Ferocity VII

1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 18%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 200%

Mana: 0 Skill: Clicky
Casting Time: 0.0s Recast Time: 0.0s
Recovery Time: 0.0s Range: 100
Min Duration: 1 hour (600 ticks) Max Duration: 1 hour (600 ticks)
Target Type: Self only Resist Type: Unresistable (0)
Zone Type: Any Time of Day: Any

Quick Facts

Items with this spell as an effect:
Faycite Seal of the Berserker
Tattered Cryptrobber's Cloak
Shattered Mask of Ancestral Rage
Engraved Froststeel Visor
Haunting Ruby Amulet
Atathus` Warfire Vambraces
Draton`ra`s Deadkeeper Leggings
Blood-Etched Greaves
Silversteel Chainmail Leggings
Intricately Tooled Leather Leggings
Mammoth Hide Leggings
Icy Greaves
Rugged Energeiac Plate Greaves
Sanguine Energeiac Plate Vambraces
Gleaming Energeiac Chain Leggings
Tainted Energeiac Plate Greaves
Hardened Energeiac Leather Leggings
Singing Energeiac Plate Greaves
Shrouded Energeiac Chain Leggings
Feral Energeiac Leather Leggings
Brutal Energeiac Chain Leggings
Heroic Ironhand Greaves
Heroic Soulbound Greaves
Heroic Stormheart Leggings
Heroic Darktouch Greaves
Heroic Forcestruck Leggings
Heroic Dreamhunter Greaves
Heroic Stealthinfused Leggings
Heroic Wildroar Leggings
Heroic Rageblade Leggings
Ancient Hardened Greaves
Ancient Scaled Leggings
Ancient Husk Leggings
Raging Bloodletter's Hardened Greaves
Righteous Crusader's Hardened Greaves
Relentless Hunter's Scaled Leggings
Depraved Vanquisher's Hardened Greaves
Husk Leggings of the Wheeling Fist
Dauntless Minstrel's Hardened Greaves
Vengeful Cutthroat's Scaled Leggings
Merciless Beastkin's Husk Leggings
Frenzied Savage's Scaled Leggings
Prismatic Decimator's Greaves
Prismatic Gallant-Lord's Greaves
Prismatic Bow-Captain's Leggings
Prismatic Soulslayer's Greaves
Prismatic Leggings of the Ninth Circle
Prismatic Skaldsong Greaves
Prismatic Blackguard's Leggings
Prismatic Savage-Caller's Leggings
Prismatic Enrager's Leggings
Vitallium Earthwall Greaves
Vitallium Lifedefender Greaves
Vitallium Trailwarden Leggings
Vitallium Deathwatch Greaves
Vitallium Leggings of the Discplined Animus
Vitallium Lorerunner Greaves
Vitallium Shadowborn Leggings
Vitallium Bestialcry Leggings
Vitallium Ireblood Leggings
Slime-Etched Leggings
Damascite Earthwall Greaves
Damascite Lifedefender Greaves
Damascite Trailwarden Leggings
Damascite Deathwatch Greaves
Damascite Leggings of the Discplined Animus
Damascite Lorerunner Greaves
Damascite Shadowborn Leggings
Damascite Bestialcry Leggings
Damascite Ireblood Leggings
Autarchian Linked Leggings
Terror Infused Battleskirt
Abstruse Ironhand Greaves
Abstruse Soulbound Greaves
Abstruse Stormheart Leggings
Abstruse Darktouch Greaves
Abstruse Forcestruck Leggings
Abstruse Dreamhunter Greaves
Abstruse Stealthinfused Leggings
Abstruse Wildroar Leggings
Abstruse Rageblade Leggings
Thulian Linked Legplates
Recondite Ironhand Greaves
Recondite Soulbound Greaves
Recondite Stormheart Leggings
Recondite Darktouch Greaves
Recondite Forcestruck Leggings
Recondite Dreamhunter Greaves
Recondite Stealthinfused Leggings
Recondite Wildroar Leggings
Recondite Rageblade Leggings
Leather Pantaloons of the Beast
Ambiguous Ironhand Greaves
Ambiguous Soulbound Greaves
Ambiguous Stormheart Leggings
Ambiguous Darktouch Greaves
Ambiguous Forcestruck Leggings
Ambiguous Dreamhunter Greaves
Ambiguous Stealthinfused Leggings
Ambiguous Wildroar Leggings
Ambiguous Rageblade Leggings
High Priest's Leggings
Guardian's Greaves
Lucid Ironhand Greaves
Lucid Soulbound Greaves
Lucid Stormheart Leggings
Lucid Darktouch Greaves
Lucid Forcestruck Leggings
Lucid Dreamhunter Greaves
Lucid Stealthinfused Leggings
Lucid Wildroar Leggings
Lucid Rageblade Leggings
Soloist Dream Legging Seal of the Berserker
Soloist Dream Chest Seal of the Berserker
Soloist Dream Chest Seal of the Venturer
Soloist Dream Legging Seal of the Venturer
Faycite Seal of the Berserker (Enchanted)
Tattered Cryptrobber's Cloak (Enchanted)
Shattered Mask of Ancestral Rage (Enchanted)
Engraved Froststeel Visor (Enchanted)
Haunting Ruby Amulet (Enchanted)
Atathus` Warfire Vambraces (Enchanted)
Draton`ra`s Deadkeeper Leggings (Enchanted)
Blood-Etched Greaves (Enchanted)
Silversteel Chainmail Leggings (Enchanted)
Intricately Tooled Leather Leggings (Enchanted)
Mammoth Hide Leggings (Enchanted)
Icy Greaves (Enchanted)
Faycite Seal of the Berserker (Legendary)
Tattered Cryptrobber's Cloak (Legendary)
Shattered Mask of Ancestral Rage (Legendary)
Engraved Froststeel Visor (Legendary)
Haunting Ruby Amulet (Legendary)
Atathus` Warfire Vambraces (Legendary)
Draton`ra`s Deadkeeper Leggings (Legendary)
Blood-Etched Greaves (Legendary)
Silversteel Chainmail Leggings (Legendary)
Intricately Tooled Leather Leggings (Legendary)
Mammoth Hide Leggings (Legendary)
Icy Greaves (Legendary)