
1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 115

Mana: 60 Skill: Alteration
Casting Time: 3.0s Recast Time: 0.0s
Recovery Time: 1.5s Range: 100
Min Duration: time (0 ticks) Max Duration: Instant
Target Type: Self only Resist Type: Unresistable (0)
Zone Type: Any Time of Day: Any

When cast on you: You feel much better.
When cast on other: Soandso looks invigorated.

Quick Facts

Items with this spell as an effect:
Cobalt Breastplate
Mrylokar's Breastplate
Singing Steel Breastplate
Malevolent Breastplate
Deceiver's Chestguard
Warlord's Breastplate
Golden Star Chest Wraps
Noctivagant Breastplate
Assassin's Chestguard
Bladesman's Breastplate
Silver Moon Chest Wraps
Earring of Vigor
Shroud of Vigor
Dark Runed Breastplate
Brigand's Chestguard
Champion's Breastplate
Grand Master's Chest Wraps
Blood Lord's Breastplate
Shadow Chestguard
Breastplate of the Myrmidon
White Lotus Chest Wraps
Fabled Assassin's Chestguard
Blessed Earring of Sahtou
Firebrand's Tunic
Icefury Tunic
Tunic of Fire's Fury
Tunic of Wrath
Eriak's Hoop of Guile
Wurine Ring of Vigor
Ragepaw Earring of Vigor
Nighthowl Earring
Cobalt Breastplate (Enchanted)
Mrylokar's Breastplate (Enchanted)
Singing Steel Breastplate (Enchanted)
Malevolent Breastplate (Enchanted)
Deceiver's Chestguard (Enchanted)
Warlord's Breastplate (Enchanted)
Golden Star Chest Wraps (Enchanted)
Noctivagant Breastplate (Enchanted)
Assassin's Chestguard (Enchanted)
Bladesman's Breastplate (Enchanted)
Silver Moon Chest Wraps (Enchanted)
Earring of Vigor (Enchanted)
Shroud of Vigor (Enchanted)
Dark Runed Breastplate (Enchanted)
Brigand's Chestguard (Enchanted)
Champion's Breastplate (Enchanted)
Grand Master's Chest Wraps (Enchanted)
Blood Lord's Breastplate (Enchanted)
Shadow Chestguard (Enchanted)
Breastplate of the Myrmidon (Enchanted)
White Lotus Chest Wraps (Enchanted)
Fabled Assassin's Chestguard (Enchanted)
Blessed Earring of Sahtou (Enchanted)
Firebrand's Tunic (Enchanted)
Icefury Tunic (Enchanted)
Tunic of Fire's Fury (Enchanted)
Tunic of Wrath (Enchanted)
Eriak's Hoop of Guile (Enchanted)
Cobalt Breastplate (Legendary)
Mrylokar's Breastplate (Legendary)
Singing Steel Breastplate (Legendary)
Malevolent Breastplate (Legendary)
Deceiver's Chestguard (Legendary)
Warlord's Breastplate (Legendary)
Golden Star Chest Wraps (Legendary)
Noctivagant Breastplate (Legendary)
Assassin's Chestguard (Legendary)
Bladesman's Breastplate (Legendary)
Silver Moon Chest Wraps (Legendary)
Earring of Vigor (Legendary)
Shroud of Vigor (Legendary)
Dark Runed Breastplate (Legendary)
Brigand's Chestguard (Legendary)
Champion's Breastplate (Legendary)
Grand Master's Chest Wraps (Legendary)
Blood Lord's Breastplate (Legendary)
Shadow Chestguard (Legendary)
Breastplate of the Myrmidon (Legendary)
White Lotus Chest Wraps (Legendary)
Fabled Assassin's Chestguard (Legendary)
Blessed Earring of Sahtou (Legendary)
Firebrand's Tunic (Legendary)
Icefury Tunic (Legendary)
Tunic of Fire's Fury (Legendary)
Tunic of Wrath (Legendary)
Eriak's Hoop of Guile (Legendary)