The Southern Plains of Karana

3400 3300 3200 3100 3000 2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 -1000 -1100 -1200 -1300 -1400 -1500 -1600 -1700 -1800 -1900 -2000 -2100 -2200 -2300 -2400 -2500 -2600 -2700 -2800 -2900 -3000 -3100 -3200 -3300 -3400 -3500 -3600 -3700 -3800 3000 2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 -1000 -1100 -1200 -1300 -1400 -1500 -1600 -1700 -1800 -1900 -2000 -2100 -2200 -2300 -2400 -2500 -2600 -2700 -2800 -2900 -3000 -3100 -3200 -3300 -3400 -3500 -3600 -3700 -3800 -3900 -4000 -4100 -4200 -4300 -4400 -4500 -4600 -4700 -4800 -4900 -5000 -5100 -5200 -5300 -5400 -5500 -5600 -5700 -5800 -5900 -6000 -6100 -6200 -6300 -6400 -6500 -6600 -6700 -6800 -6900 -7000 -7100 -7200 -7300 -7400 -7500 -7600 -7700 -7800 -7900 -8000 -8100 -8200 -8300 -8400 -8500 -8600 -8700
X: 0, Y: 0
Quick Facts
Expansion: Default
Succor: Y: 2348.0, X: 1294.0
Waypoint: Y: -6689, X: 1027
XP Modifier: 200%
Casters can Bind
Name Level Class HP MR CR FR DR PR Expansion
an elephant calf 10 - 14 Warrior 260 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Azibelle Spavin 1 Necromancer 28 1 1 1 1 1 Default
a lioness 6 Warrior 96 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Brother Hayle 24 Cleric 5,500 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Brother Qwinn 61 Warrior 20,000 500 500 500 500 500 Default
Finnelzi Springworthy 62 Necromancer 26,000 13 13 13 13 13 Discord 7 - 0
Glenfire Telzir 1 Shadow Knight 28 1 1 1 1 1 Default
High Shaman Grisok 24 Shaman 816 10 10 10 10 10 Default
High Shaman Phido 22 Shaman 704 9 9 9 9 9 Default
Rendolf Deathbringer 64 Shadow Knight 35,000 26 26 26 26 26 Discord 7 - 0
Sentry Alechin 30 Paladin 1,200 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Shaman Lenrel 16 Shaman 416 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Shaman Ren`Rex 17 Shaman 459 7 7 7 7 7 Default
Shaman Ren`Rex 17 Shaman 459 7 7 7 7 7 Default
Sir Telian Mottsworth 70 Paladin 66,000 192 192 192 192 192 Discord 7 - 0
Tehana Elsent 63 Necromancer 28,000 32 32 32 32 32 Discord 7 - 0
Zrithsadioun 50 Necromancer 11,000 20 20 20 20 20 Default
an aviak ruffian 16 - 18 Warrior 425 7 7 7 7 7 Default
an elephant 14 - 18 Warrior 410 6 6 6 6 6 Default
an elephant 14 - 18 Warrior 410 6 6 6 6 6 Default
an elephant calf 10 - 14 Warrior 260 4 4 4 4 4 Default
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll 4 Warrior 56 2 2 2 2 2 Default
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll 4 Warrior 56 2 2 2 2 2 Default
an interrogator 25 Warrior 875 10 10 10 10 10 Default
an undead cyclops 31 - 35 Warrior 3,500 50 50 50 50 50 Default
an undead cyclops 31 - 35 Warrior 3,500 50 50 50 50 50 Default
aviak avocet 28 - 30 Warrior 990 11 11 11 11 11 Default
aviak darter 16 - 18 Warrior 470 6 6 6 6 6 Default
aviak egret 13 - 15 Warrior 360 5 5 5 5 5 Default
aviak harrier 24 - 26 Warrior 790 10 10 10 10 10 Default
aviak harrier 24 - 26 Warrior 790 10 10 10 10 10 Default
aviak rook 20 - 22 Warrior 630 8 8 8 8 8 Default
a bull elephant 18 - 20 Warrior 570 7 7 7 7 7 Default
a cyclops 28 - 32 Warrior 1,685 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a cyclops 28 - 32 Warrior 1,685 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a gnoll guard 16 Warrior 424 7 7 7 7 7 Default
a hermit 20 Ranger 600 8 8 8 8 8 Default
a Ishva Lteth gnoll 35 Wizard 1,682 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a lion 8 - 10 Warrior 144 3 3 3 3 3 Default
a lioness 6 - 8 Warrior 140 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a Lteth Val Scribe 30 Enchanter 1,200 13 13 13 13 13 Default
a mist wolf 3 - 5 Warrior 50 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a mist wolf 3 - 5 Warrior 50 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a one eyed gnoll 35 Warrior 1,682 15 15 15 15 15 Default
a putrid skeleton 7 - 12 Warrior 170 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a raider 11 Rogue 231 5 5 5 5 5 Default
a shadowed man 25 Warrior 1,370 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a shadow wolf 3 - 5 Warrior 50 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a skeleton 4 - 6 Warrior 80 2 2 2 2 2 Default
a Tesch Mas Gnoll 25 - 29 Warrior 980 10 10 10 10 10 Default
a Tesch Val Gnoll 35 Warrior 1,575 13 13 13 13 13 Default
a treant 23 - 27 Druid 512 9 9 9 9 9 Default
a werewolf 27 - 32 Warrior 999 11 11 11 11 11 Default
a wolf cub 20 Monk 600 8 8 8 8 8 Default
a zombie 6 - 10 Warrior 150 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Baenar Swiftsong 50 Warrior 8,750 20 20 20 20 20 Default
Bamrih Tyco 50 Warrior 9,550 20 20 20 20 20 Luclin 3 - 0
Brother Drash 2 - 4 Warrior 28 2 2 2 2 2 Default
Cathalantru Fleetfoot 50 Warrior 9,550 20 20 20 20 20 Luclin 3 - 0
centaur archer 21 - 23 Warrior 670 8 8 8 8 8 Default
centaur charger 29 - 31 Warrior 1,131 11 11 11 11 11 Default
centaur courser 25 - 27 Warrior 840 10 10 10 10 10 Default
centaur foal 14 - 16 Warrior 390 6 6 6 6 6 Default
centaur sheltie 17 - 19 Warrior 510 7 7 7 7 7 Default
Coloth Meadowgreen 35 Warrior 1,575 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Cracktusk 24 Warrior 816 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Cyllempra Mistbringer 50 Warrior 3,496 20 20 20 20 20 Luclin 3 - 0
Echo of the Past 50 Warrior 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 Default
Ghanex Drah 15 Shadow Knight 375 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Ghoul 20 Warrior 600 8 8 8 8 8 Default
Gnashmaw 14 Warrior 336 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Gnawfang 15 Warrior 375 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Grizzleknot 28 Druid 1,064 11 11 11 11 11 Default
Groi Gutblade 25 Shadow Knight 875 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Kelkim Menkia 51 Bard 9,750 21 21 21 21 21 Default
Knari Morawk 17 Warrior 459 7 7 7 7 7 Default
Krak Windchaser 29 Shopkeeper 1,131 11 11 11 11 11 Default
Kroldir Thunderhoof 18 - 21 Warrior 670 8 8 8 8 8 Default
Lord Grimrot 35 Shadow Knight 1,975 14 14 14 14 14 Default
Lord Grimrot 29 Shadow Knight 1,431 11 11 11 11 11 Default
Marik Clubthorn 16 Warrior 416 6 6 6 6 6 Default
Master Ashikur 45 Paladin 5,875 18 18 18 18 18 Default
Mroon 20 Warrior 600 8 8 8 8 8 Default
Narra Tanith 22 Druid 704 9 9 9 9 9 Default
Ryleen Bladespur 32 Rogue 1,344 13 13 13 13 13 Default
Shakrn Meadowgreen 31 Warrior 1,271 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Sir Nandruar 52 Necromancer 10,750 21 21 21 21 21 Default
Skeletal Servant 20 Warrior 600 8 8 8 8 8 Default
Synger Foxfyre 26 Druid 936 10 10 10 10 10 Default
