient Gray Gemstone of Knowledge
Multiple NPCs
Ancient Green Shard of Might
Multiple NPCs
Ancient Purple Gem of Deftness
Multiple NPCs
Ancient Teal Crystal of Enticement
Multiple NPCs
Ancient Turquoise Fragment of Intellect
Multiple NPCs
Ancient Yellow Sphere of Fortitude
Multiple NPCs
Band of a Bloodguard Assassin
Multiple NPCs
Black Pearl
Multiple NPCs
Black Sapphire
Multiple NPCs
Blood-Covered Greaves of Fortitude
Multiple NPCs
Blood-Spattered Vambraces
Multiple NPCs
Bloodguard Soul Ring
Multiple NPCs
Bloodguard Wand of Walking Dead
Multiple NPCs
Bloodied Boots of Dark Rites
Multiple NPCs
Bloodied Cloak
Multiple NPCs
Bloodied Dirk
Multiple NPCs
Bloodied Werewolf Claw
Multiple NPCs
Bloodprowler's Shawl
Multiple NPCs
Bloodstained Flute
Multiple NPCs
Bloodstained Staff
Multiple NPCs
Bloody Ancille Ring
Multiple NPCs
Bloody Ancille's Pouch
Multiple NPCs
Bloody Gypsy Lute
Multiple NPCs
Blue Diamond a Trueborn bloodknave
Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
Multiple NPCs
Bolts of Tallon a Scion blood agent
Bone-Dust Gauntlets
Multiple NPCs
Bone-Dust Leggings
Multiple NPCs
Bone-Dust Sandals
Multiple NPCs
Bone-Dust Signet Ring
Multiple NPCs
Bow of the Howler
Multiple NPCs
Bracer of Blood Rage
Multiple NPCs
Chain Links of Fortitude
Multiple NPCs
Cloak of Sewn Flesh
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Cap a Scion blood agent
Cloth Cap a Scion blood agent
Cloudy Diamond of Chilling Protection
Multiple NPCs
Cloudy Emerald of Poison Protection
Multiple NPCs
Cloudy Opal of Illness Warding
Multiple NPCs
Cloudy Pearl of Magical Warding
Multiple NPCs
Cloudy Ruby of Fiery Warding
Multiple NPCs
Complex Velium Gem Dusted Rune a Scion sage
Cracked Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Bone Arm Wrap
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Bone Bracelet
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Bone Chest Piece
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Bone Gloves
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Bone Helmet
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Diamond of Chilling Protection
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Emerald of Poison Protection
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Gray Gemstone of Knowledge
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Green Shard of Might
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Opal of Illness Warding
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Pearl of Magical Warding
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Purple Gem of Deftness
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Ruby of Fiery Warding
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Skullcap of Quietus
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Teal Crystal of Enticement
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Turquoise Fragment of Intellect
Multiple NPCs
Cracked Yellow Sphere of Fortitude
Multiple NPCs
Crimson Cloak of Celerity
Multiple NPCs
Crinose Cape of the Werewolf
Multiple NPCs
Crypt Mark a Trueborn bloodknave
Crypt Robber's Chestplate
Multiple NPCs
Crypt Robber's Gem
Multiple NPCs
Crystallized Sulfur
Multiple NPCs
Dark Ritualist's Slippers
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Dull Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
Multiple NPCs
Dull Garnet of Constitution
Multiple NPCs
Dull Gray Gemstone of Knowledge
Multiple NPCs
Dull Green Shard of Might
Multiple NPCs
Dull Purple Gem of Deftness
Multiple NPCs
Dull Sapphire of Insight
Multiple NPCs
Dull Teal Crystal of Enticement
Multiple NPCs
Dull Turquoise Fragment of Intellect
Multiple NPCs
Dull Yellow Sphere of Fortitude
Multiple NPCs
Egg Case Cocoon
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Diamond of Chilling Protection
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Emerald of Poison Protection
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Gem Dusted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Opal of Illness Warding
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Pearl of Magical Warding
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Ruby of Fiery Warding
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Velium Gem Dusted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Faded Rites of Passage a Trueborn bloodknave
Fire Emerald
Multiple NPCs
Fire Emerald Ring
Multiple NPCs
Fire Opal
Multiple NPCs
Flawed Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
Multiple NPCs
Flawed Gray Gemstone of Knowledge
Multiple NPCs
Flawed Green Shard of Might
Multiple NPCs
Flawed Purple Gem of Deftness
Multiple NPCs
Flawed Teal Crystal of Enticement
Multiple NPCs
Flawed Turquoise Fragment of Intellect
Multiple NPCs
Flawed Yellow Sphere of Fortitude
Multiple NPCs
Flawless Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
Multiple NPCs
Flawless Bone Fragment
Multiple NPCs
Flawless Gray Gemstone of Knowledge
Multiple NPCs
Flawless Green Shard of Might
Multiple NPCs
Flawless Purple Gem of Deftness
Multiple NPCs
Flawless Teal Crystal of Enticement
Multiple NPCs
Flawless Turquoise Fragment of Intellect
Multiple NPCs
Flawless Yellow Sphere of Fortitude
Multiple NPCs
Flesh Eater's Ring
Multiple NPCs
Fractured Garnet of Constitution
Multiple NPCs
Fractured Sapphire of Insight
Multiple NPCs
Gargoyle Granite
Multiple NPCs
Garland of Gore
Multiple NPCs
Garou Fur Belt
Multiple NPCs
Girdle of the Flesh Eater
Multiple NPCs
Gold Gem Dusted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Golden Earring of Presence
Multiple NPCs
Gore-Slimed Cloak
Multiple NPCs
Gravedigger Arm Straps
Multiple NPCs
Graverobber's Short Blade
Multiple NPCs
Gray Gemstone of Knowledge
Multiple NPCs
Green Shard of Might
Multiple NPCs
Hammer of Silent Screams
Multiple NPCs
Hooded Cloak of Dark Rites
Multiple NPCs
Hoop of Dark Spirits
Multiple NPCs
Immaculate Crystal Crown
Multiple NPCs
Immaculate Diamond of Chilling Protection
Multiple NPCs
Immaculate Emerald of Poison Protection
Multiple NPCs
Immaculate Opal of Illness Warding
Multiple NPCs
Immaculate Pearl of Magical Warding
Multiple NPCs
Immaculate Ruby of Fiery Warding
Multiple NPCs
Immortal Blood Tunic
Multiple NPCs
Imperfect Diamond of Chilling Protection
Multiple NPCs
Imperfect Emerald of Poison Protection
Multiple NPCs
Imperfect Garnet of Constitution
Multiple NPCs
Imperfect Opal of Illness Warding
Multiple NPCs
Imperfect Pearl of Magical Warding
Multiple NPCs
Imperfect Ruby of Fiery Warding
Multiple NPCs
Imperfect Sapphire of Insight
Multiple NPCs
Intricate Binding Powder
Multiple NPCs
Kel`Ilk Rune
Multiple NPCs
Lupine Frenzy Earring
Multiple NPCs
Lustrous Diamond of Chilling Protection
Multiple NPCs
Lustrous Emerald of Poison Protection
Multiple NPCs
Lustrous Opal of Illness Warding
Multiple NPCs
Lustrous Pearl of Magical Warding
Multiple NPCs
Lustrous Ruby of Fiery Warding
Multiple NPCs
Mask of Mummy Wrappings
Multiple NPCs
Mask of the Sacrificed
Multiple NPCs
Miniature Stone Statuette
Multiple NPCs
Mistmoore Gravestone Dust
Multiple NPCs
Mithril Amulet
Multiple NPCs
Nightrage Staff
Multiple NPCs
Nightrage's Shawl
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Opal Bracelet
Multiple NPCs
Ornate Blood Axe
Multiple NPCs
Ornate Blood Dagger
Multiple NPCs
Ornate Blood Sword
Multiple NPCs
Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 26
Multiple NPCs
Perfect Garnet of Constitution
Multiple NPCs
Perfect Sapphire of Insight
Multiple NPCs
Perfectly Marbleized Ice Pile
Multiple NPCs
Phosphorous Powder
Multiple NPCs
Potion of Transformation
Multiple NPCs
Potion of Transformation
Multiple NPCs
Potion of Transformation
Multiple NPCs
Potion of Transformation
Multiple NPCs
Preserved Flesh Mantle
Multiple NPCs
Preserved Flesh Spaulders
Multiple NPCs
Pristine Crystal Sliver
Multiple NPCs
Pristine Diamond of Chilling Protection
Multiple NPCs
Pristine Emerald of Poison Protection
Multiple NPCs
Pristine Garnet of Constitution
Multiple NPCs
Pristine Opal of Illness Warding
Multiple NPCs
Pristine Pearl of Magical Warding
Multiple NPCs
Pristine Ruby of Fiery Warding
Multiple NPCs
Pristine Sapphire of Insight
Multiple NPCs
Progeny Claws
Multiple NPCs
Protean Earring
Multiple NPCs
Purple Gem of Deftness
Multiple NPCs
Raw Amber Nihilite
Multiple NPCs
Raw Crimson Nihilite
Multiple NPCs
Raw Indigo Nihilite
Multiple NPCs
Raw Shimmering Nihilite
Multiple NPCs
Refined Binding Powder
Multiple NPCs
Ripped Leggings of the Immortals
Multiple NPCs
Ritual Slime-Coated Goblet
Multiple NPCs
Ritualistic Torture Veil
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Rotting Flesh Amulet
Multiple NPCs
Ruby Crown
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Ellipse a Scion shadow agent
Rusting Hero Shield
Multiple NPCs
Sacrificer's Grimoire
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Sapphire Necklace
Multiple NPCs
Saprophytic Moss
Multiple NPCs
Savagefang Bracer
Multiple NPCs
Scion Bloodstained Mask
Multiple NPCs
Scrivener's Accounts
Multiple NPCs
Serated Werewolf Blade
Multiple NPCs
Shadowed Bracer
Multiple NPCs
Shield of the Bloodguard
Multiple NPCs
Shiny Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
Multiple NPCs
Shiny Gray Gemstone of Knowledge
Multiple NPCs
Shiny Green Shard of Might
Multiple NPCs
Shiny Purple Gem of Deftness
Multiple NPCs
Shiny Teal Crystal of Enticement
Multiple NPCs
Shiny Turquoise Fragment of Intellect
Multiple NPCs
Shiny Yellow Sphere of Fortitude
Multiple NPCs
Silken Gloves of Fortitude
Multiple NPCs
Sparkling Garnet of Constitution
Multiple NPCs
Sparkling Sapphire of Insight
Multiple NPCs
Spider Leg Buckler
Multiple NPCs
Spider Silk
Multiple NPCs
Spiderling Silk
Multiple NPCs
Spinning Whirl of Blood a Scion blood agent
Stained Axe of the Scions
Multiple NPCs
Star Ruby
Multiple NPCs
Star Ruby Earring a Trueborn bloodknave
Steward Ritual Claws
Multiple NPCs
Steward's Fanged Shield
Multiple NPCs
Sunshard Ore
Multiple NPCs
Sunshard Pebble
Multiple NPCs
Sword of the Crypt Creeper
Multiple NPCs
Teal Crystal of Enticement
Multiple NPCs
Thick Caustic Fluid
Multiple NPCs
Trueborn Drum of Dark Rites
Multiple NPCs
Trueborn Elite Ring
Multiple NPCs
Trueborn's Dagger of the Dark
Multiple NPCs
Turquoise Fragment of Intellect
Multiple NPCs
Uncovered Decrepit Sepulcher Gloves
Multiple NPCs
Uncut Alexandrite
Multiple NPCs
Uncut Amethyst
Multiple NPCs
Uncut Combine Star
Multiple NPCs
Uncut Demantoid
Multiple NPCs
Uncut Goshenite a Trueborn bloodknave
Uncut Jacinth
Multiple NPCs
Uncut Morganite
Multiple NPCs
Uncut Rubellite
Multiple NPCs
Vampire Fang a Trueborn bloodknave
Vampire Fang Necklace
Multiple NPCs
Vampire Hunter's Stake
Multiple NPCs
Vampire Medallion of Blood
Multiple NPCs
Vampire's Lute of Bone
Multiple NPCs
Vampiric Coif of the Grave
Multiple NPCs
Velium Gem Dusted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Velium Gemmed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Victim's Sleeves
Multiple NPCs
Words of Aptitude
Multiple NPCs
Words of Control a Scion shadow agent
Words of Grappling
Multiple NPCs
Words of Potence
Multiple NPCs
Words of Retention
Multiple NPCs
Yellow Sphere of Fortitude
Multiple NPCs