Denon's Disruptive Discord

2: Effect type: Bard AE Dot by 9 (L18) to 21 (L65)
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 7 (L18) to 25 (L65), Everyone else by 4 (L18) to 18 (L65)

Mana: 0 Skill: Brass_instruments
Casting Time: 3.0s Recast Time: 0.0s
Recovery Time: 0.0s Range: 0 / AoE Range: 35
Min Duration: 12 sec (2 ticks) Max Duration: 12 sec (2 ticks)
Target Type: Area of effect around the caster Resist Type: Magic (-100)
Zone Type: Any Time of Day: Any

When cast on you: Jagged notes tear through your body.
When cast on other: Soandso winces.
Items with this spell as an effect: