Reflexive Retort Rk. III

1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 255
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 173
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 128
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 300

Mana: 0 Skill: 1h_slashing
Casting Time: 0.0s Recast Time: 600.0s
Recovery Time: 1.5s Range: 50
Min Duration: time (0 ticks) Max Duration: Instant
Target Type: Single target Resist Type: Unresistable (0)
Zone Type: Any Time of Day: Any

When cast on you: You are struck by a flurry of blades.
When cast on other: Soandso is struck by a flurry of blades.
Items with this spell as an effect: