Aria of the Composer Rk. III

1: Effect type: Increase Spell Damage by 36%
2: Effect type: Increase Haste v3 by 125%
3: Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
4: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (90)
5: Effect type: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
6: Effect type: Limit: Target (Area of effect over the caster excluded)
7: Effect type: Limit: Target (Area of effect around the caster excluded)
8: Effect type: Limit: Target (Area of effect around the target excluded)
9: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
10: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 31
11: Effect type: Flurry by 4
12: Effect type: Pet Flurry by 26

Mana: 100 Skill: Singing
Casting Time: 3.0s Recast Time: 0.0s
Recovery Time: 0.0s Range: 100 / AoE Range: 60
Min Duration: 12 sec (2 ticks) Max Duration: 12 sec (2 ticks)
Target Type: Group teleport Resist Type: Unresistable (0)
Zone Type: Any Time of Day: Any

When cast on you: You are moved by the aria of the composer.
When fading: You no longer hear the aria.
Items with this spell as an effect: