Shadow Knight Spells by Level

Name Target Type Skill Effect
Echo of the Grove Self only Alteration 12: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1 (L1) to 33 (L65)
Echo of the Brood Self only Alteration 11: Effect type: Increase Spell Haste by 10%
12: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 25% (L1) to 57% (L65)
Echo of Koadic Self only Alteration 8: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 29 (L1) to 285 (L65)
9: Effect type: Increase Mana by 1 (L1) to 11 (L65) per tick (total 2040 to 22440)
10: Effect type: Increase INT by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
11: Effect type: Increase WIS by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
Echo of Selo Self only Hit 12: Effect type: Increase Movement by 22% (L1) to 150% (L65)
Echo of Focus Self only Alteration 8: Effect type: Increase ATK by 26 (L1) to 90 (L65)
9: Effect type: Increase STA by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
10: Effect type: Increase AGI by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
11: Effect type: Increase DEX by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
12: Effect type: Increase STR by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
Echo of Aegolism Self only Abjuration 10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 50 (L1) to 470 (L65)
11: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 1 (L1) to 50 (L65), Everyone else by 0 (L1) to 37 (L65)
Echo of Experience Self only Melee 12: Effect type: Percent XP Increase by 50
Spike of Disease Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 15
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Disease Cloud Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 5
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Siphon Strength Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 6 (L1) to 10 (L10)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Lifetap Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5 (L1) to 6 (L4)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Numb the Dead Undead only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Frenzy Radius (15/30)
2: Effect type: Reaction Radius (25/30)
3: Effect type: Pacify
Despair Single target Alteration 9: Effect type: Decrease ATK by 5
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Endure Cold Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Cold Resist by 11 (L1) to 20 (L10)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Clinging Darkness Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 8
2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 24% (L4) to 30% (L10)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Fear Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Lesser Summon Corpse Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Corpse (max level 35)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shadow Step Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Shadowstep
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Lifespike Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 9 (L3) to 12 (L10)
Scream of Hate Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease ATK by 8
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Grim Aura Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 6 (L3) to 10 (L10)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Deadeye Self only Divination 1: Effect type: See Invisible
2: Effect type: Infravision
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Ward Undead Undead only Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 9 (L4) to 12 (L10)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Cure Disease Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 2 (L1) to 4 (L12)
Tiny Companion Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Change Height by 50
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spook the Dead Undead only Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Engulfing Darkness Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 11
2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 40%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Dark Empathy Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 30
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Scream of Pain Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 7, Everyone else by 5
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Feign Death Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Endure Disease Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Resist by 18 (L8) to 20 (L10)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Wave of Enfeeblement Area of effect around the caster Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease STR by 10 (L9) to 20 (L30)
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 1
3: Effect type: Increase Hate by 100
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Heat Blood Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 28 (L10) to 43 (L25)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Lifedraw Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 102 (L12) to 105 (L15)
Strengthen Death Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Increase STR by 5
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 1, Everyone else by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shieldskin Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 9 (L13) to 55 (L21)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Dark Temptation Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 25
10: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spear of Disease Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 251
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Summon Corpse Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Corpse (max level 70)
Resist Cold Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Cold Resist by 39 (L24) to 40 (L25)
Shroud of Hate Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease ATK by 20
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Cancel Magic Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (1)
Heart Flutter Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 14 (L13) to 20 (L26)
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 9 (L13) to 11 (L24), Everyone else by 7 (L13) to 8 (L24)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 19 (L13) to 22 (L20)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Expulse Undead Undead only Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 99 (L13) to 106 (L20)
Voice of Darkness Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 5%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shadow Sight Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Ultravision
2: Effect type: See Invisible
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Blood of Pain Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 56 (L41) to 68 (L53)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Invoke Fear Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Dooming Darkness Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 20
2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 49% (L27) to 59% (L48)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Word of Spirit Area of effect around the caster Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 91 (L26) to 104 (L33)
Breath of the Dead Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: WaterBreathing by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Life Leech Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 228
Scythe of Darkness Undead only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 346
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spear of Pain Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 325
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Dismiss Undead Undead only Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 196 (L23) to 211 (L31)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Harmshield Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 20
2: Effect type: Invunerability
Shroud of Pain Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 20 (L50) to 23 (L59), Everyone else by 14 (L50) to 17 (L59)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Siphon Life Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 140 (L20) to 150 (L25)
Muzzle of Mardu Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Summoned: Muzzle of Mardu (Legendary)
Resistant Discipline Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 16 (L30) to 20 (L38)
Vicious Bite of Chaos Recourse Group teleport Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 203 (L51) to 245 (L65)
6: Effect type: Current Mana Once by 150
8: Effect type: Increase Mana by 76 (L51) to 90 (L65) per tick (total 228 to 270)
9: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 153 (L51) to 195 (L65)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Rest the Dead Undead only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Frenzy Radius (1/45)
2: Effect type: Reaction Radius (1/45)
3: Effect type: Pacify
4: Effect type: Memblur (1%)
Summon Companion Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Call Pet
Abduction of Strength Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 25
Mental Corruption Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Mental Corruption Strike
Comatose Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
Malignant Dead (SHD) Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_33_
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Boil Blood Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 67
Terror of Death Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 300
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Panic the Dead Undead only Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Banshee Aura Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 9 (L15) to 12 (L36)
Torrent of Hate Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease ATK by 35
Spear of Plague Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 444
Call of Darkness Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 50
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6
Scythe of Death Undead only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 473
Fearless Discipline Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Fear Spell by 10000%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spirit Tap Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 202 (L26) to 210 (L30)
Expel Undead Undead only Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 299 (L33) to 333 (L45)
Voice of Death Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 15%
Shroud of Undeath Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of Death Strike
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Shroud of Death Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of Death Strike
Bobbing Corpse Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: WaterBreathing by 1
3: Effect type: Levitate
7: Effect type: Increase Poison Resist by 40
