
3: Effect type: Increase ATK by 100
5: Effect type: Increase AGI by 100
6: Effect type: Increase STR by 100
7: Effect type: Increase DEX by 100

Mana: 0 Skill: Alteration
Casting Time: 0.0s Recast Time: 0.0s
Recovery Time: 0.0s Range: 100
Min Duration: 6 min 30 sec (65 ticks) Max Duration: 6 min 30 sec (65 ticks)
Target Type: Self only Resist Type: Unresistable (0)
Zone Type: Any Time of Day: Any

When others cast: summons power.
When cast on you: Your body screams with the power of an Avatar.
When cast on other: Soandso has been infused with the power of an Avatar.
When fading: The Avatar departs.

Quick Facts

Items with this spell as an effect:
Ancient Prismatic Mace (Enchanted)
Primal Velium Brawl Stick (Legendary)
Primal Velium Claidhmore (Legendary)
Primal Velium Spear (Legendary)
Primal Velium Battlehammer (Legendary)
Primal Velium Fist Wraps (Legendary)
Primal Velium Knight's Sword (Legendary)
Fabled Ancient Prismatic Brawl Stick (Enchanted)
Fabled Ancient Prismatic Warsword (Enchanted)
Primal Velium War Lance (Legendary)
Ancient Prismatic Stiletto (Enchanted)
Ancient Prismatic Staff (Enchanted)
Ancient Prismatic Fist Wraps (Enchanted)
Ancient Prismatic Axe (Enchanted)
Ancient Prismatic Warsword (Enchanted)
Ancient Prismatic Battlehammer (Enchanted)
Ancient Prismatic Brawl Stick (Enchanted)
Ancient Prismatic Claymore (Enchanted)
Ancient Prismatic Battlehammer (Legendary)
Fabled Ancient Prismatic Brawl Stick (Legendary)
Fabled Ancient Prismatic Warsword (Legendary)
Ancient Prismatic Mace (Legendary)
Ancient Prismatic Stiletto (Legendary)
Ancient Prismatic Staff (Legendary)
Ancient Prismatic Fist Wraps (Legendary)
Ancient Prismatic Axe (Legendary)
Ancient Prismatic Warsword (Legendary)
Ancient Prismatic Spear (Enchanted)
Ancient Prismatic Brawl Stick (Legendary)
Ancient Prismatic Claymore (Legendary)
Ancient Prismatic Spear (Legendary)
Ancient Prismatic Lance (Legendary)
Ancient Prismatic Bow (Legendary)
Primal Velium Warsword (Legendary)
Primal Velium Battle Axe (Legendary)
Primal Velium Reinforced Bow (Legendary)
Primal Velium Warsword
Ancient Prismatic Axe
Ancient Prismatic Warsword
Ancient Prismatic Battlehammer
Ancient Prismatic Brawl Stick
Ancient Prismatic Claymore
Ancient Prismatic Spear
Ancient Prismatic Lance
Ancient Prismatic Bow
Ancient Prismatic Fist Wraps
Primal Velium Battle Axe
Primal Velium Reinforced Bow
Primal Velium War Lance
Primal Velium Brawl Stick
Primal Velium Claidhmore
Primal Velium Spear
Primal Velium Battlehammer
Primal Velium Fist Wraps
Primal Velium Spear (Enchanted)
Ancient Prismatic Lance (Enchanted)
Ancient Prismatic Bow (Enchanted)
Primal Velium Warsword (Enchanted)
Primal Velium Battle Axe (Enchanted)
Primal Velium Reinforced Bow (Enchanted)
Primal Velium War Lance (Enchanted)
Primal Velium Brawl Stick (Enchanted)
Primal Velium Claidhmore (Enchanted)
Primal Velium Knight's Sword
Primal Velium Battlehammer (Enchanted)
Primal Velium Fist Wraps (Enchanted)
Primal Velium Knight's Sword (Enchanted)
Fabled Ancient Prismatic Brawl Stick
Fabled Ancient Prismatic Warsword
Ancient Prismatic Mace
Ancient Prismatic Stiletto
Ancient Prismatic Staff