Tesch Val Deval`Nmak 39 Warrior 3,300 15 15 15 15 15 Default
Tesch Val Kadvem 39 Warrior 3,700 15 15 15 15 15 Default
The Ishva Mal 40 Necromancer 2,000 16 16 16 16 16 Default
Ulan Meadowgreen 30 Shopkeeper 1,150 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Vhalen Nostrolo 31 Bard 1,271 12 12 12 12 12 Default
Woran Soothsayer 50 Warrior 3,496 20 20 20 20 20 Luclin 3 - 0
Yeka Ias 60 Warrior 32,000 300 300 300 300 300 Kunark 1 - 0
Coordinates (Y, X, Z) NPCs Respawn
(-5462.0, -2735.0, 6.0) a voice (50%)
a stone (50%)
DLG WatchB (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6048.0, -3272.0, 0.0) a nice breeze (50%)
Ghoul (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3049.0, -3699.0, 6.0) gnoll dung (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1542.800049, 917.900024, 16.3) an elephant calf (50%)
a lioness (50%)
52 seconds
(-2675.0, 2376.0, 68.9) an elephant calf (50%)
a lioness (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Cracktusk (50%)
Gnawfang (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
Sir Nandruar (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1106.0, 2337.879883, 4.6) an elephant calf (50%)
a lioness (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Cracktusk (50%)
Gnawfang (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
Sir Nandruar (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1264.0, 3174.879883, 55.0) an elephant calf (50%)
a lioness (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Cracktusk (50%)
Gnawfang (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
Sir Nandruar (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3981.0, 1548.880005, 1.8) an elephant calf (50%)
a lioness (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Cracktusk (50%)
Gnawfang (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
Sir Nandruar (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1292.0, 2298.879883, 4.8) an elephant calf (50%)
a lioness (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Cracktusk (50%)
Gnawfang (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
Sir Nandruar (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3073.0, 1282.0, 2.9) an elephant calf (50%)
a lioness (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Cracktusk (50%)
Gnawfang (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
Sir Nandruar (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4151.879883, 2127.0, 78.0) an elephant calf (50%)
a lioness (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Cracktusk (50%)
Gnawfang (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
Sir Nandruar (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5045.879883, 2658.879883, 192.1) an elephant calf (50%)
a lioness (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Cracktusk (50%)
Gnawfang (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
Sir Nandruar (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-137.0, 1667.880005, 16.0) an elephant calf (50%)
a lioness (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Cracktusk (50%)
Gnawfang (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
Sir Nandruar (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2343.0, 1967.0, 13.8) an elephant calf (50%)
a lioness (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Cracktusk (50%)
Gnawfang (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
Sir Nandruar (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7119.129883, 96.0, 90.5) an elephant calf (50%)
a lioness (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Cracktusk (50%)
Gnawfang (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
Sir Nandruar (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6544.23584, 2067.421875, 97.0) an elephant calf (50%)
a lioness (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Cracktusk (50%)
Gnawfang (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
Sir Nandruar (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7650.0, 1334.5, 80.0) an elephant calf (50%)
a lioness (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Cracktusk (50%)
Gnawfang (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
Sir Nandruar (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6037.0, -3282.0, 0.0) a cool breeze (50%)
Skeletal Servant (50%)
Skel Spawn (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6537.126953, 1721.762085, 58.0) a cyclops (50%)
Mroon (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-8099.399902, 1307.900024, 41.6) Trigger (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4091.5, 3235.600098, 48.6) a werewolf (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4509.730469, 3046.246826, 35.3) a shadowed man (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4484.045898, 3044.687012, 35.1) a shadowed man (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4459.320312, 3054.103516, 35.9) a shadowed man (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4471.441406, 3033.950195, 34.2) a shadowed man (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4497.26416, 3049.269043, 35.5) a shadowed man (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(276.326721, 2973.04248, 142.9) an elephant (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
a lion (50%)
Groi Gutblade (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4831.89502, 3177.47583, 82.8) Narra Tanith (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3408.867188, -1480.873169, 4.1) Synger Foxfyre (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(164.0, -2253.0, 0.0) centaur foal (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(160.0, -2217.0, 0.0) Shakrn Meadowgreen (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(132.0, -2191.0, 0.2) centaur charger (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(172.0, -2661.0, 0.5) centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(9.0, -2399.0, 1.8) centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(16.0, -2439.0, 1.1) centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(64.0, -2410.0, 0.5) centaur archer (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(171.0, -2465.0, 0.5) centaur archer (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(70.0, -2514.0, 0.5) centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5500.0, -2597.0, 1.8) centaur charger (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(253.0, -2335.0, 0.5) centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2335.879883, -2350.0, -63.2) Yeka Ias (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1511.0, 2255.0, 6.4) Brother Hayle (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1524.0, 2244.0, 5.8) a gnoll guard (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1523.0, 2258.0, 6.2) a gnoll guard (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1513.0, 2238.0, 5.9) a gnoll guard (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1502.0, 2261.0, 6.8) a gnoll guard (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4126.0, -861.0, 28.9) a Ishva Lteth gnoll (50%)
a Lteth Val Scribe (50%)
The Ishva Mal (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4080.0, -846.0, 17.6) Shaman Ren`Rex (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
aviak harrier (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5360.0, -1429.880005, 18.0) Shaman Ren`Rex (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
aviak harrier (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2959.879883, -2897.0, -1.9) Shaman Ren`Rex (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
aviak harrier (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3561.879883, -2868.0, -1.9) Shaman Ren`Rex (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
aviak harrier (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4468.0, -2781.879883, 1.8) Shaman Ren`Rex (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
aviak harrier (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4080.0, -846.0, 17.6) Shaman Ren`Rex (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
aviak harrier (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6496.75, 2029.380005, 104.6) Brother Qwinn (50%)
High Shaman Phido (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5551.0, 2805.0, 146.1) Brother Qwinn (50%)
High Shaman Phido (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1072.0, 3259.879883, 69.0) Brother Qwinn (50%)
High Shaman Phido (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6097.0, 3093.0, 58.8) Brother Qwinn (50%)
High Shaman Phido (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6439.879883, 2894.879883, 156.4) Brother Qwinn (50%)
High Shaman Phido (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6671.879883, 1916.0, 72.8) Brother Qwinn (50%)
High Shaman Phido (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2158.879883, 1373.880005, 26.5) Brother Qwinn (50%)
High Shaman Phido (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2329.0, 1873.880005, 7.9) Brother Qwinn (50%)
High Shaman Phido (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6465.0, 649.0, 0.2) Woran Soothsayer (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2527.0, 901.0, -59.2) Bamrih Tyco (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7180.0, 3195.0, 25.0) Master Ashikur (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7151.0, 3152.0, 21.0) an aviak ruffian (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7222.0, 3179.0, 21.2) an aviak ruffian (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7167.0, 3214.0, 23.5) an aviak ruffian (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7199.0, 3218.0, 23.2) an aviak ruffian (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5478.0, -2546.0, -1.5) Cathalantru Fleetfoot (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2033.0, -1741.0, 0.0) Cyllempra Mistbringer (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4146.0, 1746.0, 26.0) a Tesch Val Gnoll (50%)
Tesch Val Kadvem (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6057.0, -3330.0, -1.0) Rendolf Deathbringer (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6083.0, -3371.0, -1.0) Glenfire Telzir (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6045.0, -3318.0, -1.0) Finnelzi Springworthy (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6028.0, -3314.0, -1.0) Tehana Elsent (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3274.0, 230.0, 1.0) a Tesch Mas Gnoll (50%)
Tesch Val Deval`Nmak (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6503.0, 2039.0, 169.4) aviak darter (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6800.0, 924.0, 1.0) aviak darter (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-246.0, -3671.0, -0.6) Kelkim Menkia (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6662.0, 879.0, 55.0) aviak avocet (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3228.0, 602.0, 4.0) a Tesch Mas Gnoll (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1397.0, 1082.0, 42.0) a putrid skeleton (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3046.0, 931.0, 32.0) a Tesch Mas Gnoll (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3491.0, 574.0, 4.0) a Tesch Mas Gnoll (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3583.0, 840.0, 5.0) a Tesch Mas Gnoll (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2456.0, -1385.0, -63.2) a raider (50%)
a raider (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2460.0, -1367.0, -60.0) a raider (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2439.0, -1388.0, -63.1) a raider (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2420.0, -1384.0, -60.5) a raider (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3502.0, 563.0, 3.2) a Tesch Mas Gnoll (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6700.0, 1149.0, 0.2) aviak egret (50%)
aviak harrier (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2131.0, -1574.0, 0.0) a skeleton (50%)
a zombie (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2038.0, -1524.0, 0.0) a skeleton (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2093.0, -1579.0, 0.0) a skeleton (50%)
a zombie (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2049.0, -1535.0, 0.0) a skeleton (50%)
a zombie (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2082.0, -1568.0, 0.0) a skeleton (50%)
a zombie (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2060.0, -1546.0, 0.0) a skeleton (50%)
a zombie (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2071.0, -1557.0, 0.0) a skeleton (50%)
a zombie (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1357.0, 1067.0, 40.4) a putrid skeleton (50%)
Ghanex Drah (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6703.879883, 1175.880005, -0.6) aviak avocet (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6532.879883, 1177.880005, 1.0) aviak avocet (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1782.880005, 2208.879883, 68.8) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1444.880005, 1049.0, 42.6) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1933.880005, 337.0, 66.9) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1427.880005, 951.880005, 42.5) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1727.880005, 455.0, 56.9) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2230.0, 897.5, 20.0) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(370.0, -945.0, 1.8) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(678.0, 2149.879883, 2.0) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(433.0, -1979.0, 5.1) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(409.0, -772.880005, 1.8) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(913.0, 3161.0, 59.6) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(870.0, -2617.879883, 23.6) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1851.880005, -481.0, 62.8) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1687.380005, 1846.75, 52.4) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1330.0, 1155.880005, 41.6) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2163.879883, -625.0, 25.1) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2205.879883, -930.0, 41.9) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1512.0, -1658.0, 43.0) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(715.896423, -762.547668, 3.9) a lioness (50%)
Shaman Lenrel (50%)
Zrithsadioun (50%)
a lion (50%)
a lioness (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6089.0, -3357.969971, 8.2) Azibelle Spavin (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(770.0, -771.0, 16.1) aviak avocet (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5340.879883, 2946.0, 159.6) aviak avocet (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5693.0, -2019.0, 19.1) aviak avocet (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6685.879883, -1440.0, 4.9) aviak avocet (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6583.75, 1336.75, 80.8) aviak avocet (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5152.879883, -1729.0, 15.8) an elephant calf (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5223.879883, -2950.879883, 1.1) an elephant calf (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2869.0, -2895.879883, 18.4) an elephant calf (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5068.879883, -375.0, 1.1) an elephant calf (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4128.0, -127.0, -0.3) aviak darter (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4378.0, -1142.880005, -0.3) aviak darter (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6502.0, 2123.0, 94.1) aviak darter (50%)
aviak harrier (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6689.0, 1027.0, 0.0) 10 minutes
(-3869.0, 2286.879883, 105.6) aviak darter (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(510.0, 2696.879883, 93.0) aviak darter (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7120.0, 117.0, 155.5) aviak darter (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6772.0, 1035.0, 30.2) aviak avocet (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6661.0, 1128.0, 108.6) aviak darter (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6734.0, 1012.0, 164.9) aviak avocet (50%)
aviak darter (50%)
aviak harrier (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6791.0, 1034.880005, 29.9) aviak avocet (50%)
aviak darter (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6530.0, 1023.0, 81.8) aviak avocet (50%)
aviak darter (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6622.379883, 1040.75, 176.8) aviak avocet (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6652.0, 1090.75, 176.4) aviak avocet (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6660.379883, 987.880005, 174.4) aviak avocet (50%)
aviak darter (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6662.0, 1213.0, 106.0) aviak avocet (50%)
aviak darter (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7311.0, 705.0, 0.0) Sentry Alechin (50%)
Marik Clubthorn (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-927.0, 1525.0, 29.3) aviak avocet (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6299.0, -3334.879883, 1.8) a lioness (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6193.0, -2690.879883, 1.8) a lioness (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6609.0, -1873.880005, 1.8) a lioness (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7231.0, 833.880005, 10.3) a lioness (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(170.155228, -2114.145264, -1.6) a lioness (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6278.629883, 611.130005, 68.8) aviak egret (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1800.880005, -1166.0, 60.0) centaur foal (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1162.0, -625.880005, 53.1) aviak harrier (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1334.0, 1095.0, 39.9) a skeleton (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1306.0, 1116.0, 39.2) a skeleton (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1903.880005, -3398.879883, 67.6) aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5764.0, -1212.0, 6.8) aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1489.0, -2266.879883, 42.1) aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6322.0, -2359.879883, 0.0) aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6581.0, 1042.0, 164.5) aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4229.879883, 415.880005, 0.0) aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6235.0, 1066.0, 0.0) aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1695.880005, 350.0, 53.2) aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5606.0, 153.880005, 0.0) an elephant calf (50%)
High Shaman Grisok (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
a lion (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
Gnashmaw (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7282.879883, -1240.880005, 59.5) an elephant calf (50%)
High Shaman Grisok (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
a lion (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
Gnashmaw (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6041.0, -2642.879883, 1.1) an elephant calf (50%)
High Shaman Grisok (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
a lion (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
Gnashmaw (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7387.879883, -2600.879883, 56.5) an elephant calf (50%)
High Shaman Grisok (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