Unholy Aura Discipline Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase Spell Damage by 100%
2: Effect type: Limit: Max Level (100)
3: Effect type: Limit Combat Skills
4: Effect type: Limit Mana Min by 10
5: Effect type: Limit: Target (Lifetap)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Steelskin Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 128 (L30) to 230 (L41)
Torrent of Pain Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 15, Everyone else by 11
Soulless Fear Undead only Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Ichor Guard Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Vampiric Curse Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 21
Drain Spirit Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 314
Conjure Corpse Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Corpse (max level 70)
Shadow Voice Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Nullify Magic Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (4)
2: Effect type: Cancel Magic (4)
Torrent of Fatigue Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Decrease STA by 15
6: Effect type: Decrease STR by 15
Deathly Temptation Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 6 per tick (total 3600)
4: Effect type: Ultravision
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 11
Cackling Bones (SHD) Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_37_
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Diamondskin Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Absorb Damage by 245 (L40) to 394 (L50)
Cascading Darkness Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 72
2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 60%
Terror of Terris Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 400
Deflection Discipline Self only Blockskill 1: Effect type: Shield Block by 100
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Drain Soul Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 394 (L48) to 406 (L52)
Augment Death Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 15%
2: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 30%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 60
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 55%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 20
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 23, Everyone else by 17
7: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 70
Voice of Terris Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 20%
Death Peace Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
Asystole Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 4
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 35 (L40) to 40 (L50)
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 18 (L40) to 23 (L50), Everyone else by 14 (L40) to 17 (L50)
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 50 (L40) to 62 (L52)
Cloak of the Akheva Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 17, Everyone else by 12
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 5
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 150
Leechcurse Discipline Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Lifetap from Weapon Damage
2: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 200%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Ignite Blood Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 124 (L47) to 125 (L48)
Improved Invisibility to Undead Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Invis Vs Undead 2 by 1
Festering Darkness Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 50
2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 60%
Aura of Darkness Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease All Resists by 10
Soul Guard Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Soulless Panic Undead only Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Bond of Death Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 80
Touch of Volatis Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 416
Zevfeer's Bite Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 200
Deny Undead Undead only Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 880
Shadow Bellow Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Augmentation of Death Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 20%
2: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 45%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 80
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 65%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 40
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 29, Everyone else by 21
7: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 75
Pact of Hate Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 15 per tick (total 9000)
4: Effect type: Ultravision
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 22
Spear of Decay Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 700
Scythe of Innoruuk Undead only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 880
Invoke Death (SHD) Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_41_
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Voice of Thule Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 25%
Aura of Hate Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 100
Touch of Innoruuk Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 510
Cloak of Luclin Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 44, Everyone else by 33
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 10
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 280
Mental Horror Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Mental Horror Strike
Black Shroud Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Black Shroud Strike
Miasmic Spear Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 770
Ancient: Bite of Chaos Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 300
Decrepit Skin Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Decrepit Skin Parry
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Blood of Discord Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 200
Dark Constriction Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 9
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 58
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 33, Everyone else by 24
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 100
Bond of Inruku Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 135
Soulless Terror Undead only Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Theft of Pain Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 260
Blood of Inruku Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 217
Son of Decay Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_68_
Scythe of Inruku Undead only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1025
Fickle Shadows Undead only Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1100
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Rune of Decay Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Increase STR by 85
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 65%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 29, Everyone else by 21
Pact of Decay Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 17 per tick (total 10200)
4: Effect type: Ultravision
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 25
Spear of Muram Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 963
Dread Gaze Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 750
Soul Shield Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Touch of Draygun Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 750
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Theft of Hate Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 130
Touch of the Devourer Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 740
Cloak of Discord Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 64, Everyone else by 48
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 13
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 350
Ancient: Bite of Muram Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 375
Theft of Agony Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 300
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Exhumer's Call Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Corpse (max level 75)
Bond of the Blacktalon Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 158
Bond of the Blacktalon Rk. II Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 164
Bond of the Blacktalon Rk. III Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 170
Blacktalon Bite Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 312
Blacktalon Bite Rk. II Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 325
Blacktalon Bite Rk. III Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 338
Terror of Vergalid Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Terror of Vergalid Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Terror of Vergalid Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Marrowthirst Horror Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Marrowthirst Horror Strike
Marrowthirst Horror Rk. II Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Marrowthirst Horror Strike
Marrowthirst Horror Rk. III Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Marrowthirst Horror Strike
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shroud of the Nightborn Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Nightborn Strike
Shroud of the Nightborn Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Nightborn Strike Rk. II
Shroud of the Nightborn Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Nightborn Strike Rk. III
Challenge for Power Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 666
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 666
Challenge for Power Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 693
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 693
Challenge for Power Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 720
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 720
Blood of the Blacktalon Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 259
Blood of the Blacktalon Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 270
Blood of the Blacktalon Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 281
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shambling Minion Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_73_
Drink of Decomposition Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1161
Drink of Decomposition Rk. II Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1207
Drink of Decomposition Rk. III Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1254
Amplify Death Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 2%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 102
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 65%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 35, Everyone else by 25
Amplify Death Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 3%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 106
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 66%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 36, Everyone else by 27
Amplify Death Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 4%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 111
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 67%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 37, Everyone else by 28
Dark Bargain Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 18 per tick (total 10800)
4: Effect type: Ultravision
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 28
Dark Bargain Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 19 per tick (total 11400)
4: Effect type: Ultravision
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 28
Dark Bargain Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 20 per tick (total 12000)
4: Effect type: Ultravision
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 29
Soul Carapace Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Soul Carapace Rk. II Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Soul Carapace Rk. III Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Rotroot Spear Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1204
Rotroot Spear Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1252
Rotroot Spear Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1300
Vilify Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Vilify Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Vilify Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Cloak of Corruption Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 77, Everyone else by 57
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 16
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 420
Cloak of Corruption Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 80, Everyone else by 60
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 17
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 438
Cloak of Corruption Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 83, Everyone else by 62
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 18
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 455
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Touch of the Wailing Three Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 937
Touch of the Wailing Three Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 975
Touch of the Wailing Three Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1012
Last Breath Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 20
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Last Breath Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 25
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Last Breath Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 30
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Remorseless Demeanor Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Remorseless Demeanor Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Remorseless Demeanor Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Touch of Severan Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1238
Touch of Severan Rk. II Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1288
Touch of Severan Rk. III Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1337
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Procure Corpse Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Corpse (max level 80)
Bond of the Blackwater Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 181
Bond of the Blackwater Rk. II Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 205
Bond of the Blackwater Rk. III Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 222
Blackwater Bite Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 357
Blackwater Bite Rk. II Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 406
Blackwater Bite Rk. III Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 438
Terror of the Soulbleeder Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Terror of the Soulbleeder Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Terror of the Soulbleeder Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Soulthirst Horror Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Soulthirst Horror Strike
Soulthirst Horror Rk. II Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Soulthirst Horror Strike
Soulthirst Horror Rk. III Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Soulthirst Horror Strike
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Assiduous Impurity Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 226
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 171
Assiduous Impurity Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 256
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 171
Assiduous Impurity Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 277
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 184
Shroud of the Gloomborn Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Gloomborn Strike
Shroud of the Gloomborn Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Gloomborn Strike
Shroud of the Gloomborn Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Gloomborn Strike
Trial for Power Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 742
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 742
Trial for Power Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 845
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 845
Trial for Power Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 901
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 901
Blood of the Blackwater Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 289
Blood of the Blackwater Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 333
Blood of the Blackwater Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 362
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Maladroit Minion Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_78_Rk1
Maladroit Minion Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_78_Rk2
Maladroit Minion Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_78_Rk3
Expatiate Death Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 5%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 113
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 65%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 38, Everyone else by 29
Expatiate Death Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 6%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 129
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 66%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 44, Everyone else by 33
Expatiate Death Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 7%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 138
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 67%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 47, Everyone else by 35
Grim Covenant Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 20 per tick (total 12000)
4: Effect type: Ultravision
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 30
Grim Covenant Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 23 per tick (total 13800)
4: Effect type: Ultravision
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 34
Grim Covenant Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 25 per tick (total 15000)
4: Effect type: Ultravision
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 36
Umbral Carapace Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Umbral Carapace Rk. II Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Umbral Carapace Rk. III Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Rigor Mortis Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 8
Rigor Mortis Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 9
Rigor Mortis Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 10
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Revile Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Revile Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Revile Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Drape of Corruption Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 86, Everyone else by 64
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 19
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 482
Drape of Corruption Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 97, Everyone else by 73
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 21
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 569
Drape of Corruption Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 105, Everyone else by 79
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 23
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 613
Rotmarrow Spear Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1377
Rotmarrow Spear Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1565
Rotmarrow Spear Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1690
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Touch of the Soulbleeder Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1072
Touch of the Soulbleeder Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1218
Touch of the Soulbleeder Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1316
Last Gasp Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 20
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Last Gasp Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 25
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Last Gasp Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 30
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Touch of Kildrukaun Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1416
Touch of Kildrukaun Rk. II Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1609
Touch of Kildrukaun Rk. III Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1739
Umbral Skin Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Umbral Skin Effect
Umbral Skin Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Umbral Skin Effect
Umbral Skin Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Umbral Skin Effect
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Reaper's Call Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Corpse (max level 85)
Bond of Laarthik Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 226
Bond of Laarthik Rk. II Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 256
Bond of Laarthik Rk. III Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 277
Laarthik's Bite Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 446
Laarthik's Bite Rk. II Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 507
Laarthik's Bite Rk. III Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 548
Terror of Jelvalak Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Terror of Jelvalak Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Terror of Jelvalak Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Mindshear Horror Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Mindshear Horror Strike
Mindshear Horror Rk. II Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Mindshear Horror Strike
Mindshear Horror Rk. III Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Mindshear Horror Strike
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shroud of the Blightborn Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Blightborn Strike
Shroud of the Blightborn Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Blightborn Strike
Shroud of the Blightborn Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Blightborn Strike
Charge for Power Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 904
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 904
Charge for Power Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1031
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 1031
Charge for Power Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1099
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 1099
Blood of Laarthik Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 359
Blood of Laarthik Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 413
Blood of Laarthik Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 450
Plague of the Karanas Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 281
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 213
Plague of the Karanas Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 320
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 213
Plague of the Karanas Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 346
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 230
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Withstand Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Withstand Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Withstand Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Minion of Sebilis Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_83_Rk1
Minion of Sebilis Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_83_Rk2
Minion of Sebilis Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_83_Rk3
Gift of Sathir Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 8%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 138
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 65%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 48, Everyone else by 35
Gift of Sathir Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 9%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 157
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 66%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 54, Everyone else by 41
Gift of Sathir Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 10%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 168
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 67%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 59, Everyone else by 43
Venril's Covenant Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 25 per tick (total 15000)
4: Effect type: Ultravision
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 36
Venril's Covenant Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 28 per tick (total 16800)
4: Effect type: Ultravision
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 41
Venril's Covenant Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 30 per tick (total 18000)
4: Effect type: Ultravision
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 44
Malarian Carapace Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Malarian Carapace Rk. II Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Malarian Carapace Rk. III Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Unsavory Sacrifice Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Unsavory Sacrifice Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Unsavory Sacrifice Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Unsavory Detonation Area of effect around the caster Melee 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3900
Unsavory Detonation Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Melee 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4340
Unsavory Detonation Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Melee 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4810
Malarian Mantle Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Malarian Mantle Rk. II Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Malarian Mantle Rk. III Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 25
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Steely Stance Self only Abjuration 8: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 4312
Steely Stance Rk. II Self only Abjuration 8: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 5096
Steely Stance Rk. III Self only Abjuration 8: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 5488
Malarian Spear Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1722
Malarian Spear Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1956
Malarian Spear Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2113
Burst of Spite Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Burst of Spite Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Burst of Spite Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Drape of Korafax Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 105, Everyone else by 79
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 23
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 626
Drape of Korafax Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 120, Everyone else by 89
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 26
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 740
Drape of Korafax Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 127, Everyone else by 95
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 28
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 797
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Touch of Lanys Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1341
Touch of Lanys Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1523
Touch of Lanys Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1645
Final Breath Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 20
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Final Breath Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 25
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Final Breath Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 30
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Touch of Tharoff Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1771
Touch of Tharoff Rk. II Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2012
Touch of Tharoff Rk. III Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2173
Malarian Skin Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Malarian Skin Effect
Malarian Skin Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Malarian Skin Effect
Malarian Skin Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Malarian Skin Effect
Curse of Frailty Single target Abjuration 8: Effect type: Decrease Max Hitpoints by 3960
Curse of Frailty Rk. II Single target Abjuration 8: Effect type: Decrease Max Hitpoints by 4680
Curse of Frailty Rk. III Single target Abjuration 8: Effect type: Decrease Max Hitpoints by 5040
Dire Implication Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3607
Dire Implication Rk. II Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4099
Dire Implication Rk. III Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4427
Dire Constriction Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 83
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 41, Everyone else by 30
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 400
Dire Constriction Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 20
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 88
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 42, Everyone else by 31
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 450
Dire Constriction Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 22
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 93
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 44, Everyone else by 33
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 500
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Respite Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 845
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 21
Respite Rk. II Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 964
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 25
Respite Rk. III Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1213
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 29
Reaper's Beckon Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Corpse (max level 90)
Amygdalan Horror Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Amygdalan Horror Strike
Amygdalan Horror Rk. II Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Amygdalan Horror Strike II
Amygdalan Horror Rk. III Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Amygdalan Horror Strike III
Banshee Skin Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 36
Banshee Skin Rk. II Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 40
Banshee Skin Rk. III Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 44
Bond of Malthiasiss Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 286
Bond of Malthiasiss Rk. II Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 324
Bond of Malthiasiss Rk. III Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 351
Bond of Malthiasiss Recourse Self only Alteration 6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 286
Bond of Malthiasiss Recourse II Self only Alteration 6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 324
Bond of Malthiasiss Recourse III Self only Alteration 6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 351
Malthiasiss's Bite Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 614
Malthiasiss's Bite Rk. II Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 698
Malthiasiss's Bite Rk. III Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 754
Malthiasiss's Bite Recourse Group teleport Alteration 7: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 614
8: Effect type: Increase Mana by 306
Malthiasiss's Bite Recourse II Group teleport Alteration 7: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 698
8: Effect type: Increase Mana by 349
Malthiasiss's Bite Recourse III Group teleport Alteration 7: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 754
8: Effect type: Increase Mana by 376
Terror of Rerekalen Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Terror of Rerekalen Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Terror of Rerekalen Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Blood of Malthiasiss Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 697
Blood of Malthiasiss Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 830
Blood of Malthiasiss Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 922
Confrontation for Power Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 2350
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 2350
Confrontation for Power Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 2681
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 2681
Confrontation for Power Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 2857
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 2857
Despairing Darkness Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 407
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Despairing Darkness Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 446
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Despairing Darkness Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 504
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Plague of Iglum Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 695
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 463
Plague of Iglum Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 792
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 528
Plague of Iglum Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 857
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 571
Shroud of the Plagueborne Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Plagueborne Strike
Shroud of the Plagueborne Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Plagueborne Strike II
Shroud of the Plagueborne Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Plagueborne Strike III
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Defy Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Defy Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Defy Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Gift of Dyalgem Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 8%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 159
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 65%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 55, Everyone else by 41
Gift of Dyalgem Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 9%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 181
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 66%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 62, Everyone else by 47
Gift of Dyalgem Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 10%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 193
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 67%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 67, Everyone else by 50
Gixblat's Covenant Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 31 per tick (total 18600)
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 41
Gixblat's Covenant Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 34 per tick (total 20400)
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 47
Gixblat's Covenant Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 38 per tick (total 22800)
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 51
Gorgon Carapace Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: New AC Effect by 924
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 20
8: Effect type: Defensive Proc Gorgon Lifedraw
Gorgon Carapace Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: New AC Effect by 998
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 20
8: Effect type: Defensive Proc Gorgon Lifedraw II
Gorgon Carapace Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: New AC Effect by 1127
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 20
8: Effect type: Defensive Proc Gorgon Lifedraw III
Gorgon Mantle Self only Alteration 3: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 25683
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 35
Gorgon Mantle Rk. II Self only Alteration 3: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 25684
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 35
Gorgon Mantle Rk. III Self only Alteration 3: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 25685
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 35
Minion of Fear Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_88_Rk1
Minion of Fear Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_88_Rk2
Minion of Fear Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_88_Rk3
Repulsive Sacrifice Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Repulsive Sacrifice Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Repulsive Sacrifice Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Repulsive Detonation Area of effect around the caster Melee 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4583
Repulsive Detonation Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Melee 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5115
Repulsive Detonation Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Melee 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5684
Gorgon Lifedraw Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1443
Gorgon Lifedraw II Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1610
Gorgon Lifedraw III Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1882
Gorgon Shattering Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 9856
Gorgon Shattering II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 10693
Gorgon Shattering III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 13314
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Stubborn Stance Self only Abjuration 8: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 5523
Stubborn Stance Rk. II Self only Abjuration 8: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 6546
Stubborn Stance Rk. III Self only Abjuration 8: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 7057
Call of Dusk Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 175
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 25
Call of Dusk Rk. II Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 199
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 26
Call of Dusk Rk. III Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 212
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 28
Darkness Single target Conjuration 2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 35%
Darkness II Single target Conjuration 2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 38%
Darkness III Single target Conjuration 2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 42%
Drape of Fear Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 132, Everyone else by 99
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 26
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 828
Drape of Fear Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 149, Everyone else by 112
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 30
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 979
Drape of Fear Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 160, Everyone else by 120
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 32
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1055
Gorgon Spear Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5231
Gorgon Spear Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5942
Gorgon Spear Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6419
Loathing Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Loathing Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Loathing Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Insidious Blight Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 30
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 721
5: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 29
Insidious Blight Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 30
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 819
5: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 33
Insidious Blight Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 30
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 884
5: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 35
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Curse of Enfeeblement Single target Abjuration 8: Effect type: Decrease Max Hitpoints by 4256
Curse of Enfeeblement Rk. II Single target Abjuration 8: Effect type: Decrease Max Hitpoints by 5048
Curse of Enfeeblement Rk. III Single target Abjuration 8: Effect type: Decrease Max Hitpoints by 5444
Dire Accusation Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4365
Dire Accusation Rk. II Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4960
Dire Accusation Rk. III Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5357
Dire Restriction Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 20
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 88
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 42, Everyone else by 31
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 660
Dire Restriction Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 22
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 94
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 44, Everyone else by 33
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 743
Dire Restriction Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 99
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 47, Everyone else by 35
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 825
Gorgon Skin Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Gorgon Skin Effect
Gorgon Skin Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Gorgon Skin Effect II
Gorgon Skin Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Gorgon Skin Effect III
Last Breath Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 20
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Last Breath Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 25
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Last Breath Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 30
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Sweet Breath Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3190
Sweet Breath II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3420
Sweet Breath III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3756
Touch of Dyalgem Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2240
Touch of Dyalgem Rk. II Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2545
Touch of Dyalgem Rk. III Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2749
Touch of Iglum Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1696
Touch of Iglum Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1926
Touch of Iglum Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2082
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Reprieve Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1274
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 21
Reprieve Rk. II Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1338
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 25
Reprieve Rk. III Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1405
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 29
Reaper's Decree Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Corpse (max level 95)
Sholothian Horror Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Sholothian Horror Strike
Sholothian Horror Rk. II Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Sholothian Horror Strike II
Sholothian Horror Rk. III Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Sholothian Horror Strike III
Ghoul Skin Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 48
Ghoul Skin Rk. II Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 50
Ghoul Skin Rk. III Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 53
Bond of Korum Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 395
Bond of Korum Rk. II Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 415
Bond of Korum Rk. III Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 436
Bond of Korum Recourse Self only Alteration 6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 691
Bond of Korum Recourse II Self only Alteration 6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 726
Bond of Korum Recourse III Self only Alteration 6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 763
Korum's Bite Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 829
Korum's Bite Rk. II Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 870
Korum's Bite Rk. III Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 914
Korum's Bite Recourse Group teleport Alteration 7: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 829
8: Effect type: Increase Mana by 414
Korum's Bite Recourse II Group teleport Alteration 7: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 870
8: Effect type: Increase Mana by 435
Korum's Bite Recourse III Group teleport Alteration 7: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 914
8: Effect type: Increase Mana by 457
Terror of Desalin Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Terror of Desalin Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Terror of Desalin Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Blood of Korum Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1021
Blood of Korum Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1066
Blood of Korum Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1113
Provocation for Power Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 3286
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 3286
Provocation for Power Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 3450
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 3450
Provocation for Power Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 3623
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 3623
Suppurating Darkness Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 554
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Suppurating Darkness Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 582
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Suppurating Darkness Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 611
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Insidious Audacity Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1040
7: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 50
Insidious Audacity Rk. II Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1092
7: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 53
Insidious Audacity Rk. III Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1147
7: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 56
Plague of Piqiorn Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 943
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 629
Plague of Piqiorn Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 990
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 660
Plague of Piqiorn Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1040
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 693
Shroud of the Shadeborne Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Shadeborne Strike
Shroud of the Shadeborne Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Shadeborne Strike II
Shroud of the Shadeborne Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Shadeborne Strike III
Gouging Blade Single target 2h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 764
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 764
Gouging Blade Rk. II Single target 2h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 802
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 802
Gouging Blade Rk. III Single target 2h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 842
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 842
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Gift of Urash Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 8%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 212
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 65%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 74, Everyone else by 55
Gift of Urash Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 9%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 223
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 66%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 77, Everyone else by 59
Gift of Urash Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 10%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 234
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 67%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 82, Everyone else by 61
Worag's Covenant Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 48 per tick (total 28800)
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 59
Worag's Covenant Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 50 per tick (total 30000)
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 62
Worag's Covenant Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 53 per tick (total 31800)
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 65
Sholothian Carapace Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: New AC Effect by 1296
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 20
8: Effect type: Defensive Proc Sholothian Lifedraw
Sholothian Carapace Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: New AC Effect by 1361
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 20
8: Effect type: Defensive Proc Sholothian Lifedraw II
Sholothian Carapace Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: New AC Effect by 1429
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 20
8: Effect type: Defensive Proc Sholothian Lifedraw III
Sholothian Lifedraw Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2070
Sholothian Lifedraw II Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2174
Sholothian Lifedraw III Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2283
Recondite Mantle Self only Alteration 3: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 28706
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 35
Recondite Mantle Rk. II Self only Alteration 3: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 28707
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 35
Recondite Mantle Rk. III Self only Alteration 3: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 28708
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 35
Recondite Shattering Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 15311
Recondite Shattering II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 16077
Recondite Shattering III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 16881
Minion of Sholoth Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_93_Rk1
Minion of Sholoth Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_93_Rk2
Minion of Sholoth Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_93_Rk3
Abhorrent Sacrifice Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Abhorrent Sacrifice Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Abhorrent Sacrifice Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Abhorrent Detonation Area of effect around the caster Melee 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6187
Abhorrent Detonation Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Melee 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6464
Abhorrent Detonation Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Melee 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6755
Renounce Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Renounce Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Renounce Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Stoic Stance Self only Abjuration 8: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 9624
Stoic Stance Rk. II Self only Abjuration 8: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 10105
Stoic Stance Rk. III Self only Abjuration 8: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 10610
Call of Shadow Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 318
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 29
Call of Shadow Rk. II Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 334
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 30
Call of Shadow Rk. III Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 351
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 32
Drape of the Sepulcher Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 184, Everyone else by 138
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 37
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1213
Drape of the Sepulcher Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 193, Everyone else by 145
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 39
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1274
Drape of the Sepulcher Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 203, Everyone else by 152
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 41
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1338
Spear of Sholoth Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7221
Spear of Sholoth Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7582
Spear of Sholoth Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7961
Perfidious Blight Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 30
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 972
5: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 37
Perfidious Blight Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 30
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1021
5: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 39
Perfidious Blight Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 30
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1072
5: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 41
Abhorrence Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Abhorrence Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Abhorrence Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Undivided Acrimony Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Undivided Acrimony Rk. II Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Undivided Acrimony Rk. III Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Dire Allegation Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5893
Dire Allegation Rk. II Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6188
Dire Allegation Rk. III Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6497
Dire Stenosis Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 106