a lion (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
Gnashmaw (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5853.0, -639.0, 1.1) an elephant calf (50%)
High Shaman Grisok (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
a lion (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
Gnashmaw (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6560.0, -3030.0, 5.1) an elephant calf (50%)
High Shaman Grisok (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
a lion (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
Gnashmaw (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7588.879883, -384.880005, 2.4) an elephant calf (50%)
High Shaman Grisok (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
a lion (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
Gnashmaw (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4954.879883, -3042.879883, 2.4) an elephant calf (50%)
High Shaman Grisok (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
a lion (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
Gnashmaw (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4828.879883, -3203.879883, 4.9) an elephant calf (50%)
High Shaman Grisok (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
a lion (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
Gnashmaw (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6931.879883, -1953.880005, 42.4) an elephant calf (50%)
High Shaman Grisok (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
a lion (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
Gnashmaw (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7055.678711, 313.783508, 11.6) an elephant calf (50%)
High Shaman Grisok (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
a lion (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
Gnashmaw (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6209.0, -2105.0, -1.9) an elephant calf (50%)
High Shaman Grisok (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
a lion (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
Gnashmaw (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6083.0, -180.0, -1.8) an elephant calf (50%)
High Shaman Grisok (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (50%)
a lion (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a shadow wolf (50%)
a treant (50%)
centaur archer (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
Gnashmaw (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1465.5, 1171.0, 41.2) a putrid skeleton (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4725.0, 2764.879883, 63.5) aviak harrier (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1367.0, 2587.0, 39.1) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2076.879883, 2947.879883, 111.4) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(667.0, 2455.0, 26.4) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1577.0, -2421.879883, 45.5) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(383.0, 1284.0, 1.1) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1750.0, -2435.0, 55.4) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(342.0, 2838.879883, 139.6) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(663.0, -2804.879883, 1.1) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1389.880005, 2950.0, 47.0) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1167.0, 2745.879883, 46.3) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1980.0, 3103.0, 54.5) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1415.880005, 1730.0, 41.6) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1402.880005, 3139.0, 53.6) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(895.0, 2964.0, 59.1) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1685.0, 3259.0, 47.5) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(603.0, -3091.879883, 4.9) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(585.880005, 795.0, 0.0) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(400.880005, 1736.880005, 1.1) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2073.0, -2890.0, 48.4) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1532.0, -3684.0, 56.0) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1595.0, -3682.0, 57.0) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2020.0, 1402.25, 61.0) an elephant calf (50%)
Brother Qwinn (50%)
an elephant (50%)
an elephant calf (50%)
an undead cyclops (50%)
a bull elephant (50%)
a cyclops (50%)
a mist wolf (50%)
a one eyed gnoll (50%)
a treant (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-19.0, 97.0, 0.0) Baenar Swiftsong (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1244.0, -1810.880005, 39.9) aviak avocet (50%)
aviak darter (50%)
aviak egret (50%)
aviak harrier (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
Knari Morawk (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4370.879883, 552.880005, 1.5) centaur archer (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2540.0, 1364.0, 2.6) Brother Drash (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-1125.880005, -1402.0, 0.2) centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Coloth Meadowgreen (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1024.880005, -1251.880005, 39.3) centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Coloth Meadowgreen (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-536.0, -315.0, 0.0) centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Coloth Meadowgreen (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-252.880005, -1519.880005, 1.8) centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Coloth Meadowgreen (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-2032.25, -1717.380005, -2.2) centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Coloth Meadowgreen (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-106.575554, -2111.0, -0.7) centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Coloth Meadowgreen (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-186.970139, -1286.208496, -0.7) centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
Coloth Meadowgreen (50%)
Grizzleknot (50%)
Kroldir Thunderhoof (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4328.0, -3530.0, 0.0) an interrogator (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6165.0, 3225.0, 64.6) Ryleen Bladespur (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-50.0, -118.0, 0.0) Vhalen Nostrolo (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1378.0, 1172.0, 41.0) a putrid skeleton (50%)
Lord Grimrot (50%)
Lord Grimrot (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1380.0, 1166.0, 41.0) a putrid skeleton (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1376.0, 1187.0, 40.9) a putrid skeleton (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1351.0, 1161.0, 40.2) a putrid skeleton (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1336.0, 1232.0, 39.9) a putrid skeleton (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1331.0, 1143.0, 39.8) a skeleton (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1365.0, 1131.0, 40.6) a skeleton (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1338.0, 1201.0, 40.0) a skeleton (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(1270.0, 1177.0, 39.2) a skeleton (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3118.316895, 542.075745, 0.4) a Tesch Mas Gnoll (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-3566.145264, 980.326599, 1.4) a Tesch Mas Gnoll (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5477.879883, -2624.129883, -2.2) a wolf cub (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5485.0, -2614.5, 0.0) a hermit (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(302.0, -2378.0, 1.8) centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(238.0, -2404.0, 1.8) centaur archer (50%)
centaur charger (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6488.0, 2027.0, 169.6) aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-7119.0, 89.0, 155.8) aviak egret (50%)
aviak rook (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-6588.0, 1069.0, 165.1) Krak Windchaser (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-4477.0, -1263.880005, -0.3) aviak darter (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2449.0, -1377.880005, -61.6) a raider (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2409.0, -1394.880005, -61.5) a raider (50%)
a raider (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2445.0, -1396.0, -65.9) a raider (50%)
a raider (50%)
a raider (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2428.0, -1399.0, -65.1) a raider (50%)
a raider (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(-5408.0, -2632.0, 1.8) centaur charger (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(209.0, -2666.0, 1.1) centaur courser (50%)
centaur foal (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(268.0, -2623.0, 1.1) centaur archer (50%)
centaur courser (50%)
centaur sheltie (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(138.0, 2140.0, -0.2) Sir Telian Mottsworth (50%)
2 hours
(126.0, -2177.0, 1.8) Ulan Meadowgreen (50%)
6 minutes and 40 seconds
(2326.83667, 1309.861206, -2.5) Echo of the Past (100%)
20 minutes
Item Name Dropped By
Alkaline Loam
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Aviak Charm aviak avocet
Aviak Feathers Knari Morawk
Bandit Sash a raider
Bark Shield Synger Foxfyre
Bead Necklace an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
Beartooth Necklace Marik Clubthorn
Black Headband Brother Qwinn
Black Pearl
Multiple NPCs
Black Rawhide Bracer Ryleen Bladespur
Black Wolf Tooth a shadow wolf
Bone Chips
Multiple NPCs
Bottle of Kalish
Multiple NPCs
Brain of the Ishva Mal The Ishva Mal
Bronze Battle Axe
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Dagger a raider
Bronze Knuckles
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Long Sword
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Mace
Multiple NPCs
Bronze Main Gauche a raider
Bronze Rapier a raider
Bronze Shortened Spear a raider
Bronze Spear a raider
Bronze Two Handed Sword
Multiple NPCs
Buckler a skeleton
Bull Elephant Tooth
Multiple NPCs
Cast-Iron Rapier Ryleen Bladespur
Cat's Eye Agate an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
Charger Hoof Chips centaur charger
Chunk of Meat
Multiple NPCs
Cloak of Leaves Grizzleknot
Cloth Cap
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Cape
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Choker
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Cord
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Gloves
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Pants
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Shawl a skeleton
Cloth Shirt
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Sleeves
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Veil
Multiple NPCs
Cloth Wristband a skeleton
Coarse Silk
Multiple NPCs
Collector's Preserved Split Paw Eye
Multiple NPCs
Complex Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Complex Etched Rune
Multiple NPCs
Complex Platinum Etched Rune
Multiple NPCs
Complex Platinum Silvered Rune
Multiple NPCs
Complex Velium Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Consigned Bite of the Shissar I
Multiple NPCs
Consigned Bite of the Shissar II
Multiple NPCs
Consigned Bite of the Shissar III
Multiple NPCs
Consigned Bite of the Shissar IV
Multiple NPCs
Copper Amulet an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
Copper Band an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
Cracked Flute a hermit
Cracked Staff
Multiple NPCs
Crown of Leaves Narra Tanith
Crude Binding Powder a raider
Crude Spinneret Fluid
Multiple NPCs
Crystal Fragment
Multiple NPCs
Crystallized Sulfur
Multiple NPCs
Cyclops Eye a cyclops
Cyclops skull an undead cyclops
Cyclops Toes a cyclops
Dagger of Dropping
Multiple NPCs
Damp Marrow
Multiple NPCs
Dareb's Skull
Multiple NPCs
Decayed Breastplate a Tesch Val Gnoll
Decayed Chainmail a Tesch Val Gnoll
Decayed Helm a Tesch Val Gnoll
Decayed Left Boot a Tesch Val Gnoll
Decayed Left Bracer a Tesch Val Gnoll
Decayed Left Gauntlet a Tesch Val Gnoll
Decayed Left Legplate a Tesch Val Gnoll
Decayed Left Vambrace a Tesch Val Gnoll
Decayed Right Boot a Tesch Val Gnoll
Decayed Right Bracer a Tesch Val Gnoll
Decayed Right Gauntlet a Tesch Val Gnoll
Decayed Right Legplate a Tesch Val Gnoll
Decayed Right Vambrace a Tesch Val Gnoll
Decayed Visor a Tesch Val Gnoll
Decaying Heart Lord Grimrot
Desiccated Marrow
Multiple NPCs
Double-bladed Bone Axe Synger Foxfyre
Dry Eye Weed a zombie
Dry Marrow
Multiple NPCs
Dusty Marrow
Multiple NPCs
Elementary Binding Powder a treant
Embalming Dust a zombie
Multiple NPCs
Essence of Shadow a shadowed man
Exquisite Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Etched Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Gold Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Platinum Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Platinum Etched Rune
Multiple NPCs
Exquisite Platinum Silvered Rune