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 49, Everyone else by 37
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 908
Dire Stenosis Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 110
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 50, Everyone else by 37
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 953
Dire Stenosis Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 114
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 51, Everyone else by 38
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1001
Sholothian Skin Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Sholothian Skin Effect
Sholothian Skin Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Sholothian Skin Effect II
Sholothian Skin Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Sholothian Skin Effect III
Final Gasp Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 20
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Final Gasp Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 25
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Final Gasp Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 30
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Sweet Breath Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4132
Sweet Breath II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4339
Sweet Breath III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4556
Crimson Blade Single target 2h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 2377
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 2510
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 2728
Crimson Blade Rk. II Single target 2h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 2496
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 2636
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 2864
Crimson Blade Rk. III Single target 2h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 2621
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 2768
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 3007
Touch of Urash Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3024
Touch of Urash Rk. II Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3175
Touch of Urash Rk. III Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3334
Touch of Piqiorn Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2290
Touch of Piqiorn Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2405
Touch of Piqiorn Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2525
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Rest Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1546
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 21
Rest Rk. II Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1623
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 25
Rest Rk. III Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1704
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 29
Reaper's Proclamation Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Corpse (max level 100)
Grelleth's Horror Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Grelleth's Horror Strike
Grelleth's Horror Rk. II Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Grelleth's Horror Strike II
Grelleth's Horror Rk. III Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Grelleth's Horror Strike III
Zombie Skin Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 76
Zombie Skin Rk. II Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 80
Zombie Skin Rk. III Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 84
Bond of Ralstok Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 523
Bond of Ralstok Rk. II Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 549
Bond of Ralstok Rk. III Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 576
Bond of Ralstok Recourse Self only Alteration 6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 858
Bond of Ralstok Recourse II Self only Alteration 6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 901
Bond of Ralstok Recourse III Self only Alteration 6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 946
Ralstok's Bite Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1024
Ralstok's Bite Rk. II Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1075
Ralstok's Bite Rk. III Single target Alteration 7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1129
Ralstok's Bite Recourse Group teleport Alteration 7: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1024
8: Effect type: Increase Mana by 512
Ralstok's Bite Recourse II Group teleport Alteration 7: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1075
8: Effect type: Increase Mana by 538
Ralstok's Bite Recourse III Group teleport Alteration 7: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1129
8: Effect type: Increase Mana by 565
Terror of Poira Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Terror of Poira Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Terror of Poira Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Mental Terror Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Mental Terror Strike
Mental Terror Rk. II Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Mental Terror Strike II
Mental Terror Rk. III Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Add Proc: Mental Terror Strike III
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Blood of Ralstok Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1301
Blood of Ralstok Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1366
Blood of Ralstok Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1434
Demand for Power Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 4348
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 4348
Demand for Power Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 4565
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 4565
Demand for Power Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 4793
2: Effect type: Increase hate by 4793
Smoldering Darkness Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 684
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Smoldering Darkness Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 718
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Smoldering Darkness Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 754
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Duplicitous Audacity Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1290
7: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 56
Duplicitous Audacity Rk. II Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1355
7: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 58
Duplicitous Audacity Rk. III Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1423
7: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 60
Plague of Klonda Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1165
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 777
Plague of Klonda Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1223
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 815
Plague of Klonda Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1284
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 856
Shroud of the Darksworn Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Darksworn Strike
Shroud of the Darksworn Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Darksworn Strike II
Shroud of the Darksworn Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Shroud of the Darksworn Strike III
Gashing Blade Single target 2h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 884
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 884
Gashing Blade Rk. II Single target 2h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 928
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 928
Gashing Blade Rk. III Single target 2h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 974
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 974
Unholy Guardian Discipline Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 36%
2: Effect type: Decrease All Skills Damage Modifier by 60%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Unholy Guardian Discipline Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 36%
2: Effect type: Decrease All Skills Damage Modifier by 60%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Unholy Guardian Discipline Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 36%
2: Effect type: Decrease All Skills Damage Modifier by 60%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Unholy Guardian Lifetap Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2835
Unholy Guardian Lifetap II Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2977
Unholy Guardian Lifetap III Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3126
Insolent Influence Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: New AC Effect by 1572
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 20
8: Effect type: Defensive Proc Insolent Reward
Insolent Influence Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: New AC Effect by 1651
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 20
8: Effect type: Defensive Proc Insolent Reward II
Insolent Influence Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: New AC Effect by 1734
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 20
8: Effect type: Defensive Proc Insolent Reward III
Insolent Reward Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2211
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Insolent Reward III Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2438
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Insolent Agitation III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
3: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 89%
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 5331
8: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 7769
Insolent Agitation II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
3: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 85%
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 5077
8: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 7399
Insolent Agitation Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
3: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 81%
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 4835
8: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 7046
Insolent Reward II Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2322
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Reprove Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Reprove Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Reprove Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Gift of Falsin Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 17%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 244
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 92, Everyone else by 69
Gift of Falsin Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 18%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 256
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 96, Everyone else by 73