Multiple NPCs
Eye of Serilis
Multiple NPCs
Eye of Shadow a shadowed man
Faded Salil's Writ Page The Ishva Mal
Faded Salil's Writ Page The Ishva Mal
Faded Velishoul's Tome Page aviak harrier
Faded Velishoul's Tome Page a cyclops
Fine Spinneret Fluid Yeka Ias
Kunark 1 - 0
Fine Steel Dagger
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Great Staff
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Jutte Ryleen Bladespur
Fine Steel Long Sword
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Morning Star
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Rapier
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Scimitar
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Short Sword
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Spear
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Two Handed Sword
Multiple NPCs
Fine Steel Warhammer
Multiple NPCs
Flame Agate
Multiple NPCs
Flame of Vox
Multiple NPCs
Flawless Aquamarine
Multiple NPCs
Fractured Centaur Hoof
Multiple NPCs
Globe of Shadow a shadowed man
Glove of Rallos Zek
Multiple NPCs
Glowing Gloves a shadowed man
Gnawfang's Pelt Gnawfang
Gnawfang's Tooth Gnawfang
Gnoll Hide Lariat
Multiple NPCs
Gnoll's Eye a one eyed gnoll
Gold Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Gold Etched Rune
Multiple NPCs
Gold Painted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Gold Ring
Multiple NPCs
Golden Bandit Tooth a raider
Golden Pendant
Multiple NPCs
Great Staff a treant
Grizzleknot Bark Grizzleknot
Hand of Shadow a shadowed man
Head of Ghanex Drah Ghanex Drah
Head of Shen High Shaman Grisok
Hematite an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
High Quality Cat Pelt
Multiple NPCs
High Quality Wolf Skin
Multiple NPCs
Hulking Spiked Club Marik Clubthorn
Human Blood
Multiple NPCs
Hunting Bow
Multiple NPCs
Ice of Velious
Multiple NPCs
Iron Visor centaur archer
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Jade Earring
Multiple NPCs
Jade Ring
Multiple NPCs
Jade Shard
Multiple NPCs
Kicsh Der Pavz Tesch Val Deval`Nmak
Lapis Lazuli an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
Large Cloth Cap
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Cape an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
Large Cloth Choker
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Cord an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
Large Cloth Gloves
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Pants
Multiple NPCs
Large Cloth Shirt
Multiple NPCs
Large Iron Visor centaur courser
Large Ringmail Belt centaur courser
Large Ringmail Boots
Multiple NPCs
Large Ringmail Bracelet
Multiple NPCs
Large Ringmail Cape
Multiple NPCs
Large Ringmail Coat
Multiple NPCs
Large Ringmail Coif
Multiple NPCs
Large Ringmail Gloves
Multiple NPCs
Large Ringmail Mantle
Multiple NPCs
Large Ringmail Neckguard
Multiple NPCs
Large Ringmail Pants
Multiple NPCs
Large Ringmail Sleeves
Multiple NPCs
Large Wooden Shield
Multiple NPCs
Leather Boots a skeleton
Multiple NPCs
Lion Meat
Multiple NPCs
Lionhide Backpack Groi Gutblade
Loaf of Bread a raider
Multiple NPCs
Low Quality Wolf Skin
Multiple NPCs
Makeshift Binding Powder
Multiple NPCs
Malachite an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
Malleable Loam
Multiple NPCs
Mandolin Baenar Swiftsong
Mask of Shadow a shadowed man
Medium Quality Cat Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Medium Quality Wolf Skin
Multiple NPCs
Mist Wolf Pelt a mist wolf
Mithril Earring
Multiple NPCs
Modest Binding Powder The Ishva Mal
Mroons Toy Mroon
Multiple NPCs
Parrying Dagger
Multiple NPCs
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 23 aviak darter
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 23
Multiple NPCs
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24 centaur foal
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24 centaur foal
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 26
Multiple NPCs
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 26
Multiple NPCs
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 30
Multiple NPCs
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 30
Multiple NPCs
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 312
Multiple NPCs
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 312
Multiple NPCs
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 375
Multiple NPCs
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 375
Multiple NPCs
Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390 a treant
Patch of Shadow a shadowed man
Multiple NPCs
Pearl Earring
Multiple NPCs
Pearl Ring
Multiple NPCs
Pearl Shard
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Pestilence Scythe Lord Grimrot
Platinum Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Platinum Painted Rune
Multiple NPCs
Platinum Silvered Rune
Multiple NPCs
Pliant Loam
Multiple NPCs
Preserved Split Paw Eye
Multiple NPCs
Putrid Rib Bone a putrid skeleton
Quartz Crystal Ghanex Drah
Rain Water
Multiple NPCs
Multiple NPCs
Raw Amber Nihilite Rendolf Deathbringer
Discord 7 - 0
Raw Silk Robe an interrogator
Raw-hide Boots a zombie
Raw-hide Cloak a zombie
Raw-hide Gloves a zombie
Raw-hide Skullcap a zombie
Ring of Shadows Groi Gutblade
Ringmail Boots centaur archer
Ringmail Bracelet centaur archer
Ringmail Cape centaur archer
Ringmail Coat centaur archer
Ringmail Coif centaur archer
Ringmail Gloves centaur archer
Ringmail Mantle
Multiple NPCs
Ringmail Neckguard centaur archer
Ringmail Pants centaur archer
Ringmail Skirt centaur archer
Ringmail Sleeves centaur archer
Robe of the Ishva The Ishva Mal
Robe of the Lost Circle Brother Qwinn
Rotting Zombie Skull a zombie
Round Shield a zombie
Ruined Cat Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Ruined Lion Skin
Multiple NPCs
Ruined Wolf Pelt
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Al'Kabor
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Attraction
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Conception The Ishva Mal
Rune of Disassociation
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Dismemberment a cyclops
Rune of Embrace The Ishva Mal
Rune of Expulsion
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Falhalem aviak darter
Rune of Fulguration
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Infraction The Ishva Mal
Rune of Karana
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Nagafen centaur foal
Rune of Neglect
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Oppression
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Paralysis The Ishva Mal
Rune of Periphery aviak darter
Rune of Petrification
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Presence
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Proximity
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Rallos Zek centaur charger
Rune of Regeneration
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Substance aviak darter
Rune of the Combine
Multiple NPCs
Rune of the Helix
Multiple NPCs
Rune of Tyranny The Ishva Mal
Rune of Velious aviak rook
Rune of Xegony
Multiple NPCs
Runed Oak Bow
Multiple NPCs
Runed Totem Staff
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Axe
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Bastard Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Battle Axe
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Broad Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Dagger
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Dagger a zombie
Rusty Halberd a skeleton
Rusty Knuckles an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
Rusty Long Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Mace
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Morning Star a zombie
Rusty Rapier
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Scimitar
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Scythe
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Short Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Shortened Spear
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Spear
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Two Handed Battle Axe a zombie
Rusty Two Handed Sword
Multiple NPCs
Rusty Warhammer
Multiple NPCs
Salil's Writ Pg. 174 The Ishva Mal
Salil's Writ Pg. 282 The Ishva Mal
Salil's Writ Pg. 288 The Ishva Mal
Salty Loam
Multiple NPCs
Shadow Wolf Paw a shadow wolf
Shadow Wolf Pelt a shadow wolf
Shadow Wolf Tibia a shadow wolf
Shadowed Ball a shadowed man
Shadowed Battle Axe a shadowed man
Shadowed Book a shadowed man
Shadowed Halberd a shadowed man
Shadowed Knife a shadowed man
Shadowed Long Sword a shadowed man
Shadowed Mace a shadowed man
Shadowed Rapier a shadowed man
Shadowed Scimitar a shadowed man
Shadowed Scythe a shadowed man
Shadowed Spear a shadowed man
Shadowed Two Handed Hammer a shadowed man
Shadowed Two Handed Sword a shadowed man
Shimmering Black Pearl centaur charger
Shining Stone a shadowed man
Short Ale
Multiple NPCs
Short Sword Narra Tanith
Silver Amulet
Multiple NPCs
Silver Stud an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
Silverish Scimitar Narra Tanith
Silvril Ore
Multiple NPCs
Simple Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Simple Etched Rune The Ishva Mal
Sir Telian's Head Sir Telian Mottsworth
Discord 7 - 0
Skeleton Parts
Multiple NPCs
Small Bag a raider
Small Brick of Ore a zombie
Small Cloth Cap a zombie
Small Cloth Choker a zombie
Small Cloth Cord a zombie
Small Cloth Gloves a zombie
Small Cloth Shawl a zombie
Small Cloth Shirt a zombie
Small Cloth Wristband a zombie
Small Mammoth Tusks
Multiple NPCs
Spell: Summon Corpse The Ishva Mal
Splintering Club
Multiple NPCs
Split Paw
Multiple NPCs
Split Paw Hide Belt
Multiple NPCs
Split Paw Hide Gloves
Multiple NPCs
Split Paw Hide Mask
Multiple NPCs
Split Paw Hide Tunic
Multiple NPCs
Split Paw Tooth Necklace
Multiple NPCs
Steel Knuckles
Multiple NPCs
Sullied Spinneret Fluid
Multiple NPCs
Sunshard Dust
Multiple NPCs
Tacky Spinneret Fluid
Multiple NPCs
Tanned Split Paw Skin
Multiple NPCs
Tanned Split Paw Skin
Multiple NPCs
Tanned Split Paw Skin
Multiple NPCs
Tanned Split Paw Skin
Multiple NPCs
Tanned Split Paw Skin
Multiple NPCs
Tanned Splitpaw Skin
Multiple NPCs
Tarnished Long Sword Groi Gutblade
Tarnished Scythe Lord Grimrot
The Rainkeeper's Writ Sir Nandruar
Thick Amber Potion Tesch Val Deval`Nmak
Thick Spinneret Fluid
Multiple NPCs
Thunderhoof Quiver Kroldir Thunderhoof
Multiple NPCs
Topknot Headband Mroon
Torn Brown Shirt Brother Qwinn
Torn Training Robe Brother Qwinn
Treant Staff Grizzleknot
Multiple NPCs
Two Handed Sword Sir Telian Mottsworth
Discord 7 - 0
Vacra Av Svim Tesch Val Kadvem
Velishoul's Tome Pg. 109
Multiple NPCs
Velishoul's Tome Pg. 8 a shadowed man
Velishoul's Tome Pg. 9
Multiple NPCs
Velishoul's Tome Pg.17 a treant
Velishoul's Tome Pg.43
Multiple NPCs
Velishoul's Tome Pg.44 a cyclops
Velishoul's Tome Pg.67 a cyclops
Velishoul's Tome Pg.68 a cyclops
Velishoul's Tome Pg.75 a cyclops
Velishoul's Tome Pg.76
Multiple NPCs
Velium Embossed Rune
Multiple NPCs
Velium Silvered Rune
Multiple NPCs
Vial of Rabid Froth Gnashmaw
Vial of Shadow a shadowed man
Voice of Karana Zrithsadioun
Water Flask a raider
Weighted Gloves
Multiple NPCs
White Hellebore
Multiple NPCs
Winds of Karana sheet 1 a hermit
Wolf Meat
Multiple NPCs
Wolves Bane
Multiple NPCs
Wooden Flute Vhalen Nostrolo
Wooden Heart a treant
Wooden Shards a treant
Wooden Shield
Multiple NPCs
Words of Absorption
Multiple NPCs
Words of Acquisition (Azia)
Multiple NPCs
Words of Allure centaur courser
Words of Anthology
Multiple NPCs
Words of Cazic-Thule
Multiple NPCs
Words of Coercion
Multiple NPCs
Words of Collection (Azia) The Ishva Mal
Words of Collection (Beza) The Ishva Mal
Words of Convocation The Ishva Mal
Words of Derivation aviak darter
Words of Detachment
Multiple NPCs
Words of Dimension
Multiple NPCs
Words of Discernment a treant
Words of Dissemination a cyclops
Words of Dissolution
Multiple NPCs
Words of Dominion
Multiple NPCs
Words of Dominion a hermit
Words of Enlightenment
Multiple NPCs
Words of Eradication aviak darter
Words of Eventide
Multiple NPCs
Words of Haunting a cyclops
Words of Imitation aviak darter
Words of Materials centaur sheltie
Words of Mistbreath
Multiple NPCs
Words of Parasitism a cyclops
Words of Possession
Multiple NPCs
Words of Projection The Ishva Mal
Words of Purification a cyclops
Words of Radiance
Multiple NPCs
Words of Recluse
Multiple NPCs
Words of Refuge
Multiple NPCs
Words of Reviviscence
Multiple NPCs
Words of Rupturing a cyclops
Words of Sight
Multiple NPCs
Words of Spirit
Multiple NPCs
Words of the Element aviak darter
Words of the Extinct aviak rook
Words of the Incorporeal a cyclops
Words of the Quickening
Multiple NPCs
Words of the Sentient (Azia)
Multiple NPCs
Words of the Sentient (Beza)
Multiple NPCs
Words of the Spectre
Multiple NPCs
Words of the Spoken
Multiple NPCs
Words of the Suffering
Multiple NPCs
Words of Transcendence
Multiple NPCs
Words of Tyranny
Multiple NPCs
Worn Great Staff
Multiple NPCs
Worn Weighted Gloves an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
Wrist Pouch a raider
Zombie Skin a zombie
Plains Pebble (100%)