Gift of Falsin Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 19%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 269
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 101, Everyone else by 76
Falhotep's Covenant Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 60 per tick (total 36000)
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 73
Falhotep's Covenant Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 63 per tick (total 37800)
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 77
Falhotep's Covenant Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Mana by 66 per tick (total 39600)
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 81
Grelleth's Carapace Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: New AC Effect by 1643
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 20
8: Effect type: Defensive Proc Grelleth's Lifedraw
Grelleth's Carapace Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: New AC Effect by 1725
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 20
8: Effect type: Defensive Proc Grelleth's Lifedraw II
Grelleth's Carapace Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: New AC Effect by 1811
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 20
8: Effect type: Defensive Proc Grelleth's Lifedraw III
Grelleth's Lifedraw Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2511
Grelleth's Lifedraw II Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2637
Grelleth's Lifedraw III Lifetap Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2769
Bonebrood Mantle Self only Alteration 3: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 34733
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 35
Bonebrood Mantle Rk. II Self only Alteration 3: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 34734
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 35
Bonebrood Mantle Rk. III Self only Alteration 3: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 34735
5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 35
Bonebrood Shattering Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 20257
Bonebrood Shattering II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 21270
Bonebrood Shattering III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 22334
Minion of Grelleth Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_98_Rk1
Minion of Grelleth Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_98_Rk2
Minion of Grelleth Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Skeleton Pet: sk_pet_98_Rk3
Insidious Deflection Area of effect around the caster Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase hate by 2378
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2411
3: Effect type: Resource Tap by 450
Insidious Deflection Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase hate by 2497
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2532
3: Effect type: Resource Tap by 450
Insidious Deflection Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase hate by 2622
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2658
3: Effect type: Resource Tap by 450
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Steadfast Stance Self only Abjuration 8: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 13528
Steadfast Stance Rk. II Self only Abjuration 8: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 14204
Steadfast Stance Rk. III Self only Abjuration 8: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 14914
Call of Gloomhaze Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 395
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 35
Call of Gloomhaze Rk. II Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 415
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 37
Call of Gloomhaze Rk. III Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 436
7: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 39
Drape of the Fallen Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 233, Everyone else by 174
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 46
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1472
Drape of the Fallen Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 245, Everyone else by 184
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 48
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1546
Drape of the Fallen Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 257, Everyone else by 193
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 50
10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1623
Spear of Grelleth Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 8757
Spear of Grelleth Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 9195
Spear of Grelleth Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 9655
Surreptitious Blight Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 30
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1179
5: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 45
Surreptitious Blight Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 30
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1238
5: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 47
Surreptitious Blight Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 30
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1300
5: Effect type: Decrease Disease Resist by 49
Repugnance Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Repugnance Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Repugnance Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
Unbroken Acrimony Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Unbroken Acrimony Rk. II Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Unbroken Acrimony Rk. III Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Repugnant Bargain Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4388
Repugnant Bargain Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4607
Repugnant Bargain Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Hate by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4837
Ronak's Spite Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1485
2: Effect type: Resource Tap by 1500
3: Effect type: New AC Effect by 87
Ronak's Spite II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1559
2: Effect type: Resource Tap by 1500
3: Effect type: New AC Effect by 91
Ronak's Spite III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1637
2: Effect type: Resource Tap by 1500
3: Effect type: New AC Effect by 96
Spite of Ronak Rk. III Self only Abjuration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Ronak's Spite III
8: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 90%
Spite of Ronak Rk. II Self only Abjuration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Ronak's Spite II
8: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 90%
Spite of Ronak Self only Abjuration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Ronak's Spite
8: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 90%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Dire Insinuation Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7147
Dire Insinuation Rk. II Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7504
Dire Insinuation Rk. III Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7879
Dire Stricture Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 122
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 56, Everyone else by 42
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1126
Dire Stricture Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 126
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 57, Everyone else by 43
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1182
Dire Stricture Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Effect type: Decrease STR by 131
3: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 59, Everyone else by 44
4: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1241
Grelleth's Skin Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Grelleth's Skin Effect
Grelleth's Skin Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Grelleth's Skin Effect II
Grelleth's Skin Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Grelleth's Skin Effect III
Terminal Breath Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 20
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Terminal Breath Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 25
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Terminal Breath Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Feign Death
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 30
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 2
Sweet Breath Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5126
Sweet Breath II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5382
Sweet Breath III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5651
Scarlet Blade Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 2752
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 2906
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 3157
Scarlet Blade Rk. II Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 2890
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 3051
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 3315
Scarlet Blade Rk. III Single target Offense 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 3035
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 3204
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 3481
Touch of Falsin Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3667
Touch of Falsin Rk. II Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3850
Touch of Falsin Rk. III Lifetap Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4043
Touch of Klonda Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2778
Touch of Klonda Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2917
Touch of Klonda Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3063
Reflexive Rancor Single target 2h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 324
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 231
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 370
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Reflexive Rancor Rk. II Single target 2h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 340
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 243
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 389
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Reflexive Rancor Rk. III Single target 2h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 357
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 255
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 408
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Torrent of Agony Single target Alteration 6: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 95, Everyone else by 70
Torrent of Agony Rk. II Single target Alteration 6: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 100, Everyone else by 74
Torrent of Agony Rk. III Single target Alteration 6: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 105, Everyone else by 79